A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 370 363. Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai

Chapter 370 363. Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai

The ghost looked at Xuan Hao warily. At this moment, its heart was extremely entangled. The man in front of it looked like he was seriously injured.

From the man's counterattack just now, it can be seen that the other party seems to be unable to even lift his hands, but even so, the other party's strength is unexpectedly strong!

It was thinking about how long this man could hold on. He looked shaky and might collapse at any time. Should he try to consume himself?

If it can eat this person, it will become stronger! Maybe you can even ask that person to reward it with more blood! ?

But when it saw the ferocious smile on Xuan Hao's face, it retreated.

Something's wrong, something's wrong, I have to go.

This time it really retreated. There are strong people who can kill ghosts among humans. Although they are few, they do exist. It seems that they have encountered a tough problem today.

"Good luck to you!"

With that said, it retreated towards the woods without hesitation.

"Hey... don't leave!"

Xuan Hao wanted to catch up and took a step forward, but found that he could not move quickly in his current situation. He just took one step and fell to the ground.

"Zhuo..." This is Xuan Hao's cry from his soul.


Shi, who was still in shock, seemed to realize what had happened at this moment. The long knife she held tightly in her hand fell to the ground. She opened her mouth wide when she saw a hole in the wall. For a moment, she didn't understand what happened.

But one thing was clear to her. The man throwing herself on the ground in front of her saved her life.

After reacting, she quickly stepped forward to check on Xuan Hao, only to find that the man seemed to have passed out again.

"what happened?"

Ji Guoyuan, who heard the loud noise in the distance, finally came back at this moment. He looked at the messy home, the man lying on the ground, and his wife holding her stomach and crying, and he fell into the only panic in his life.

When dawn comes again.

As the baby's cry sounded, Jiguo Yuanyi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as he got home, he was shocked to see the mess. Before he could figure out the situation, his frightened wife was about to give birth.

In this era of backward technology, the mortality rate of childbirth is very high. Jiguoyuan, who was unable to hire a midwife, had no choice but to deliver the baby to his wife himself.

Fortunately, he was born with the ability to clearly see the body structure of living things. With the help of the 'Transparent World', Ji Guoyuan, who had no experience in delivering babies, hurriedly spent a lot of effort to finally usher in a safe ending for mother and child.

In this regard, Xuan Hao said that he had learned a lot of useless knowledge. If possible, he would like to block his mental perception, but unfortunately he seemed unable to control it.

He is in a very delicate state now.

The forces of destruction and rebirth are constantly fighting in his body, pushing his consciousness out. He can clearly feel that the force that keeps him regenerating is the force that keeps him 'immortal'. This force protects him. His soul repaired his body.

And the power of destruction is an outsider. The power of regeneration is obviously stronger than destruction, so he can be alive now.

However, the destructive force is still very stubborn and can only be suppressed slowly. Xuan Hao estimates that when this force is completely suppressed, a balanced state will be formed in his body, and then he will be able to move his body freely. , but he felt that his ability to be 'immortal' might be gone.

Because being too seriously injured will consume strength to repair the body, then the power of destruction may take the opportunity to counterattack, and then you will be unable to move like you are now.

"Wan Duzi..."

Xuan Hao felt mmp in his heart, he had really gone too far this time, he actually stopped playing with the cheats, if he had known better, he would not have committed suicide.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not without benefits.

Lu Mingze told him that he had the power of the law of 'life and creation' in his body. Life and death, destruction and creation are the supreme laws. Before, he could only regard 'immortality' as a passive ability, and he could not even feel it at all. Way to understand.

But now because of the invasion of 'outsiders', the original power in his body has become more obvious in order to protect him. He seems to be able to vaguely see the embryonic form, and not only that, he has also gained more 'destruction and death' in his body as a blessing in disguise. strength.

Now these supreme laws are gathered in his body. If one day he can understand them all, wouldn't he be truly invincible?

"It sounds quite simple..."

Xuan Hao is powerless. How long will it take to understand such a law?

He doesn't know anything else. Anyway, he just feels like his body is like a house. There is an irritable couple living in it, and they fight every now and then. And he is just a child, being left to cool off. If he dares to interrupt, maybe he will Being beaten by mixed doubles, this poor child could only continue to lie still and not move.

I don’t know when I will be able to be strong-willed, but there is still a long way to go...

