A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 410 403. Who is self-righteous?

Chapter 410 403. Who is self-righteous?

"One, two...six."


Another string ball shattered in Yushiro's hands.

"This is the last one."

Yushiro looked at the ghost with six arms in the distance.

The clothes on his body were full of holes at this moment, but the wounds had long since healed.

The swollen arms and bulging meridians on his forehead could tell how angry he was feeling at the moment.

Because Miss Jouse was injured!

Even though he tried his best to block every string ball, this woman had six fucking arms!

One or two attacks were fine, but the more times he and Nezuko took turns blocking, they still couldn't fully protect Miss Tamashii.

"So I hate fighting the most..."

Yushiro tore off his tattered clothes, revealing his lean muscles.

He hates fighting, especially fighting ghosts.

Because this kind of battle is simply endless, the ghost's physical strength is unlimited, injuries will be restored, and there is no end unless the sun rises.

And the most important thing is...he is a doctor.

As Miss Zhuyo's assistant, she always follows Miss Zhuyo's teachings.

"No violence...no violence...no violence..."

Yushiro kept repeating Miss Tamashiro's teachings as if chanting a sutra, "Damn it, I can't bear it anymore! Ms. Tamashiro! Can I use violence against her!?"


Tamashi looked at Zhu Samaru not far away in silence, and then at Tanjiro who was fighting another ghost in the distance.

She taught Yushiro not to abuse violence because they usually came into contact with ordinary humans. Yushiro was more powerful than ordinary ghosts and had a bad temper. Whenever someone offended her, she would not be able to control herself. For ordinary people, such violence is fatal.

She once regretted using that potion on Yushirou because she originally thought it was pointless.

If it's not enough to defeat Wuhan, it means nothing.

A power like this that is more than enough will only hurt ordinary humans.

But today...maybe it helped a lot.

"Please, Yushiro, don't let her hurt anyone."


After getting the reply from his beloved, Yushirou seemed to be excited.

After moving his body back to its original state, he looked at Zhu Samaru, who was frowning in the distance, with an unkind expression.


Zhu Shawan also noticed the battle situation in the distance, "Trash!"

Yawawa seemed to be at a disadvantage, completely suppressed by a human swordsman! It's such a waste. If that adult knew, how could they be recognized as the real Twelve Ghost Moons! ?

She looked again at the extremely arrogant 'fugitive' in front of her.

It was just a fish that happened to escape the control of that adult. What right did she have to be so arrogant in front of her who had just received the blood of that adult?

"It's just tearing up a few string-breaking balls, what are you so proud of?"

Zhu Shawan's six arms were clenched into fists, and the muscles were bulging, making him look particularly attractive.

Does this stupid 'fugitive' really think that she has so many arms just for decoration?

She has the advantage in close combat!

"Shut up, ugly girl! Don't talk to me!"

Yushirou's face was filled with disgust.

In his eyes, the current appearance of this ghost was simply too eye-catching.

She was originally an ugly girl, but she also had six arms. She couldn't bear to look at her!

"You guy!"

Upon hearing Yushiro's taunt, Zhushamaru's veins popped out on his forehead, and his six clenched fists made violent bone-exploding sounds.

"Go to hell!"

It makes no sense for ghosts with similar strengths to fight each other. Only two ghosts with vastly different strengths will devour each other.

She is confident that she can kill the 'fugitive' in front of her! Although it is a bit disgusting, being able to eat this guy is also a great achievement!

"Feel honored! You are my first opponent to go all out after receiving the reward from that Lord!"

In an instant, not only his arms, but all the muscles in Zhu Shawan's body swelled.

The next moment, she stamped on the ground violently, and with the collapse of the soil, her entire figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and she rushed towards Yushiro.

"Huh, savage girl."

Yushiro looked at the menacing ugly girl and sneered disdainfully.

He picked up the talisman paper that appeared in his hand and stuck it on himself.


The howling wind was accompanied by fists hitting him.

But what surprised Zhusamaru was that her all-out attack actually landed in the air.

Yushirou's figure mysteriously disappeared, just before her punch arrived!

