Chapter 451 444. Reincarnation


What about lies?

"To hell, I will decide the fate of these two people."

Six Paths Sword·Reincarnation.

It is not a sword skill that comes with any breathing method. This sword is the first sword that Xuan Hao has learned on his own.

It combines everything he has now, rebirth and death, creation and destruction, and soul.

Man has been dying since the beginning of his life, and so he should have been.

It's a pity that he can't die.

"So what is death?"

Xuan Hao actually didn't understand, after all, he had never died.

So how does a person who has never died understand the so-called 'reincarnation'? This sounds ridiculous.

Over the course of hundreds of years, he has seen countless lives and deaths. At first, he didn't think there was anything special, but when he was able to see souls, the world became different.

He has seen many people die. When their bodies die, their souls go to some unknown direction.

Where did these souls go? Xuanhao didn't know because he couldn't go. But one thing he knew clearly was the whereabouts of his soul.

How many times had he died? I don’t remember anymore.

But the ending after every death is the same. A new body is created, and then he comes back to life.

"So in fact, I have died many times, but I have never been able to discover it. After all, if the memory can be preserved after death, then the concept of death will become blurred."

Now, Xuanhao has come to this conclusion.

The so-called "reincarnation" means that the soul rotates between destruction and rebirth, just like a person whose house collapsed. He walked out of the collapsed house and entered another house.

It’s just that the road is too long, and some people lose their way and forget themselves on the road. After all, not everyone can build a new house in the same place as he did.


Is this really what is called ‘reincarnation’? What if you understand it wrong?

"So what if I'm wrong? I think this is it, that's it."

A confident smile appeared on Xuan Hao's face.

Lifting the Sun Blade, there was no hesitation in the movement of his hand.

At this moment, he was not at all confused about the path he was taking.

Not far away, the prostitute Taro's head was still recovering, but the long knife in Xuan Hao's hand had already been swung down.

This knife was not aimed at the neck, and there was no need to cut to the neck.

What he wants to kill is not people or things, but souls.

The long knife passed slowly through the night sky without even making contact with anything in front of it.

But the prostitute Taro's body suddenly collapsed. It seemed that nothing happened, but the whole world seemed to become quieter.

Invisible power spread from Xuan Hao.

The whole world seemed to have been washed and faded. The breeze blew, and everything seemed to have dissipated with the wind after countless years, leaving only three lonely souls standing in the empty space.

"Where is this?"

The two souls looked around in confusion, seeing nothing but a blank space with no end in sight.

"Who knows?"

Xuan Hao smiled self-deprecatingly.

He looked down at himself, his soul.

Since it is a soul state, it naturally no longer looks that old.

Of course he was not laughing at the changes that had occurred in him, but he never thought that one day he would take the initiative to come to this place that he hated so much.

Infinite blankness makes people unable to see the past, present and future.

"Who are you!? Did you bring us here?"

Taro the prostitute looked at the man in front of him warily, and took a step forward to protect Mei.

At this moment, he seemed to have become the boy who once protected his sister.

There was fear, confusion, and deep doubt in his eyes.

Because he felt as if he had had a long, long nightmare, and he came here when he woke up.

There were only him, his sister, and this strange man in front of him who he had never seen before.

Everything seemed extremely strange, and it didn't look like anywhere else in the world. He didn't even know whether his feet were actually touching the ground, he could only see endless blank space.

"what you up to!?"

"What do I want to do?" Xuan Hao scratched his head helplessly.

He didn't know exactly what he had done. In short, it was completely unexpected that he would come here after wielding that sword.

But if this is the road leading to ‘reincarnation’, then just keep moving in a certain direction, right?

"Mei." He called softly to the girl hiding behind the prostitute Taro.

"Huh?" Mei looked at the man in front of her with some confusion.

People you don’t know, voices you haven’t heard.

But such a reassuring tone that touched her soul made her gradually overlap the young figure with the old gentleman's shadow for some reason.