While Xuan Hao was thinking about the problem, Jiguo Yuanyi, who was beside him, had already placed his wife and child, who were still very weak after giving birth, on the bed and covered them with quilts.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan came to Xuan Hao to check Xuan Hao's physical condition, he could clearly see the changes taking place in Xuan Hao's body. Just like before, muscles, bones and even every cell were constantly collapsing and regenerating, just like It is a miraculous vitality.

This is a very magical person. Although he doesn't know exactly what happened to Xuan Hao, there is no doubt that he made the right choice when he picked up this man from the roadside. It was precisely because of his kindness that he saved this man. He prevented the tragedy that should have happened to his family.

After Xuanhao was settled, Ji Guoyuan repaired the hole in the wall, and everything seemed to be back to normal.

Ten days later.

The swordsman who followed the ghost's footsteps asked Tsukuni Enichi and his family for information about the ghost.

This made Jiguo Enichi know that there are such creatures as "ghosts" in this world.

He couldn't help but think of Xuan Hao lying on the ground, because according to the swordsman's description, ghosts have amazing resilience, are immortal, and cannot be killed except by cutting off their necks with the Nichirin Sword.

But he soon rejected the idea that Xuan Hao was a ghost, because the swordsman said that ghosts have another weakness, they are afraid of the sun.

Ghosts that are exposed to sunlight will be destroyed.

Jiguo Enichi clearly remembered that it was daytime when they picked up this man, and this man saved his wife from the hands of a ghost.

"No matter what, I should thank this person."

This is the only thought in Ji Guoyuan's mind.

He is a simple, pure, and easily satisfied person. He obviously has powerful power, but his biggest dream is just to live a peaceful life with his family. A family of three sleeps side by side in a small house. You can see it when you look up. The faces of those you love, you can reach out and touch them.

But such a small dream was almost shattered ten days ago.

It was the unconscious man who saved him, so he wanted to thank him anyway.

At the suggestion of the swordsman who claimed to be the 'Demon Slayer', Enichi Tsukuni chose to take his wife, children and Xuan Hao to the Demon Slayer.

Because after learning that ghosts exist in this world, Ji Guoyuan realized that the house visited by ghosts was no longer safe.

"This man was seriously injured..."

On the way, the swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad couldn't help but sigh while carrying Xuan Hao on his back.

This man's whole body is covered with bandages. Some hideous scars can be vaguely seen on the edges of the bandages, and there are even tiny cracks on his face. Could it be that he was injured by the 'Ghost Blood Technique'? It seems that the ghost he is tracking is very strong!

"Well..." Ji Guoyuan nodded slightly. He was not good at words, so he simply responded, "He saved us."

"I see." The swordsman of the Demon Slayer Team nodded slightly, thinking that this man must be a very strong man to be able to defeat the demons without the Nichirin Sword. Although he was seriously injured as a result, He is already very powerful. When he wakes up, he will be invited to join the Demon Slayer Corps.

There seemed to be some kind of subtle misunderstanding. Ji Guoyuanyi did not lie. Xuan Hao did save his family, but the swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad interpreted this as Xuan Hao risking serious injuries to fight off the evil ghost to save his family. This family.

Xuan Hao didn't know what this Demon Slayer member was thinking. He was currently lying on top of this member. He still couldn't control his body and could only listen to a few people talking quietly.

During the exchange between the members of the Demon Slayer Corps and Enichi Tsukuni, he probably learned some information about this world.

For example, ghosts.

This is a creature that feeds mainly on humans. They usually kill humans before eating them, but some perverts also have strange hobbies.

Ghosts are extremely physically strong. Even if they are injured, they can heal quickly. The parts cut off by sharp weapons can be reattached and even new limbs can be grown. Some ghosts also have special powers such as changing their body shape.

It is said that this kind of creature existed a long time ago. They have no upper limit on lifespan and are difficult to kill. They can only be killed by cutting their necks with a Nichirin sword or direct sunlight.

"No wonder he didn't die even if his whole body was shattered."

I thought I found the same kind, but this is the result? After knowing how to kill ghosts, Xuan Hao suddenly felt a little lost.

But I have to admit that this is still a very troublesome creature, at least for people in this world.

Because it is difficult for humans in this world to kill such creatures. After all, not everyone has such perverted powers as Xuan Hao.

