Chapter 5 5. Death

The bands lined up in echelons, wearing black uniforms, faced the falling rain, trying desperately to protect their beloved instruments under their coats. They didn't understand why their employer didn't postpone the funeral.

They just gathered around the coffin, which lay flat there, a wooden box without wreaths or flowers, but the only place of warmth, buried in the endless raindrops, which beat monotonously. On the ground, always the same, never ending.

The thin man, as the priest, read the eulogy. He coughed slightly, once, then several times, and then the bass trumpet, trumpet, horn, cornet, and bass flute sounded together.

The musical instruments shone golden in the rain curtain, and the sounds penetrated the rain curtain and spread into the distance, but they all sank, dissipated, and stopped. Everything retreated under Xuan Hao's umbrella. At this moment, Xuan Hao could no longer hear any sound. His eyes kept falling along the rain. Shoes got stuck in the mud, and rainwater formed streams into the empty tomb.

Funerals are prepared for the living, and they need a place to vent their sadness, but it is obvious that Xuan Hao cannot vent.

"The money has been given to you. In the afternoon, come to the Central Hospital. There is a funeral for you to arrange."

After Xuan Hao finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave without asking the man if he heard.

"Um...please sir, whose funeral is it? Where should I find you specifically?" the man asked.

"You will understand if you go there."

Xuan Hao held an umbrella and walked toward the distance step by step.

"Go to the Central Hospital, thank you." Xuanhao stopped a taxi.

"Sir, are you sure? This is quite far away..." The driver hesitated.


A wad of bills was thrown on the passenger seat.

"Stop talking nonsense and let's go." Xuan Hao said expressionlessly.

The driver glanced at him. The young man was wearing mourning clothes. Probably because a relative passed away and I was rushing to the hospital. I obviously don’t need to pay so much. I really don’t understand the thinking of rich people.

The rain has not stopped, the road conditions are not very good, and he was almost rear-ended by a BMW that could not brake in time. Xuan Hao's luck is really bad. He feels that sooner or later, he will be sent away inexplicably.

The driver kept cursing the "stupid female BMW driver" who almost hit the butt of his car just now!

"Master, please hurry up, I'm in a hurry." Xuan Hao urged him.

"I can't help it, little brother, we are about to enter the city. There are cameras and traffic lights everywhere. No matter how much you pay, I can't go faster..." The driver was a little embarrassed.


A wad of bills was thrown on the passenger seat.

"Damn it, md's labor and management worked hard today. Even if the King of Heaven comes, he won't be able to stop me! Brother, sit tight!"

The driver stepped on the accelerator and pushed it all the way to the bottom, and there were waves of unpleasant whine coming from the engine at the front of the car.

A few seconds later, a Volkswagen taxi seemed to be going crazy on the urban avenue, driving wildly and overtaking countless cars. Countless passers-by and drivers on the road were stunned. This car actually ignored the red light! Are the points enough?

The timeline goes back to the beginning.

On the rooftop, Xuan Hao walked to the girl's side as if nothing had happened and looked downstairs. The rain had stopped long ago and the ground was still a little wet, but it didn't matter.

"Well, it's quite high. He probably won't survive."

"You... don't come over here! If you come over again, I'll jump!" The girl looked a little flustered at Xuan Hao who suddenly walked over.

Xuan Hao turned his head and finally saw the girl's face clearly. Well, it’s not bad. With a beautiful woman as a companion, you won’t be too lonely on the road to hell...

"Shut up! I don't have time to fool around with you, Youjump, Ijump, you know?" Xuan Hao had no expression on his face.

"You are cruel to me! I am going to die and you are still cruel to me, wuwuwu..." The girl suddenly started crying.

When the police in the distance saw this scene, they felt more and more that this must be a couple quarreling, and they would calm down after some persuasion.

"Noisy, why do you talk so much nonsense about jumping off a building?" Xuan Hao became a little impatient, "I'll go down and wait for you first. I hope you won't be afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, Xuan Hao fell headfirst. Even if there was a lawn below, there was no chance of survival.


The one who screamed was not Xuan Hao. He could no longer scream. He fell to the ground and was bloody and bloody, like a puddle of ketchup. Even if there was a hospital next to him, there was no need for resuscitation.

The girl who was still on the rooftop was so frightened that she screamed. When the police saw that the situation had changed, they immediately hugged the girl and dragged her back.

The girl's legs were weak, and she completely lost the courage to jump when she saw Xuan Hao's miserable state. Rather than die so ugly, it would be better for her to die of illness...

"Sigh... there is nothing we can't get through. It's a pity."

The policeman was confused at the moment. This was different from what he had promised. Didn't he say that he had persuaded people in the past? Why did you jump down by yourself?

The girl was taken away by the police for ideological education. Then the police comrades realized that the reason why the girl jumped off the building was that she could not afford the sky-high medical expenses and did not want to harm her family, so she decided to end it herself. And he was deceived. Xuanhao had nothing to do with this girl. He just wanted to jump off the building and couldn't stop her.

"As for the medical expenses, you don't have to worry. I just contacted the hospital and said that a kind person has helped you pay the expenses, and there is even some leftover. There is nothing you can't handle, just live well..." The policeman looked in front of him. The girl thought about the young man who jumped down in front of him without looking back, and felt a little emotional.

"Can you tell me...who is that person?" The girl's eyes were a little red.

"Sorry...that man only left a bag of money."

The thin man followed Xuan Hao's instructions and came to the central hospital, and then he was confused. Although he was bruised and bruised from the fall, he recognized the clothes on this man's body. They were the mourning clothes he provided. What a cruel person he is, arranging his own funeral.

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