Chapter 705 698. Betrayal?

Just as the three teenagers expected, the road to Xuye Palace was destined to not be smooth sailing.

Following a sandstorm, a huge figure emerged from the white desert. It was a sand giant whose lower body seemed to be integrated with the entire desert.

"Are you coming?"

The three teenagers who were resting in the sand stood up awkwardly from the sand, raised their heads and looked at the huge monster looking down at them.

There is a hollow in his chest, his body is made of gravel, and his face is a pale mask.

After seeing each other's appearance clearly, they breathed a sigh of relief. This looked like it was just a Daxu, not an Arrancar.

"For those ants who try to set foot in the 'sacred territory', my guardian of the White Sands, Lunuganga... will bury you here!"

A majestic voice came from the giant mouth of the sand flowing with fine sand.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo and others were not frightened when they heard this.

Judging from the spiritual pressure they felt, although the Hollow that appeared in front of them was huge in size, it was not a threat to them. At best, it was just a big guy who was a little stronger than the ordinary Great Hollow, had sense and could talk. They even thanked this guy for speaking out of the blue, because it let them know that they were not going the wrong way.

The holy ruins that Daxu mentioned must be only the 'Xuye Palace'. Since the guardian of the opponent's hand is naturally the guard guarding the edge of Xuye Palace.

"Crescent Moon Chong!"

Kurosaki Ichigo stood up and drew his sword, slashing out the pale Getsuga.

To deal with such a guy, he didn't even want to waste his energy using virtual power.


The crescent-shaped spiritual pressure slash struck at the head of the Sand Giant and cut through it without any resistance.

Such a scene made the three of them feel a little surprised, because this blow did not seem to cause effective damage to the Daxu.

"What the hell is this?"

"This guy's body seems to be made of sand, and normal impacts are ineffective against it."

Ishida Uryu analyzed while holding his glasses.

"If you can't attack from the front, what about from the inside?"

Chatata Taihu raised his fist and suggested.

"I should be able to destroy its entire spiritual structure with one punch of my spiritual pressure."

"Are you talking about concentrating your spiritual power on one point and then erupting from within after hitting it? When did you learn this technique? But it should indeed be feasible." Uryū Ishida nodded, "Speaking of has such characteristics. It seems that I have never seen such a hollow before. The enemies we will face in the future may be more troublesome than imagined. This is just a little guy with such troublesome abilities. If this guy is an Arrancar..."

"No matter what... I'll kill him first."

Saying that, Chadu Taihu was ready to take action.

But just when he was preparing to jump up and deliver a fatal blow to the virtual person in front of him, he suddenly felt that his feet were empty.

"This is……"

The three of them looked at their feet sinking into the sand with some surprise, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

The sand under their feet turned into quicksand due to the influence of the virtual force in front of them. The highly absorbent gravel seemed to be swallowing them up and was constantly sending downward force. This was not ordinary quicksand, it should be this virtual quicksand. ability.

The environment they were in at the moment was obviously where the Hollow in front of them could best exert its power. With nowhere to put their feet, they seemed unable to fight back for a while.

"Quick! Use the spirit child to establish a foothold under your feet and escape first!" Uryu Ishida suggested.

"No, the whole calf has been swallowed up."

Chadu Taihu tried it and shook his head slightly, "There is this virtual spiritual power in the sand, and it is interfering with us."

His fighting style is too monotonous, and the big guy in front of him who can control the sand so that he can't use his strength is obviously the type he is least good at dealing with.

"Then what should we do?" Kurosaki Ichigo asked, "Try using your spiritual arrows?"

"Do you know how much spiritual energy it takes to kill such a big guy with one arrow?"

Uryū Ishida was speechless for a while, "It's like using up all my strength with one arrow to deal with such a guy. What will I do next?"

“What should we do, wait to be flooded?”

Kurosaki Ichigo said as he prepared to swing his sword again.

He is obviously the one with the most spiritual power among the three. To deal with such a big guy, a large Crescent Moon Chong should be enough. Although it is a waste of spiritual power, it is better to let him do it than the other two.


Just when Kurosaki Ichigo was about to swing his sword, Uryu Ishida held down his hand.


"somebody is coming……"


The next moment, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was reminded, also felt it.

Someone did come, and he was familiar with this spiritual pressure.

"Roar, Baboon King Shebimaru!"

The huge bone snake fell from the sky, opened its huge mouth and instantly crushed the sandman below and drilled into the ground.

Soon, the three of them felt a vibration coming from below. They seemed to have stepped on something, and their whole bodies were moved.

The sudden force forced them to squat down to maintain their balance. When they were completely out of the quicksand area, they saw a man wearing a windbreaker standing in the desert.


Kurosaki Ichigo and others jumped off the Shebimaru happily.

Renji Abarai seemed to be much more precise in his use of Shimimaru's swastika than before. He could even accurately deliver the blade to their feet through the sand and bring them out, just like using his own arms.

"Why are you happy? It's not over yet!"

Renji Abarai pushed Kurosaki Ichigo aside angrily and waved the blade in his hand again.

