Chapter 462 455. Nibelungen

As for why the direction of crowd evacuation was chosen, of course it is because only in crowded places can the swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Corps be restrained!

He had already planned everything.

"Damn, damn humans, there are so many perverted guys here tonight!"

The cowardly ghost crawled out of the hole with gnashing teeth.

He was in a very depressed mood now. He originally thought that this time it would be a simple mission. After all, they had dispatched three winding ghosts, and the formation was unprecedented in hundreds of years.

But who would have thought that this generation of Demon Slayer Squad would suddenly become so perverted?

Of the three who lurked here, only Hantengu is left. If he hadn't been timid by nature, even if there was one ten thousandth chance of failure, he would have made all preparations to retreat, so he would be dead now.

"No, today's Demon Slayer Squad has suddenly become too strong. We must go back and report this matter to that adult as soon as possible!"

The cowardly ghost walked cautiously along the edge of the street. In the center of the street was a crowd of people who were evacuating in a panic.

After all, several of Yusui Tianyuan's wives are ninjas, and their ability to do things is quite reliable. In a short period of time, they almost evacuated the crowds in Flower Street on the grounds of fire.

Most of the evacuated people were confused. They didn't know what happened. The only thing they knew was that an explosion suddenly occurred somewhere in Flower Street, and then a raging fire broke out.

Because they didn't know what happened, they naturally didn't realize the danger. They just saw that there was a real fire, so they followed the guidance to evacuate honestly, but they were not too anxious. After all, this place was out of reach of the fire. area.

"Ah, give way, please give way."

The old man walked slowly among the crowd, greeting the people around him.

The kind voice seemed to have magic power, making the people around him feel a little dazed.

"Ah! Old sir, there are many people here, please slow down."

Polite people all moved out of the way politely. It seems that in peaceful times, people are still very gentlemanly. At least, everyone will have this awareness of respecting the elderly and caring for the young as long as the situation is not too urgent.

The whole street was noisy, and the sea of ​​​​fire was a battlefield where ghost hunters fought bloody battles, but this place was more like a noisy market. The firelight in the distance was like fireworks used to decorate the market, making it a peaceful scene.

No one will notice those who hide in the darkness to maintain order, and no one will understand the price of this 'peace'.

"Thank you, young man. No need to support me. My body is strong."

Xuan Hao declined the help from the enthusiastic people with some embarrassment on his face.

There's no way around it, wearing such an old and decrepit skin really makes people feel weak.

But in fact, he came here to catch 'rats'.

Originally, he thought that no one would notice an 'old guy' like him when they were all on the run. All he had to do was find the 'rat' quietly and crush it to death.

But after arriving, he discovered that these people were quite polite and even a little too enthusiastic, which caused him some trouble along the way.

"Oh...they are all good people."

Xuan Hao sighed, "It makes me embarrassed to make too much noise..."


"Damn! Damn! Damn humans!"

Resentful complaints came from below.

The cowardly ghost kept cursing in his mouth as he hurriedly wanted to leave here.

These helpless people in front of him were originally just his rations, but now, he has been reduced to the point of running around like a mouse.

"Ah! Damn it, don't step on me!"

He raised his head resentfully and glared at these humans who were only focused on evacuating without even lowering their heads.

It is normal to step on someone's feet from time to time in a crowded crowd. When there are many people, no one will know who they have stepped on and who has stepped on themselves.

Hearing the complaining and cursing, the person who stepped on the Cowardly Ghost looked around in confusion. Maybe he would say sorry when he saw the person he stepped on, but who would have thought that he would step on a talking person? Where's the rat'?

So the man just looked around and found no one, then gave up.

Although the cowardly ghost was resentful in his heart, at this moment he had no time to deal with these blind humans.

He had to get out of here as soon as possible, and blending into the crowd was the best way to escape.

"There are so many people here, surely those ghost hunters can't do anything, right?"

The cowardly ghost ran wildly along the crowd.

"Damn humans, just wait, next time, next time I will definitely..."

"Next time? What about next time?"

A sudden voice reached the ears of the timid ghost.

For some reason, this voice was obviously calm, but it made him feel extremely frightened, as if a heavy hammer struck the depths of his soul, making his whole body freeze.


He could only hear the footsteps getting closer and closer behind him, and every time they sounded, he felt his heart trembling with fear.

"who is it?"

The cowardly ghost couldn't turn back, and naturally couldn't see the face of the figure coming from behind.

He just felt that the surrounding area suddenly became quiet, and the noisy people around him gradually faded away, as if the whole world was moving away from him.

"Run, run! Run!"

At this moment, the timid ghost only had this thought in his mind.

What puzzled him was that he could actually move?

Just now, his body was still too stiff to turn back, but now he was running extremely easily. It was like... it was like the other party allowed him to escape! ?

But he can't control that much! Because at this moment he had no other choice but to escape.

All the clones are still being entangled by those hateful 'pillars' at this moment. He will not have any support at all, and there is no other chance of survival except running away.

So the cowardly ghost started running crazily. He ran as hard as he could and didn't even notice the changes in the surrounding environment.

This is no longer the crowded Flower Street just now, but a burning battlefield, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with no end in sight and no hope.

Here, the cowardly ghost transformed back into its original half-tengu form.

At this time, he suddenly realized that the situation was not good.

"Where... exactly is this place?"

Ban Tiangu's heart instantly turned cold.

He had no idea what was happening now because it was too difficult to understand.

He had never heard of someone being able to change the world around them out of thin air. Unlike Naruko's Infinite City, this place seemed to be another world that did not belong to the original world!

Even the adult he admired did not have such ability.

"Nibelungen? Or maybe the realm can be easier for you to understand?"

