Chapter 379 Chapter 372. Anger

Yue Puppet, who was squatting in the open space, didn't seem to notice anyone approaching from behind.

Her hands were gesticulating back and forth in front of her body, with transparent silk threads lingering on her fingertips. Two puppets that came from unknown sources were connected beneath the threads.

One is a puppet that looks like an adult woman, and the other is a puppet that looks like a little girl.

The two puppets perform various intimate movements under the traction of silk threads, just like an ordinary mother and daughter, looking harmonious and warm.

But what the little girl was talking about was another scene.

"Mom, mom, mom, I love you..."

"Why do you hate me? I'm very obedient."

"Why did you hit me? Did I do something wrong?"


"Go to hell, I've had enough."

The movements in Yue Puppet's hands became a little anxious, and the two puppets were entangled under her control, as if they were biting each other until both were reduced to pieces.

After finishing everything, she stood up slowly, then turned to look at the man approaching her.

In Xuan Hao's field of vision, this little girl-like ghost, wearing a beautiful floral skirt and black hair shawl, looked like a young lady from a wealthy family. She had her hands behind her back and always had a smile on her face.

But instead of joy, her smile seemed filled with disgust.

"I really shouldn't trust humans." Her voice sounded cold.

"...You don't really believe me, do you?"

Xuan Hao looked at the girl with some confusion. Could it be that this ghost really believed that he would let her live?

If this is the case, then it makes sense for her to stop here. After all, as long as she leaves where she was, she will not die no matter where she is.

Unfortunately, the reality is not like this.

"Believe it, why don't you believe it?" Yue Puppet tilted his head and replied matter-of-factly, "You are an adult. Don't all adults... won't deceive children!?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I regret it." Suddenly, Xuan Hao felt his conscience aching, "But it seems that I only said that I would let you leave that place alive. Now that you have changed the place, it is not a lie, right?"


Yue Puppet put away the smile on his face, "No matter what you do, you always have a reason, right?"


Xuan Hao was silent, he didn't know how to answer the current question.

Because if the other party is really a little girl, he is indeed a bad uncle who deceives children.

But what he was facing now was a ghost! I was almost confused by the appearance of a child. How could I talk to a ghost?

He slowly stepped forward and put his gun against the ghost's neck. But what surprised him was that the ghost didn't dodge. There was no fear in its eyes. It just raised its head and stared at him.

"Aren't you planning to escape? Are you not planning to resist either?"

"Big brother is an adult. There's no point in escaping from this kind of thing, don't you understand?" Yue Puppet said sarcastically.

Xuan Hao frowned. He was actually educated by a ghost?

"So are you ready to die?"

"Death?" Yue Puppet suddenly laughed, "I'm already dead!"

She took small steps forward, and the tip of the gun against her neck penetrated inch by inch, and bright red blood continued to overflow from her neck. There was a flush on her face, and her smile grew crazier.

Xuan Hao looked at the little girl-like ghost in front of him in a daze. This ghost seemed different from the ghosts he had met before.

In his impression, ghosts are just monsters that feed on humans. Whether they are forced to become ghosts or voluntarily become ghosts, they cannot satisfy their thirst for flesh and blood. What they have in common is that they are timid and afraid of death. , cruel and ruthless, and dehumanizing.

The first thing he did when meeting a human was probably thinking about how to kill the human and then pounce on him to eat him. In short, there would never be a situation like the one he encountered now.

This ghost not only let Kagami Kawa Maya go, but also seemed to really believe what he said. She felt angry after being deceived, but she could only accept the betrayal helplessly. The truth in her mouth was just like that of a real little girl. It's mocking adults from a child's perspective. But there is always a reason for shameless adults but there is nothing they can do about it.

"How long has it been since you... turned into a ghost?" Xuan Hao asked this question with a frown.

"Huh? I forgot," Yue Puppet stopped walking with some trouble. The tip of the gun had already penetrated half of her neck, making her voice sound hoarse.

"Maybe decades, hundreds of years? But it doesn't matter. Who would keep track of how long a person has been dead?"

"Are you trying to say that you were dead the moment you turned into a ghost?" Xuan Hao was stunned.

