A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 369 362. I have become weaker, but it does not mean that you are stronger than me

Chapter 369 362. I’ve become weaker, but that doesn’t mean you’re stronger than me

(Ten thousand words, I’m too lazy to divide it into chapters. I guess it will be like this in the future)


"He's still alive."

The man's voice was gentle and made people feel extremely peaceful. Even Xuan Hao, who was a little anxious due to his physical condition, calmed down for some reason.

"But he has no heartbeat..."

The woman's voice sounded confused.

She couldn't even feel the heartbeat of this sleeping man at all, and even his body was cold, but her husband was very sure that this man was still alive.

"No problem, he's still alive, I can see it."

The man said again.

Then the woman no longer had any doubts, she seemed to believe what the man said.

The man and woman quickly became quiet, as if they didn't want to disturb the wounded man's recovery.

Xuan Hao still knew nothing about his current situation. He once again wanted to use his consciousness to investigate the surrounding situation, but when his consciousness came into contact with the man and woman, suddenly some inexplicable pictures appeared in his mind. emerge.

The day covered the stars, the radiance of dawn pierced the sky, and the radiance of the morning sun inadvertently fell on a certain mansion.

At this moment, in a certain warrior family, twins were born facing the rising sun, accompanied by two babies crying.

This should have been a good start, but in this chaotic era, the birth of a pair of twins into such a family means that there may be disputes over inheritance rights.

Therefore, the appearance of twins in this era was considered a bad omen.

What is even more frightening is that one of the twins has had creepy markings on his forehead since he was born, which makes people feel even more ominous.

So the father, the head of the family, decided to kill the child.

After hearing this, the mother who had just given birth desperately wanted to protect her child.

Although she was exhausted, her motherly instinct made her burst out with amazing strength. She rushed over like crazy and snatched the child from her husband's hands. Several maids on the side were unable to stop the mother.

Under the desperate protection of his mother, his father, a warrior, finally relented and spared his life on the condition that the child must go to a temple to become a monk when he turned ten.

In this way, Ji Guoyuan survived. He is the younger brother of the twins. He was born with creepy markings and was regarded as an 'ominous' child.

Although he was born into a prominent samurai family, because of his "unlucky" nature, no one except his mother cared about him.

He is an ominous person, so unlike his compatriot brother Jiguo Iwakatsu, he has only been able to live in a small room less than three floors in a side courtyard since he was a child. The two brothers' food, clothing, housing, transportation and education are all separated. The elder brother, Iwakatsu Tsukuni, who is regarded as the heir to the family, is naturally loved and respected by everyone in the family. As for the ominous Stepkuni Enichi, he not only has nothing but also takes care of his mother who has limited mobility.

He never laughs, never cries, and never talks to others, as if he has no emotions and does not belong to this world.

In the eyes of others, such Jiguo Enichi was naturally regarded as a born deaf-mute. Even his mother and brother mistakenly thought that he could neither hear nor speak.

Brother Yan Sheng often came to visit his brother and mother in the three-story room where they lived without telling his father.

Yan Sheng knew that his younger brother was an ominous existence in the eyes of his father and would not allow him to share his things with his younger brother, so he made a flute and gave it to his younger brother. He thought he could see his brother's happy expression, but Yuanyi remained indifferent.

It wasn't that Jiguo Enichi didn't want to smile, but that he didn't quite understand these feelings at that time. He wasn't sinister, but he was destined to be separated from the existence of 'humanity' from birth.

Jiguo Enichi has a talent that is like a gift from a god.

The world he has seen since he was born is different from others. He clumsily learns, understands, and searches for the value of his existence.

Even if you don’t understand it yet, you will remember everything around you.

He remembered that his brother was beaten and scolded by his father because he often came to contact him, but he put the flute in his hand with a gentle smile and said to him, "If you want to find your brother, just blow it and I will appear in front of you immediately."

I also remember that my mother was a devout believer and always prayed in front of the Buddha statue.

He didn't understand it at first, but later he realized that this was his mother praying for him, praying that God could cure his non-existent 'ear disease', because his mother always thought he was deaf-mute.

He even remembers his birth clearly.

