Chapter 481 474.Soul Society

"never mind."

No matter how you think about it, it doesn't make any sense.

Xuan Hao had no choice but to start moving in the direction pointed before the consciousness of the world disappeared.

But it's different from last time.

He did not enter the so-called 'chaos'.

Silent, blank, lonely, without direction.

This is what he is experiencing right now.

Perhaps this blank space is wider than the so-called "chaos", and even covers the area where "chaos" is located, and can directly reach the new world.


After throwing away the shackles of his physical body, he walked in this endless blank space for who knows how long.

There is no concept of time or any specific direction. I just follow the guidance of my soul and keep walking.

One year, two years, ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years?

He didn't know how long it took, but finally, he heard the sound.


Someone exclaimed.

The surrounding environment becomes more and more noisy.

After the strong light passed, Xuan Hao suddenly realized that everything around him had changed.

He was now on an ancient-looking street. There was noisy life around him, and people had frightened expressions on their faces as they ran away.

"How is this going?"

I don’t know what these people are afraid of or what they are running from, it doesn’t matter.

Because these people look no different from ordinary people, what they are afraid of should not be scary to him.

At this moment, Xuanhao was even more confused about his own situation.

He lowered his head and looked at his palms in confusion.

"I probably haven't reshaped my body yet..."

Yes, He did not recreate the body to house the soul.

In the last world, he was already able to control the state of his body independently. If he wanted to, he could instantly revert to the appearance of a child, or he could slowly grow old according to the changes of time and leave his body to embark on a journey again.

But the current situation seems a little strange.

He knew very well that he was no longer in that blank space, so now he should have broken into a certain world.

But he didn't remember when he reshaped his body. If he remembered correctly... he should be in a soul state now.

And what's even weirder is... here, he can't condense his physical body!

"The world can only exist in a soul state? So what kind of place is this?"


Someone bumped into Xuan Hao's shoulder and fell to the ground.

"Hey! Why are you standing here!?"

The man cursed and got up and continued running. It was more important than the lunatic in front of him to escape for his life.

" looks like they are just like me."

Xuanhao felt the touch on his shoulder and analyzed it.

Since they can touch each other, it means that everyone should be in the same state, that is to say... they are all souls.

The people around them all look ordinary. They should just be the souls of ordinary people. If they are afraid and run away, it means that there is something that can threaten their lives nearby. In other words, they are all mortal.

But here comes the question. Under normal circumstances, doesn’t turning into a soul state mean that you are dead?

So how can we die after we die? Are these people alive or dead?

"Hey, what kind of world is this?"

Among the frightened crowd, Xuan Hao touched his chin and thought deeply.

Anyone who sees his behavior will feel that it is particularly abrupt. Everyone is running for their lives. This person is a little too calm.

"Run! Run! A 'Xu' is coming!"

Just when Xuan Hao was confused, someone started shouting anxiously again.

But this time, he heard words that seemed familiar.


Xuanhao felt like he had heard this word somewhere.


Just when he was confused, a violent roar suddenly exploded.


In Xuan Hao's stunned eyes, a dark red beam of light swept across the entire street, only a few meters away from him. For a moment, smoke filled the air and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Fanning the smoke in disgust, he turned his head and looked towards the direction from which the beam of light was emitted.

"That is……"

There is a dark crack in the sky in the distance, as deep and dark as a torn abyss.

Under the crack is a huge dark shadow that is slowly moving towards this side. This black image is a giant wearing a dark cloak, but there is a hollowed out hole in the chest, and there is a "face" hanging on the top. A ferocious pale mask that looked a bit intimidating.

That's right, for Xuan Hao, the word 'bluffing' is a compliment.



The strong and powerful character "一" is engraved on the door curtain flying in the wind.

This is the area where the first team of the Soul Society External Crusade Team is located.