If people in this world want to defeat ghosts, they can only use ordinary flesh and blood to fight ghosts with their lives. They are ordinary people, so their wounds heal slowly, and their broken limbs will not grow back. This is completely unfair. Fair play.

But even so, there will still be people who fight against ghosts to protect humans to the end, and these people who choose to fight are called Demon Slayers.

The members of the Demon Slayer Corps took Xuan Hao and others to a hidden town. It is said that this is one of the strongholds of the Demon Slayer Corps.

According to this member's introduction, the Demon Slayer Corps is an organization with hundreds of members. Although it is not recognized by the local government, it is an organization that has been established for hundreds of years.

It is said that hundreds of years ago, the 'Ubuyashiki' family established this organization in order to protect humans and eliminate evil spirits. Each generation of Ubuyashiki family heads are outstanding leaders. Under their management, even without the support of the local government, Ability to maintain all expenses of the Demon Slayer Squad.

The people gathered in the Demon Slayer Squad all have the same past and a common wish - for the sake of a better world and to prevent their descendants from suffering the same tragic fate as themselves, they want to completely eradicate ghosts from the world.

In the courtyard planted with wisteria trees, a man was moving his body in the courtyard. When he moved, the bandages tied under his coat were faintly visible.

"It seems like there should be no problem." Xuan Hao clenched his fists.

Now he can move freely, and there are far fewer crack-like scars on his body, at least on his face. He has recovered to the point where he can rely on his face to eat.

He felt that his current physical condition was stabilizing, and his recovery power had completely suppressed the destructive force. As long as he did not fight with all his strength, there should be no major problems.

The only difference from before is probably that he can no longer wander around casually, but after all, he doesn't seem to be a person who likes wandering.

"I hope there won't be a scary guy like Nidhogg in this world..."

Xuan Hao was a little worried. If there really was such a terrifying guy, then he would be completely unable to cope with it in his current state.

"Are you free to move around now?"

At some point, Ji Guoyuan appeared silently not far from Xuan Hao.


Xuanhao didn't seem surprised by Jiguo Yuanyi's sudden appearance... No, it should be said that he was almost used to it. This man named Jiguo Yuanyi was like a son of nature, and he treated this guy with "the unity of man and nature" It is as natural as eating and sleeping.

It's been a while since they arrived at the Demon Slayer stronghold.

Xuanhao woke up a few days after arriving here and returned to his current state after recuperating for a while. During this period, Jiguo Yuanyi and he had become familiar with each other.

Coincidentally, both of them believed that the other was kind to them, so they naturally became friends.

The Demon Slayer swordsman who brought them here recommended the two of them to the 'Lord' of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Xuanhao is a wounded soldier, so he has been recuperating and no one urged him to join the Demon Slayer Corps. However, Jiguo Enichi has officially joined the Demon Slayer Corps, and because of his strength, he was reused as soon as he joined the Demon Slayer Corps. The Lord seems to be a very sensible person.

"I heard you plan to leave?" Ji Guoyuan asked.

"Let's recuperate for a while. I have already told Mr. Uyashiki about this matter. He has no intention of forcing me to stay. He just hopes that I will leave after my injury is healed."

Xuan Hao nodded slightly. He had a good impression of the Lord of the Demon Slayer Squad. Of course, it was not a superficial impression, but because he had seen everything this person had experienced in the past through the resonance of his soul.

This man's past is tragic, yes, it can only be described as tragic.

This 'Lord' is a young man in his twenties, but his body looks like that of an old man in his seventies or eighties. He is blind, his face is covered with creepy veins, and he needs someone to help him walk. He succeeded to the position of head of the family when he was less than ten years old, because his father died in his twenties. And he will soon die like his father.

From the memories of this lord, Xuanhao learned that the members of the Ubuyashiki clan could not live up to thirty years old. It seemed that there was some curse. They could not escape the erosion of the curse as if they were destined, and their bodies began to deteriorate rapidly from adulthood. Collapse, and finally died from the torture of the curse.

The reason seems to have something to do with the world's first ghost? Xuan Hao could only learn so much about this lord's past, but one thing is for sure, this lord fulfilled his obligations conscientiously.

Although I can't go into battle to kill the enemy due to physical reasons, I have been dragging my body with injuries to support the operation of the Demon Slayer Team. I care about every member and treat every member like a family member. I can't find anything to criticize. place.

