A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 411 404. The gap between humans and ghosts

Chapter 411 404. The gap between humans and ghosts

You can't blame Yawaha for not understanding Tanjiro's actions.

Who calls Tanjiro's teacher a 'pervert'? If he stays with monsters for a long time, he will naturally do some anti-human things.

Just like now.

As for the role of fallen leaves and broken wood, Yawaha was only half right.

First, it is indeed to obscure the view.

But secondly...

The breath of water, the shape of nine, the droplets of water flow·Change!

This is a move Tanjiro created by combining the light body technique and sword skills taught to him by his teacher.

The Rabbit once beat Tanjiro awake and made him realize how stupid he was. After training with such a monster for a whole year, he only managed to develop a strong body. It was so stupid!

How strong is the teacher? have no idea! Because Tanjiro has never seen his teacher use his full strength, but even so, his teacher is still a monster in his eyes!

After being reminded by Qiang Tu, he understood that as long as he learned even a little bit from his teacher, he would benefit a lot.

So he began to observe every move of the teacher. The easiest thing to observe was the daily pace.

But the more he observed Tanjiro, the more frightened he felt, because the pace was so unnatural, it even gave him the idea that maybe the teacher was a 'god' living in seclusion in Mount Samagiri.

Because besides the ‘gods’, what else can be used to walk on the clouds and wind in this misty mountain?

But Xuan Hao told him clearly that this was just a simple 'body technique', and he could do it as long as he 'worked hard'.

So Tanjiro believed it and worked really hard.

It was not until later that he realized that people cannot be generalized.

Xuanhao is a true 'monster', and Tanjiro cannot be as 'perverted' as he is no matter how hard he tries.

But the effort would not deceive him, just like now...

Tanjiro's figure fell onto the scattered tree fragments like splashing foam, his footsteps light and silent.

The toes lightly touched the flying debris, and the whole figure was as light as foam.

He can't ride the wind, but the wood of sufficient quality is enough for him to use his sword skills!

Tanjiro endured the pain in his body and increased his strength and speed to the extreme. The flying branches were annihilated under his feet, and his figure was moving at high speed in the direction of the target.

Yawawa could only feel the restless airflow around him, but he couldn't find Tanjiro's position.

When the restless wind was completely close, it was too late for him to react.

There was a cold feeling on the neck, like a trickle of water flowing through, followed by a warm spring.



Two heavy landing sounds were accompanied by a burst of unwilling curses, and Yapayu's body and head fell to the ground respectively.

"Damn, damn, damn! Why? Why is this happening!?"

He couldn't understand at all what was going on with this young man. Why could he do so many actions that were beyond human capabilities? Even Zhu couldn't do such a foul move! ? What's ridiculous is that he actually wanted to throw this young man to death?

Watching the ghosts gradually dissipate, Tanjiro finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, unspeakable severe pain began to spread all over his limbs, causing him to kneel on the ground.

"Nezuko...Ms. Tamashii...Mr. Yushiro..."

Tanjiro struggled to get up, but at this moment he didn't even have the strength to hold the sword.

The series of actions just now are not without cost.

Forcibly twisting his body to counteract the ghost's vampire technique caused many muscle tears and cracks in his bones. Coupled with the forced use of such a powerful sword skill, once he relaxed, all the side effects almost destroyed his entire body in an instant. Devour.

If he hadn't been used to such pain, he would have fainted long ago.

"Ah... I'm so embarrassed..."

Tanjiro desperately tried to hold on to the Nichirin sword that fell to the ground.

I promised to protect Nezuko, but now she's lying on the ground like this.

There were two ghosts that appeared today. What if Mr. Yushiro hadn't held one back?

Tanjiro struggled to crawl in the direction of another battlefield.

"If it were a teacher..."

He deeply realized that his practice was not enough.

If it was his teacher, moving through the leaves was as simple as breathing and even the breeze wouldn't blow. This weird vampire technique must be useless in front of the teacher, right?

Tanjiro used the scabbard to support his body and reluctantly stood up. Although his body was constantly screaming and the severe pain disturbed his nerves, he could endure these.

