Chapter 380 373. Ghost Vine

Kito saw that the human in front of him could still laugh under such circumstances, and he suddenly felt a little unhappy.

You seem to be underestimated?

Masaya Sato held the blade in his hand and looked at the winding ghost in front of him warily, his eyes still locked on the ghost's hand.

But he seemed to have made a mistake.

"You don't think I can only shoot, do you?"

A joking voice suddenly sounded in Sato Masaya's ears.

"Gulu..." He couldn't help but swallowed. He looked at the ghost who came to his side in horror.

So fast! Faster than a wooden arrow shot! This ghost is obviously covered in hard armor and looks very bulky!

"It's really nerve-wracking..."

Oni Teng raised one hand and pointed it at the human in front of him at close range, and scratched his head with the other hand, making a sharp friction sound when his fingertips rubbed against the wooden armor covering his head.

"What makes you think you can hold me back?"

He knew that the human in front of him probably wanted to delay him to get help for his teammates, but he didn't quite understand why humans were always so arrogant.

After all, he can be regarded as a ghost, just an ordinary swordsman of the Demon Slayer Corps, not even a pillar. Why do you think you can hold him back? Although he is not good at speed...even if he is slower, it is still compared to those 'pillars'.

Sato Masaya looked at the ghost hand so close in horror.

There was a simple-looking seed held between the fingertips of one hand, but he knew that once the seed was shot out, it would turn into the same sharp arrow as before.

There was no way for him to avoid being at such a close distance.

It's over.

A creaking and rubbing sound sounded in the ghost's hand, which was the sound of exerting force.


The powerful wooden arrow pierced the ground in an instant.

"Ouch?" Gui Teng looked at the wooden arrow stuck on the ground in front of him with some curiosity, but it missed again.

This made him feel very embarrassed. Although it was a new move, it failed at such a close range. The opponents were just two ordinary swordsmen. If he told it, he would be laughed at by other ghosts, right?

"What are you thinking in your heads?" Kito scratched his head and looked at the demon slayer swordsmen who fell together in front of him.

The man who escaped just now turned back at some point and pushed away his target at the critical moment.

"Inoue? Why are you back?"

After reacting, Masaya Sato also looked at his teammate who saved his life in surprise.

"Stop talking!"

At this moment, Inoue Zhengchen has torn off the strips of cloth and treated the wound urgently. The support of the breathing method will not affect his movements for the time being. "I have found other eagle crows to spread the news. Of course I am back to help you!"

He knew that Sato alone could not hold back this ghost, and the most important thing was...

Regardless of whether he was dead or alive, without this ghost's permission, he probably wouldn't be able to leave here at all.

If he hadn't come back just now, Sato would have died immediately, and this ghost would have caught up with him immediately!

"It's useless. No matter how many people you call, it will just give me more targets." Guiteng looked at the two people in front of him and laughed, and the wooden armor covering his face split into a ferocious mouth.

He was so confident that even Hashira from the Demon Slayer Squad was helpless in front of him, because the Nichirin Swords that these swordsmen were proud of were as fragile as toys in front of him.

"But I'm very happy that you can come back, and it saves me the trouble of chasing you. Now just continue to have fun with me, right?"

Sato and Inoue looked at each other and slowly got up from the ground.

"It seems I was right to come back," Inoue said with a wry smile, "This guy seems to treat us as toys."

"Fart." Sato said with a solemn look on his face, "It's better to die in pain."

It seems that they can really live longer if they don't run away, but the price is being used as a practice target by this ghost! This is probably much more painful than killing him with one blow, right?

"You may not die yet..." Inoue forced a smile, "Have you forgotten? The person leading the team this time is Mr. Mingzhu."

"Mingzhu? Who is that?" Kito looked at the two Demon Slayer swordsmen in front of him with some confusion.

Although the sounds they communicated were very quiet, they still couldn't escape his ears.