The voice came again, and his tone was still calm, with no hatred or murderous intention. He even explained the current situation to Bantengu in good faith, which made him somewhat unclear about the purpose of the existence behind him.

After all, he couldn't even feel the other party's hostility, so what exactly did this person want to do?

"You...who are you? What do you want to do!?"


There seemed to be some confusion in the voice coming from behind.

"I probably just wanted to try it out and see if I could create the so-called 'Nibelungen'."

As soon as the voice fell, the dog felt that the environment around him began to change again.

Although he couldn't turn around, he clearly saw the shadows piled up on the ground.

They were ferocious and twisted remains, and it was impossible to tell whether they were humans or other creatures when they were alive.

The shadows of the piled bodies grew taller and longer.

The dark shadow gradually extended until it completely enveloped Hantengu. Watching his own shadow gradually merge with those shadows, he seemed to feel that he had become one of them.

And at the top of the reflection of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, there was a figure sitting upright. Hantengu's eyes couldn't help but be attracted to this figure. It was obviously a dark shadow, but he seemed to see gold in the shadow.

It was a pair of frightening bright golden eyes.

For a moment, majesty enveloped the entire space, and Hanten Dog was the first to bear the brunt.

He seemed to understand now why the person behind him had no murderous intention towards him.

Let me ask, how could there be no murderous intention in the person who created such a mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood? The reason why he didn't feel it was just because the other party was disdainful.

After all, who would show murderous intent like an ant?

Through the reflected shadow, Han Tiangu stared blankly at the figure slowly getting up and walking towards him step by step across the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

For some reason, he felt the urge to worship at this moment, as if it was a god or a devil... He tried all the adjectives in his mind, but none of them could describe the approaching figure, because he It feels like these words don't seem appropriate.

This slowly coming shadow is not as noble as a god, nor as evil as a devil. He is struggling with the chaotic world, flattening everything that blocks his steps. He is more like a human being.

It's just that... Bantian Gou was a little confused. If this shadow was a 'person', then who was he?

Soon, he knew the answer.

Feeling the shadow falling from the sky, the dog subconsciously raised his head.

Only then did he realize that he was much smaller than he thought.

The figure finally came to where he was, and slowly lowered his raised feet.

The other person seemed to be just walking normally, but he couldn't escape the shadow no matter how much he ran.

Pressure fell from the sky, and for a long time the dog felt death coming.

The sad thing is that he never even saw the other party's appearance from beginning to end. He never thought that he would die in such a way, being trampled to death mercilessly by someone who didn't care.

Yes, he didn't care at all, because the other person might not have even looked at him, and just walked by, that's all.


When that foot slowly stepped down, Hanten Dog's soul was instantly shattered along with the whole world.

In the crowded crowd, the old man walked slowly.

The cowardly ghost's rat-sized body suddenly fell down.

People walked far away in a hurry, ruthlessly stepping on the evil ghost's tough body one foot after another.

It hurts my feet a bit, but people kept coming from behind, and if they didn't, they would stop to see what they had stepped on.

When the crowd disappeared, Tanjiro and others who rushed over anxiously finally found the Cowardly Ghost lying motionless on the ground.

"What's happening here?"

Everyone will probably be confused when they see this scene.

Because there were no scars on the body of the Cowardly Ghost, his hard body could not be easily cut off by even the Nichirin Sword, and naturally it was impossible for him to die due to the trampling of the crowd, but he was indeed lying where he was, motionless.

"Whatever! Cut his neck first!"

Inosuke was too lazy to think about so many questions, so he picked up his two swords and prepared to chop up the ghost in front of him.


Without any hindrance, the Cowardly Ghost's neck was severed.

This time, the ghost's body began to gradually collapse and dissipate! Looking at this scene, they finally confirmed that they had really killed this unruly ghost.

"Really dead?"

Although there was no real feeling of killing the evil spirit at all, Tanjiro quickly took out the empty container to collect the blood that had not dissipated.

They had no idea what was happening to this ghost, but they were just surprised because this intimidating ghost was originally so difficult to deal with, but now it didn't even have the ability to 'pretend to be a corpse', and just lay there quietly like this. Let them cut your neck honestly. This makes them feel unreasonable no matter what they think.

But this is the fact. When the Cowardly Ghost's neck was cut off, Hambotian, who was entangled with Yusui Tianyuan and others on the other side, turned into ashes and disappeared unwillingly.

At this point, the Demon Slayer Squad's crusade has come to a successful end, with casualties almost minimized. Except for Zenitsu, who was seriously injured, the rest of the Demon Slayer Squad are doing fine.

"That's right! Zenitsu!?"

Speaking of Zenitsu, after the rendezvous, Tanjiro and others heard that poor Zenitsu was still lying unconscious somewhere on the battlefield.

But when they all rushed to send the guy back to Butterfly House for treatment, they discovered that the guy had recovered as before and was sleeping like a pig.

When they saw the old man looking at them with a smile, they realized what had happened.

Although they didn't see the old man take action, Zenitsu's injuries were undoubtedly treated by this old man. After all, they had all experienced this old man's power, which was simply a miracle.

"Teacher, that ghost is also..."


Xuan Hao gently put his finger in front of his lips and made a silencing gesture.

Tanjiro and others understood and asked no more questions.

Except for Xuan Hao himself, no one will know how the half-day dog ​​died at Shangxian Si.

Even if Muzan could see the final scene through Hantengu's field of vision, he could only see that Hantengu suddenly became sluggish as if he had lost his mind, and then had his neck cut off.

Because the real 'confrontation' takes place in a field similar to the 'Nibelungen', only the owner there or those selected to enter there can know what is going on inside.

However, Xuan Hao's 'field' is still in its embryonic stage. It should be said that he just wanted to try on a whim to see if he could create such a field.

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