A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 450 443. No matter how many cups are poured into a glass of water, the measurement is still

Chapter 450 443. No matter how many glasses are poured into a glass of water, the amount is the same.

This scene is a little too familiar to Xuan Hao.

From the moment he found the fallen girl who was fighting Tanjiro, he saw the soul that was silently guarding the fallen girl.

Fallen Princess is the imaginary sister created by her still-living brother, who is essentially a prostitute, but her real sister, Mei, died more than a hundred years ago.

She stayed by her brother's side after her death, but she was unlucky. No god heard her prayers and came to help her.

So no matter what her brother did, she was powerless and could only watch her brother step into the abyss and commit heavy sins.


Mei raised her head and looked at the old man in front of her firmly.

"I don't want my brother to go to hell alone, so I'm waiting for him here."

This was her answer.


After a moment of silence, Xuan Hao looked at the clear watery eyes of the girl in front of him and nodded slowly.

"Thanks you."

"No need to thank you. He would have died today."

Xuan Hao shook his head helplessly, "Speaking of which, is there really a heaven or a hell in this world? I've never been there and don't know much about it..."

Before Mei could answer, he had already walked slowly towards the direction of the prostitute Taro.

The reason why he didn't take action at the beginning was because he felt that the scene in front of him was too similar to his past, so he sighed in his heart.

The only difference is that this brother and sister are not so lucky.

The elder brother did not meet a god, but an evil spirit.

The sister didn’t meet the god either, but he met him.

"It's a pity that I'm not a god or a Buddha, so I can't save you. But I'm quite good at sending people to hell."

Some sighing sounds reached the prostitute Taro's ears.

The next moment, an old face covered with wrinkles suddenly appeared in front of him, with a smile on his face.

But such a smile made him feel very dangerous, and his original offensive movements stopped subconsciously.

The battle was interrupted by an old man who suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

"Old man, what are you doing!? It's very dangerous, okay!"

Zenitsu and Inosuke almost failed to stop the slashed Nichirin sword and slashed it on the old man's back.

Just now, he looked like he didn't want to get involved, sitting there in a daze like an senile person. Why did he suddenly jump into the middle of the battlefield again? They couldn't understand what Xuan Hao was doing now.

"Get away quickly!"

The two of them were a little anxious.

Because even if the two of them stop in time, those two ghosts won't!

Inosuke and Zenitsu were about to step forward to help, but were stopped by Xuanhao, "Go help Tanjiro, the ghost over there should be stronger."

"Oh ho? Stronger!?" Inosuke immediately turned around without saying anything.

Zenitsu also hesitated and then realized that his worries were unnecessary.

They should have absolute trust in the strength of the old man in front of them, because this is an old monster, and even Zhu in the Demon Slayer Squad can only obey his orders.

The situation instantly became one versus two.

After being stunned for a moment, Taro the prostitute showed a ruthless look in his eyes.

This old guy is too arrogant. Do you really think he will be afraid? ?

He is a ghost, a winding ghost!

Moreover, he has absolute confidence in his ability to survive. This old guy's biggest mistake was to choose to deal with him alone.

Although he knew that he might not be as strong as the human in front of him, but to kill him, he had to cut off the necks of both his and Fallen Princess bodies at the same time. It seemed simple to say, but it took one person to do this with his own strength. Very difficult.

Over the past hundred years, many pillar-level swordsmen more powerful than him have fallen into his hands because of this.

"Asshole old guy, do you know how many powerful pillars have died in my hands?"

"I don't know very well, and I don't care." Xuan Hao calmly pulled out the Sun Sword from his waist.

That action was like reminding Taro Taro, 'I'm ready, you can attack.'

"Hmph! Since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you!"

The prostitute Taro's hoarse voice was full of anger.

The blood-stained scythe increased its power, and the already swift scythe disappeared into the air in an instant. The slashing speed reached its peak, slashing towards the old man in front of him.

Taro the prostitute was very alert to the old man in front of him. He knew that he was probably no match for him, so he did not think about a fatal blow, but used all his strength to speed up the attack.