Have you never heard of the name ‘Mingzhu’? Is it the new pillar level of the Demon Slayer Squad?

Oni Teng scratched his head and couldn't figure it out, but it didn't matter, he had met 'Pillar' before, but in the end he could do nothing but run away in front of him.

The so-called 'pillar' was like a joke in his mind. Even if the adult told him to be careful about the human named 'Xuan Hao', he didn't take it to heart.

To be honest, he didn't even understand why the adult would be so wary of a human being. This was unreasonable at all.

He was once a human being, and he knew very well how fragile human flesh is. Even if he became a ghost, his physical body was still very fragile, so he used ghost blood to wrap his body. In this way, human weapons were in front of him. Fragile as a toy.

Humans are humans after all, there is no way they can be better than him!

"Pay attention to his hands." Sato lowered his eyes and reminded Inoue beside him.

"Yeah." Inoue understood.

He understood what Sato meant. If this ghost was really so arrogant and wanted to play with them, they would hold on longer, no, not only that, but also fight back!

The swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps have never been afraid of ghosts. For hundreds of years, humans have always been at a disadvantage in the confrontation between humans and ghosts. If they were afraid, how could they persist until now? Who would choose to join the Demon Slayer Corps if they were afraid of death? ?

"I'll create opportunities for you." Inoue thought calmly.

Sato, who was slightly injured, obviously had more fighting power than him. His right shoulder had been penetrated. Even if it was temporarily treated and supported by breathing techniques, it would be difficult to have any effect. It was better to use it as bait.

He stepped forward with a knife.

"You seem to be in a hurry to die?" Gui Teng sneered and raised his hand.

This overestimating human being in front of him was so seriously injured, and his poison was still eroding his body, yet he actually dared to close the distance.

"Let's start with you first, shall we?"

Get away, get away, get away! Through Sato's reminder, Inoue stared closely at the ghost's hand and waited for the ghost's movements.


The flying arrows passed by him, and the whistling wind made his cheeks sting, but he managed to avoid them!

It works! A smile appeared on Inoue Masatoshi's face.

"Ah? Can you avoid it too?"

Kito looked with some annoyance at this human being who had been stabbed through the shoulder by him easily before.

It really made him angry...

"Now! Sato!" Inoue gestured to his teammates as he dodged.

"Idiot, you don't need to say it!"

Sato used all his strength to approach the winding ghost in front of him with his Nichirin sword.

Harder, harder, harder, harder! He breathed heavily and used breathing techniques desperately, feeling that his whole body was burning.

"The breath of fire, the shape of Wu, the fire tiger!"

The Nichirin Sword slashed violently at the ghost in front of him like a raging flame. Sato completely gave up his defense in this blow. This was a sword that risked his life.

If humans want to defeat ghosts, they have to do this!

God, please... At this moment, Sato was praying in his heart.

Just this one sword is enough. Please give me power beyond myself at this moment!

But the next moment he realized that he seemed to have prayed wrongly.

Because it is useless to simply surpass oneself. The gap between him and the ghost in front of him is like the distance between heaven and earth.

Kito sneered as he looked at the human rushing toward him, "What a disgusting way to breathe."

He remembered that the 'Zhu' he met last time was using this breathing method. It was so annoying!

"Tired of playing."

As he spoke, Kito raised his arm.

The arm covered with bark-like material expanded in an instant, and then several sharp spikes stretched out and began to grow crazily.

Sato Masaya's pupils narrowed sharply when he saw the wooden thorn that suddenly stretched out.

But it was too late to dodge, he rushed too fast, and the crazy growing wooden thorns were even faster!

He didn't even have time to slow down.




In just a moment, every joint of his limbs was penetrated.

The Sun Blade in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, and at this moment, his whole body was lifted up by the hard wooden thorns and hung in the air.

Blood continued to flow from the mouth.

"Sato!" Masatoshi Inoue shouted angrily.

But at this moment, Sato no longer had the strength to respond to him.