"Sir, is that you?"


Xuan Hao nodded slowly, "I can only help you with your wish so far. You have to walk the rest of the way on your own."

"What...mean?" Mei looked at everything around her in confusion.

"You are already dead."

Xuan Hao calmly told the cruel truth.

"Ah...that's it..."

But for some reason, Mei felt relieved when she heard the news.

"So now, get out of here."

"But... where should we go?" Mei's eyes were full of doubts.

"It's the same everywhere, take your brother with you."

Xuan Hao stretched out his hand and pointed at the blank space behind them.

Because everything is unknown, it will be the same no matter where you choose to go.

"The road is long. Maybe you will get lost or forget everything, but as long as you keep moving forward, you will be fine."

"Are we dead?"

The prostitute Taro seemed to be unable to accept the reality, and his expression was extremely struggling.

My memory has been confused since just now.

He recalled that he was a human, but he felt like a ghost.

In the end, even he himself couldn't tell which one was the real him.

"Asshole, are you kidding!?"

The word death made him feel extremely scared. Subconsciously, he hugged his sister tightly and protected her tightly in his arms. He turned his head and stared fiercely at the strange man in front of him.

But for some reason, the man he was glaring at didn't seem to care about his fierce gaze at all. He just waved at them helplessly, then turned and left.

"Sir, where are you going?"

Mei was held in the arms of the prostitute Taro and couldn't break away, so she could only stretch out her hands to try to catch the departing figure.

She seemed to have seen such a lonely back somewhere.

Ah, now that I think about it, this back view is all too familiar to her. It was exactly the same as the lonely figure of his brother after his death.

But there seemed to be something different, but she couldn't pinpoint the specifics.

But when the man turned around again and said goodbye to them with a smile, she finally understood.

It turned out to be this man's eyes, shining with hope.

"Let's go, don't worry about me."

Xuan Hao looked at Mei with gentle eyes, but turned his head and looked at the prostitute Taro, and his attitude changed instantly.

"Boy, whether you are lost here or you have forgotten everything, remember it all..."

The prostitute Taro held Mei's hand tightly and walked in the endless void.

The two kept walking, their eyes becoming more and more confused.

Forgot time and space, forget where you are going, even forget who you are.

But his hand couldn't help trembling, as if he was afraid of something, so he held his sister's hand tighter and tighter.

"Don't lose your sister this time."

Such a voice came from nowhere, and it was unknown who said it, but it seemed to have been engraved into his soul. Even if the power here made his entire soul blank, it could not erase the voice.

"Oh, are you really standing still?"

Xuanhao stopped helplessly.

He turned his head, looked at the disappearing figures of the departing brother and sister, and confirmed his thoughts.

Although everything around him was blank and there was no concept of time or space, he was sure that he was standing still at the moment.

The brother and sister were his reference. He seemed to have turned around and left, but he did not move at all. It was not until the brother and sister turned around and left under the influence of his 'language' that they started to distance themselves.

So it seems that he is the only one trapped here. Other souls will probably be reincarnated when they leave here, but he is the only one who cannot leave here.

"That's all."

With a gentle sigh, Xuan Hao closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he returned to the dilapidated roof. In front of him was the body of Taro, the prostitute, who was gradually dissipating.

The long knife was gently sheathed, and he gently sat on the roof to rest.

This knife actually made him feel tired, not in his soul, but in his body.

"It looks like I won't be able to hold on much longer..."



Silence, everything around me has become eerily silent since just now.

Yusui Tianyuan frowned and paid attention to everything around him.

It had been some time since he had followed the ugly winding ghost into the room.

The movement on the roof suddenly stopped, and the sound of fighting on the other side gradually faded away, leaving him alone in the room.

It's a bit embarrassing to say that the target is missing...

That ghost was a Shangxian Wu that had never appeared before. Yusui Tianyuan didn't know the opponent's ability, so he just followed Xuan Hao's order and chased after him.