He has always maintained the appearance of a child, with an innocent smile on his face, and even his way of speaking and thinking seems to have remained the same as before. Could it be said that this ghost has been living at the moment of his 'death'?

"Is it weird?" Yue Puppet tilted her head. The half-cut neck couldn't support her current movements, so she had to reach out to support her.

There was no trace of fear in that action, and it was even a little funny.

At this moment, Xuan Hao was completely convinced that this ghost might not have lied to him. Is there any need for a guy who is not even afraid of death to lie to others?

"Have you really never eaten anyone?"

Xuan Hao asked, he seemed to believe what this ghost said.

"No. But I have killed many people!" Yue Puppet had an innocent smile on his face.

She seemed to be a really 'good kid', at least she never lied.

"When I was wandering outside, many kind-hearted adults picked me up and took me home. But I don't know why, they always tied me up with ropes and gave me to other people, and then those people always liked to force me to do I had no choice but to escape because of some unwillingness."

"So you killed them and escaped?" Xuan Hao frowned.

Although the ghost did not express it clearly, if he understood correctly, the people who picked her up and tied her up with ropes were probably human traffickers. In this backward era of the world, homeless children on the roadside There are too many, and there are also many slave traders who take advantage of these children to make money.

Usually they sell boys to do hard labor, and what happens to the little girls who are trafficked...

"Yes, did I do something wrong?" Yue Puppet replied with a smile.


Xuanhao fell into silence again.

Did you do it right? There doesn't seem to be anything wrong, that kind of person really deserves to die. But if the person in front of him is really just a little girl, is he going to confirm this little girl's behavior? No matter what the reason, killing is sinful.

Even as he remained silent, the ghost in front of her was still approaching the tip of the gun, and deep blood marks continued to explode in her throat.

But she was not dead yet because her neck was not completely severed.

"Brother, aren't you going to kill me?"

Yue Puppet looked at the man in front of her with some confusion. She didn't understand. Didn't the members of the Demon Slayer Squad always want to kill her? Why didn't she make any move when it was brought to me now?

Xuan Hao did not answer. He was not a kind person, nor was he a pure ghost hunter. He had done many things like killing people himself.

There is nothing wrong with killing your enemy, being kind to your enemy is being cruel to yourself.

The reason why human beings are enemies with ghosts is, to put it simply, just because ghosts are destined to eat people. The two creatures are born enemies.

It is natural for humans to hunt ghosts, but if the ghost in front of me really doesn't eat human flesh, there seems to be no reason to let her go. After all, this is a good ghost who 'removes harm for the people'?

Thinking of this, Xuan Hao slowly shook his head. It seemed that none of this mattered to him. Killers and cannibals were all the same to him.

There are only two options in his classification, enemies or relatives and friends.

The ghost in front of him didn't seem to be an enemy, because it was different from other ghosts. When other ghosts saw him, they always wanted to pounce on him and eat him, but now he couldn't feel the murderous intention of this ghost towards him. The ghost never seemed to want to be his enemy.

"As for what exactly it is...let me confirm it with my own eyes."

Xuan Hao stared at the ghost in front of him.

Although he felt that the ghost did not lie to him, it was not true until he witnessed it with his own eyes.

It just so happened that he had such an ability.

So he planned to take a look at this ghost's past. This was his first glimpse into a ghost's past. He would never pry into a ghost's past, because ghosts are human-eating creatures, and he couldn't physically accept it.

But this ghost says that she has never eaten anyone, so let’s just believe it for once.

Xuan Hao came back to his senses after a moment, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

The last ghost among the twelve ghost moons is the moon puppet. This is this girl's name.

Yes, she didn't have a human name.

Because she was wrong from the beginning.

Her mother didn't give her a name or anything nice, but only scars all over her body and so-called 'politeness'.

This kind of politeness means nothing. Her mother always beats her for being impolite, but no matter how polite she is, the effect will be the same.

The girl didn't lie to Xuan Hao.

She really never ate people, just killed people.

She really thought she had died a long time ago. That night, when she and her mother were biting each other, they were as broken as two broken puppets in the clearing at this moment.

In order to repay Kibutsuji Mukai's kindness, she regarded this ruthless man as her father. Although she always knew that she was being used, she still worked hard to complete the task.