His scythe was stained with his own ghost blood, which was a poison that would kill humans as long as it touched it. It didn't need to hit the vital point, just a slight scratch.

The "Falling Princess" who was "of one mind" with him didn't need any command at all, and skillfully released her belt to coordinate the attack.

The layers of belts blocked all the old man's escape routes in an instant, making it impossible to escape.

Xuanhao glanced at Duo Ji who was standing aside.

The originally weak Feng Ji's strength and speed have now been significantly enhanced. He found that Feng Ji's forehead had a ferocious vertical pupil, and this vertical pupil was exactly the same as the eye in the eye socket of the prostitute Taro in front of him. .

At this moment, only one eye of the prostitute Taro was exposed to the air, and the other eye was covered by messy long hair. If nothing else, the eye socket on the other side should be empty.

"Redistributed power?"

The expression on Xuan Hao's face remained calm.

He roughly understood the prostitute Taro's fighting style.

The consciousness of the two bodies should be connected, so they work perfectly together, and their power is far beyond that of ordinary ghosts of the lower string, but they are not strong in the upper string.

Facing these two very powerful ghosts at the same time was very difficult for the original pillars, but unfortunately it was of no use to him.

"You know, no matter how many glasses you pour into a glass of water, the amount is the same."


Under the surprised gaze of the prostitute Taro, the old man raised the Nichirin sword in his hand.

With one strike, blood mist filled the air.

The Fallen Princess's belt did not have any interference effect, and was cut off in an instant.

Not only that, the moment the belt broke, the target in front of Taro Taro changed.

He saw himself in his sight, because Fallen Girl had been caught in the hands of the old man at some point.

The scythe he was wielding came closer, and the two eyes of Taro Taro on himself and Feng Ji shrank at the same time, and then widened fiercely.

"go to hell!"

The scythe slashed at Fallen Girl without hesitation, seeming to cut off both Fallen Girl and the old man holding her hostage behind her.

"What a cruel brother. Will he also chop down his sister?"

Gently pulling Duo Ji back a few steps to avoid the attack, Xuan Hao's words were full of sarcasm.

"That's right!"

Surprisingly, the Fallen Girl in Xuanhao's hand actually agreed. It seemed that because the old man's strength far exceeded hers, Fallen Girl's resistance was ineffective and her expression was a little aggrieved.

"Stop blabbering, it won't kill you if you chop it!"

The prostitute Taro started to quarrel with the fallen girl.

"How can you chop me down? I'm your biological sister!"

"Oh, it's so annoying! Who told you to be so weak?"

"I don't care, I don't care! Didn't you say you would protect me?"

"Oh, I know, I know! Don't make any noise!"


Xuanhao was speechless for a while when he saw the Fallen Girl in his hand and the prostitute Taro not far away starting to argue.

Is this... sophisticated?

If Mei didn't lie to him, then Fallen Princess and Prostitute Taro should both be her brothers. Although they were mentally split into two personalities, they should still be the same person.

But he really didn't expect this guy to have such a complete personality split.

"It's really sad."

"Asshole human, what did you say!?"

Hearing this human suddenly interjecting, Fallen Princess and the prostitute Taro instantly shared the same hatred.


A figure flew out and slammed into the roof next to the prostitute Taro. It was the Fallen Princess who was thrown out.

"I said you are very pathetic."

Xuan Hao's face became expressionless.

The prostitute Taro in front of him seems to have been living in his dream since a hundred years ago.

In the dream, his sister was not dead yet.

He has become a strong man and can protect his sister. Whenever his sister cannot defeat him, he will take action to solve the problem.

Even he himself didn't seem to realize that this dream that lasted for hundreds of years was actually deceiving himself.

He directed and acted on his own to weave sweet dreams, and he had already lost himself. He even forgot that his sister should be a beautiful human girl, not a ghost who could not die even if he was slashed in front of him.

Maybe he even forgot his sister's real name?

"Would a real brother be indifferent to his sister having her neck chopped off?"

"Asshole human, what are you talking about?"

The prostitute Taro's face became a little ferocious. He stared angrily at the old guy in front of him, wishing to cut him into pieces.

"How do you see that I'm indifferent!? Am I not planning to tear you apart!?"

