Chapter 457 450.Hateful Heaven

Kanroji Mitsuri turned around with her sword, and soon she saw the rushing figure coming towards her.

But the appearance of this figure surprised her.

"What the hell!?"

The oncoming ghost moves extremely fast, but Kanroji Mitsuri's amazing dynamic vision can still make out its appearance.

The weird thing is that this ghost seems to have two heads? No, to be precise, it seems that the two ghosts are gradually merging!

Ji Nu ran wildly, devouring Kong Xi's broken body as he ran. At this moment, his entire body was almost ferocious and twisted. It was hard to imagine how a creature could move at such a high speed when its limbs were uncoordinated.

However, these two entangled bodies work so well together. Although they look like they are showing off their teeth and claws, they run in unusual coordination, as if they are the same person.

"Eh~ So disgusting!"

She had never seen such a weird thing before. Kanroji Mitsuri was about to raise the Nichirin sword and chop the twisted unknown object at once.

But the thing that was heading straight towards her suddenly turned around as it approached.


Ganluji Mili was slightly startled.

Only then did she realize that the menacing unknown object was not coming towards her.

It was this moment of hesitation that allowed the four ghosts of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy to succeed in their plan.

The Demon Slayer Squad has very limited information about the Oni no Oni, so everyone except Tanjiro, who has just discovered the clues, knows nothing about the abilities of the Oni no Shitengu.

And even Tanjiro couldn't guess what the strongest state of the Hantengu looked like.

The four clones that appeared after dispersing the "joy, anger, sorrow, and joy" were indeed much stronger than normal, but his strongest form was not any of the "joy, anger, sorrow, and joy".

Of course, it’s not ‘cowardly’ either.

Rather, it is a mixture of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy—the Ghost of Hate, Hateboten.

This is the strongest clone of Hantengu, a collection of all emotions except 'cowardice'.

Its essence is the posture of absorbing and merging the three ghosts of Kongxi, Keke, and Aijue out of anger.

At this moment, Ji Nu is doing exactly this.

Kong Xi has been almost devoured by him.

He completely ignored the woman in front of him who was about to fight him, and took a detour to pick up the chopped-up stumps of Ai Jue and Ke Ke.

In fact, when he wanted to merge into Hate Potian, he originally liked to crush and absorb the bodies of the other three clones. These humans now helped him save many steps. At this moment, he only needed to absorb them!

"Quick! Faster!"

Ji Nu, who was frantically devouring the remaining limbs of the other three clones, was extremely anxious. While rubbing the flesh and blood of the other clones into his own body, he ran as hard as he could. His whole body became extremely bloated and hideous, but his speed was unexpectedly fast. And he had absolutely no intention of stopping.

Because he felt the distress signal sent by the ‘Cowardly Ghost’ as his real body.

"They're...eating each other?"

Kanroji Mitsuri covered her mouth and looked at the scene in front of her with some difficulty.

Although I have long known the cruelty of ghosts, seeing it with my own eyes is a different feeling.

The cruel and ruthless scene made her extremely conflicted. Although she didn't know what these ghosts wanted to do, she could probably guess that continuing like this would not work.


The soft Nichirin Sword made a buzzing sound with the strength of Kanroji Mitsuri's arm, and the next moment, her figure disappeared from the spot.

The breath of love, the two types, the troubled and wandering love.


Feeling the wind blowing behind him, Ji Nu, who was devouring the fusion, was shocked.

He turned around suddenly and saw the human woman quickly closing the distance with him at an incredible speed. Even though he had tried very hard to stay away from these humans, he was still caught up in the blink of an eye.

"Don't run!"

Kanroji Mitsuri moved at high speed. At this moment, she was sprinting like a very destructive humanoid Gundam. Her power was very strong now. Even she herself had never tried how strong it was.

Because after undergoing devil training, she has yet to meet a ghost that can make her go all out.

But now she was running almost with all her strength.

Because she always felt that something bad would happen if these ghosts merged.

Explosive steps trampled on the ground, causing rocks to fly.

