Chapter 6 1. Curse you

"Where is I dead?"

Xuan Hao opened his eyes. He was a little confused. He remembered that he had indeed jumped off the building. He should have died too late. There was a girl who jumped off the building with him.

He looked around, and there was a vast expanse of white around him. There was nothing, nothing could be seen, except blank space. Including his own feet, he could feel that he was stepping on something real, but it was also completely blank, blending in with the surrounding environment and indistinguishable.

"Is this paradise? It's so lonely... Where is the girl who jumped off the building with me?" Xuan Hao actually felt a little regretful in his heart.

"This is not paradise~ That girl was saved by you~ She didn't dare to jump when she saw your miserable condition. That expression was really interesting." A joking voice came.

Xuan Hao was stunned. A bald head suddenly appeared in front of him!

He's not bald, he's bald, the kind that shines. His appearance is completely unclear, but from the sound of his voice, he sounds like he's a man.

The man was very tall, no, not just tall. He was floating diagonally above Xuan Hao, holding his chest with his hands, looking down at Xuan Hao.

Although he couldn't see his expression clearly, Xuan Hao could feel that he was laughing and mocking.

"Who are you?" Xuan Hao asked.

"I am God."

"Mental illness?" Xuan Hao looked puzzled, "Is heaven actually a lunatic asylum?"

"Young man, you are so rude. Has no one taught you to bow your head and be humble?" The man who claimed to be God said calmly, "blasphemy is a serious crime. Curse you~"

"Bow your head and be humble? If it works, will I still be here? You claim to be a god, can't you see my past? My parents have already lost their jobs, who is going to teach me?" Xuan Hao became more and more excited as he spoke. .

"Haha, of course I know your past. I have been watching the death of your parents, the death of your sister - and your prayers to the gods... I heard them all~" The man who claimed to be a god looked down. Xuanhao.

"You!" Xuan Hao's pupils shrank sharply, and he really wanted to punch the guy in front of him away.

To be precise, his fist had already been punched out. He felt that his fist was still moving, moving forward, getting infinitely closer to the man in front of him. It seemed that he was still a little bit close to touching, but the gap between them seemed to Across the entire universe, we can never touch it.

"It's useless, there is 'infinity' between us! Mortals cannot touch gods." The man shook his head helplessly, "You don't have to be so angry, right? I didn't kill them, I just He’s a bystander.”

"Didn't you say you heard my prayer?" Xuan Hao retracted his fist and shouted through gritted teeth.

"I heard it, so what?" The man took out his ears that were hidden by the light, "What qualifications do you have to ask me to respond to your expectations? You are just a mortal, if you have the ability, you can save it yourself. "


Xuanhao clenched his fists until he used all his strength, and then he let go.

What the man in front of him said was true. He really had no right to ask others to do anything for him. His parents' death was an accident, and his sister's death was because he was poor. All of this, in the final analysis, is only his own problem.

Shen looked at Xuan Hao's clenched and unclenched fists with great interest: "It seems that you have figured it out? But it's too late. He was wronged as soon as he came up. Even God was angry. I said, Curse you~"

"?? Aren't you a god? Curses are the specialty of demons, right? I'm already dead! How the hell can you let me die again?" Xuan Hao was confused.

"Do you want to die?" God asked with a smile.

"Isn't this obvious? All my relatives are dead! What's the point of living? Do you want me to dance again?" Xuan Hao curled his lips.

"If you want to die, then I won't let you die. From now on, I swear as a god to curse you with 'eternal life'. You will never die and grow old. Even if you are bombarded to ashes, don't even think about dying. Your spirit will be normal except Except for sleeping, I will always stay awake. No matter what kind of injury you suffer, don’t think about losing consciousness. I will let you savor every bit of pain. Don’t think about turning yourself into a dementia, a vegetative state or a madman. I promise that even if the world is destroyed, you will still be able to live well! Experience this eternal loneliness... Of course, you will be satisfied if you dance again."

The god said, snapping his fingers.

Xuanhao's feet were in the air, and he felt a sense of weightlessness. The surroundings were still endless white, but he could clearly feel that he was falling.

"You are so vicious!"



The sound of an object falling was heard, followed by a scream like a slaughtering pig.

It was Xuanhao who was screaming, because it was too painful. He didn't know the height of his fall, but every cell in his body was conveying severe pain to him. He could actually feel that his whole body was falling apart, and the bottom of his body was wet. If nothing else, it should be his own blood. Apart from his clear consciousness and the continuous severe pain, he could not move at all.

In the eyes of others, he should be in the state of a puddle of meat.

"Oh, my God! What is this? Falling from the sky?"

1900 AD, autumn, late night, drizzle, Hamburg Port.

The well-proportioned man took out the long knife hidden in his windbreaker. He held the silver-embedded handle in his hand and poked a puddle of "meat" on the ground. The man wore an ancient silver ring on his finger and had golden eyes. He narrowed his eyes to a narrow slit and looked at the objects on the ground through the lenses of his brown eyes. The lenses could not hide the curiosity and vigilance in his eyes.

"Meniek, be careful, the trading time is coming soon, and the things that appear now may be dangerous. Don't cause trouble, and deal with it quickly."

Lu Shanyan walked up behind Menieke. He was an authentic Chinese, 25 years old, with brown eyes, soft and clear cheek lines, and a figure similar to Menieke. He was the kind of person who looks thin when wearing clothes and has flesh when taking off clothes. type. A dark windbreaker covered the Qing Dynasty dress he was wearing underneath, and his thick braids were hidden in a top hat. He seemed a little cautious at the moment, after all, something suddenly appeared that might affect their transaction.

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