He remembered that in order to protect himself, his mother tried her best to protect him in her arms after giving birth. As a result, her mother's body had problems since she gave birth to the two brothers. The left side of her body always refused to obey orders and had difficulty moving.

He remembers everything very clearly. Whether it is his mother or his brother, he will always remember those who were good to him.

Later, he gradually became wiser and knew that he should repay his kindness.

So he always supported his mother's left waist, trying to make her move more easily; he also tried to talk to his brother and smile at him.

Seven years old.

A sunny afternoon.

Yuanyi came to the pine tree behind his brother.

"My brother's dream is to become the strongest samurai in this country? Then I will be the second strongest samurai in this country."

Yuanyi smiled and looked at his brother who was wielding a bamboo knife in the courtyard. The sunlight hit his face, making his smile become as warm as the sun.

His smile came from the heart and should have warmed people's hearts, but he didn't know that his brother would dislike him because of it.

Jiguo Yansheng looked at his younger brother in front of him with some fear.

Because his brother's behavior is too abnormal and can be said to be against common sense. A person who has never spoken since childhood can speak so fluently for the first time. And...when Ji Guoyuanyi came here just now, his steps were silent, which made him, who had learned swordsmanship since childhood, feel dangerous.

Ji Guoyuan didn't know what it meant for a person who was supposed to go to a temple to become a monk at the age of 10. Although he just said his dream, it sounded like a provocation to his brother's ears.

In the eyes of Tsukuni Iwakatsu, a monk is a monk and a samurai is a samurai. How can a person who pounces on his mother and clings to her like a baby when he sees his mother become a samurai who fights with the enemy with his life? How can you compare with yourself?

However, the naive Tsukuni Enichi did not understand the disgust in his brother's eyes, and simply started working towards the goal of becoming the second strongest samurai.

So he began to want to learn the art of swordsmanship.

But obviously, he was destined to become a monk and was not qualified to learn swordsmanship, and his father would not hire a teacher for him.

So he could only take advantage of the swordsmanship teacher to teach his brother swordsmanship and quietly tell his brother that he should also learn swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship teacher arranged by his father looked at this innocent child and did not realize the seriousness of the problem. He just gave Yuanyi a bamboo knife in a playful manner.

Brother Yan Sheng did not stop the teacher's actions, because no one would think that a child who wants to become a monk can really learn sword skills. Maybe Yan Sheng was still thinking that this would make his younger brother quit in spite of difficulties.

It was during such a casual joke that Enichi Jikuni picked up a bamboo sword for the first time.

He held the bamboo sword with his small hands and stared blankly at the swordsmanship teacher in front of him.

"Come on, kid, come at me and try." The swordsmanship teacher still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem until this moment.

The next moment, Ji Guoyuan moved.

Neither Tsukuni Iwakatsu nor the swordsman teacher present saw Enichi's movements clearly.

Ji Guoyuan passed by like a strong wind and swung four swords in an instant.

In Tsukuni Enichi's sight, the teacher's physical structure and weaknesses were clearly seen.

Before a person takes action, there will be obvious changes in the lungs as he breathes. As long as he observes the movement of bones, the contraction of muscles and the flow of blood, he can judge the action of the other party.

This is impossible for ordinary people, but for Jiguo Enichi, it is as simple as eating and drinking. Because from birth, all living things are 'transparent' in his eyes.

Four knives hit the neck, chest, abdomen and calf almost instantly.

His movements were smooth and smooth, and he didn't look like he had just come into contact with the sword. Even until the end of the movement, his expression and breathing did not change at all.

As Jiguoyuan's movements stopped, the teacher lost his ability to fight and fell to the ground, becoming the only man in the world who survived after being struck by Jiguoyuan's four blows.

No one expected that Tsukikuni Enichi, who picked up a bamboo sword for the first time amidst the swordsmanship teacher's disapproving joke, would become a master in an instant just based on the basic skills of the swordsman who had just been demonstrated by the teacher.

Jiguo Yansheng on the side was greatly shocked by this, and even began to doubt his life.

But what surprised Tsukuni Iwakatsu was that his younger brother never said anything about becoming a samurai after that.

