A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 483 476. Xuan Hao: I almost thought I was dead~

Chapter 483 476. Xuan Hao: I almost thought I was dead.

There are four gates named "Baidao", "Qingliu", "Heileng" and "Zhuwa" in the east, west, north and south directions of the wall. Each door is said to have a door handle.

‘Menfan’, to put it bluntly, is the doorman.

The 'Yuanzi Private School' is in the area behind this wall, but it seems a little difficult to enter it.

Because to enter, you naturally need a guard to open the door, and the guards who can handle the four important gates are naturally powerful 'gods of death'.


The huge roar almost alarmed the entire Seireitei.

Along with the city wall, a majestic figure fell between Rukongai and Seireitei.

After the smoke dissipated, the figure slowly revealed its true appearance.

His standing figure can almost stand shoulder to shoulder with the 'Daxu', standing out even more than the towering city walls. He is tall and tall, and his thick muscles look full of power.

"What... happened?"

Some of the new Shinigami seemed to have never experienced such a situation and asked questions.

"Hasn't the 'Xu' that just appeared been killed by Captain Unohana?"

"Could it be that the Quincy broke into Soul Society?"

"How is it possible? Although there seems to be some signs, hasn't the war not started yet?"

"Maybe someone wants to come in from Rukongai."

People in the know looked at the heads protruding from the white wall and probably guessed the reason, "But it's really rare..."


"Hey, big guy, can you let me in?"

On a sunny afternoon, in front of the "White Road" gate to the west of Seireibi, a boy-like figure raised his head and asked.

"It's been such a long time..."

A deep voice came from above.

The figure slowly sat down, blocking the door Xuan Hao wanted to enter like a giant Buddha.

"How many years has it been? How many years has it been since no one dared to break into Seireitei?"

The towering figure slowly looked down at the person in front of him and asked slowly.

"Boy, who are you? Tell me your name."

"Before you ask anyone else, you should give your name first."

The boy-like figure was not afraid of the seemingly terrifying giant in front of him. He looked directly into his eyes and spoke slowly.


The big man rubbed his head. For some reason, he felt that what this man said made sense, "My name is Kinemon, and I am the guardian of the White Way."

"My name is Xuan Hao."

Xuan Hao nodded with satisfaction and continued, "Also...I never said I wanted to force my way in. I just asked if I could get in."


Kinemon seemed a little stunned.

"Are you joking?"

"No, I just wanted to pass by here. You suddenly jumped out and blocked the road, right?"

Xuan Hao spread his hands to show that he had no ill intentions.

After all, he didn't even have a weapon, so what harm could he have?

After all, it seems that his purpose here is to join them, and it doesn't look good if they fight.


Kinemon scratched his head, "What you said seems to make sense..."

He looked carefully at the young man-looking figure in front of him.

There was no alarm sounding in the Seireitei, and no 'Disaster Brigade' had appeared recently. The man in front of him was a little dirty, had no spiritual pressure, and was not a Quincy from the aura, just an ordinary soul.

"So what do you want to do here?"

"Become a god of death."

Xuanhao answered matter-of-factly.

"Just because of... you?"

Kinemon took a closer look, and it was obvious that he was just an ordinary little guy...

But according to the procedure, he still had to ask the questions that needed to be asked.

"Then...do you have a recommender?"


Xuanhao was confused.

Good guy, is this so realistic? Do you need connections to be a god of death?

"Or...passing order?"

Kinemon saw the confusion on Xuanhao's face and changed another condition.

"No. What should I do?"

Xuanhao asked.

"Ah this..."

Kinemon was a little embarrassed, with an expression that said it would be difficult for me to do things for you if you have nothing.


Xuan Hao sighed. He didn't want to make the matter a big deal.

But it seems that talking nicely won’t work, right?

If you think about it carefully, it should indeed be like this.

After all, Soul Society is a world with a strict social hierarchy.

Most of the people who can become the God of Death here are born into 'nobles'.