Because this is the only motivation that supports her actions as a walking dead. She is the puppeteer, and she is also the puppet being manipulated.

Just now, she disobeyed Kibutsuji Muzan's order.

Because she let Kagami Kawa Maya go. It wasn't because her conscience discovered it, nor was it because Xuan Hao just arrived. It was because the girl's questioning reminded her of her original intention of becoming a ghost.

"What do you think of life?"

Yes, she remembered. The moment she turned into a ghost, she vowed to let these guys who don't understand the preciousness of life know how fragile life is! She will make those stupid adults regret it! Do you want to cherish life? Sorry! Too late!

But...the girl in front of me seems to value life very much? In this way, she fell into hesitation. Should she kill this person or not? If you kill yourself, what's the difference between you and these people?

But if we don't kill him, what should we do with the adult's order?

It was such a simple question that stumped this little girl-looking ghost.


Xuan Hao sighed and looked at the little girl in front of him. He was very glad that he could not experience the taste of human flesh, and he was also a little regretful that he could not find the whereabouts of Kibutsuji Mumei from this girl's memory.

Onibatsuji Muzan was extremely cautious, and would move his hiding place every once in a while, and would also change his identity and appearance. Even Twelve Ghostsuki didn't know where Kibutsuji Muzan would be at the moment.

"Is being killed by me the correct answer you finally came to?"

Xuan Hao took back his thoughts and asked as he looked at the little girl in front of him who never attacked him.

"Um?" The smile on Yue Puppet's face froze, "What is big brother asking?"

"You didn't want to go against your own heart, so you couldn't complete the mission. But because you let down Mukai Kibutsuji, who gave you a new life, you feel that you don't deserve to continue living?"

Xuan Hao looked at the little girl in front of him calmly. After seeing this girl's past, he knew what kind of person this girl was.

Because her mother's beatings and scoldings frightened her and made her think that she could only be a 'good child'.

But even so, she still met a tragic ending. Even after she became a ghost, she was still bound by the label of 'good girl'. The only change may be that there is more hatred from many humans.

She has not changed since she became a ghost. Everything about her being a human died with her mother that night. She only remembers that she was a 'good child' and her wish that was born out of hatred.

"How did you..."

Yue Puppet looked at the man in front of her in surprise. She was a little panicked by the man's gaze, and felt that everything about her had been seen through.

No one has ever understood her.

Even the adult who gave her her name only used her as a tool.

She thought no one would understand her, because everyone in this world is equally bad. Except for the girl she let go just now, no one knows how to cherish those fragile lives. There are so many dead children that they can pile up into a mountain.

But now someone actually saw through her mind.

For some reason, a smile appeared on her young cheeks.

Xuan Hao was stunned when he saw the smile that appeared on the little girl's face again. Because of the resonance of his soul, he could feel the girl's emotions at the moment. This time it was a real smile.

He was a little confused and prepared to take back his spear.

But Yue Puppet reached out and grabbed his spear.

"Brother, can you fulfill my wish?" the girl asked with a smile.

Xuan Hao's hand holding the spear paused.

Fulfilling the wish...means killing her?

He had never seen such a strange wish before. Aren't all those ghosts afraid of death?

He didn't have time to answer.

It felt like I was bound by invisible threads.

These strong cutting threads directly tore into pieces the Demon Slayer uniform on his body. The Demon Slayer uniforms are all made of special materials and have certain defensive capabilities, but they were still shattered without any hindrance in front of these threads. The bandages on his body to cover the horrific scars were also shattered.

Fine black lines spread from his strong torso, and the entire body looked fragmented.

And these threads tightened around his body, as if they didn't want him to move.

Yes, just didn't want him to move.

Xuan Hao felt no murderous intention in this little girl.

These threads could obviously be tightened even tighter, or even penetrated into the flesh through the gaps, but she stopped.

Yue Puppet stared blankly at the scars on the man in front of him, "What, it turns out that eldest brother is just like me?"

She smiled and unbuttoned her clothes, revealing her scarred body underneath.

"No, the injuries on my body were not caused by anyone."

Xuan Hao frowned and looked at the little girl's bruised body.

Although the little girl had seen it in her memory, it was far less shocking than seeing it with her own eyes.