This is not because Enichi Jikuni noticed his brother's feelings. He actually didn't understand what 'jealousy' was. The reason why he gave up his dream of becoming a samurai was just because he hated the feeling of hurting others with a knife.

He found it not fun and didn't quite understand why people fought. This kind of thing that just had hands was not as meaningful to him as playing with his brother.

Jiguoyuan returned to his old life again, spending all day with his mother, and his brother often visited him, but for some reason he always asked him how to become stronger.

In fact, he didn't have any special method, he just did it in a very ordinary way. But since his brother was asking him, he still told him everything he knew, because if he could help his brother, he would also feel very happy.

Jiguo Enichi is such a pure person, as uncontaminated by the world as a piece of white paper. He is perhaps closer to a 'god' than a 'human being'.

Nine years old.

Jiguo Enichi's mother passed away due to illness. At this time, he understood more than before. He knew that if he stayed, it might affect his brother's status in the samurai family.

He no longer wanted to be a samurai, so he planned to leave home early.

As an 'unlucky person', his mother and brother are the only people who are good to him. Now that his mother is gone, he doesn't want to stay and embarrass his brother.

He said goodbye to his brother and left home with the piccolo that his brother gave him. This was his only concern in this family.

He ran on the path in the fields, his eyes filled with stars.

Ji Guoyuan's running figure seemed to be tireless and never stopped. Although his innate physical fitness was very strong, it was not that he would not tire, but he was unwilling to stop.

Although he was very tired, his breathing was never disordered and was as gentle and gentle as the natural breeze.

When the darkness dissipated and dawn came, he still kept running and never stopped. Although his family wanted him to go to the temple, he did not do what they said because he was alone and did not know where the temple was. , after all, he has never been to the outside world from birth to now.

And now he just wants to take a good look at this beautiful world.

Until he came to the end of the field, he saw the most beautiful things in the world.

Here, he met a girl holding a small bucket in a daze. The girl stood alone in the paddy field.

This was a girl about the same age as him. Seeing the girl in a daze, Ji Guoyuan asked for some reason.

"What are you doing?"

The girl told him that everyone in her family had died due to the epidemic, and it was too lonely to be alone, so she wanted to catch some tadpoles from the paddy fields and take them home to raise.

After saying that, the little girl squatted down and started to act.

Ji Guoyuan didn't know why he didn't leave. He stood quietly behind the little girl, watching her busy figure until the sun gradually set and dusk was approaching.

He saw the girl inexplicably put all the tadpoles she caught back into the paddy field.

"Don't you want to take them back?"

"Well..." the girl responded softly, "But in this case, they will also be separated from their parents. I know it is very pitiful to be separated from their relatives, so..."

The girl's hand gently put the tadpole back into the water with a gentle movement.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan looked at this scene, he thought again that he seemed to have nowhere to go, "Then I'll go home with you."


The girl turned back in surprise.

Ji Guoyuan saw the most beautiful thing in the world, a pair of obsidian eyes with teardrops.

A girl with such eyes is called poetry.

Therefore, Ji Guoyuan began to live with Shi.

Perhaps out of fear of loneliness, I kept talking about poetry from morning till night. Thanks to Shi's enthusiastic personality and constant communication with Ji Guoyuan, he realized how huge the gap was between the world in his own eyes and that of ordinary people.

He knew that he was special. There seemed to be no other person in the world who could see through the body of a living being.

At this time, Yuanyi finally realized where the inexplicable feeling of alienation between himself and others came from, because he was different.

And this girl named Shi was the first person willing to hold onto such a 'weird' hand.

After his mother died, he wandered around the world like a kite with its string broken. Now someone caught him. Bringing him, a born alien, into ordinary life also made him become more like a 'human being'.

Ten years later, they became a couple.

Then, they picked up a man on the roadside, a man with cracks all over his body.

This naked man lying in the sun had strange scars on his body. It didn't look like he had been slashed by something. There was no corresponding weapon in the world that could cause such scars. It was as cracked as dry land, but But no blood leaked out.

Xuan Hao looked at some inexplicable pictures and seemed to understand that he seemed to have been picked up by these two kind people.

But why can I see their past?