However, he didn't see the ghost at all after chasing him into the house.

If it weren't for the vaguely disgusting smell everywhere around him, he would even suspect that he was in the wrong place.

"This ghost is indeed around here, but... where is it hiding?"

Yusui Tianyuan had a headache.

If he faced it head-on, he would have full confidence, but he didn't expect that this ghost would actually play a little trick of hide-and-seek.

"Coward, get out of here!"


No one responded, and it seemed that provocation was useless.


Accompanied by the sound of chains hitting each other, the two Sun Lun knives connected in series were carried behind Yusui Tianyuan's back.

The Nichirin sword has been retracted and his hand has left the handle. At this moment, he looks defenseless.

It was indeed full of flaws, but he did it on purpose.


Sure enough, a subtle sound of breaking through the air came from the side and behind.

Although the sound was very small, it could not escape the ears of Yu Sui Tianyuan, who was the ‘sound pillar’.


A sarcastic smile appeared on Yu Sui Tianyuan's face.

Gently sideways to avoid the sudden attack, he finally saw where the ghost was hiding.

It was a vase-like decoration placed in the corner, and this ghost came out of it.

It has to be said that in a place like a brothel, such decorations can be seen everywhere, and it will not arouse anyone's suspicion. This ghost has probably arranged everything here.


Yu Hu looked at the human in front of him who easily dodged his attack and felt a little confused.

But he soon realized that he had fallen into a trap. The human had deliberately put away the knife to lure him out.


The broad blade split the air and made a violent trembling sound. It was very fast, but Yu Hu was not in a hurry.

"Hehe, forget it, I should have known that Zhu is not that easy to kill."

He smiled playfully and retracted into the pot, dodging Yusu Tianyuan's slash again.

But this time he quickly popped up again with a weird smile on his face, "Hehehe~ First time we meet, my name is Yuhu."

"The sneak attack failed, so you changed your strategy?"

Yusui Tianyuan looked at Yuhu who seemed to have no intention of hiding anymore and mocked.

"Well~ don't say that~" Yuhu said in a frivolous tone, "Don't I want you to live a little longer? Before I kill you, I want you to understand my art!"

"Not interested in."

Without saying a word, Yusui Tianyuan raised his knife and rushed towards the jade pot.

"Don't say that, I think you should be able to understand. Your taste should be considered very unique among humans, right?"

The jade pot didn't care about the oncoming blade. He just smiled and left a sentence, and then retracted into the pot with a whoosh.

Yusui Tianyuan, who was sprinting, frowned at this scene. He did not put away his sword and planned to smash the pot.

However, the strange sound coming from the pot made him a little wary, as if something was coming out of it again.


"Dang-dang-dang! Enjoy your masterpiece, "The Geisha's Miserable End"!"

Yusui Tianyuan's eyes narrowed because Yu Hu's voice came from behind him.

He immediately spread out his two arms, began to twist his body, and slashed out the two blades in both directions.

But soon the blade he slashed forward stopped.

Because the figure that spewed out of the jade pot again where the jade pot disappeared was not a ghost.


"Is this what you call a 'masterpiece'?"

Yusui Tianyuan looked at the so-called 'masterpiece' in front of him, and his eyes instantly ignited with anger.

This is a ferocious sculpture, dripping with blood, made of twisted female limbs.

The victims were probably all geishas who disappeared from Flower Street during this time, and the fear before they died was still etched on their faces.

Yuhu’s so-called ‘art’ is the image of human beings struggling in pain.

"I don't quite agree!"


Yu Hu's playful expression suddenly froze.

Because he felt that the aura of the man in front of him suddenly changed.

Substantial murderous intent erupted from Yusui Tianyuan's body.

He gently withdrew the blade that almost struck the dead man's body, turned his head, and pointed the tip of the blade towards another corner in the dark room.

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