For example, the nobles headed by the Kuchiki family and the Shifengin family were born in the "Seireitei" and have been in the Soul Society their entire lives.

They were of noble birth and were born with powerful spiritual powers.

Because these nobles were born with excellent "spiritual power" qualifications, it was natural for them to study in the "Yuanzi Juku" and become shinigami after graduation.

But what about ordinary people?

Ordinary souls, if they want to change their destiny, they can only rely on 'luck'. If they are lucky, they have excellent 'qualifications'. If they are lucky, they will be valued by a certain family. If they are lucky, they can enter the 'Yuanzi School' to study. If they are lucky... To become the god of death.

To put it nicely, it’s called ‘luck’; to put it harshly, it’s called ‘fate’.

Very real, right? It seems that everything is doomed from birth.

"This is really...disgusting."

Xuanhao suddenly sneered.

"I am not a noble, I have no recommenders, and of course I will not have a pass."

"Then I'm sorry, kid...I can't open the door for you."

Kinemon shook his head sadly.

"Then you can get out of the way and I'll open the door myself."

Xuanhao said matter-of-factly.

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Kinemon frowned.

He now suspected that this kid was here to cause trouble.

"Do you think I'm kidding you?"

Xuanhao's voice suddenly became cold.

"Big guy..."

Kinemon was stunned.

Because the aura of this person suddenly changed, he saw the other person suddenly smiled. It was obviously a friendly smile, but it made him feel a little creepy.

"I think you have a good attitude. I'll give you a chance..."

The other party said this.

"what chance?"

Cold sweat began to break out on Kinemon's head, and he was a little confused.

"Step aside!"

An overwhelming sense of oppression came instantly.

Kinemon saw golden eyes that he had never seen before, and the dazzling light seemed to penetrate his soul and immobilize him.

At this moment, he seemed to feel that he was not in the Soul Society, but was being dragged into the real "hell". As a god of death, he was actually afraid of "hell"?

No, he found that what he was afraid of was not hell, but the person in front of him. This figure, which should have been extremely small in front of him, had suddenly become like a sky-blocking figure, and those golden eyes filled with lava seemed to be in the sky. As hot as the sun, this figure seemed to be the only one in the world at this moment.

"I hate it when people look down on me."

When he came back to his senses, Kinemon found that he was already lying on the ground for no apparent reason, and the man just passed by his head, glanced at him indifferently, and walked straight towards the gate of the White Path.

"what on earth is it?"

Kinemon is somewhat doubtful about life.

He couldn't understand what he had just seen.

Is it ‘Swastika’? That's not right, he can't feel any spiritual pressure from this guy at all! No matter how you look at it, it's obviously just an ordinary soul! Not even a Zanpakutō! How could it be possible for him, the God of Death, to be afraid?

Could it be that this guy used some method to hide his spiritual pressure! ?

Thinking of this, Kinemon was ready to test the depth of the man in front of him.

As the ground shook, his huge body climbed up.

At the same time, he pulled out the hilt of the knife from his waist, and a high-pitched dragon roar came from somewhere.

"Appear, Qinglong!"


Feeling the movement behind him, Xuan Hao turned around in confusion.

He saw a flash of green light, and then a ten-meter-long giant blade appeared in Kinemon's hand, with the shadow of the blue dragon lingering on it.

"Zanpakuto? Interesting."

Facing the giant blade that was slashing down in front of him, he turned around with a smile and stretched out his hand.

Is this guy crazy?

This was the only thought in Kinemon's mind.

The man in front of me actually wanted to catch his Zanpakutō with his bare hands? What a joke! ?


The howling wind suddenly stopped.


Kinemon was stunned.

The most unbelievable scene happened before his eyes.

This guy he couldn't see through actually caught his blade with his bare hands, and this power...


I tried several times to pull the giant blade out of that seemingly small hand, but failed.

This man's power was so powerful that it was unbelievable.

"Sneak attack from behind, is this the style of your God of Death?"

Xuan Hao held the blade of the knife expressionlessly and questioned.