The so-called 'Soul Society External Crusade Team' is a team founded by Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, who is known as the 'Soul Society's Strongest Shinigami', and is the predecessor of the 'Gotei Thirteen Team' a thousand years later. (After that, it will be written directly as the Gotei 13)

Now that the situation is turbulent, the Soul Society needs to unite with the real world to fight against the Hueco Mundo forces invading both worlds, so this team was formed.

But in fact, the ‘Death Gods’ in ‘Soul Society’ and the ‘Quinnies’ in the ‘real world’ are not absolute allies.

Therefore, the meaning of the "foreign subjugation team" is not only aimed at the "Hollows" in "Hueco Mundo", but also to be wary of the "Queens" from the "real world".

The current situation is chaotic, and the cooperation between the two parties is just a choice of 'seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages'.

The "Foreign Crusade Team" born under such an environment is essentially a killer group that "takes advantage of the name of the Gotei to carry out killings."

Its function is to annihilate all 'enemies' that are detrimental to Soul Society.

In the ancient mansion, the old man was sitting in a chair, holding a cane in his hand and meditating with his eyes closed.

This is an old man who looks very old and has a long white beard. The only impressive thing is probably the two staggered scars on his forehead.

However, if someone could open up the large Death Domination uniform, they would find that his body hidden underneath had long been tempered like steel, and countless old injuries proved that he was a battle-hardened warrior.

He is the owner here, the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Division and the captain of the First Division—Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni.

As the old man's meditation deepened, the air began to become a little violent, as if it was about to be ignited, and the hot breath gradually rose.

But suddenly, as if affected by something, the violent air suddenly became quiet.

The old man also opened his eyes at this moment.

He clearly looked like an old man in his twilight years, but there was a terrifying glint in his eyes.

"Interesting little guy..." He slowly raised his head and looked in a certain direction, with a smile on his kind-looking face.


Squadron 11.

"Captain Unohana! A 'hollow' appears in Area 45 of Rukongai West."

The man dressed as a warrior rushed into the dojo anxiously and reported to the woman standing in the center of the dojo.

"Ah, got it."

A gentle smile appeared on the woman's face.

But such a smile made the already panting man's feet weaken and he knelt on the ground instantly.

Because he knows this woman very well.

Captain of the 11th Division of the Gotei 13, Unohana Yasenryu.

Before this woman joined the Gotei 13, she was known as an unprecedented evil person in the Soul Society. As for how evil she really is... just look at the wailing team members lying on the floor in the dojo at this moment.


Amidst the continuous ups and downs of wails, the woman casually dropped the bamboo knife in her hand.

"You can start your training after I come back, right?"

She licked her tongue, took the Zanpakutō respectfully handed over by the attendant at the side, and slowly walked out of the dojo.

"I hope the guy who appears this time can hold on a little longer, right?"

As soon as he left the dojo, Unohana Yachiruu's figure disappeared, leaving only a chilling voice echoing in the air.


The man who fell to his knees finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"This woman is so scary..."

Unohana Yasenryu, the "God of Death" with the title of "Kenpachi", although he looks gentle and kind, with long black hair, he looks like Yamato Nadeshiko, which can even make people like him.

But anyone who knows her at all knows that this woman kills people like crazy and is very warlike.

By the way, the 11th Division she is in is also the division responsible for fighting. Do you think it is a coincidence?

Because of this, Unohana Yasenryu was so excited to leave even after learning that Yuxu broke into Soul Society, even abandoning training. After all, how can you use a real knife to chop someone with a bamboo knife?

Nowadays, in the entire Soul Society, only Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, the captain of the Gotei 13 who was founded not long ago, and the captain of the first team, can control her.


Looking at the big guy who suddenly appeared in front of him, Xuan Hao finally understood the world he was currently in.

Xuanhao doesn't know much about this world, because his memories of this world are already stuck in his childhood memories. I had almost forgotten it before I traveled through time.

But he probably still remembers the basics.