People can lie but they cannot lie in the past. Xuan Hao feels that the abilities Lu Mingfei gave him are really useful and can help him collect a lot of information.

"Are you really not planning to join the Demon Slayer Corps?" Jiguo Yuanyi was a little confused. He could see that this man was very strong, perhaps even stronger than himself.

"No." Xuan Hao shook his head.

After all, his purpose in coming to this world is not to help these people kill ghosts, but to find his sister.

Tsukuni Enichi chose to stay with the Demon Slayer Corps because his wife and children would be safer if they stayed with the Demon Slayer Corps.

And ever since he experienced that danger, Tsukikuni Enichi has realized that even those things that he considers more important than life will still be easily trampled by others. Not everyone is as powerful as himself and will not Act wantonly.

Ghosts won't hurt you just because you don't mess with them.

He has never been quite sure why he is born different from others. What is the purpose of this innate power? Now he seems to understand a little better. Perhaps the meaning of God giving him such power is to allow him to wield a sword to protect his relatives and those who are weak.

"That's it..." Ji Guoyuan felt a little regretful. In fact, he hoped that Xuan Hao would stay, because maybe this man, like him, is a special existence in this world.

But looking at Xuan Hao's determined look, he knew that it would be useless to stop him, and he really had no reason to stop him.

"Then can you learn breathing techniques from me before you leave? You saved my family and children, and I haven't had time to repay you." Ji Guoyuan looked at Xuan Hao sincerely.

"You have taken me in for so long, it is only I who should thank you."

Xuan Hao said and wanted to shake his head in refusal.

"Having said that, I still suggest you learn it." Ji Guoyuan motioned to Xuanhao to listen to him first, "I can see that your actions now seem unnatural, and your muscles are in a tense state and you don't seem to dare to exert force. ?Is it because you can’t control your body freely?”

In fact, in his field of vision, Xuan Hao's body was always on the verge of collapse, looking shaky.

"Uh..." Xuan Hao was stunned, can this be seen?

Well, it seems that it can indeed be seen if it is Enichi Jikuni. After all, the world in his eyes is different from that of others. The world that Enichi Jikuni sees at a glance is a 'transparent world'. It's like playing a game with the clairvoyance function enabled. You can see through other people's bodies, including bones, muscles, and internal organs. Every change cannot escape his eyes.

"Can the breathing method solve my current problem?" Xuan Hao was a little confused.

He knows the breathing method. This is an ability created by Tsukikunoyuki. It is said that it is very powerful and can greatly improve the survival rate of Demon Slayer members in the face of ghosts. Tsukikunoyun has been busy since he joined the Demon Slayer Team. Teach the members of the Demon Slayer Corps breathing techniques. But he really didn't know exactly what was going on.

"Breathing is a breathing method that strengthens cardiopulmonary function and allows the blood to obtain a large amount of oxygen in a short period of time." Ji Guoyuan explained to Xuan Hao, "It can control every muscle in the body through breathing, thereby greatly improving human physical capabilities. I know that your body is very strong. Improving your physical ability may not be of much use to you, but it may help you understand your body better and accurately control your strength so as not to exert too much force... …”

"Control the power..." Xuan Hao pondered for a moment and nodded slightly, maybe it really works, "Okay, thank you very much."

"You are Welcome."

Seeing Xuanhao nodding in agreement, Ji Guoyuan smiled gently.

In the days that followed, while Xuanhao was training, he and the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps learned breathing techniques from Enichi Tsukuni.

The breathing method created by Jiguo Enichi is called "Breathing of the Sun".

He taught everything he knew to everyone, but perhaps due to talent issues, currently no one in the Demon Slayer Corps can master this breathing method. The 'breath of the sun' is like a symbol of the chosen one. , it seems that only Ji Guoyuan can use it.

Fortunately, although they could not learn the 'breathing of the sun', according to the principle of breathing, those powerful swordsmen called 'pillars' used the five major swordsmanships of 'fire, wind, water, thunder, and rock' that they had originally mastered. Integrated with the breathing method, a new breathing method of its own is derived.

Although most people cannot learn the 'breathing of the sun', there are always some people who are special, such as Xuan Hao, who is one of them.