"Crack——" The sound of bones breaking sounded.

In the moment when she was stunned, the arm she swung out was twisted and broken instantly, as if it was twisted by something invisible.

After reacting, Zhu Samaru quickly swung his other arms to hit the invisible figure.

But it failed again.

"Stupid woman."

Sarcastic voices came from all directions.

Yushiro mercilessly mocked this evil spirit who could only use brute force.

"Damn, damn, damn, damn! Come out!"

The irritated Zhu Samaru waved his arms crazily, attacking in all directions, but none of his punches could hit the hidden Yushiro.

"Don't hide if you can! What kind of man are you like this?"


Yushiro sneered, standing high up and watching Zhu Samaru on the ground biting around like a mad dog.

There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh.

After all, he is not a human at all, and what this ugly woman thinks of him has nothing to do with him!

After throwing two talismans in the direction of Miss Tamashiro, Yushirou turned around with some regret.

"It's really unlucky that Miss Zhushi's beauty has to be temporarily hidden just because you are an ugly ghost!"

As he spoke, he took out the knife from nowhere and slowly approached Zhu Samaru who was punching randomly.

This is an ordinary scalpel. After all, Miss Zhuyo told him not to hurt humans, so he couldn't snatch the Nichirin sword from those swordsmen.




The sound of cutting with sharp weapons was accompanied by screams.

Zhu Shawan gasped for air, holding his arms that had finally recovered and paying careful attention to the surrounding movements.


This guy is so mean!

Even if he is invisible, his movements are almost silent.

The sharp knife kept cutting her growing arms as if making a fool of herself.


Yushirou tore off the talismans on his body with disdain and appeared in front of Zhu Samaru.

He looked at the knife in his hand with a look of disgust.

Sure enough, to kill ghosts, the Nichirin swords in the hands of the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps are effective! If this continues, it will be a waste of time and a war of attrition. Unless he eats this ugly girl, he will never be able to kill her.

But it's a pity that this ghost is so ugly that he has no appetite, and even if she had the appetite, Miss Zhushi would not allow it.

"Alas..." Yushiro sighed and glanced at Tanjiro in the distance.

"You haven't killed it yet? You even asked me to borrow a knife to use..."

"Damn you brat! Don't be so self-righteous!"

Facing Yushiro's contemptuous attitude, Zhu Samaru was completely irritated.

The dark ghostly aura lingered around her, and Zhu Shawan looked as frightening as Shura at this moment.

This kid was so arrogant that he gave up his advantage and showed up in front of her!

"Go to hell!"

The fist wind roared.

Yushiro put away the expression on his face and turned his head indifferently to avoid the punch.

The howling wind left a faint scar on his face that healed instantly.

"Who is so self-righteous?"

The indifferent voice reached Zhu Shawan's ears.

Then she watched blankly as her swung arm was dismembered by a scalpel in an instant.

This time Yushiro did not become invisible, but dismembered her arms in front of her at a speed she could not understand.

The whole process was as precise as surgery, and she didn't even have time to feel the pain.

"What's wrong? Why are you dazed? Didn't you say you want to play until dawn or the sun rises?"

Yushiro stared at Zhusamaru in front of him expressionlessly.

The distance between the two was very close, but Zhu Samaru seemed stunned and did not continue to attack, while Yushiro just fiddled with the scalpel in his hand indifferently.

Zhu Shawan's whole body involuntarily took two steps back.

He looked at the 'fugitive' in front of him with disbelief. To be precise, it was the ghost created by the 'fugitive' named Zhu Shi.

How can it be? How can it be? She couldn't understand why this ghost was so powerful.

This guy obviously didn't become a ghost with the blood of that adult. This is completely unreasonable! She had just received the blood as a reward from that adult, so why would she lose it to a ghost created by a 'fugitive'?

It's a pity that no one will answer her doubts. At this moment, Yushirou has put away his previous attitude and become cold and ruthless.

Because there is no need to be as cautious as before.

He has never seen the so-called "Twelve Ghost Moons", he has only heard of them.