For example, this is the world of the 'God of Death', the big guy in front of you is 'Void', and the light beam just now is called 'Void Flash'.

After observing the surrounding environment, it didn't look like a deserted Hueco Mundo, but more like an old slum. In this world, it seems that only Rukongai in Soul Society is like this.

"This must be Soul Society, right?"

Xuan Hao nodded slowly and roughly judged where he was.

Soul Society - a place where the souls who lost their lives in this world go.

Under the constraints of the rules of this world, the concept of flesh and blood does not exist in Soul Society. Everything here is composed of "spirits".

Because this is the residence of the ‘god of death’ and souls, and it is a place similar in nature to ‘heaven’ or ‘nirvana’.

"This solves the problem of my inability to condense my physical body. Then..."

Stepping over the surrounding ruins that had been destroyed by 'Void Flash', Xuan Hao raised his head and looked at Xu in the distance.

This Hollow can use Virtual Flash, which means it should be a 'Hollow' above the Great Hollow. As for which level it is at, he doesn't know, but he feels that he can handle it.

In fact, Xuan Hao is very curious about what level his current strength is. After all, there is a difference between the physical body and the soul state. In this world where "soul power" is respected, is he considered a strong person?


Just when he was about to take action, a figure jumped in front of him.

The figure of Unohana Yaqianliu suddenly flashed in front of Daxu, and his long black hair floated with a wanton aura, like a madman.

Even Xuan Hao felt the violent aura emanating from this woman. It was a pressure that seemed to solidify the air and make people's souls tremble. If he was not mistaken, this was probably the so-called 'spiritual pressure'.


Before anyone could react to what was going on, a wound nearly severed the entire body was cut on the huge 'Xu', and blood splattered everywhere.

The battle ended the moment it started, and the mountain-like body seemed to have just reacted at this moment and slowly fell down,


The woman waved her knife to revive the blood, with a look of disappointment on her blood-stained face, muttering something in her mouth and turning around to leave without stopping.

"Ah, it's Captain Unohana again, is it solved so quickly?"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The Shinigami from Division 4 who arrived at Rukongai and were responsible for clearing the crowd shouted loudly.

The Fourth Division is a logistics unit whose first priority is treatment. Of course, I heard that doctors are generally better at killing people.

But their mission today is the same as usual, they are just responsible for the aftermath, treating injured ordinary souls and cleaning up the remaining 'corpse' of Daxu.

"Oh, it's true that Captain Unohana makes the scene so exaggerated every time."

"Looks like we'll have to work overtime again."

The Shinigami dressed in 'Death Tyrant Outfits' began to take action while complaining.

"Hey, that one over there, are you a survivor? Are you injured?"

A god of death impatiently asked Xuan Hao who was standing next to him, as if he was doing a line check that had been repeated countless times. Although the sentence contained a question about whether he was injured, his eyes were not on Xuan Hao at all.

"Ah, you are quite brave, why are you still here? It looks like you are not injured."

Seeing that there was nothing serious about the young man's soul in front of him, Shiba Jinbei waved his hand perfunctorily.

"Why are you still standing here? Leave as soon as possible and don't hinder our work."

"Me?" Xuan Hao pointed at himself in confusion, "Brother..."

", what? Who is your brother? Where can you relax and stay?"

Shiba Jinbei stared at him with a pair of dead fish eyes, and continued to chase people away without even looking at him.


Xuan Hao's mouth twitched slightly.

What should he do? He really wanted to slap this guy to death with a slap in the face. He didn't know where the superiority complex came from.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that now is not the time to cause trouble. After all, he is new here. The most important thing is that he still doesn't know whether he can exert his normal strength in his soul state.

And...this world is just like this.

If nothing else, this is the Rukongai of Soul Society, and most of the people who will appear here are just low-level souls from Rukongai.

Although these gods of death have received a rescue mission, who would be willing to waste spiritual energy on a 'untouchable' when faced with a person who is obviously not in serious trouble?

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