Chapter 463 456. Finale

After all, the situation at that time was crowded, and the most troublesome thing for Xuan Hao was that he had to pull out the Nichirin Sword to kill the ghost, so if he took action directly, it would probably cause unnecessary commotion.

So he thought, 'Is there any way to kill ghosts without using the Nichirin Sword?' In fact, he had been thinking about this question for a long time, but he never got an answer.

It wasn't until he experienced the "Nightmare" dream in the second chapter and helped Xiaomei send her and her brother, the prostitute Taro, into "reincarnation" that he suddenly realized that the "soul" seemed to be a very interesting thing? To put it simply, killing the opponent may not require such brutal direct action, and the same goes for erasing the 'soul'.

So, Xuanhao did this.

He had experienced the world of the 'Dragon Clan' and had some understanding of areas such as the 'Nibelungs'. Then he combined his mastery of soul power with his previous feelings when the knife unexpectedly entered the 'blank' space to try to create came out of its own 'field'.

This is just a 'field' that is still in its infancy, and it doesn't even have a name, but it would be completely wrong to crush the soul of Hantengu.

Hantengu died in such an "unexplained" way, and Kibutsuji Mukai's side must have gone crazy, right? After all, three winding ghosts were sent out, but in the end they were all destroyed, and it can even be said that they failed to have the slightest effect.

There is not much room left for Muzan to choose at this moment. If he is not stupid, he should realize that the era is no longer the era where humans were slaughtered by ghosts hundreds of years ago. The world is constantly changing. The Demon Slayer Squad It is also gradually developing and growing. If only one person is strong, he may be able to use accidents to cover up the past, but what about a group of people?

Nowadays, almost every 'Pillar' in the Demon Slayer Corps can threaten the Oni no Tsurugi. Although it is far from being able to threaten Mukai, with his IQ, he should not be able to feel the slightest sense of crisis.

With a sufficient sense of crisis, Wuhan will be forced to take action. If he is not willing to hide in the sun for hundreds of years like before, then he should take action now. After all, although we don’t know what changes have taken place within the Demon Slayer Corps, anyone with a discerning eye can probably see that if the Demon Slayer Corps continues to grow and develop, there will be no room for ghosts to survive.

His own living space is getting smaller and smaller. This is probably the last thing Wuhan wants to see, who has been forced to live in the shadows.

Hundreds of years have passed, and he has finally integrated into human society. Although it is only at night, once he has experienced this feeling of 'freedom', who would be willing to lose it again?

"So, it's better to act than to have a heartbeat. Why don't you act quickly?"

Xuan Hao looked teasingly at the end of Flower Street, which had been almost turned into ruins. There was a dark corner with no one there.

The fire has not yet been extinguished, and the raging fire has lit up almost half of the night sky. The light makes the night as dazzling as the day, leaving not much darkness left.

For such a waste that has been hidden in the darkness for nearly a thousand years but has done nothing, Xuanhao actually disdains to care about it, but his body is now approaching its limit. He can feel that maybe he is staying in this world. There is not much time left.

In order to remove the soul fragment from Nezuko as soon as possible, he had to hurry up.

Everything is going as planned according to his plan. The pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad have fully grown up, and the three young boys have gradually become able to take charge of their own affairs. Except for the one on the string and Muzan, almost all the evil spirits are here. It no longer poses a threat, plus the 'seeds' he planted on the ghost side.

"Wuxian, I have already thought of the ending for you, let's call it 'Battle Royale', right?"


In the early morning, the moon hanging in the night sky gradually faded away.

A crow landed at the window of a medical clinic.

The room is brightly lit, and there are various books placed in front of the desk. The books record many mysteries that no one has ever understood. On the experimental table on the other side were many test tubes filled with scarlet liquid.

The woman in kimono was frowning and conducting serious research, but when the crow in front of the window touched the window sill, she suddenly stopped what she was doing.


Zhu Shi looked at the crow standing in front of the window with vigilance.

