Chapter 409 402. Catalyst

Late at night, Asakusa, Tokyo.

After learning that Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan and Zhu Shi were found here, Xuan Hao immediately rushed here without stopping.

But what made him regretful was that when he arrived here, he found no trace of Muzan, only Tamayo who was staying with Tanjiro.

From an imperceptible height, Xuan Hao frowned and looked at the battle taking place in the distance.

Just as he had guessed, Kibutsuji Mukai set his sights on Tanjiro after seeing him, but this guy was still as cautious as ever, and did not take action personally even in the face of Tanjiro, who posed no threat at all. He just sent two ghosts who were close to the bottom of their strength and left here.

In doing so, Onimussuji Mumei really minimized the risk, and only gave a little blood to two chess pieces that didn't matter how much they needed.

However, Muzan seemed to be inaccurate in his assessment of the combat power of both sides. Not only was his estimation of Tanjiro's strength wrong, but he also missed some other factors.

"It seems like this trip was in vain again..."

Xuanhao shook his head helplessly.

Just by looking at it, he already knew the outcome of the battle.

Because something happened in this battle that surprised him.

"I didn't expect that she could really come up with something through research."

After taking a look at the ghost guarding Zhu Shi, Xuan Hao knew what was going on.

If this ghost didn't turn into a ghost through the blood of Onibatsuji Muzan, then it could only be the result of Tamayo's own experiment.

But if it is really just a ghost created with Zhu Shi's own blood, it cannot be so strong. The only possibility is that she also mixed other things into this ghost.

Then the answer can only be the blood he gave to Joo Se.

"A ghost mixed with dragon blood?"

Xuan Hao smiled softly and disappeared from the spot.

He temporarily gave up his plan to see Zhu Shi because he was satisfied with the current situation.

The one who should have a headache now is not him, but Wu Mei.

After these two ghosts are completely tortured, Oniitsuji Muzan will probably go crazy, right?

It was just that Tanjiro suddenly appeared as an inexplicable threat, but he never expected to encounter a powerful ghost that was not under his control.

How could a dictator allow someone else to create such a powerful ghost?

The reason why Onibatsuji Muzan's dominance has been so stable for thousands of years is simple: 'monopoly'.

Only he can create ghosts, only his rewards can make his ghosts stronger, and only he can control the life and death of other ghosts! And what would happen if all this was broken?

After all, Kibutsuji Mumei is just a coward, and he will always only dare to live in the shadows.

Why can't ghosts live in groups? Why are they fighting each other again? All of this is just a pattern of action that has been engraved into the subconscious minds of these ghosts, in order to prevent these ghosts from uniting to resist, and in order to prevent threats from appearing.

In short, Onibatsuji Muzan will definitely not allow existences that are close to him or equal to him to appear in this world, so Muzan should take more actions in the future.

And this is exactly the effect Xuanhao wants. The more anxious Muzan is, the easier it is to reveal his flaws. The combination of various factors will become the catalyst for Oniitsuji Muzan to die.

"The game has just begun!"

Zhu Samaru's face was filled with a bright smile, and her six thick arms exploded with amazing power.

In an instant, six balls of thread disappeared from her hand.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and six spheres that were difficult to see with the naked eye exploded towards Tanjiro, Yushiro and Tamashi.

"This ugly monster wants to hurt Miss Zhushi! I can't spare her!"

Yushiro angrily spread his arms to block Tamayo and Tanjiro.

Six rapidly shooting string balls hit him, and the white shirt on his body was torn open in an instant. He was bruised and bloody in many places, but he recovered quickly.

And these string balls are still bouncing around, seemingly looking for opportunities.

"Boy, hurry up and contain the ghost that controls the direction, otherwise these string balls will be too difficult to deal with!"

The tricks of these two ghosts were completely seen through Yushiro's eyes.

One ghost possesses unimaginable pure power, while the other ghost acts more like an auxiliary, guiding this power. The two ghosts cooperate very well, one is hiding in the dark, and the other is attacking directly in the open. If it were another opponent, he would probably be killed, and he doesn't know what happened.