"You are obviously a ghost, but you are unwilling to recover the scars on your body. Is it because you want to remember the hatred in your heart?"

"Yes." Yue Puppet nodded slowly, "But I'm a little tired."

She stepped forward slightly and rested her neck on the tip of the gun again.

"Now I finally have a reason to die."

Xuan Hao did not resist. The silk threads wrapped around his body had no effect on him. If he wanted to, he felt that he could easily break it.

But he still just watched the little girl's movements quietly.

He seemed to understand the strange behavior of this ghost.

She should have died a long time ago. When she was whipped into coma that night, she should never wake up again.

It just seems like I made the wrong choice.

The appearance of Muzan Kibutsuji made the young girl think it was salvation and hope.

But gradually as time went by, although her body was no longer growing, she still understood more things, and she found that she seemed to be just being used.

Even so, she still couldn't betray her 'benefactor'. The only thing she could do was try her best to numb her thoughts and let herself indulge in the joy of being a ghost. However, she still felt tired as time went by.

She just needs a reason to die now.

"Thank you, big brother. Also, be careful. In fact, it was not me who really occupied that village..."

The sharp tip of the spear cut across the entire neck, and Yue Puppet's neck was completely severed, but there was a relieved smile on her face. Finally, someone could understand her, which seemed to be the best salvation for her.

Xuan Hao calmly watched the little girl's body dissipate in the wind. The threads wrapped around his body also disappeared with the wind as the ghost dissipated.

He quietly retracted the spear, the tip of the spear was spotless, not even a trace would be left behind after the ghost died.

But the next moment he couldn't calm down, and even endless anger rose from his heart.

"Ghost, dance, Tsuji, nothing, miserable!"

The roar echoed through the sky, and the whole world seemed to be shaking.

Hiding in a dark room somewhere, Kibutsuji Muzan, who was originally extremely angry because of the death of Shigetsu no Wu, shuddered inexplicably.

Xuan Hao stretched out his trembling hands to hold the light spots that emerged after the moon puppet dissipated.

This was a fragment of his sister's soul, and he didn't notice it at all.

Perhaps because his sister's soul was still sleeping in his body and the soul fragments were covered up by the host's already powerful soul, the resonance between the souls was very weak, and he didn't really feel it until it appeared in front of him.

My sister actually appears in the ghost's body!

Xuan Hao finally realized the seriousness of the problem. He asked how there could be such a special ghost in this world, who did not eat human flesh and even retained his original intention when he was still a human.

The strength of will is inseparable from the soul, and the soul of an individual who can accommodate his sister's soul is obviously special.

So what did he just do? Killed his own sister with his own hands! ?

No, Yue Puppet chose to free herself, which was considered salvation for her.

But it was obviously unacceptable to Xuan Hao.

The soul fragment slowly merged into his consciousness, which made him feel more clearly what this soul fragment had experienced.

He clenched his fists, and his anger made him look ferocious. He almost couldn't control the power in his body. Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. There were more and more cracks on his body, and he seemed to be on the verge of collapse.


He began to doubt his initial definition.

Perhaps because he has been looking for his sister, he has been in this world for so long and has never paid attention to what kind of world this world is.

The people he met before were all kind people, and the ghosts he met were all evil ghosts. I thought that the only dark side in this world might be the ghosts headed by Muzan Kibutsuji.

But now it seems that every world is the same, with dark corners that cannot be illuminated by light.

All ghosts were once humans, and some people were born ghosts.

He will not regret the tragic experience and death of the ghost, because he seems to understand that this world is no different from the 'dragon' world he once experienced.

As long as there are "ghosts" in the world, things like this will continue to happen again.

Jiguo Enichi probably realized this, so he spent his whole life killing ghosts, right?

However, this is Jiguo Yuanyi's mission, and it seems to have nothing to do with Xuanhao.

But now Xuan Hao suddenly realized that when he was in this world, he would inevitably be affected by the world. It was impossible to be alone! He should do something, either for himself or for his sister.

If he had been aware of this from the beginning, he might have helped Enichi Tsukuni kill Mukai Oniitsuji decades ago. In that case, how could his sister become a ghost?