The ghost in front of him called himself "Twelve Ghost Moon". He originally thought it would be very strong, so he had been treating it with caution before, but after a brief trial just now, he suddenly discovered... That's it?

If this is the legendary 'Twelve Ghost Moons', then the Demon Tsuji Muzan who makes Miss Tamashi so frightened must be too inferior... What kind of things are under his command?


Yushiro shook his head. Although he couldn't figure it out, it didn't affect his ability to completely torture this ghost.


On the other side, the big tree slowly fell.

"Hmph, stupid humans..."

Without thinking, Yawaha jumped up just before the tree fell.

But before he finished speaking, he realized that he had fallen into the trap!

Whether they are ghosts or humans, they will follow their instinctive reactions when faced with emergencies.

When the tree falls, this ghost will jump up subconsciously. Tanjiro is waiting for this moment.

In mid-air, unless you are a real monster, what you can do is very limited. Even if this ghost can use the vampire technique to hold up his body, it is impossible to be flexible enough to dodge his slashes!

Yawawa fell into a daze after leaping from the top of the tree into the air.

What hit him was the howling wind and the blade that made him despair.

This young man's movements were so fast that they were simply unnatural.

Even if his blood ghost technique was interrupted due to his own actions, how could an ordinary person adjust his posture so quickly and attack again after wielding such a heavy slash?

But Tanjiro did it. The reason why he targeted the tree trunk was to use it to cut off the tree trunk to offset the power.

He was betting that this ghost wouldn't be able to dodge and use this weird vampire technique at the same time.

Now it seems that Tanjiro made the right bet.

The moment the ghost jumped up, the force acting on him instantly became much lighter. In addition, the force of cutting off the tree trunk offset part of the force. With the remaining force, he could rely on his extraordinary strength. Physical fitness is forcibly offset.


The expression on Tanjiro's face was a little twitching. The forced adjustment of his posture put a huge load on his body, and the pain of tearing his muscles made him grit his teeth.

But he couldn't stop what he was doing. It was just a muscle tear. In a fight with a ghost, such an injury was simply not worth mentioning!

He always remembers the teacher's teachings. This is a life-and-death battle. Even if your hands and feet are broken, you can't stop. Stopping means death!


Heavy footsteps stepped on the tree trunk that had not completely fallen over, and Tanjiro's figure rushed towards the direction of Yawawa's leap.

"Dirty human! Don't come at me with dust!!"

Yawawa became furious looking at the menacing figure.

He gave up adjusting his posture while he was still in mid-air. Free falling was nothing to a ghost, and he wouldn't die anyway, but being hit by the Nichirin Sword would be bad!

So he wisely chose to use the vampire technique to thwart Tanjiro's movements again.

"You're dead! See if I can kill you!?"

This human being is about to jump towards him on the tree trunk. There is no way for humans to use force in mid-air!

A ferocious smile appeared at the corner of Yapayu's mouth, and his eyes when he raised his palms were filled with malicious malice.

Vampire magic, red arrow!

Several blood-red arrows shrouded Tanjiro. As long as these arrows touch Tanjiro's body, they can exert power on him!

Yawaha's purpose is to send this young man who has nowhere to rely on in mid-air to a high place and then fall down!

But just when those arrows were about to touch Tanjiro, Tanjiro's figure suddenly and mysteriously disappeared.

Without a target, his vampire magic would naturally lose its effect.

"How can it be!?"

Yawawa waved his hands to find Tanjiro's location.

He completely didn't understand how the boy changed direction in mid-air without a foothold, and how he disappeared from his sight.

Until the fallen leaves flying in the sky passed in front of his palm.

"This is... broken wood!?"

Only now did Yawawa realize that at some point, the entire air had been covered with fallen leaves and broken wood pieces.

The moment Tanjiro stepped onto the tree trunk, he not only used the tree trunk as a springboard to leap towards him, but also chopped up branches and leaves all over the sky in the process.

But what can be done with just these fragments?

Yawaha reacted, "Are you using these things to block my sight?"

But it was still wrong. He still couldn't explain how Tanjiro could move freely in mid-air with no landing point.

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