The sharp sickle approached again, but Xuan Hao disappeared in an instant and appeared behind him as if nothing had happened.

"Did I see it wrong? Didn't you wait for your sister's neck to be cut off by Tanjiro before you came out to vent your anger for her? Shouldn't a real brother protect her before that?"


Facing Xuan Hao's soul torture, the prostitute Taro was speechless for a while.

"Or, in fact, you have long known in your heart that this is not your real sister at all."

A gentle whisper echoed in the prostitute Taro's ears.

His body froze, and these words pierced his heart like a sharp blade that struck his soul.

And Fallen Girl, who was thrown aside by Xuan Hao, was strangely silent at this moment.

Xuan Hao watched this scene in silence, and there was no need for him to say anything more.

Ghosts are immortal creatures, but at this moment, 'Fallen Princess' is like an empty shell, no different from dead.

This was originally an empty shell.

It was the charred body of a hundred years ago.

Humans become ghosts and can eat people.

So the question is, what is the meal after the prostitute Taro becomes a ghost?

The prostitute Taro was struggling and regretting, but he still couldn't accept the reality because he couldn't accept it and wanted to escape, so he started to deceive himself.

In order to make up for all this, he split his sister from his body, and everything seemed to be back to normal.


The prostitute Taro's expression became a little tangled, and he fell into a painful struggle.

"The time is almost here."

Xuan Hao turned his head, looked at the little girl next to him with a soft expression, and patted her shoulder gently.

"Go ahead."

Mei clenched her little hands tightly, looking worriedly at the struggling prostitute Taro. After receiving Xuan Hao's instructions, she cautiously approached her brother.

The prostitute Taro was still immersed in the struggle of self-doubt, unaware that something was approaching.

He clawed at his face frantically until it was beyond recognition.

"Go to hell!"

Until the end, he still seemed unable to break free from the world he had made up.

Blood blades erupted from his body, and scythes danced wildly in the night sky.

The Fallen Princess who fell to the ground seemed to be affected and started to go berserk. The roof of the entire house they were in was covered with bloody blades and belts. They did not distinguish between friend and foe, they just wanted to crush everything here.

But such an attack cannot hit Mei, who has long since died and become a soul.

Seeing her brother struggling in pain, she quickened her pace, passed through the overlapping bloody blades and belts, rushed to the prostitute Taro and hugged her tightly, trying to calm her brother down.

It's just that the prostitute Taro couldn't feel it, otherwise Mei wouldn't have to wait by his side for such a long time.


A gentle sigh sounded.

Miscellaneous attacks continued to fall, but none of them hit.

Xuan Hao slowly walked through countless sharp bloody blades and tough belts, meandering along the established route like a walk, and those messy attacks seemed to always avoid him.

No matter how chaotic the attack, there will always be a road that is not covered, and he seems to have known this road for a long time and reached the corresponding position before the attack.


Sudden blood splattered everywhere, and the chaotic attack came to an abrupt end.

In fact, it is not difficult to stop such rampage.

Xuan Hao just walked up to the prostitute Taro, and then casually smashed his head in Mei's surprised eyes.

As we all know, ghosts never die.

But there will be a concussion.

Unfortunately, Xuan Hao is not a doctor. He doesn't know how much force can cause a concussion in a person, let alone how much force can cause a concussion in a ghost, so he has no choice but to simply blow off his face and head.

Not dead anyway.

"Okay, the world is quiet."

Xuan Hao smiled and looked at the confused Mei, "Xiao Mei, I want to confirm to you for the last time, do you really want to go to hell with him?"

Although he had a kind smile on his face, no matter who heard this, he would feel like a bad person.

But faced with such scary words, Mei nodded.

"Please." A relieved smile appeared on the girl's face, and her body gradually became unreal, as if she had finally let go of her obsessions and would become a Buddha soon.

But she insisted on going to hell.

"Oh well."

Xuan Hao sighed slightly and slowly raised the knife in his hand.

This young soul reminded him of his sister.

It's a pity that he doesn't know how to go to heaven or hell after death.

So it is naturally a lie to say that they will be sent to hell together.

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