To be precise, what he saw should be the memories of the man named Enichi Tsukuni with the stripes on his forehead. But he never remembered that he had the ability to see other people's memories.

No! It seems there is? Xuan Hao suddenly remembered the gift Lu Mingfei asked Lu Mingze to give him when he left the dragon world, 'humanity'.

Now he seems to finally understand the weight of this gift. It is not as simple as the literal meaning, but it allows him to see the target's past from the target's perspective through the resonance of the soul. In this case, a person's good and evil are in front of him. There will be no escape, which is the ability that helps him distinguish right from wrong.

He can see both good and evil in human nature, but he needs to distinguish it himself. If one day he loses the ability to distinguish between good and evil, it means he is lost again. Lu Mingfei wants to use this ability to remind him not to Confusing good and evil takes the wrong path.

"That kid Lu Mingfei really likes to worry..."

But then again, if what he saw was true, then the man in front of him... was a bit outrageous.

Yes, Xuan Hao could only think of describing this man as outrageous.

He didn't know what kind of world he was in at the moment. There was no information about the world and this man in his memory, which gave him a headache. He didn't know what kind of world this was and what his next actions would be. Very hindered.

However, after reading this man's past, he suspected that this man might be the protagonist of this unknown world, because no matter how he looked at this man's past, he was the chosen one, a perfect template for the protagonist!

This man has had a state of 'selflessness' since he was born, with innate talents, a pure and flawless soul that is close to becoming a 'saint', and he believes that this is 'divine nature'.

I can't feel any negative emotions from this man, no greed, jealousy or the like. Even the last 'loneliness' disappeared because he was accompanied by his lover.

This made Xuan Hao once wonder if this was a world that had been cleared.

This man can tell at a glance that he is still alive, which also shows that his strength is not weak. He is most aware of his current physical condition. He is struggling on the edge of destruction and rebirth. Even his heartbeat is so weak that ordinary people cannot detect it.

Xuanhao can feel that Jiguo Yuanyi is very strong, not in pure strength, but in spirit and state, which are completely different from his own. This man seems to be born to be able to blend in with nature. This is definitely not the case. Ordinary people can easily do it.

What made Xuan Hao feel fortunate was that this man didn't seem to be hostile to him, otherwise in his current state, who knows if he would have turned his back on him just because of a little 'help'.

This made him have to lament his good luck. When he was about to be swallowed up by the gap in the world, he felt that he was doomed. Now this is the best result. He barely survived and was adopted by a kind person.

It would be better if these two people didn't make babies in front of them, Gan...

Perhaps because he cannot control his body, his soul is particularly sensitive at this moment, and his perception is astonishing as never before. The wooden walls in this old wooden house are like nothing in his perception, and no small sound can escape the perception of Xuan Hao's soul at this moment. .

Jiguo Enichi and Shi would never have dreamed that an unconscious person could perceive everything around him so clearly. After all, the soul is too mysterious for human beings.

In this way, Xuanhao calmly waited for his body to recover under the careful care of the couple.

He could clearly feel that as time went by, his body became more and more balanced. The power of destruction was still resisting, but he was clearly at a disadvantage. Maybe he would be able to regain control of his body soon. .

Xuan Hao silently calculated the time from when he woke up to now. About ten months have passed.

If you ask him why he can see the passage of time so clearly despite not being able to see day or night... he can only say that the woman in this family is already ten months pregnant.

It was quite emotional to say that he actually witnessed the birth of a new life with his own eyes.

He clearly felt that the auras belonging to people around him changed from two to three. This was really a creation from scratch... although it had no effect on his understanding at all.

However, even after ten months, the not-rich couple still didn't give up on him, who was unconscious. He had to sigh that these two people were really good people.

After all, someone who is neither a relative nor an acquaintance is willing to take care of him like this, a person who is no different from a vegetative state. Good people are not enough to describe him. He is simply an angel! What is such a kind-hearted Chosen Son if not the protagonist of this world?

"Is this woman about to give birth?" Xuan Hao thought.

Xuanhao was not the only one who felt that a life was about to be born. Enichi Jiguo, the father of a new life, also felt it.

Not only that, Jiguo Enichi could clearly see the changes in his wife's body and accurately deduce the time of delivery.