The violent figure of Ganlu Temple Mitsuri left countless afterimages on the ground, and the trajectory of her actions seemed a bit chaotic.

That's right, she went berserk. Her state at the moment was close to being out of control. Because she was going all out for the first time, she lacked control over her power.

But the general direction is correct.

The flexible blade danced wildly in the wind, and the swinging blade instantly reached behind Ji Nu who was escaping.

"Damn humans!"

JiWu growled and turned around.

His strength has not yet fully absorbed the other ghosts, and is far from reaching its peak, but he really can't run away.

Damn it, why are the humans here tonight more outrageous than the last? He felt miserable, but could not find a place to reason.

At this moment, the main body seems to have encountered an unprecedented crisis. He must rush over quickly, but these humans are really difficult to deal with!

Facing the sharp blade, his heart trembled, and power instantly burst out of his body.


Kanroji Mitsuri looked at the suddenly bulging flesh ball in front of her eyes in surprise.

Jinu seemed to have stopped escaping and chose to defend instead. His entire body suddenly swelled up, like a giant inflated sarcoma, making Kanroji Mitsuri unable to find the place where the knife fell.

"The neck...where is the neck? Alas! No matter what, just chop it as you like!"

Kanroji Mitsuri, who was using all her strength, couldn't hold back her strength at all, so she had no choice but to cut down.

But this played right into Ji Wrath's plan.


The moment the blade cut open the tumor, what spurted out was not blood, but air.

Ji Nu never thought about continuing to entangle with the human beings in front of him. After all, the safety of his body was the highest priority in his heart.

If something unexpected happens to the main body, they will all be buried with him!

The sarcoma is just a layer of epidermis during degeneration. It is as insignificant as the stratum corneum. It does not matter if it is discarded. After all, new individuals will appear after they are completely fused.

The fusion never stopped, even as the sarcoma began to swell.


Hearing the shouting, Ganluji Mili frowned.

When her blade completely cut into the center of the sarcoma, she suddenly encountered resistance. The touch from the knife told her that she seemed to have hit something hard.


With a dull explosion, blood and flesh splattered everywhere, and the sarcoma burst instantly, but it was not caused by the cutting of the blade.

The cut made by the Nichirin Knife can only leave a wound on the huge sarcoma. Even if it can be completely cut off, it should not break into pieces. The reason why this sarcoid ruptures is because of the explosion of power from the inside out.

Violent fluctuations spread from the center of the sarcoma to the surroundings. It was the impact caused by the collision of two forces.

Kanroji Mitsuri was also stunned, because she felt that her nearly full-strength slash seemed to be caught, and the blade seemed to be stuck on something hard.

"Human, don't be too arrogant."

After the fragments of flesh and blood were gone, a calm and cold voice came from the center of the fluctuation.

After losing the cover, Kanroji Mitsuri's vision became clearer, and she saw what she had just hit.

She didn't kill any ghosts at all.

At this moment, countless tough substances like tree roots sprang out from the ground and were ferociously twisting around a figure.

Her Nichirin sword was blocked by something like these tree roots, which seemed to have the toughness of trees and the recovery ability of ghosts. The Nichirin sword was stuck inside and unable to move.


A sharp tree root burst out of the ground. Ganluji Mili narrowly avoided it by turning her head, but there was still a bloody mark on her face.

A fatal sense of crisis surged into her heart, and before she had time to think, she quickly gave up the blade in her hand and jumped back from where she was.

The next moment, countless sharp spikes rose from the ground, forming a thorny field.

In the center of the field, the figure stepped on the tree roots that grew wildly like a dragon's head and slowly rose up, condescendingly looking down at the woman who landed not far away.

Kanroji Mitsuri fell to the ground in a panic. She seemed careless again and actually lost the most important Nichirin sword for a ghost hunter in the battle!

She looked at the top of the thorny field center in front of her and felt the raging ghost energy. The ghost that suddenly appeared at this moment was completely different from the previous ones. It was not on the same level at all!

Those cold and hateful eyes made Kanroji Mitsuri tremble in her heart.

