Chapter 482 475. Seireitei

Yes, Soul Society is such a cruel place with a strict hierarchy. Although the concept of existence is similar to 'heaven' or 'nirvana', it is just a concept. The real world is not that beautiful.

The real Soul Society is like human society during the Fengjing era. The souls living here are no different from the humans living in this world.

They will also suffer from hunger and all kinds of evil negative emotions, and they will also die from aging or being killed.

The only difference may be that the aging rate here will be very slow, and when you die, you will not go to hell again but return to the living world for a new round of reincarnation.

When people in this world die, they are sent to Soul Society, and people who die in Soul Society return to this world, and their spiritual power continues to flow here. This is the balance of this world.

And this kind of balance is extremely fragile. Whether the soul turns into a hollow and runs away to Hueco Mundo, or the Quincy completely destroys the soul, the balance will be broken.

So someone has to maintain this balance.

That’s why their ‘gods of death’ exist. Doesn’t this lead to a sense of superiority?

"Hey...can you tell me how to become a god of death?"

After sighing to calm down, Xuan Hao asked helplessly.

The direct purpose of his travel is to find soul fragments, and the structure of the world he is in now is very complex. Soul Society is just a part of this world. Who knows where the fragments will be scattered.

But the problem is that he doesn't know how to 'cross the border'.

Xuan Hao thought that after all, the 'God of Death' was the core of the world. If he wanted to move easily, he would probably have to find a way to become the God of Death first. In this case, there might be a chance to go to 'Hueco Mundo' or the 'real world' to perform tasks.

"Death? You?"

Seeing the dust-covered and embarrassed man in front of him so unwilling to let go, Shiba Jinbei raised his eyebrows.

In fact, Xuanhao misunderstood Shiba Jinbei. This guy didn't have a sense of superiority as a Shinigami, but simply disliked him. To put it more bluntly, he found it troublesome.

It doesn't matter whether it's a god of death or a spirit from Rukongai. He has the same attitude towards everyone. Repeating the same work all day long makes people numb. It's better to do less than to do more.

And if you don't have talent, you can't become a god of death. This kind of thing is destined from birth. This world is so cruel.


As if he thought of something, Shiba Jinbei raised his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him seriously.

"Boy, have you just arrived in Soul Society?"


No wonder he hasn’t given up the struggle yet, it’s really troublesome. Shiba Jinbe scratched his head. Young souls like this are the ones who have just arrived and have not been smoothed by the cruel life in Rukongai.

"Okay... let me see."

I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but now I look carefully...

Ah... This boy-looking guy can't feel any spiritual pressure at all~ (perfunctory jpg), and he can't even feel a trace of spiritual power.

You must know that this is the basic condition for becoming a god of death. Talent is not something that everyone has.

Obviously, the young man in front of him didn't.

Well~it doesn’t matter anymore.

Shiba Jinbei scratched his head depressedly, "Oh, it's really troublesome."

Hmm... He was thinking about how to tell this boy so that he wouldn't be shocked.

Although he wanted to ignore it... Looking at the young man in front of him, he seemed to see his past self, the one who had no talent but worked hard.

What if... what if I made a mistake? In fact, this young man is very talented, but he just can't see it?

But Captain Unohana just ignored this guy. If he was a talented person, wouldn't that crazy woman not be able to notice it?

A soul without spiritual power cannot become the God of Death. This is the cruel reality.

Do you want to tell him the cruel truth?

Shiba Jinbei was a little confused.

"Are you sure you want to be the God of Death?"

"Of course." Xuan Hao shrugged.


Seeing Xuanhao's indifferent attitude, Shiba Jinbei nodded slowly.

The Soul Society is divided into two parts: Rukongai and Seireitei. Seireitei is located in the center of Rukongai, where only the Shinigami can live. Ordinary souls dominate Rukongai, the poorest and freest place in Soul Society.