The body penetrated by the branches could not move, and the look in his eyes gradually disappeared.

But he didn't die.

Because every wound is not fatal.

This ghost seemed to have deliberately avoided the fatal part, but the poison that invaded his body from the branches began to spread, and he even felt that his entire body was starting to decay.

"My body is so hot, no, I can't die yet..."

Sato struggled painfully, "I'm still alive, the battle is not over yet..."

"What the hell?" Kito couldn't understand at all, "Isn't it good to just wait for death? Don't you feel the pain?"

He began to feel a little irritable.

There are toxins on his wooden vines that can decompose the human body. This is a method he finally came up with, just to make those Demon Slayer swordsmen running around no longer feel proud and die in pain!

But now it doesn't work? Is it not giving face? After all, he can be regarded as the second string! When both the adult and one of the top stringers are in seclusion, he is the strongest ghost!

"It shouldn't be like this. Humans should kneel down and beg for mercy in front of me!"

Onito raised his other hand and pointed at Masaya Sato's head.

His fingers continued to lengthen like growing trees, and the sharp spikes slowly approached the struggling human being.

He wants to slowly penetrate this human's head inch by inch, so that this human can experience the real pain of trees.

"Don't even think about it!"

Inoue on the side rushed forward with all his strength, trying to cut off these branches and rescue his teammates.

"Kneel down for me too!"

Oni Teng casually threw out two wooden thorns and penetrated the knees of Inoue who rushed forward.

He was really angry now and had no intention of playing with these two humans.

"Okay, you can almost die."

As he spoke, the extended wooden thorn moved inch by inch closer to Sato, whose eyes were blank.

Inoue, whose knees were penetrated, knelt on the ground unable to move. He looked at Sato who was about to die with some despair. Soon he would be like Sato.

"God, no, no matter who it is, please save us." Inoue prayed desperately. He knew that the war between humans and ghosts had always been so cruel, but he never thought that they would appear for the first time. The mission will encounter such despair.

"God? It's useless to pray to anyone!" Kito sneered. When he first became a ghost, he might have been really afraid of 'gods', but as time went by, he ate more and more humans. He is getting stronger and stronger, but no gods appear to punish him.

"Go to hell, humans."

He looked at the two humans in front of him indifferently, with only the eyes symbolizing winding visible on his bark-covered cheeks, but a look of contempt could clearly be seen in his eyes.

"Hey, who do you think will die?"

A sullen voice came from behind.

Oni Teng's pupils shrank sharply.

The voice was very close, right behind him.

when? Someone could actually appear behind him silently?

A hand slowly rested on his raised shoulder.


The sound of shattering continued, and the entire shoulder was crushed by this hand.

Oni Teng's raised hand lost its support and dropped. The horror in my heart could not be greater.

The armor on his body can't even be cut open by the Nichirin Sword! Not even Black Death Mou, one of the top stringers, could cut through his armor so easily.

How could it be easily crushed?

Oni Teng turned his head blankly, but before he could turn his head, gold faintly appeared in his peripheral vision.

A pair of burning golden eyes stared at him mercilessly from behind.

"This is my first time leading a team." Xuan Hao muttered expressionlessly, "You don't seem to want to give me face?"

He was in a very unhappy mood at the moment, and he wished he could drag Guiwu Shiwupai out and cut him into pieces.

It's a pity that Wuhan can't be found.

But luck seems to be pretty good, there is a winding ghost here.

"Are you... a human?" Kito turned his head 180 degrees to look at the man standing very close to him behind him.

How could he be human? How can humans have glowing pupils? How could there be such perverted power! ?

Wait, why does this face look so familiar?

He seemed to have seen this man's face somewhere... he remembered it! It comes from the memory of that adult!

Suddenly, Oni Teng's whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

The blood and cells that the adult gave him conveyed the fear to his body. This fear was as if it was engraved into his DNA, making him unable to resist.