"There is another ghost that must be dealt with... rush over... protect Nezuko..."

Speaking of which, how did he survive the teacher's hellish training?

Of course it's because - compared to the despair and pain of losing a family member, this little pain is nothing! ?

"Finally done?"

Yushirou's voice came from above.

Tanjiro looked up in surprise and found that Yushiro had arrived in front of him at some point.

"When you're done, lend me the knife."

Saying that, Yushiro took the Nichirin sword from Tanjiro's hand without any explanation.

Tanjiro, who was already exhausted, was completely unable to resist his actions, "Mr. Yushiro, what are you going to do?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm going to kill the ghost!" Yushiro kicked Tanjiro lightly in annoyance, "Just lie down, that ghost... is my prey!"

"be careful!"

Knowing that he was unable to continue fighting, Tanjiro had no choice but to pin his hopes on Oshiro. He found that Miss Tamashii and Nezuko who were originally on the side had disappeared at this moment. Mr. Oshiro probably used the method he used to hide the entire mansion. The technique hid the two of them.

The ghost with six arms seemed unable to find the two hidden people, and could only chase Yushiro and Tanjiro frantically.

"Tsk, I really can't get used to it."

After holding the Nichirin sword in his hand, Yushiro's displeasure expression was extremely obvious.

"Hold your breath." He put a talisman on Tanjiro's forehead and threw the kid aside, and then faced Zhu Samaru who was rushing towards him again.

"Please, Lord Jushi."

Yushirou shouted inexplicably.

Tanjiro was stunned for a moment, then seemed to remember something, and obediently followed Oshiro's instructions and held his breath.

Hidden in the dark, Tamashi silently used his vampire technique in response to Yushiro's call.

The fragrance of blood-inducing and visual dreams.

The strange aroma quickly filled the entire space. Tanjiro and Yushiro, who had been prepared for it, held their breaths. Only Shusamaru, who was unprepared for Tamashi, was caught.

Zhu Shi's blood ghost technique is harmful to the human body, but it is harmless to ghosts.

But Yushirou doesn't need lethality, he just needs to be able to confuse the sight of the ghost in front of him.

A split second was enough for him to cut off the ghost's neck.

Zhu Shawan hesitated as she advanced, and her vision was suddenly obscured by mottled colors.

Soon she realized something was wrong and subconsciously wanted to raise her arms to protect her neck, but it was too late.

Yushirou's speed was far superior to hers.

In an instant, a cold sword light flashed, and Zhu Shawan's body lost balance and fell to the ground. His head continued to roll along the ground with an unbelievable look.

"Is she dead?"

Tanjiro, who was lying on the side, stood up and asked this side.

His eyes focused on Yushiro with some surprise.

"So strong!"

Yushiro had resisted many attacks in order to protect them before, and he had also used an ordinary scalpel to hold off the ghost who called himself "Twelve Ghost Moon" for so long.

Finally, I took the Nichirin Sword and actually... killed this ghost in one blow!

With just one blow, Mr. Yushiro cut off the ghost's head. Tanjiro suddenly realized that Yushiro, who was guarding Miss Tamashi, was unexpectedly strong. If he had the Nichirin Sword in his hand from the beginning, maybe the battle would have ended long ago!

Is this a powerful ghost? Sure enough, they are fundamentally different from humans.

You don’t have to worry about physical exertion or injury. You also have extremely powerful strength. It’s almost like cheating...

"Fortunately, Mr. Yushiro is not an enemy..."

Tanjiro was a little lucky.

If he meets such a powerful ghost now, he has no chance of winning.

But after this battle, he also realized that maybe the ghost he would face in the future would be the same as or even stronger than Yushiro, and how strong is that guy Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai?

Tanjiro felt a little shocked.

Just when Tanjiro was autistic, Tamashi, who was hiding in the dark, tore off the talisman paper on his body and slowly walked towards the dull head.

She leaned down slightly, with a trace of regret in her eyes.

"Tanjiro...they are not members of the Twelve Demons."