It's not because he is a genius, but because he has seen Enichi Jiguo's past. When their souls resonate, he can relate to everything Enichi Jiguo has experienced, so... learning is like reviewing. It comes naturally, but if you want to use it flexibly...

"I don't really need swordsmanship..."

Xuanhao asked Jiguo Enichi with a headache. Although he remembered Hinazuki's breathing pattern and moves, his swordsmanship was somewhat impressive. It’s not that I can’t, I’m just not used to using something like a ‘samurai sword’. The katana is an easily broken weapon. Its blade can withstand a lot of force vertically, but it will break easily when faced with forces hitting the blade from the side.

He knows how to use it, but he doesn't want to use it, because he is used to guns and fists, and is used to open and close attacks. It would be awkward to switch to a samurai sword.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a way of breathing," Ji Guoyuan put his fingers on Xuanhao's lungs and pressed them rhythmically, "Follow my guidance to breathe, remember the rhythm of breathing, and then integrate it into what you are good at. in things.”


Xuan Hao closed his eyes and felt his breathing. With the change of breathing, the flow speed of blood in the body began to change. The essence of the breathing method is to strengthen the body by allowing the blood to obtain more oxygen in a short period of time and accelerate the flow. This is actually very similar to violent blood. picture. The difference is that violent blood is more violent, making the blood in the body release its wild nature like a beast and is difficult to control.

The most important thing about the breathing method is control. According to Tsukikuni Enichi, the control of the breathing method can even accurately block the blood flow of a wound in the body, so that the seriously injured person can still fight.

Speaking of what Xuan Hao is best at, there are only spear skills and boxing skills, but these two do not seem to be easy to deal with the 'ghosts' in this world. After all, ghosts can only die if they cut off their necks with the Nichirin Sword, but he believes that with great strength There will always be a miracle. Even if you use a gun, you can still kill the ghost as long as you poke the head off with one shot.

But there is still a problem. The swordsmanship corresponding to the 'Breath of the Sun' is fixed. If he wants to incorporate what he is good at, it will be a huge change project, which means that the final result will inevitably extend to other breaths. Fa, "Okay, I'll show my cards, I'll breathe the sun, I won't use it, I'll just play."

"With your physical fitness, you should be able to maintain such breathing all the time. This is 'full concentration, constant concentration', which can subtly enhance your physical fitness. Correspondingly, when the breathing method becomes instinctive, your control over the body will naturally improve. "Ji Guoyuan looked at Xuan Hao, who was breathing steadily, with a smile on his face.

"I see, thank you."

Xuan Hao exhaled.

But in all the episodes? forget it……

Xuan Hao considered his physical condition. His current body is already in an unstable state. Although this technology sounds very good, it can continue to exercise and even increase the upper limit of the body. The principle is also very simple, which is to keep the body in a state of stability. It's a loaded state, but for him now it's almost like seeking death.

"It won't work, it will hurt your body."

He memorized the breathing methods and moves, and the rest was just continuous improvement. However, he did not intend to study the breathing method in depth, because his purpose of learning this was just to try to see if it could help him relieve his body. Abnormalities, just to improve the control of the body.

Just now he had come to the conclusion that breathing techniques did not seem to do anything to improve his physical condition.

Tsukuni Enichi's idea is good, but his current physical condition is very special, and it seems that the problem cannot be solved by improving his control over his body.

After learning the breathing method, he found that his problem did not seem to lie in control, but in the connection between body and soul. This is like a question of whether the mobile phone signal is good or not...

When the signal is good, you can perform any game operation. When the signal is bad, there is no need to talk about the delay, and the blood pressure is already full.

The power of destruction and creation have been fighting in his body. Only when the power of destruction is suppressed can he control his body. At this time, he can do whatever he wants, but once he exerts too much force and makes the two forces lose balance, what will happen? Sorry, forced offline.

It would be awesome if the breathing method could solve this problem.

In general, the breathing method can only help him control his strength more accurately, so as to avoid overexertion and 'dropping out'. It treats the symptoms but not the root cause. If he wants to solve the problem, he can only wait for him to slowly study several kinds of things in his body. The power of law.

After learning the breathing method, Xuan Hao was ready to leave here.

The purpose of the Demon Slayer Squad is just to kill ghosts, so there is no use following these people. After all, how could his sister's soul be in such an ugly monster? No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible!