Of course she knew that this was a raven belonging to the Demon Slayer Squad, but she was not sure who sent this raven at the moment.

After all, she had not been in contact with the Demon Slayer Corps for hundreds of years, and Tanjiro's cooperation with her was only carried out in secret. In order not to expose her location, Tanjiro would not contact her through the crow.

"Good evening, Miss Jushi."

Looking at the slightly nervous Zhu Shi in front of him, Yao Ya greeted him politely, "It's very dangerous to work with the windows open at night."

It stepped on the window edge with its feet and made a clicking sound. Although the window was open from the beginning, it did not break into the mansion without permission. This time its mission here is to achieve cooperation with the woman in front of it, so it naturally behaves politely.

"But the moonlight tonight is really beautiful..."

The bird raised its head like a gentleman, pointed with its wings to the moon that was fading away in the sky, and sighed, "It will be dawn soon. Miss Zhushi, please remember to close the curtains."

"Who on earth sent you...?"

Zhu Shi frowned and looked at the polite crow in front of her like a gentleman. In fact, she had probably guessed who had found her.

There are very few demon slayers in the Demon Slayer Corps who have received such rigorous training. The only one who has such a scorpion in the Demon Slayer Corps is the lord 'Ubuyashiki'.

Sure enough, Yao Ya quickly gave her the answer, "First time we meet, I am the envoy of Ubuyashiki Yaoya."

"I remember that I haven't contacted the Demon Slayer Squad for a long time. Why did you come to see me this time?" Zhu Shi still did not let down his guard.

To be precise, if she hadn't sensed the aura of a human ghost hunter nearby, she would have escaped by now.

But now that this place has been discovered, we can't stay any longer after tonight.

Since the Demon Slayer Squad can find him, there is no guarantee that Wuhan can also find him.

"Miss Zhushi, please don't panic. It's still safe here for the time being. At least Wuhan won't have time to look for you."

I don't know whether the crow saw the inner thoughts of Tama, or whether it was Uyashiki Yaoya's premeditated arrangement. In short, it exposed the inner thoughts of Tama with just one word.

"What...mean?" Zhu Shi's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

She didn't understand. What did it mean that Wu Ke had no time to look for herself? Has Wuxian encountered any trouble recently? That's great!

"As you can imagine now, he is in a lot of trouble."

Yan Ya said in a cheerful tone, "Mr. Ubuyashiki asked me to send a message. The decisive battle is coming, and we may need your help..."

"Help...what do you want me to do? I'm not good at fighting."

Tamashi asked with some confusion. Her experiment was not over yet, and she didn't think she could be of any use on the battlefield. Moreover, the word 'maybe' in Ubuyashiki's message made her very concerned.

"Please listen to what I have to say first," Yao Ya continued unhurriedly, "Actually, the person who is looking for you this time is not Uyashiki Yoshiya alone, but there is another person."


"I think you may have heard of his name five hundred years ago," Yao Ya looked at the door behind Zhu Shi, "The guy over there is probably the ghost who received his favor, right?"


Jushi's eyes became more surprised.


Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open.

Yushiro, who was hiding behind the door, walked into the room expressionlessly, frowning at the crow on the window sill.

What he was best at was hiding his aura. After he noticed something was coming, he quickly hid outside Miss Zhuyo's room to guard her. If the other party hadn't revealed any hostility, he would have rushed in long ago.

"I didn't expect a crow to find me?"

"Mr. Yushiro is joking, I'm just guessing." Di Yao greeted politely, "After all, Master Xuanhao has seen your ability before, and based on his description, I have a little understanding."


Hearing this name, Yushiro looked at Tamayo in surprise.

After receiving Tamashi's affirmative look, Yushirou slowly lowered his guard.

Although he has never met the owner of this name, he is very clear about the source of his power. If it were not for this power, he thinks it would be difficult for him to protect Miss Tamashi, so he still has great respect for this person whom he has never met. .

It’s just... did this crow just say that that person had seen me before? What seems! ?