No! It doesn't seem right. If he hadn't turned into a ghost, wouldn't Yue Puppet have been dead long ago? If nothing unexpected happens, once the body dies, the soul fragment will continue to wander the world looking for a new host until Xuan Hao finds it.

So if you want to blame it, you can probably only blame this damn world, right?

Xuan Hao didn't know where to vent his anger.

However, Oniitsuji Mumei is already on his must-kill list.

Although he himself is not sure whether there is only one soul fragment in this world, but judging from the current situation, the god who cares about his sister's soul condition has not appeared, which means that there may be other soul fragments in this world.

In order to avoid the same situation happening again, he must find a way to make the world a better place.

And if you want to make this world a better place, Wu Ke must die.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan:? ? ?


The anxious voice from behind brought Xuan Hao back from his anger.

He turned around and looked at Maya Kagamigawa, who was rushing over, and frowned.

This girl seems to be very special...could she also have soul fragments in her body? Xuan Hao became suspicious.

"Teacher? What happened?"

Maya Kagami was a little surprised when she saw the angry expression of the man in front of her. She had never seen such an angry expression on this man before.

She heard angry roars in the distance just now, and thought it was Muzan Kibutsuji who appeared, so she anxiously rushed over to support.

But there was no sign of Tsuji Muzan, not even a ghost.

"It's nothing." Xuan Hao calmed down his emotions, and the expression on his face gradually softened.

"Where's the ghost?"


"Did you just shout about Muzan Kibutsuji? Did he show up?"

"No," Xuan Hao's eyes flashed with gold when he heard the name, "One day I will pull him out and cut him into pieces."


Maya Kagami looked at Xuan Hao's eyes blankly. Was she dazzled just now? She seemed to see a beautiful golden light flashing in this man's eyes.

"Go back and see if the other team members have cleared away the remaining ghosts."

Xuanhao woke up the dazed Kagamigawa Maya, and rushed back towards the village with a spear in hand without looking back.

He recalled what the Moon Puppet Leader said before he died... She was not the one who really occupied the village!

Xuan Hao did see from her memory that Yue Puppet had never entered the village from the beginning to the end. She was only responsible for controlling those weak ghosts from running around.

It seems to be doing a job similar to that of a sentinel.

There's something else hidden in the village!


Maya Kagami looked puzzled at Xuan Hao's hurried back.

She didn't understand what happened here to make this man so excited. You must know that this is the strongest 'pillar' recognized by the Demon Slayer Corps.

The sun has not yet risen, and the village is still shrouded in the cold moonlight. In the most edge corner of the village, mist rises from time to time, and the rich smell of blood almost solidifies the air here.

The sound of chewing came from time to time in the wooden house, and the crunching sound sounded creepy.

"It's nerve-wracking. There are so many swordsmen from the Demon Slayer Squad. I wonder if that loser Yue Puppet can stop them?"

The man squatted in the corner and pulled at the object in front of him, "Wow - it's really delicious."

The objects piled in front of him were scattered body parts. He couldn't count how many people there were, but the broken limbs and broken arms were piled up almost in the entire room. The thick blood was like a gurgling stream, and the whole room was like a drawing of hell.

This... what is going on? Inoue Masatatsu and Sato Masaya, who opened the door and walked in, stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

They saw the man squatting with his back to them in the room, tearing flesh and blood while shouting about delicious food, and felt a chill down their spines.

We won't win the jackpot, right?

The two looked at each other and stepped back.

They were just cleaning up the weak ghosts in the outer part of the village. Everything seemed to be going well, but they found strangely that there was no one in every room in the entire village. Even if all the people in the village died, there must be corpses, right?

The abnormal situation made them think that the information was wrong, so they patrolled from house to house, intending to notify Master Mingzhu through the bird crow if they found any abnormality.

So when they entered the room, they realized something was wrong.

The body parts piled up in the room made them suspect that there might be the corpses of everyone in the village, but most of them had been eaten clean by the ghost in front of them.

How many people will this eat?

They dare not imagine. But the only thing that is certain is...this ghost is definitely not something they can handle! The more people the ghost eats, the stronger it will become, that's for sure!

They could only retreat cautiously.

The eating ghost was still chewing with relish, seemingly unaware of the movement behind it.