Kito's mind was filled with doubts because he suddenly saw his body.

"What happened? Why can I see my whole body?"

" turns out my head flew off?"

"How did it fly?"

"Ah! It turns out that the neck was cut off!"

He looked at the spear held in the man's hand, his head rolled to the ground, and he fell into confusion.

Others around were equally shocked.

Kagami Kawa Maya and Inoue Masatatsu, who was kneeling on the ground, looked at the scene in front of them with their mouths wide open.

They even couldn't believe their eyes. Did they see it wrong?

What did they see?

This man actually shot the ghost's head off with one shot!

Did this ghost suddenly become stupid? No resistance?

No, this is the ghost of winding! The knocked-out eyeballs were still engraved with the words ‘Shang II’.

This makes sense! ? This damn ghost is no ordinary ghost! Isn’t the Ghost of Shangxian a pillar-level person who can’t be defeated alone? ? It is said that Master Yanzhu can only retreat when he encounters the ghost of winding string.

When did humans evolve to the point where they could crush ghosts? Why didn't human evolution bring them with it?

"Are you still alive?"

Xuanhao pulled away Kito's sluggish body and asked the dying Masaya Sato.

"Ha ha……"

Sato Masaya was speechless, but his survival instinct kept him breathing.

"Just stay alive." Xuan Hao tried his best to keep his tone gentle, "Keep breathing, feel the flow of blood in the body, control the injured part, and try to suppress the bleeding."

Excellent Demon Slayer swordsmen can use breathing techniques to control the blood flow and muscles in every part of their bodies, stopping bleeding and saving lives at critical moments.

Although Xuan Hao doesn't know whether the team member in front of him can do it, he has no means of treatment. Even if he calls for rescue from the Yinbu, he will not be able to get here for a while. Whether he can survive can only depend on the swordsman himself. .

Fortunately, the injured parts are not fatal. Even if the body gradually decays, it will not be fatal for a while.

Looking at the swordsman's gradually steady breathing, he knew that there shouldn't be much of a problem.

"Take care of the wounded."


Hearing Xuanhao's voice, Kagamigawa Maya came back to her senses.

Xuan Hao suddenly heard something moving behind him. He turned his head and saw that the beheaded ghost was still moving.

"Not dead yet?"

He was a little confused. He had clearly cut off his neck, so why was he still not dead? Could it be that this ghost has also evolved to the same level as Onibatsuji Muzan?

He put down the spear gently. Since the weapon couldn't kill him even if he cut off his neck, there was no need to use the weapon.

"This ghost is on a string. Teacher, you are little..."

Maya Kagami also saw that the winding ghost was not dead. She just wanted to remind Xuan Hao to deal with it carefully, but then she recalled the scene just now... It seemed that there was no need to worry?

Xuan Hao slowly turned around and looked at Gui Teng who was putting his head back on his body.


Oni Teng moved his neck, and the bark-like armor was restored and connected to his head, covering his entire head.

"Are you the human being that the adult mentioned?" Kito asked doubtfully.

He didn't care, he didn't think this human being was that scary, because he knew very well that the source of this fear was not from his own heart, but from memories from countless years ago in his blood and cells.

This is the memory of that adult, but according to time estimation, it is already a person from decades ago. It cannot be the person in front of you. At most, it is two similar people.

Moreover, the adult at that time was just in a period of weakness, and his strength was far less than what he is now, so it was natural that he would lose.

In short, Onitou didn't seem to think that he would lose. He didn't understand at all why the adult who had now regained full strength would be so cautious because of a human being. He even warned all the ghosts of the lower string to retreat directly when they met this man. Only the upper string ghost Ghosts can try to test their strength.

Is it enough to just test the strength? Gui Teng didn't care. Although he didn't understand why the adult was so cautious and didn't dare to ask, he was quite confident in his own strength. He was confident that no human being could kill him!

It was just affected by the bloodline just now, but not anymore.