In Rukongai, souls without spiritual power will not go hungry and can live normally as long as there is water. However, the security in some areas here is worse than in the real world. Evil things such as murder and arson often occur. No soul wants to I have always lived in a place like this.

Who would want to stay in a damn place like this if given the chance?

But it is not easy to leave. If you want to leave Rukongai and enter the wealthy Seireitei, there is only one legal way, which is to possess spiritual power and become a 'God of Death'.

From Shiba Jinbei's point of view, the boy in front of him... was also one of those who was desperately 'struggling'.

Wherever Yuxu appears, there will definitely be a 'God of Death' to deal with it. If you get on the line with the God of Death, you may have a chance to get ahead...

Haha, forget it, since you want to struggle, then struggle... When you struggle to the end and find that you can't succeed, you will probably give up, right?

Thinking of this, Shiba Jinbei smiled softly, "If you want to be a Shinigami, go to the Genji Juku. I don't know if you can become a Shinigami. Maybe you can, but don't blame me, big brother." I didn’t remind you, being a god of death is very dangerous.”

He didn't want to hurt the other person, so he could only tell the young man in front of him this way.

There is no way for ordinary people to enter the Seireitei. Once this young man realizes that there is no way, he will probably give up on his own, right? At least that's what he thought.

After saying that, he buried his head again and continued to deal with the ruins in front of him, perhaps to vent his annoyance. The soul and the remains of Daxu were like playing with toys in his hands, and his skillful movements made people's scalp numb. No one would believe anyone who said he was in the treatment unit, he looked like a terrorist.

"Got it, thank you."

Xuan Hao smiled softly. He just said he was a brother, but this person is quite interesting.

He could see the perfunctory attitude of the other party, and of course, he could also see that the other party actually had no ill intentions.

He didn't care too much about being underestimated, because it was the same no matter which world he was in, no one would recognize you if you didn't show some strength.

And the most important thing for him now is to figure out how much strength he has in his soul state. If he has the chance, he can also play as a 'reaper', which will make it easier to move.

Regardless of whether the god of death in front of him saw it or not, he waved his hand and turned around to leave.

"Speaking of which, where is the 'Yuanzi School'?"

After taking two steps, he suddenly turned back and asked.

"In the Seireitei, as for how to get in...heh, it depends on you~"

Shiba Jinbei didn't even raise his head, still doing his own thing, as if talking to himself.


Hearing the absent-minded teasing coming from behind him, Xuan Hao smiled slightly and said, "Thanks, brother."

"Tsk... brat, who is your brother?"

Shiba Jinbei cursed.


Xuan Hao smiled and shook his head, no longer staying.

Brat? It seemed like no one had called him that for a long time.

He wondered who was older, himself or this god of death? This seems really hard to say. In Soul Society, you can't just judge people by their appearance. Maybe the little loli on the roadside is older than your grandma.


Although Rukongai has just been invaded by 'hollows' who came from nowhere, the lives of the Rukongans must continue no matter what happens.

The work of the Shinigami is at most to treat the wounded and 'purify' the corpses of the hollows. As for rebuilding Rukongai, the hard-working souls have to do it themselves.

“Is this the so-called people’s livelihood is in dire straits?”

Xuan Hao carried a thick wooden stake and helped the souls with their reconstruction work.

New souls come to Soul Society every day. After each new soul comes to Soul Society, if they are not lucky enough to have spiritual power and are taken away by a big family, most of them can only be sent away directly. Go to Rukongai.

They have to find the right 'family' by themselves, and they gather together and live together like ephemera. No one cares about who died today or who came today, and no one cares about where this new guy came from. Come.

Perhaps only the gods of death would sound the alarm against the invading 'trouble' from the outside world, but the way Xuan Hao came to Soul Society was very special. He seemed to appear out of thin air, and even he himself was not aware of how he appeared. There, if the spirit son fluctuation was caused, the Soul Society would probably have sounded the alarm, but in fact it did not, and the Shinigami only noticed the appearance of the big void.