Kinemon felt a deep chill.

He couldn't understand what was happening to the man in front of him.

The man in front of me can catch his slash with his bare hands. How big the gap in strength must be between them to be able to do it so easily! ?

Why can a soul that is not even a god of death be so powerful? This is unreasonable!


Gently letting go of the blade in his hand, Xuan Hao looked at his palm and found no scars.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, it was so close, I almost thought I was dead."

Xuanhao said seriously.

What he said was not a joke. You must know that this is the Soul Society, and he knows that his strength is the body, but everything here is made of spirits, and there is no concept of flesh and blood.

In fact, what even Xuan Hao himself doesn't know is that his soul has become extremely strong after countless 'life and death', and with the two powers of 'destruction' and 'creation', although he can't help it He is completely in control, but these two forces always passively protect his soul. Perhaps nothing in this world can hurt or affect him.

But having said that, these words still sounded more like ridicule to Kinemon's ears.

But ridicule is ridicule, what can Kinemon do? At this moment, he didn't dare to act rashly, because if he had any intelligence, he should have known that he was no match after seeing the other party easily take his Zanpakutō.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Although most of the Shinigami are 'nobles' who were originally born in the Seireitei, so many souls come to Rukongai every day. Over time, there will always be several monsters, and the person in front of you is obviously one of them.

"Hey, big guy, what did you call that move just now? Could it be that it was 'Shi Jie'?"

Xuan Hao asked with interest after confirming that there was nothing unusual about him.

"Well...it's true..."

Kinemon was at a loss when asked.

Because the man in front of him didn't seem to be angry because of the sneak attack from behind. He didn't have any murderous intention in him, he was just out of curiosity.

But this was unacceptable to him.

You must know that although he is a gatekeeper, in order to be able to hold the gate of the 'White Way', his strength is one of the few among the gods of death, and he even mastered the 'Shijie'.

The most outrageous thing is that the Haigai he was so proud of was now easily blocked by a soul from Rukongai with his bare hands. Is this reasonable?

"Do you want to continue?"

Not caring what the big man in front of him was thinking, Xuan Hao rubbed his fists and asked excitedly, "I don't mind if you want to practice with me."

He is not used to a body composed of spirit sons. It should be said that he is very confused about the power system of this world. Perhaps the previous worlds have used tyrannical bodies to solve problems. Although he has done a little research on souls, he is still Somewhat confusing.

Now that he couldn't use his strongest physical body, he could only use his soul power, which made him feel a little aggrieved, as if he had nowhere to use his strength.

The second reason why he wanted to become a Death God, apart from making things easier to move around, was because he was very interested in the Death God's training methods. After all, you have to focus on the key points when doing things. Death is the 'core' power of the world, so of course it's the best place to start.

"I...should forget it?"

Kinemon was in a dilemma.

He found that he couldn't beat the guy in front of him, but his duty was to guard this door and prevent guys like him from passing through. Wouldn't it be bad if he opened the door?

Want to call someone? Kinemon hesitated. To be honest, he didn't know how to deal with the guy in front of him.

Because this person is neither a wanted 'troublemaker' nor an enemy of the Soul Society, and he has no record of any heinous bad deeds. At most, he can be regarded as a 'good citizen' who is 'dedicated to studying'.

At least Kinemon now feels as if he did something wrong.

After all, the man in front of me has been very polite from the beginning, making sense in everything, and is even willing to open the door himself without bothering the guard. Compared with Captain Unohana before he became the Shinigami, he is simply extremely kind.

He swore that he didn't think so because he was afraid. These were all facts.

"Okay then," Xuan Hao put down his hand slightly bored, "Then can I open the door myself?"


Kinemon scratched his head and stood aside awkwardly.


With a soft shout, under Kinemon's stunned gaze, the man in front of him effortlessly lifted the heavy door with one hand.

No one knows the weight of this door better than Kinemon. An ordinary Shinigami cannot lift it! Even if he was so tall and proud of his strength, he had to use all his strength to lift it.

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