But their luck was not very good. The two humans they met happened to have the ability to restrain them!

You said it was a coincidence or not.

Yushiro's 'jutsu' can see through their abilities, while Tanjiro's nose can accurately find another ghost hiding in the dark!


Tanjiro ran towards the big tree not far away without hesitation, "Nezuko! Protect Miss Tamashi!"


After moving the innocent ordinary people to a safe place, Nezuko rushed back. Just as he was about to step forward to help his brother deal with the ghost, he was stopped by Tanjiro.

She obediently stood in front of Zhu Shi, paying careful attention to her surroundings.


Yushirou smacked his lips when he saw the actions of the siblings, "You're just worrying."

Although he said this, the expression on his face was much softer.

"What's going on! Yawaha?"

Zhu Samaru scolded his companions a little irritably.

The ball she threw only hurt this ghost. What's the use? The other party is also a ghost, and some of these injuries are not fatal at all!

"I also want to ask you what's going on..."

Yawaha, who was hiding in the tree, waved gently and put the ball back into Zhu Samaru's hands.

He didn't understand when Zhu Samaru became so gentle? The ball that is usually thrown can penetrate the opponent in one go!

But this time six string balls hit one person and were actually blocked.

He originally planned to control these string balls to smash several enemies together at one go, but in the end he was not able to smash through even one of them and even only left minor injuries on the opponent's body.


Watching Zhusamaru prepare to throw the ball again, Yawaha raised his arm and prepared to cooperate again.

"Don't even think about it!"

Tanjiro's speed was extremely fast, and he had already arrived under the tree where Yawaha was hiding in just one breath.


Looking at the human rushing towards him, a trace of annoyance flashed across Yawaha's face.

Without enough time to figure out how this human locked his position so quickly, he suddenly pressed down his raised hand.

In an instant, Tanjiro's progress stopped.

Through the spell that Yushiro applied to his eyes, he saw several arrows pressing on his body. In an instant, he realized that the arrows created by this ghost's vampire spell were invisible to the naked eye, but they were real. Yes, and the power is not weak!

"Damn human being, kneel down!"

Vampire magic, red knot arrow.

Veins appeared on Yawawa's face, and the eyeballs in the palms of his hands were staring at Tanjiro under the tree.

What happened to this human being? Most people would already kneel down when faced with his vampire skills, right? Although this human being was suppressed, he was still resisting vigorously, and even felt that he had a tendency to 'rebound'.

"How can this be?"

Cold sweat broke out on Yapayu's forehead, and he finally realized that the task assigned to them by the adult this time was not that simple.

This human's physical fitness is unexpectedly strong. If an ordinary Demon Slayer swordsman forced his body to move like this, he would definitely be crushed to the point of fracture!

However, Tanjiro gritted his teeth and forced himself closer to the tree where the ghost was hiding. His muscles tightened and his hand holding the knife became harder and harder.

Now he was in a power struggle with this ghost. The other party did not launch any other attacks. There was nothing he could do if he continued to approach, so there was only one possibility.

This ghost couldn't be distracted from doing other things when using the Vampire Technique. Just restricting his movements was already trying its best.

"very good!"

This is what Tanjiro wants to achieve.

In this case, the battle on Mr. Oshiro's side should be much easier.

The next step is to find a way to cut off this ghost's neck!

But for a while, the battle between one man and one ghost seemed to have reached a deadlock.

Tanjiro put the scabbard on the ground, his body swaying like a ship undulating in the waves, but he remained standing.

Yawawa began to try to use force in various directions to influence Tanjiro's actions, but this human's brute force was unexpectedly strong.

“Damn, how does this guy get in shape?”

Yawawa started to get a little angry. Ordinary humans could only be slaughtered by his vampire technique. He could even fly them away with all his strength. But this kid was as stubborn as a cow. No matter which direction he pulled, he would pull. Do not move.

He couldn't understand at all how a human body could be trained to withstand such force?