"The eyeballs of the twelve ghost moons are all engraved with corresponding numbers, but this ghost does not." Zhu Shi took out the syringe in his arms and drew blood while the ghost was not completely dissipated, "The one you killed I'm afraid one of them is not the 'Twelve Ghost Moons', after all, they... are too weak."

"Too weak..."

Tanjiro looked at Tamashi with some surprise. After hearing Tamashi's words, he became even more autistic. The ghost he finally killed was not the 'Twelve Demons Moon'! ?

Didn't the teacher say that his current strength should be enough to fight against the last ghost in the 'Twelve Ghost Moon'? Could it be that...Wuxian's subordinates have become stronger?

Yushiro on the side nodded slowly, "It is indeed very weak. I said that the Twelve Ghost Moons should not be so weak. But even if the Twelve Ghost Moons really come, if you dare to hurt Lord Zhushi, I will Cut them into pieces!"

He had doubted it when they fought just now. After all, if Twelve Ghost Moon was really that weak, then there was no need for him and Miss Tatsushi to hide all day long.

In his impression, no matter what Miss Tamashii does, it makes sense. Since Miss Tamashii is afraid of Mukai Onibatsuji, it proves that his power is not enough to protect Miss Tamashii from Mukai's hands.



The sunlight slowly fell on Tanjiro.

After barely regaining his strength, he was finally able to get up from the ground.

Feeling the pain all over his body, he looked at the ground in a daze with some doubts.

With the shining of the sun, the traces of the existence of these ghosts were completely erased, not even the blood splattered on the ground was left, as if the 'sins' had been washed away.

"I hope you will be good people in the next life..."

While Tanjiro clasped his hands together, he repented for the sinful ghosts and prayed for the lives that had been harmed. At the same time, he also warned that he needed to continue to practice to become stronger and protect more people.

He knew that he was very lucky that night, he met Muzan and escaped disaster, and he met kind-hearted ghosts like Miss Tamashiro and Yushiro.

Otherwise, he might die. He is not afraid of death, but what will happen to Nezuko if he dies?

Not daring to think any more, Tanjiro stood up and returned to the ruined mansion.

"Miss Jushi?" he called loudly.

"This way, underground!"

Yushiro's voice came from the dark wooden door on the side. This door was made of the same material as the wooden box where he carried Nezuko. It was probably to prevent sunlight from penetrating during the day.

Gently pushing the door open, Tanjiro found a staircase leading underground.


He held his injured body against the wall and walked down the stairs. What came face to face was Nezuko with a bamboo tube in her mouth.

Nezuko seemed to notice the injury on her brother's body and gently supported him.

"It seems like your sister Nezuko is indeed a special ghost."

Zhu Shi looked at such a scene and became more sure of his thoughts.

She has never seen any other ghost who can control himself from going crazy without eating human flesh and blood.

"The teacher said that Uyashiki-sama gave Nezuko a psychological suggestion when she was in a coma."

Tanjiro said with some disappointment, "I don't really want this, but this is a last resort, but I believe that Nezuko did this not just because of the hint."


Zhu Shi nodded slightly and looked into the cage on the side.


The imprisoned ghost kept biting the cage with his teeth in an attempt to escape from it.

This is the basement, and it is also her experimental place. In order to facilitate the study of 'ghosts', she sometimes asks Yushiro to capture some weak ghosts.

And what is being held in the cage now is the ghost who was subdued by Tanjiro on the street last night.

This ghost did not eat people. She also tried psychological suggestion, but the result was obviously ineffective.

If things like psychological suggestion were really so useful, there wouldn't be so many evil ghosts in this world. In the end, Nezuko's ability to stay sane can only be described as special.

She should be really using her own will to fight against the "ghost blood", and the price is that her IQ becomes like that of a little girl of several years old.


After bandaging the wound, Yushiro patted Tanjiro's shoulder angrily, "Don't carry out the mission for the time being. This is emergency treatment. Your injuries require a period of recovery. Do you understand?"

"Hiss...I understand."

Tanjiro gasped when he was photographed.

He rubbed his shoulders and asked Zhushi on the side, "Then...Miss Zhushi, what are you going to do next?"

This place has been discovered by Muzan, and he is a little worried that Tamashi and Yushiro will be in trouble later.

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