"Hehehe... I'm so lucky."

The man turned his head with a smile, "There is actually fresh food delivered to your door!"

Inoue Zhengchen watched blankly as the ghost slowly stood up, its ferocious eyes making him even forget to breathe.

‘Shang Er’, this is the word engraved in the eyes of this ghost.

Move, move! Get moving! Inoue Zhengchen screamed crazily in his heart, wanting his body to move quickly and escape!

mdWho provided the information? Are you saying there might be a ghost here? You don’t know the difference between superior and inferior, right? ? This can kill them all!

The ghost of winding! This is the ghost of winding! Even the ‘pillars’ can’t fight against Shangxian alone! What are the virtues and abilities of these two newcomers?

Inoue Zhengchen could only watch blankly as the ghost slowly raised his hand, with a teasing smile on his face.

The second string, ghost vine.

He slowly raised his hand, pinched the orchid fingers in his hand like a dead tree, and pointed at the prey in front of him.

"Get out of the way, Inoue!!"

Sato Masaya next to Masatatsu Inoue shouted in horror. He didn't know what the ghost wanted to do with its fingers, but he knew that nothing good would happen without even thinking about it!

Unfortunately, he shouted a step too late.


The sound of blood splattering.

When Inoue Masatatsu heard his teammates shouting, he finally tried his best to move half a step.

It was the sharp branches that still penetrated his shoulders.

"Ale? Didn't it penetrate the heart?" Gui Teng scratched his head and asked in confusion, "It seems that this trick is still not very skillful..."

From what he said, it seemed like this was a move he was experimenting with, a way to kill enemies remotely with one move.

Just like his name, Ghost Vine, his ghost blood technique is to control plants. He just ejected a seed.

But this seemingly harmless seed turned into a sharp arrow and penetrated the human body instantly after it popped out.

"Damn it! The bleeding can't be stopped!" Inoue Zhengchen covered his wound in panic.

"Calm down! First...get out of here first!" Sato Masaya seemed to be a little panicked. He quickly dragged his injured teammate towards the door and retreated.

"Hey hey hey - you can't stop it."

Seeing the human being bleeding in front of him, Kito laughed happily, "This is my new move. The place where you are penetrated will rot like old wood, and you will eventually bleed to death!"

"Hey hey hey..."

Onitou was very proud of himself. This was a move he had specially researched. Since the last time he fought against Flame Pillar of the Demon Slayer Squad, he knew that he could not outrun these humans, so in order to better hunt, he came up with the idea The method of using poison!

"Na na! Would you like to practice with me?"

Masatoshi Inoue and Masaya Sato broke into a cold sweat. They seemed to have heard good news now.

That is, this ghost does not intend to kill them immediately, but this good news seems quite scary, because they will probably be tortured to death!

"鎹 Crow! Hurry! Go and notify Lord Mingzhu! No, notify all the pillars you can contact for support!"

Sato Masaya didn't care about anything else and quickly raised his head and shouted towards the sky.

But... the strange thing is that there is no crow's call in the sky.

"I know, I know this!" Kito clapped his hands in surprise and said, "You want to ask for reinforcements, right? I heard that your Demon Slayer Team all communicates through crows, but unfortunately, it has already entered my stomach. ! Hahahahaha——"


Masaya Sato's face was full of shock. When did this ghost eat the crow? They were completely unaware!

Just when he was surprised, a sound broke through the air again.

"Yazai!" Masatatsu Inoue, who was injured and fell to the ground, looked at the ghost who was repeating his old tricks and shouted towards his teammates.


Sato Masaya subconsciously turned sideways. Although his movements were already very fast, a piece of flesh was still cut off from his waist by the sharp wooden arrow. Fortunately, it was not a penetrating wound and would not affect his movement for the time being.

But he could already feel something spreading in all directions along his wound!

This is poison!

"Strange?" Guiteng was a little confused when he saw that his attack was dodged again, "Why is it not accurate enough?"

He scratched his head in annoyance, and his nails scraped against his forehead, making a clicking sound. The sound made it seem as if his head was not made of flesh and blood.

"Ha ha--"

Feeling the muscles in his waist gradually decaying, Masaya Sato gasped for air.