Kito looked at the man in front of him with a gloomy look, "I will eat you up and then ask for credit from that adult."

He raised his hand slightly.


This time he didn't shoot out his seed, but directly extended his fingers.

The sharp wooden thorn rushed forward quickly and stabbed Xuan Hao's chest.

"Teacher!" Maya Kagami was anxious when she saw Xuan Hao's clothes on his chest being stabbed.

But she didn't notice that Xuan Hao seemed completely unmoved as he stood there, because this wooden thorn could not even break through his body, let alone penetrate his body.

Kito scratched his head in confusion, "What's going on? How can a human body be so strong?"

He couldn't figure out why a human body wasn't penetrated by him. He could clearly feel the resistance transmitted through the branches to his hands. Are you wearing some kind of special armor underneath?

Although he was confused, Kito did not feel that he would lose because he had not used his true power at all.

"Then, let me entertain you well, human!"

Even though Xuanhao stood there with no expression on his face, Gui Teng still kept mumbling.

The bark-like armor on his body began to change. Hard branches continued to extend from behind, and then expanded to form several ferocious ghost hands. Each wooden hand looked extremely hard.

Gui Teng slowly stepped towards Xuan Hao, his heavy footsteps hitting the ground, and the armor on his body made a sharp sound as it rubbed against him.

Inoue Zhengchen, who was kneeling on the ground, watched this scene nervously.

This ghost was completely insincere when it came to playing tricks on them! Looking at the way the ghost was now showing its teeth and claws, he felt that they had no chance of winning.

"Master careful..."

"Be careful?" Xuan Hao turned his head slightly and nodded slowly as if he understood something.

"You really should be careful."

Don't use too much force to hurt the wounded behind him, and his body really can't use too much force now. He almost forgot because of his anger.

"Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell!"

Kito laughed and stood on the spot swinging his body wildly. His hands led the ferocious hands extending from behind him to quickly stab at the human in front of him.

This is his best fighting method, with high attack frequency, wide coverage area, and both offense and defense!

The swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps had no power to parry against him, and they would be beaten into pieces if they couldn't even get in front of him.

"Go to hell, go to..."

Oni Teng's words stopped suddenly, and the ferocious smile on his face gradually solidified.

"What? Keep talking?"

The warm breath blew on Kito's face, but it made him feel as cold as death.

"How can it be……"

He saw that Xuan Hao was standing in front of him expressionlessly at this moment. Their faces were close at hand, and there was anger hidden in a pair of fiery golden eyes.

Kito couldn't understand what was happening now.

His attack should have no blind spots! It completely covered the entire area in front of him, shrouding the man in front of him!

How fast does it take to completely avoid such an attack and come in front of him?

"Bang bang bang——"

Continuous explosions sounded.

Kito, who was still thinking, still didn't react, but dents appeared on his body in an instant.

The sound of breaking continued, and multiple fist-sized penetration wounds appeared in the bark-like armor. The concentrated power shattered Oni Teng's body into pieces.


Kito's face was missing a piece, and he was completely unable to avoid the attack. He even didn't fully realize that he had been beaten until now.

what happened?

what happened?

In his field of vision, the man was clearly motionless, just looking at him indifferently.

No matter what happens, you have to get out of here first!

Xuan Hao watched the movements of the ghost in front of him indifferently.

The strange scene stopped his attack for a moment.

Because the ghost that was being beaten suddenly seemed to start to split apart.

An identical figure grew out from behind the fragmented body. The only difference was that the bark covering the body seemed to be thinner. It was more like... molting than splitting!

After molting, the ghost vine quickly retreated, but the body he left behind moved strangely on its own and rushed toward Xuan Hao, as if wanting to hug the human in front of him.

The body suddenly expanded into a wall, blocking the view ahead and blocking pursuit.


Before Kito could be happy, he heard a disdainful snort coming from behind the wall formed by his double.