In short, Xuan Hao is now considered a 'legal' soul.

"Is it okay to just leave this here?"

Xuan Hao gently put down the wooden stake in his hand and asked the old man beside him.

"Yes, thank you for your help, young are really strong."

The old man smiled and thanked her. She waved gently, and the little boy playing beside handed him the water glass and smiled shyly at Xuan Hao.

There is water in the water cup. For ordinary souls, water is their source of life.


Xuan Hao took the water glass handed over by the little boy, took a sip, handed the water glass back, and then gently touched the boy's head.

Water is just like ordinary water. It should be said that although this is Soul Society, everything seems to be made of "spirits", but it is no different from the real world in terms of senses.

"Brother, are you new to Soul Society? I've never seen you before. Are you from this world? I heard that there..."

Children are always a little innocent. While putting away the water glass, they asked a series of questions with a smile.


In response, Xuan Hao nodded slightly awkwardly.

There were so many questions at once that he didn't know how to answer them.

"Okay, let me take a rest first. Grandma has something to tell me."

Perhaps seeing Xuan Hao's embarrassment, the old man gently rubbed the little boy's head. The little boy said "oh" and left holding the water glass with some disappointment.

"Sorry, children are always curious about the outside world."

Xuan Hao shook his head slightly to show that he didn't care.

Every world has innocent children, and Soul Society is no exception.

Although they were born in a place like Rukongai, at least until they grow up and become sensible, they will not understand the cruelty of the world.

And old people always hope that they will never understand.

"Old man..."

After the little boy left, Xuan Hao began to ask her about something about Soul Society.

After a conversation with the old man, he roughly figured out the current basic situation in Soul Society.

"Thank you. I'll take my leave then."

After understanding the information he wanted to know, Xuanhao said goodbye to the old man and walked towards the center of Rukongai.

There are only ordinary souls in Rukongai, and the old man doesn't know much information, but some well-known things are still valuable to him as a newbie.

For example, the current situation in Soul Society - although the battle with Hueco Mundo is coming to an end, the war is not over yet, because the enemy of the God of Death is not only the Hollow, but also the Quincy.

With one wave after another, the Shinigami have no spare power to care about the life and death of the souls in Rukongai.

" what point in time have I arrived?"

Xuanhao had a headache.

Although his childhood memories were a little blurry, he still had a rough idea of ​​the general direction, but... the current situation didn't seem to be at any point in time in his memory.

In the original plot, the Quincy were almost wiped out, and it seems that only a few survived.

In other words, the time he is currently in should be before the plot begins. As for how long ago, he has no way to judge.

"That's all, let's go find that 'Yuanzi School' first."

The so-called "Yuanzi Juku" is the predecessor of the "Zhenou Spiritual Arts Academy" that will cultivate the Shinigami a thousand years later. It was established by Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, the captain of the Gotei 13th Division and the founder of "Genryu".

Heading in the direction the old man showed him.

In fact, that place is easy to find, because the architecture in the central area is completely different from Rukongai. Rukongai is messy and dilapidated like a "slum", but there are gorgeous and well-proportioned buildings like a palace. This is the Seireitei in the center surrounded by Rukongai.

The important place in the Soul Society - the peaceful place 'Seireitei'.

When Xuan Hao got closer, pieces of pale boulders suddenly fell from the sky where there was nothing in between.

These boulders fell to the ground, forming a high wall.

It was a high white wall that directly divided the entire Soul Society into two parts.

He was not too surprised. The information about this wall was not a secret. You could know it by just asking around.

This is the 'Seireitei Wall', which was built to block people who want to enter the Seireitei from Rukongai without permission.

The wall does not seem to be ordinary, but is built with a "murderous stone" that can block spiritual power. The "murderous stone" can release fluctuations that decompose spiritual power, creating a spherical protective shield to protect the Seireitei from the air to the ground. Ordinary souls cannot break through at all and can only enter through the door.

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