Although he lowered his guard, the surprise in Yushiro's eyes was even worse.

The same is true for Jushi.

"It turns out that the adult is still alive..."

She seemed to have finally let go of something that had been suppressed for a long time in her heart, "So, the trouble Wuxian encountered is..."

"Yes, everything is arranged by that adult." Di Ya answered affirmatively, "And the main purpose of my coming here is to ask you to follow me to the Demon Slayer Headquarters. You don't need to intervene in the battle, Demon Slayer There is also someone in the team who is proficient in medicine, and she has a good relationship with Master Xuanhao. Master Xuanhao would like to ask you to cooperate with her to investigate the changes in Nezuko, and it is best to restore Nezuko to an adult. kind."

"But... I'm a ghost. I'm going to the Demon Slayer Headquarters..."

Zhu Shi was a little hesitant. Although she had cooperated with the Demon Slayer Squad before, she had never thought about going to the headquarters.

After all, it was the base camp of ghost hunters, and she was a ghost after all.

"Master Xuanhao said, you will believe him."


Dawn is approaching and everything is still quiet.

The faint sunlight shines on the ground through the clouds, and the smell of sunlight permeates the air. The network woven by the stars gradually disappears, as if it is trying to cover up everything that happened at night.

Crows flew low in the sky, filling the entire mansion with a dense aura.

The curtains that should have been opened during the day would never be opened again, and in the silent darkness, blood stained the entire mansion red.


The blood that had not yet dried up was still flowing. The originally happy family in the room was torn apart beyond recognition as if they had been attacked by a ferocious beast. No one in the entire mansion, including the servants, was spared, and bright red blood dripped on the ground. The writing on the scattered book fragments was covered up, as if to cover up the cruelty of last night.

In a dark corner where the sunlight could not shine through the curtains, a pair of plum-colored eyes exuded a gloomy aura. Wu Kuai stood quietly in the darkness, as if thinking about something.

He was really too angry. From the scene here, you can see how angry he was last night.


After venting his anger, he could only utter these two words.

Waste indeed.

Wu Ke is now very disappointed with his 'Twelve Ghost Moons'.

It’s okay that the ghost on the lower string is useless. When did the ghost on the upper string become so useless?

It was just a 'pillar'. In the past, wouldn't it have been an existence that they could knead at will? From Muzan's point of view, it is a matter of course that ghosts can defeat humans.

But now, even such a natural thing seems to have become a luxury! ?

He sent out three winding ghosts this time, hoping to severely damage or even completely destroy the Demon Slayer Corps like he did five hundred years ago, but what was the result?

As a result, all these wastes were killed!

"A bunch of useless guys, do you really want me to do it myself?"

Wuxian's face was gloomy, and he didn't know who he was talking to.

"Then why did I give you blood?"

There was no one in the mansion except him and the corpse. It was already daytime outside, and it was impossible for a ghost to appear here, but Wu Mei kept asking questions as if he had fallen into madness.

"Damn it! What on earth is going on!?"

He was going crazy.

A thousand years, a whole thousand years, whether it's looking for clues to the 'Blue Higanbana' or eradicating the Demon Slayer Squad, these two things don't seem to be very difficult, but these two easy things are enough. It took him thousands of years!

It was as if the whole world was against him. His life had been ominous from the beginning. The whole world was cursing him, leaving him to huddle in this endless darkness.

The sunshine and freedom were obviously only a window away from him, and he even felt that he could reach out and touch them.

But every time he reached out, all he got in return was bone-eroding burning.

"Why? Why? Why!? Why exactly?"

Wuhan was puzzled, what exactly went wrong?

Unable to get an answer, he trembled as if he had fallen into madness, grabbing his face frantically, blood overflowing from his fingertips, and his face was hideous.


With a gentle sigh, the whole space seemed to become quiet.

Wuxian stopped freaking out, and he returned to his usual indifferent appearance, but his plum-red eyes held an unprecedented cruelty.

"Humans, since you want to play, then I will play with you, right?"

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