The next moment, the wall was torn open from the middle by a pair of hands.

How can it be! What the hell is going on with this guy! ? Kito was a little suspicious of Kisheng, and his methods were as fragile as paper in front of this man.

A series of fists followed in an instant and fell on him again, with just enough force to smash his body into pieces.

Something seems to be wrong, right! Why doesn't this human being use the Nichirin Sword?

He finally discovered something unusual. It turned out that this human was attacking him with his fists! ? Is this guy really human? Oni Teng began to panic and couldn't close the distance at all. He was completely suppressed and had no chance to fight back. He could only rely on his immortal body to constantly repair the damaged body.

Oni Teng's head was beaten several times until it was twisted and deformed, and he was a little confused. He was beaten so hard that he couldn't think. He had to find a way to retreat!

However, he found that he seemed to have no chance to retreat!

The man in front of him seemed to be venting something, with anger in his eyes, punching one after another.

This is treating him as a sandbag to vent his anger! ?

Damn humans! You obviously have a weapon but don't use it, you're actually teasing him? It's obvious that he is the one who plays tricks on humans!

"It's pretty good, isn't it? Such resilience."

Xuan Hao praised the ghost in front of him for his amazing resilience. He recovered much faster than ordinary ghosts. He was a good-quality punching bag.

"Bite your teeth and pick it up for me."

His eyes became cold.

Kito watched in horror as the man in front of him got into a punching stance.

Oops! For some reason, he always felt like he would die from this punch.

strangeness? Will I die if I am immortal? Kito couldn't believe that he would have such strange thoughts.

How is it possible that someone can kill a ghost without using the Nichirin Sword! ?

The warning sign of extreme danger made him use all his strength to resist the punch.

He tried his best to raise his fists in front of him to protect himself, and hard wooden hands grew out of his back and hugged him in front of him.

But before the wooden hands behind him could close up, the strong wind pressure made it impossible to move.

The punch landed firmly on his blocking arm.

In an instant, he felt an overwhelming force surge through his arms and flow through his body.

The bones shattered, and the tissue covering the skeleton instantly broke away from the bones and scattered in all directions under the powerful force!

His entire body gradually disintegrated as if torn apart by strong winds, and in the end only a broken skeleton remained.

The skeleton looked like the gray-brown color of rotten wood.

The skeleton fell to the ground crisply, and what was on it was actually not flesh and blood but squirming vine-like tissue that was constantly squirming, as if trying to restore the body.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Several people watching the battle looked at this scene in stunned silence.

Is this really something humans can do?

He actually beat a ghost to the point of being unable to recover with just his fists? Moreover... this ghost is also the legendary invincible winding ghost.

Seeing the skeleton lying flat on the ground, they were a little hard to accept but had to tell them that this was a fact.

Xuan Hao looked at the broken skeleton lying on the ground expressionlessly.

The vitality of ghosts is really extremely strong, but it doesn't actually require a nichirin sword and sunlight to kill them.

There is another way, that is to blast them into ash and annihilation, leaving not even the basis for regeneration! But this is obviously not something humans in this world can do.

Of course he could do it, but he didn't dare to use too much force because of his physical condition, so it seemed that he used a little less force and failed to completely evaporate the ghost.

This mistake occurred because he seemed to have made a mistake about the body structure of the ghost.

This ghost's body is not made of real flesh and blood!

Oni Teng, who was left with only a broken skeleton, finally recovered from the violent impact. The part of his skull that was exposed to the air was not a brain, but a fruit-like thing that was shaking constantly.

This is his true nature.

A body the size of a developing baby is curled up inside the fruit.

Because of the impact just now, his spirit was a little confused. When he came to his senses, his whole body was out of control because the vines used to hold the skeleton on his body had been completely destroyed.

This is an injury caused by incredible force, simply unheard of! If it were an ordinary ghost, he would have died on the spot, and even he, with his amazing defense, would have almost died.