In order to make the birth of his child smoother, Ji Guoyuan left the house one day in advance to hire a midwife.

Xuanhao also clearly sensed the man's departure and thought he would come back soon, but when darkness swept across the sky, black mist obscured the moonlight, and the dark night enveloped the entire mountain, there was still no sign of Ji Guoyuan's return.


Xuan Hao suddenly frowned at the body that had been moving for a long time.

The scope of his spirit was not limited to this room, but even the disturbances outside the house were very clear in his consciousness.

There were no other homes around this cabin in the woods. He had seen the past of this couple and naturally knew that they would not have any relatives or friends visiting, but now someone was approaching.

Xuanhao was sure that the person who came was not Jiguo Yuanyi, because the aura was completely different. Jiguo Yuanyi had a soft aura that was close to nature and could not be easily detected, and this was a corrupt aura that made him feel sick, with a strong It smells like blood and doesn't feel like a human being.

Shi, who was waiting for her husband's return, did not sleep. She showed no signs of giving birth. Although she had difficulty moving due to her big belly, she still took care of the sleeping Xuanhao as usual.

As if she noticed Xuan Hao's brows moving, she was a little happy and called softly.

"Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? You've been sleeping for a long time, wake up quickly," Shi called, unconsciously stroking her belly, "I wonder if you have any family, if so... they Are you worried?"

"Danger, danger!"

Xuan Hao wanted to remind this woman who was about to become a mother.

It seems that out of maternal instinct, the poem's attention at this moment is entirely focused on the child who is about to be born and him, a person who is "severely injured and yet to wake up", and is not aware of the malicious intent approaching outside the door. And she is just an ordinary woman, so it would be meaningless even if she noticed it.

The door was pushed open.

Shi finally noticed the movement and turned her head happily, as if she thought her husband was back.

But what came from behind was an eerie sound.

"It smells so good!"

The visitor greedily sucked the air in the room and seemed very excited.

"A woman, a fetus, and..."

The man squinted his eyes slightly, as if relying on his sense of smell to identify the prey in the room.

"What wonderful flesh!"

The man opened his eyes greedily, his bloodshot eyes swirling in his eye sockets for the sixth time, as if he was fascinated by the alluring fragrance.

Yes, it has never smelled such flesh and blood, it is simply the best in the world! It thought that pregnant women and unborn fetuses were nutritious enough, but when it smelled the smell emanating from the unconscious man lying on the ground with bandages all over his body, he realized that everything else was bullshit!

Even through his skin, he could smell the aroma of this man's blood. Could this be the legendary thin blood?

"Hahahaha - indeed, following this smell and coming here was the right thing to do! I'm so lucky!"

"You...don't come over!" Shi looked at the man who suddenly broke into the house in panic.

This man's face was as pale as a death, his protruding eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, the sharp teeth exposed at the corners of his mouth looked ferocious and terrifying, the strange bulges of the muscles on his body were unattractive and even looked a little twisted, and his thick hands had long growths. His nails looked extremely sharp, like the claws of a wild beast, not what normal people should have at all.

In panic, she picked up the long knife that her husband had not taken with him when he went out.

This is an ordinary samurai sword. After all, they live in the mountains where wild beasts often appear, so it is natural that there are weapons in the house.

But this samurai sword was really not very useful for this petite and pregnant woman. In her panic, she didn't even have time to pull it out of the sheath.

Seeing her ridiculous look at a loss, the ghost who broke into the house laughed happily.

"Hehehe, that's great!"

It seems that it is very satisfied with the energetic prey in front of it.

“I wanted to eat the big meal first, so let’s start with the appetizers!”

It looked at the 'big meal' lying on the ground and couldn't move, and decided to eat an 'appetizer' first.

"Get out! Get out!"

The woman waved the long knife in the sheath twice in front of her, but her big belly prevented her from using too much force.

Eat...cannibalism? Xuan Hao was shocked, what kind of pervert is this? Such a strong taste? And it seems like this guy came here smelling like himself?

Damn it, he has been in this world for ten months and he has always been very calm. He thought it was not a dangerous world. How come a guy who wants to eat people suddenly appears? The most important thing is that the man in this family is not here at this moment!