Moreover, during this period of time when Ji Kunoyunichi was teaching breathing techniques, almost all the members of the Demon Slayer Corps came to learn. From those female swordsmen, he still didn’t feel the presence of his sister, so if he wanted to stay here, he should be looking for If you can't find your sister, the world is so dangerous, you have to find your sister quickly.

"Where are you going? Do you have a goal?"

Ji Guoyuan learned that Xuan Hao was about to leave and came to see him off.

‘Alien’ and ‘heterogeneous’ can always resonate. They are both special beings and have become friends after getting along for a period of time.

"I don't know... I just want to find someone."

Xuan Hao turned his head and looked into the distance. Only the rising sun and its weak morning light illuminated this barren land.

This world seems to be still in a war-torn era. Not only do ghosts exist, but people are also in constant disputes. It is not easy to find someone in such a world.

Jiguo Yuanyi also seemed to see the confusion in Xuanhao's eyes, "Is that person very important to you?"


Xuan Hao answered without any hesitation. After all, he ventured across the world just to find her.

"Hope you can find it."

Jiguo Yuanyi also looked at the rising sun, but the world in his eyes was completely different from Xuanhao's.

"Take this with you."

On the occasion of parting, Ji Guoyuan took off his sword and handed it to Xuan Hao.

"This is the Nichirin Sword. There will be ghosts at night. Although you are not afraid of it due to your strength, it will be much more convenient to have this, right?"

"This... you..."

Xuanhao looked at Jiguo Yuanyi with some hesitation.

To be honest, he has never seen such a pure and kind person with his own eyes. Human selfishness seems to have never existed in this man from the beginning. From birth to now, I don’t have any negative emotions in my body. I will help the injured on the roadside. I will put down my own affairs to help when I meet people in need. I know that the members of the Demon Slayer Corps cannot breathe and have nothing to hide. Give everything you have.

What kind of man is this? Those eyes seem to have seen through the essence of life. This is a man favored by God. He is like the incarnation of 'nature'. He has never lost his way from birth to now. Perhaps this man's spiritual realm is far better than he imagined. Be high.

"It doesn't matter, it's just an ordinary Nichirin sword. Please accept it."

Ji Guoyuan looked at Xuan Hao's hesitant look, smiled and put the knife into his hand.

"The world is big and beautiful. The person you are looking for must be somewhere in the world." Jiguo Yuanyi's smile looked particularly gentle under the morning sun. "It's just that the sea of ​​people is huge. You may not be able to find that person." It goes very smoothly, don’t be in a hurry on the way, just stop and take a look when you are tired like me..."

As Ji Guoyuan spoke, he seemed to remember the day he left home. He ran a long way, stopped when he was exhausted, and met the most important person in him.

"Anyway... I hope Mr. Xuanhao goes well and can find the person he is looking for."

Ji Guoyuan smiled brightly, and his sincere smile warmed people's hearts like sunshine.

Even Xuan Hao seemed to be infected. He held the Sun Blade in his hand and was slightly dazed. He could feel that this was a sincere blessing from this pure man.


After reacting, Xuanhao thanked Ji Guoyuan.

He put the sword on his waist to accept the blessing, and said goodbye to Ji Guoyuan with a smile.

Jiguo Enichi also smiled and waved as he looked at Xuan Hao's leaving figure. For some reason, he always felt that there was loneliness and sadness in this man that ordinary people could not imagine.

In fact, he is a very easily influenced person. He will feel happy when he sees other people's laughter, and he will also feel sad when he sees other people's sadness.

But he had never experienced sadness before he met this man named Xuan Hao. Even when he saw the sadness on Xuan Hao for the first time, he still could not understand this emotion.

Because his life has been too smooth, he was brought into this world under God's care, and even though his family didn't like him very much, he never experienced any ups and downs in his growth.

The world is full of beautiful things, making him feel happy just to come to this world.

Until that night, his wife and child almost died at home, and his small and beautiful wish was almost shattered.

It was at this time that Enichi Jikuni realized the emotion of sadness. He thought that if he lost the most important person, he would feel extremely sad and sad, right? Fortunately he met this man.

So Enichi Jikuni always wanted to help this man, but he also realized that maybe this man was even more special than himself. What he could do was very limited, teaching breathing techniques, giving away Nichirin Swords and... giving Some trivial suggestions.