If he hadn't used all his power to protect his 'brain' in the end... he might have been completely wiped out at this moment.

He is a very special ghost.

In order to pursue an extremely hard body, he shrunk himself to the extreme. In this way, the density of his body far exceeded that of ordinary ghosts and the hardness naturally increased.

But it's still not enough.

To be on the safe side, he even covered it with thick armor, making this body the same size as a normal human being. Although it looks like the surface of the body is covered with bark-like armor, it is actually the same on the inside! Because his body was originally made with ghost blood.

The reason why he is not good at speed and moves slowly is not because he is covered with armor, but because the body constructed of plant fiber itself has no nervous tissue, and his actions rely on the vines affected by the ghost blood to control the entire body.

In other words, his weak point is not his neck. Even if his neck is cut off by the Nichirin Sword, he will not die unless someone can pry open his brain and cut off his main body's neck.

After such layers of protection, he originally thought that he was invincible and no one could kill him, but he was taught a lesson today.

what to do? what to do? what to do? It was the first time that Oni Teng arrived so frightened. As long as this human being comes close, he will definitely be discovered. Then he will be punched... He feels desperate just thinking about the terrifying power. If the main body directly receives such a punch, he will really lose it.

Recover, recover, recover your body! No, that's not right! It’s no use restoring it! There's no way this slow-moving puppet can escape! Kito's brain kept thinking, he had completely lost his will to fight, he couldn't win, he couldn't win at all, and now he could only find a way to escape!


The footsteps were getting closer, like death knocking on the door.

Feeling the slight vibration on the ground, Oni Teng's body shivered in the brain-shaped black fruit, knowing that this was the man approaching him, perhaps wanting to give him a final blow.

No, you can't die here!

Gui Teng screamed crazily in his heart and desperately used the ghost blood technique, but he did not repair this puppet-like body.

Ghost Blood Technique - Senluo!

The fruit at the location of the skull grew on the ground like a root.

The next moment, vine-like objects burst out of the ground from all directions, rising around his broken 'skeleton'.

Xuan Hao frowned and stepped forward quickly.

He saw these hard plants coming out of nowhere, but seemed to be enveloping the ghost inside.

In just an instant, a huge wooden chrysalis was formed.

He raised his hand and rushed over, punching him down.


The wooden chrysalis shattered in an instant, and Xuan Hao punched through the seemingly indestructible wooden chrysalis.

He stretched out his hand and opened the wooden chrysalis. Inside was still a broken gray-brown skeleton like rotten wood. This rotten wood-like skeleton had stopped moving, and even the trembling brain was gone.

Xuan Hao frowned.

Is this ghost dead?

The skeleton in front of him had obviously lost its vitality, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Reaching out to lift up the broken skeleton, he was surprised to find a small, bottomless hole in the ground beneath the skeleton's skull.


Xuan Hao cursed loudly.

Used to drill holes in the ground! Are you really mice? What kind of magical creatures are ghosts? The evolved escape methods are really endless, each one more showy than the last.


A punch hit the ground, and the ground cracked along the entrance of the hole, but unfortunately there was no movement.

It seems that this ghost has escaped.

Xuan Hao scratched his head in frustration. Did he feel that his skills were too limited? This is the first ghost that has escaped from him? Faced with this shameless escape method, he had no choice at all. Creatures like ghosts were obviously not very strong and could not compare with dragons at all, but their vitality was extremely tenacious, and there were endless ghost blood techniques and various tricks.

Sure enough, the right way to kill ghosts is to just hold your neck and wait for dawn, right? At this moment, Xuan Hao was quite upset. He regretted that he had forgotten this matter because of his anger.

But it’s not a big problem. Once he kills the ghost Wu Tsuji, all the ghosts will be wiped out!


The bones were crushed and scattered on the ground.

"Teacher? Did you kill the ghost of the wind!?" Maya Kagami looked a little shocked as Xuan Hao crushed the 'bone' in his hand, but he was a little confused as to why Xuan Hao's face was so depressed.