"Is it possible that you are a pillar?"

Yawawa seemed to be a little swollen because of the blood that had just been rewarded by Muzan Kibutsuji.

He was thinking that maybe only the strongest 'pillars' among humans were qualified to wrestle with him.


Tanjiro was stunned for a moment, and then instantly became a little unhappy.

He remembered that his teacher was rumored to be the previous ‘Water Pillar’.

Before setting off, the teacher had evaluated his ability. Although he was much better than the average swordsman, there was still a gap between him and the real 'Pillar'.

The teacher had told him that he could try to fight a dozen of the ghosts on the lower strings when he encountered them, but when he encountered the ghosts on the upper strings... one word, run away!

This makes Tanjiro a little unwilling, because he knows that the teacher has high expectations for him, expecting him to protect Nezuko and even fight against Muzan Kibutsuji!

But it’s not certain whether the ghost I met now is the real Twelve Ghost Moon!

"If it's Zhu, what does your strength mean?"

Tanjiro gritted his teeth and roared, exerting force all over his body.

Just like what he shouted, the power of this ghost is not very strong. Except for the butterfly ninja who was the weakest before, the rest of the pillars can only face this ghost with one sword at most.

If Xuan Hao was standing here, then the power of this ghost would be useless.

"His ha——"

Tanjiro breathed deeply.

He stared wide-eyed at the direction of the arrow that was exerting force on him, and then swung the Nichirin Sword in his hand with all his strength.

Breath of water, six forms, twisting the vortex!

The blade started to rotate slowly along with the arrow. At this moment, his power suppressed the ghost's vampire technique and arbitrarily changed the direction of the force.

Rotating, the arrow rotated along with the blade, and then Tanjiro's entire body also rotated.

His steps slowly rotated on the ground, getting faster and faster.


Yawawa on the tree was sweating profusely as he resisted the boy's strength.

The two eyes in the palm of his hand closed and opened suddenly, as if trying to exert more force.

But his vampire technique was completely out of control at this moment. The young man's blade forcibly changed the direction of the force, and the inertia of the constant rotation made the force stronger and stronger.

He tried his best but couldn't change it.

"Cancel the vampire spell? No! No!"

Yawaha rejected his idea instantly.

This young man is very powerful. If he were not restricted by the vampire technique, he could easily jump up a tree and cut off his neck with a knife.

He has no other weapons or other fighting methods, only this weird and invisible vampire technique.

"It doesn't matter, he can't come up!"

Yawayu comforted herself in this way.

Although his power was not able to completely suppress the boy, the boy's movements were already limited. Even if he forcibly reversed his power, he would not be able to move as he pleased. He could not cut down the boy hiding in the tree!

"Don't waste your efforts, human! What...what are you going to do!?"

Yawawa originally thought that Tanjiro would become dizzy and finally use up all his strength to be slaughtered by him, but as Tanjiro got closer and closer to slashing, he began to panic.

This young man doesn’t seem to be dizzy!

That's right, Tanjiro was not dizzy because of his sword skills. On the contrary, his goal was extremely clear and clear.

He had experienced inhuman training. Both his strength, speed and body balance were far beyond ordinary people. In addition, the breathing method he learned included sword skills that required rotation and release. How could he not have been specially trained?

Rotating and then superimposing power is his best trick. Although he is not using 'life and flow' now, the principle is the same.

"Use this power to cut it off!"

Tanjiro suddenly swung the Nichirin Sword, but the target was not the ghost on the tree, because the power exerted on him now was too strong and it was not entirely his own. He could not control it at will, let alone in this state. Mid jump.

So his target from the beginning was the trunk of the tree where the ghost was hiding!

His superimposed slashes can split even rocks, let alone a tree!

(Shu: Are you polite?)

With a loud noise, the tree he was sitting on fell down under Yawaha's puzzled eyes.

He was completely unable to realize what this boy was doing. You could use such a powerful force to chop down trees! ? There must be something wrong with this kid's mind. What's the use of just cutting down the tree? He can easily move to other positions.

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