Xuanhao never thought that Ji Guoyuan would think so much about himself, just as he never thought that his encounter with this man was really like an accident of life.

After parting ways with Xuan Hao, the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps, led by Enichi Tsukuni, killed a large number of demons with a devastating offensive.

During this period, Tsuguni Iwakatsu's brother, Tsuguni Enichi, also chose to join the Demon Slayer Corps after his subordinates were brutally killed, and derived his own 'Moon Breath' from his brother's 'Sun Breath' .

Over the past few years, the two brothers have worked together to kill ghosts, and it seems that the moment will come when humans will defeat ghosts.

But for some reason, the ghosts always seem to be endless. No matter how many evil ghosts they kill, new ghosts will always be born.

until one day.

The dark sky seemed to be deeper than before. The black mist completely shrouded the starlight. Even the dim moon in the sky was blocked above the clouds. The falling moonlight could not penetrate the clouds and only made the night sky more misty.

Ji Guoyuan walked alone in a green bamboo forest.

His mother's earrings hung from his ears, his brother's piccolo was hidden in his arms, and he was wearing the clothes that his wife carefully prepared when he went out.

Here he seems to have truly found the meaning of his existence.

What came face to face was a man full of sin.

The man's whole body exuded violent vitality, like lava that had just burst out of a volcanic crater, trying to devour everything he encountered with terrifying heat.

In fact, Jiguo Yuanyi could also feel the strong vitality in Xuanhao, but Xuanhao did not make him feel disgusted.

And the aura emanating from this person made him feel physically uncomfortable.

At this moment, Ji Guoyuan realized that this seemed to be the guidance of fate. He realized that he might have come to this world just to defeat this man.

As soon as they met, he knew that this was his destined enemy.

This man’s name is ‘Kibutsuji Muzan’.

Also...this man is very verbose. This was Tsujikuni Yuan's first impression of Tsuji Muzan, because as soon as they met, this guy would say some incomprehensible words to him and chatter endlessly.

"A swordsman from the Demon Slayer Corps?"

Onimbutsuji Muzan looked at Enichi Tsukuni in front of him with disdain. Countless swordsmen from the Demon Slayer Corps had died in his hands.

"Is it the breathing method again?"

Kibutsuji Muzan looked at Tsukikuni Enichi, who was standing motionless and breathing steadily in front of him, jokingly.

"Unfortunately, I no longer have any interest in swordsmen who can use the breathing method, so please die?"

From beginning to end, Ji Guoyuan didn't even respond to him.

However, Kibutsuji Mumei didn't seem to care. In his opinion, maybe the swordsman had been frightened by him.

He waved his arms to attack the swordsman in front of him.

The moment he waved, the arm suddenly extended and deformed, turning into a whip with a sharp blade, covering Enichi Tsukuni at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Although this was just a random attack by Kibutsuji Muzan, the attack speed was extremely fast and the attack range was surprisingly wide.

It is impossible for ordinary ghosts to attack like this, and his attack method is completely out of the scope of human beings.

Such a strange attack made Ji Guoyuan feel a chill in his back for the first time in his life.

Because this is not an attack that a human body can withstand, not even his body strengthened with the 'Breath of the Sun'.

But no matter how powerful the attack is, it doesn't matter if it can't hit anyone.

Ji Guoyuan's steps moved slightly, and he dodged the attack of Kibutsuji Mumei without any expression on his face.

No, not hiding, but attacking.

While dodging the attack, he closed the distance between him and Kibutsuji Muzan.

A pair of bright eyes firmly locked on the target in front of him.

Ji Guoyuan discovered that the body structure of the man in front of him was completely different from that of an ordinary ghost.

This guy has 5 brains and 7 hearts!


Jiguo Enichi was not frightened by seeing such an amazing body structure, but was even more certain that he must kill it. Such a cruel and ruthless guy who is ready to kill humans when he meets him should not exist in the world. No matter if it is to protect his family or humans, he must be killed.

The hands holding the sword were slightly strengthened, and the Sun Lun Saber in Ji Guoyuan's hand gradually turned red, as hot as the sun hanging at noon.

Flames as bright as the sun enveloped his blade.

In an instant, Enichi Tsukuni had completed his sword skills, and a set of "breath of the sun" combos struck Kimbu Tsuji Mumei's body mercilessly.

Thanks to: Yehanging for tipping

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