"No, he ran away!" Xuan Hao dropped the sawdust in his hand and turned around.

"Teacher, your eyes!?"

Golden eyes! The man had his back turned to them when he was fighting just now, and his movements were too fast, so they didn't see him clearly at all.

"Uh..." Xuan Hao reacted and covered his eyes.

I almost forgot that this world does not have such glowing golden eyes.

"Don't worry, it's just that I have a special physique."


Maya Kagami nodded obediently. She knew that the teacher probably didn't want to explain too much, so she didn't ask too much.

Just... a special physique? Anyway, she didn't believe it. What kind of physique could be so special that it could beat a ghost like this! ? Give me one too!

"Anyway...Teacher, you are a human, right?"


Xuan Hao walked up to her and knocked her head angrily.

"Let's go. Send the wounded back. The bodies will be cold when the Yinbu people arrive."

With that said, he picked up the seriously injured Sato.


Kagami Kawa Maya reacted and felt like carrying the wounded on her back to follow Xuan Hao's footsteps.

"So, have you also met the ghost of winding?"

In the Demon Slayer's nursing home, Xuanhao, who was sending the wounded to the hospital, met Shinichiro Purgatory who came in a hurry when he left.

This guy seemed to have heard that Xuanhao and others had encountered the Ghost of Winding and went straight to the nursing home when they came back, so he came over to take a look with some concern.

"Yes." Xuan Hao nodded depressedly, "Let him run away!"

"You're not hurt, are you?" Purgatory Shinichiro leaned his head and looked at Xuan Hao's body.


Xuan Hao pushed his head away. Why was a grown man so close?

"Neither Maya nor I was injured, but a few team members were injured. I was afraid that they wouldn't be able to hold on and wait for support, so I sent them back myself."

"That's it, it'll be fine." Purgatory Shinichiro chuckled.

"So, which one did you meet?"

When asked this question, the expression on Purgatory Shinichiro's face gradually became solemn.

"Two winding strings." Xuan Hao answered truthfully, "I remember you mentioned it to me? It's called Gui Teng, right?"

"Yes." Shinichiro nodded slowly, "How did you defeat him?"

"Hmm..." Xuan Hao pondered for a moment, "With fists?"

"..." Purgatory Shinichiro was confused, "But...but his body..."

"Very tough, right?" Xuan Hao said, "I know."

"Yes! His body is so hard that it cannot be cut with a Nichirin sword. Even the most fragile neck part is difficult to cut off."

"You won't die even if you cut it open." Xuan Hao got angry thinking about this, "That guy's body is not his real body at all!"


"Yes, I saw it too." Kagami Kawa Maya on the side also nodded slowly, "I also checked the remains after the ghost escaped, and found that the structure of the body was not flesh and blood, but something like a plant."

"His true body should be inside the brain." Xuan Hao frowned and recalled the details of the battle, "I saw that his brain was different from human beings. It was a black fruit-like thing. I think the true body should be hidden in this brain. In the fruit. The guy finally blocked me with a wooden chrysalis for a moment. When I broke open the wooden chrysalis, the fruit was gone and he escaped through a hole."

"I see."

Purgatory Shinichiro looked a little gloomy, "It seems that to deal with this guy, you have to crack his brain first, right?"

Xuan Hao nodded slowly, "It should be so. Don't worry, this little trick can only be used once. Next time I see him again, I will blow his head right away until there is no residue left."

He knows that Purgatory Shinichiro has a grudge against this ghost. After all, kidneys are still very important to men. Although Purgatory Shinichiro already has a son, but...

"Ah, thank you! But no!"

Purgatory Shinichiro suddenly showed a kind smile that Xuan Hao had never seen before, which made Xuan Hao slightly frightened.

"If I meet him next time, I will smash his head in one fell swoop! Hahahahahaha——"

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