"it hurts."

He gritted his teeth and looked nervously at the winding ghost in front of him, his spirit tense and not daring to relax at all.



Onito raised his hand and shot two more wooden arrows towards Sato Masaya, who was still standing.

The strange thing is that he didn't attack Inoue Masakatsu who fell on the ground, and seemed to really regard these two people as practice targets.

Since it is a target, it must be better to move!

"Hey hey hey..."

Kito just wanted to laugh, because he felt that the weak human in front of him would definitely not be able to dodge his attack again. This time, he fired both arrows!

But what made him angry was that his attack was dodged again!

Masaya Sato was breathing heavily, staring at the ghost in front of him with extremely concentrated attention. He moved reluctantly at the moment when ghost fired, but even with such slow movements, he could barely avoid ghost. shooting.

"Huh?" Kito looked at the human in front of him looking at him a little strangely, "Is it possible that you can see my attack clearly?"

How can this be? He knows how strong his power is. The arrows he shoots will not be slower than those human soldiers on the battlefield. Even if an ordinary human knows the breathing method, he shouldn't be able to dodge such an attack so easily?

Sato Masaya did not answer the question of the ghost in front of him, but still stared at the ghost intently, or to be precise, staring at the ghost's hand.

Before joining the Demon Slayer Corps, he had been hunting with his father in the mountains. His dynamic vision was much stronger than that of ordinary people. It was easy for him to predict the direction of such arrow-like attacks, as long as he stared at the opponent's hand. The action was just fine. There was a long distance between the two sides, so he had enough time to react.


Seeing that Masaya Sato did not answer his question, Kito snorted and raised his hand again.

Look carefully! Look more closely! Masaya Sato's face was sweating and his eyes were bloodshot. He tried his best to use breathing techniques to affect his eyes.

He watched Kito's movements closely.

"As long as you see him snap his fingers, you can avoid it!"


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Sato Masaya suddenly turned sideways.

An arrow scratched the clothes on his chest, leaving a shallow mark on his body.

"This guy's shooting is getting faster again!" He gritted his teeth.

The ghost in front of me didn't use all his strength at all! You are toying with them!

"Oh my, you really saw my attack clearly?" Kito scratched the back of his head and looked helplessly at the human in front of him.


The sound of swords sounded.


Sato Masaya looked at the trembling blade in his hand in shock.

He took advantage of the moment when the ghost was scratching its head and got close to him, trying to fight for his life, but the other party actually...

He actually blocked his blade with one finger!

From such a close distance, he could clearly see the other person's appearance. This was a ghost whose skin was covered with something hard like bark! Every part of his body was covered with this hard material. Although he moved slowly, he had already learned the defensive power.

No chance of winning!

"Inoue! Go quickly! Call for reinforcements!" Masaya Sato retreated with a knife, looked at the ghost in front of him warily, and roared at the team members whose shoulders were penetrated and lost their combat effectiveness.

"Ah!? How could I leave you alone?" Inoue Masacho got up and held the handle of the knife with his still mobile hand. He was somewhat resistant to leaving his teammates and running away.


"Get away!"

Masaya Sato pushed away Masatoshi Inoue with a flying dive.

"Tsk - can you be avoided like this?" Kito looked at the two humans helping each other with some annoyance.

I obviously thought that the injured guy who had just gotten up was a good hit, but he was hit hard again.

"Damn it!" Inoue Masachen covered his wound with some pain. Now he is not capable of fighting at all, and has even become a burden.

"Inoue, please leave quickly." Sato Masaya roared loudly, "I'm holding him back. Run with all your strength! Call someone to rescue me after you escape!"

"Damn it!" Inoue got up again, covered his injured shoulder and ran.

"Come on, ghost!"

Sato Masaya looked at the winding ghost in front of him provocatively. So terrible, so terrible! It's not on the same level as me at all. I have no chance of winning!

But... Hearing the footsteps receding behind him, Sato Masaya had a trembling smile on his face. He remembered the slender figure blocking his face during the 'final selection', "I can no longer hide behind others. ! It is a man to stand up at such a moment!"

"Huh?" Kito scratched his head inexplicably, completely unable to understand what the human being in front of him was doing.

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