If that man was here, there shouldn't be any problem in dealing with this intruder, but now the only combat power is actually a pregnant woman with no strength!

Grass! move! Get moving!

Xuan Hao tried his best to control his body to move, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, but his body just refused to obey.

"It's over."

Of course he wasn't afraid of being eaten. With his physical condition under normal circumstances, an ordinary beast wouldn't be able to hurt him even if he stood here and let it break its teeth. What came seemed to be stronger than the beast, but it didn't feel much stronger.

He didn't know if his current physical condition could withstand it. Anyway, this woman 100% couldn't bear it.

This script is wrong! Is this going to be a plot where the wife is killed and the husband turns evil and destroys the world?

Xuan Hao wondered if he had made something wrong. Maybe that man was not the Chosen One. After all, if you were a genius from birth, you should have two paths, the villain and the protagonist. Good guy, could it be that what I met was not the protagonist, but the big boss?

"You... don't come here! Help!"

Shi retreated anxiously, but the room was not big and there was no place to retreat, and there were wounded people behind her. Looking at the strange man approaching step by step, she shouted in fear.

But no one responded to her, her husband was not around at the moment.

Ji Guoyuan originally planned to come back before sunset, but on the way he met an old man who was going to a place three mountains away from here.

The old man knew that he had a bad heart and could not walk that far, but he still hurried on, trying to rush to the battlefield to see his seriously injured son.

In the Warring States Period, there were wars everywhere. The old man was afraid that he would not see his son for the last time, so he desperately wanted to go to the battlefield. The kind-hearted Jiguo Enichi knew that his wife would not give birth for the time being, so he hired a midwife. I postponed the matter to a later date and planned to send the old man to meet his son first.

"Don't move, I will take your baby out very gently."

The ghost stretched out its long and slender tongue and licked the corners of its mouth greedily, while its sharp claws gestured in front of the woman.


Shi holds the knife and retreats.

The only exit to the house was blocked, and death was approaching her step by step.

But Xuan Hao was surprised to find that this woman actually tried to stand in front of him. She couldn't even use a knife, let alone have a bulging belly and was about to give birth. Even if she could use it, she couldn't exert much power.

Grass! When do I need a maternity protection? Xuan Hao wanted to clench his fist hard, but he could only make his fingers move with all his efforts.

If this continues, this woman will die and be eaten by monsters chasing his scent. Is that okay? This is not good. This was the person who had taken him in for nearly a year. He was very kind. Even though his whole body was shaking and he couldn't even use a knife, he still tried to stand in front of him.

Wouldn't it be too bad if she was killed by an inferior person in front of him?


The old wooden boards on the floor were cracked.

The ghost who was approaching the woman was stunned. He saw a pair of ferocious eyes, a pair of golden eyes that he had never seen before.

Shi was also stunned.

The kerosene lamp in the room was bright and dim, but she felt that her back seemed to be getting brighter. Before she could turn her head, she felt someone supporting her.

"Sorry... I'm sorry..." some intermittent voices sounded, "Let me help you..."

Xuan Hao struggled to support his body with his fists, and then used his other hand to grab the woman's shoulders and stand up. It seemed that he had tried his best just to stand up.

But the ghost standing in front of him and the woman surprisingly didn't move.

It's not that it doesn't want to move, it's that it doesn't dare.

From the moment those ferocious golden eyes lit up, it felt inexplicable fear.

"It's... ugly..." Xuan Hao looked at the world he hadn't seen for a long time. He didn't expect that when he closed his eyes for so long, what he saw in front of him when he opened his eyes for the first time was such a deformed thing.

"What...thing are you?" The ghost looked nervously at the man in front of him who seemed a little weak. It didn't understand why it was afraid. This man had to support others just to stand up. He looked like he would fall down if the wind blew. What was so scary?

No, it looked at the wooden planks on the ground that were penetrated and the cracked ground under the wooden planks. Is this a human? He is so weak that he can even crack the ground! And what’s with those golden eyes? Never seen before, simply unheard of!