Oops... She was wondering whether to evacuate temporarily, because without the Nichirin Sword, she had no idea how to deal with the extremely powerful ghost in front of her, but it should be no problem if she wanted to escape.

Hate Potian slowly stretched his body, and several ancient thunder gods with the word "hate" engraved on his back were faintly flashing with electric light. He held a twisted drum stick in his hand, and his appearance was more joyful, angry, sad and joyful than before. Every ghost is younger, looking like a teenager.

But the expression on his face was not what a young man should have at all. It was hatred, pure, extreme and twisted hatred.


However, just when Ganlu Temple Mitsuri thought that she would receive a violent counterattack from this ghost, Xing Botian snorted coldly and raised his head to look in a certain direction in the distance.

"Good luck to you, human."

Soon, he seemed to have confirmed the direction. He cast an indifferent glance at the woman not far away, and then disappeared instantly.

Although he wanted to crush the woman in front of him, he could clearly feel that this human being was not weak, and the time left for him no longer allowed him to continue to entangle here.

Whether it is 'emotions, sorrows or joys', the meaning of existence is the same, to protect the weak 'cowardly'.

As a combination of 'happiness, anger, sorrow and joy', Hate Potian values ​​this mission even more.

For Banten Dog, happiness, anger, sorrow and joy are just appearances, and only timidity is his true nature.

Hatian is the more distorted and degraded manifestation of Bantengu's nature. For him, his only goal is to protect the safety of his body. For this reason, he will do all kinds of evil deeds arrogantly. He claims that "anyone who harms his body is a criminal." Evil people', evil spirits who don't care about their crimes at all.


"Let's go! Go help Mr. Muichiro!"

Tanjiro suddenly took action.


Zenitsu and Inosuke on the side also reacted quickly and followed, "What's going on? What's going on?"

"I suspect that the ghost that Mr. Muichiro is chasing is the real body!"

"Really?" Inosuke had no idea what was going on.

"Whether he is real or not, go help first! Tanjiro, where are you?"

Zenitsu closed his eyes tightly.


Tanjiro, who was running, pointed in a direction.

Zenitsu suddenly accelerated and rushed to the front.

He kept tilting his head and listened carefully to the goings on around him.

"Have you found Zenitsu?" Tanjiro asked with a frown.

Although he could smell the general direction, he could not determine the exact location. The only remaining ones were Zenitsu and Inosuke.

Spatial perception, olfactory search and sound locking are in full swing. When the three of them act together, they are the strongest enemy hunting team of the Demon Slayer Squad!

"not yet."

"Damn it! Where is it? Where is it?"

Inosuke stopped asking and followed, but he couldn't sense where the ghost Tanjiro was talking about was.

"There was a sound, but it was very faint."

Zenitsu suddenly stopped and frowned, "But I heard Mr. Muichiro's voice. He seems to be looking for it too, let's look for it separately!"

After saying that, Zenitsu started running again, but the direction he ran was not Muichiro's direction.

Because what they want to do now is to track down the enemy, it is more advantageous to form a range encirclement.

The other two people also cooperated very well and ran in different directions.

With the direction determined by Tanjiro, they knew the approximate range. In short, they only needed to form an encirclement network according to this range.

The rustling sounds continued to reach Shan Yi's ears. He carefully distinguished them and finally heard clearly where such small sounds came from.

"found it!"

Zenitsu lowered his figure.

Breath of Thunder·Shape of One·Thunderbolt Flash.

This time, the height of his slash was lower than ever before, because he discovered that the direction of the sound source was a very small bush!

He finally understood why Inosuke could hardly feel the ghost's presence at all.

Because this so-called "cowardly ghost" is really too stubborn, it actually became the size of a palm and kept hiding in the nearby lawn.

The flashing lightning flashed close to the lawn, and in an instant the entire lawn turned into ash and then dissipated.


Feeling the rapidly approaching breath behind him, the running Cowardly Ghost turned his head in confusion, and then his eyes were filled with fear.

He wanted to run away, but the embarrassing thing was that because his body was too small, he ran too slowly.

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