Is this what I want to ask? Xuan Hao opened his mouth, feeling that his body was not in control, and it was very difficult to speak. The power of destruction was more terrifying than he imagined, constantly destroying the nerves in his body, making him unable to control his body. Intermittently, it feels like the soul and body are separated, and it feels like there is no exertion at all.

He finally stood up straight, put a little force on his hand on the woman's shoulder, took two steps forward, and stood in front of the woman.


Xuan Hao took a deep breath. He was barely able to control his body. He seemed to have forgotten to breathe and even his heartbeat just now.

The heavy breathing sound was accompanied by the violent beating of the heart, beating like a war drum.

The ghost in front of me and the poem behind me were both suffocated.

No one in this world has ever heard such a heart-shaking heartbeat, it's like a monster.

"What? Aren't you going to...eat me?"

"Gulu..." The ghost who was questioned swallowed his saliva and seemed to shrink back.

It looked at the man whose whole body was covered with bandages, and instinctively told it that the man in front of it was dangerous. The man in front of it seemed to be angry for some reason. It felt that it was now enveloped by a killing intent that had almost condensed into substance. This was How many people have you killed? It can make even him, a ghost, feel afraid.

Unseen eyes, overwhelming killing intent, and the power of a punch that shook the floor.

It admitted that it was frightened, but that did not mean that it was afraid. Anyone would be cautious when facing unknown things. But it suddenly remembered that it was not a human being.

Damn it, you dare to fool it! It actually forgot that it was a ghost for a moment, it was an immortal ghost! What's there to be afraid of? It has been gifted by that adult and has the existence of immortality!

"Go to hell!"

The ghost who reacted instantly moved.

It lowered its body and rushed towards Xuan Hao, its arm muscles bulged, and its five sharp claws were bunched together, as if it wanted to penetrate Xuan Hao's body.

Xuan Hao frowned, his current situation was very bad, his body was unusually sluggish, and it was a bit difficult for him to raise his hands, but fortunately, there was no need to raise his hands to deal with such a guy.

"Although I have become weaker, it doesn't mean you are stronger than me, right?"

Xuan Hao raised his eyes and looked at the approaching claws, "Okay...slow..."

It's really slow. In his eyes, the unknown thing's current movements are as slow as a snail. Even with his less flexible body, he can easily dodge. Such a slow speed gives him enough reaction time.

Xuanhao slowly turned his body sideways, his center of gravity sinking.

Damn it!

The movements are a little out of shape and the power is not perfect, but it is enough.

The ghost looked at the actions of the man in front of him with some surprise. Its full sprint was easily dodged, but did this man not care about the woman behind him? If the man avoids it, it can directly disembowel the woman behind him!

But the next moment it discovered that its sharp claws could not reach the woman.

Because this man actually ran into his arms!


It was just about to scold the man for being stupid for actually daring to play into his hands. As long as he gently pushed back his hands, the sharp claws could penetrate the man's body.

But a crisp smashing sound came suddenly, and it seemed to be flying?

It watched in disbelief as the man got farther and farther away from it. It was knocked away, while the man stood there and barely moved except turning sideways.



The screams followed the ghost as it flew outside the house and broke a large tree before barely stopping.

This incredible light touch actually shattered all the bones in his body, and the numb pain he felt as a ghost began to take effect!

"Not...dead yet?"

Xuan Hao looked at the figure in the distance that was slightly distorted by his collision with some surprise. Although his body was not in control and he could not use his full strength, but even so, according to the feeling of the impact he just had, he should have crushed most of this guy's bones. . The whole body is deformed, but he is still alive?

The ghost kept repairing his body, his eyes full of horror. What kind of monster is this? It could clearly smell the human scent of this man, but what was this terrifying power about? How could human beings be so powerful? It doesn't even have the Nichirin Sword, but its body alone can severely injure it as a ghost!

Xuan Hao was even more surprised when he saw the twisted and ferocious figure that was hit and squirming. To be honest, except for himself, he has never seen any immortal creatures. This... seems quite interesting! ?

Looking at the strange creature that had recovered as before, Xuan Hao felt as if he had discovered something interesting, and couldn't help but want to smile, but because his facial muscles were a little out of control, his smile was particularly ferocious.

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