Shebimaru's huge figure hovering in mid-air twisted again, heading back towards the position where it had devoured the Sand Giant.

That's right, the blow just now did not kill the Hollow. Renji Abarai seemed to have encountered the same problem as them. The characteristics of this Hollow made all physical attacks almost useless, including of course Shebimaru. The most direct way they can think of is to directly use surging spiritual power to destroy its spiritual structure in order to kill it.

"Damn it, why is this thing so troublesome!?"

Kurosaki Ichigo had a headache as he looked at the sand giant that was recovering again and again under the bite of Shebimaru, and each recovery seemed to be bigger than before.

"This guy seems to be able to absorb the surrounding sand and continuously strengthen himself."

Renji Abarai, who was dealing with this guy, frowned slightly and said, "As the amount of sand increases, this guy's body seems to be getting more and more solid. I can feel that Shebimaru has to use stronger force every time." Only the strength can break it."

"There is no other way. We must kill it first regardless of consumption."

Ichigo Kurosaki said as he raised Zangetsu in his hand, "Renji, after crushing it, take back the Shebimaru immediately. I'm going to give it a bigger one!"

"no problem!"

Renji Abarai grinned. He tried to use force again in his hand, but was stopped by Uryu Ishida.

"Ishida? What are you doing again?"

Kurosaki Ichigo was about to charge up but gave up again.

"Don't you feel it? The surrounding air suddenly became humid. In terms of spiritual power perception, I am indeed slightly better."

Uryū Ishida pointed at the lenses of his glasses and reminded.

"Huh? This feeling is..."

Renji Abarai and Ichigo Kurosaki were reminded to carefully feel the spiritual power around them, and their eyes suddenly became happy.

Renji Abarai is most familiar with this kind of spiritual pressure, and Ichigo Kurosaki was saved by the owner of this spiritual pressure not long ago.

Sure enough, the next moment, just as they thought, the air that suddenly became humid changed again and became extremely dry.

Because that was just...a precursor to freezing.

"Second Dance·Bai Lian!"

A familiar voice came from above, and then, the sand giant in front of the three people was instantly frozen into a huge ice sculpture.

They raised their heads and looked upward. Unexpectedly, a petite figure holding a pure white blade stood on the edge of the quicksand. As she waved the Zanpakuto gently, a loud 'click' sound came, and the Great Void was frozen instantly. As the ice shattered, the scattered ice flowers added some luster to the pure white Zanpakutō.

It was Sode Shirayuki, known as the most beautiful Zanpakutō in Soul Society, and its owner was naturally Rukia Kuchiki, one of the people Kurosaki Ichigo and others came to Hueco Mundo to find.


Seeing the sudden appearance of Kuchiki Rukia, several people's eyes were happy at first, but soon became confused.

Renji Abarai, Uryu Ishida and Taitora Chadat looked at Kurosaki Ichigo.

Kurosaki Ichigo understood that they were asking, ‘Didn’t Kuchiki say that Kuchiki was brought to Hueco Mundo by the Ten Blades together with Inoue? ’ At that time, he indeed saw Grimmjow and Ulquiorra leaving the world with two girls. Logically speaking, Kuchiki Rukia should be in Xuye Palace at this moment.

Seeing Lucia's arrival, they were even more confused about what the man wanted to do.

The Arrancars and Hollows they met along the way were preventing them from going to Xuye Palace. Logically speaking, they should have a hostile relationship with Xuye Palace, right? But why was Lucia able to come here from Xuye Palace unscathed to help them?

Hollow, Arrancar, Aizen and that man...are they enemies or friends?

Could it be that the man didn't actually know that they had arrived in Hueco Mundo, and that these Hollows and Arrancars would attack them under Aizen's instructions? But it doesn’t seem right. Rukia should have come out of Xuye Palace, and Aizen was also there. The fact that Rukia came out intact showed that the man probably did not miss his old relationship, but why did he let his Hollows and Arrancars attack them? This is completely contradictory.

Or...Rukia was released and came here to help them in order to persuade them to stop here?

Yes, after much deliberation, the three of them seemed to have this only possibility left.

The man probably didn't want to see them, but he didn't want to hurt them, so he only sent these minions to block the way, and asked Rukia in Xuye Palace to come out to let them leave Hueco Mundo together.

However, the first words Kuchiki Rukia spoke made them extremely surprised.

"You...want to die?"

Renji Abarai's head was buzzing after hearing such words.

He specifically begged the captain to send him to Hueco Mundo because he was worried about Rukia. When he heard such questions when they met, he was completely stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

Not only him, but also the other three people could not help but frown at this moment.

In fact, there is another possibility as to why Lucia was able to come out of Xuye Palace intact, but they have never speculated like that.

That is betrayal.

They all know that man. In fact, if they want to take is unlikely that the other party will refuse.

But whether it was to protect Karakura Town or Soul Society, it was impossible for them to make such a choice.

"what on earth is it?"

The four of them asked almost in unison.

At this moment, their eyes looking at Kuchiki Rukia became extremely complicated.

Is the other party really betraying you? Or... did you choose to do this because you learned something from that man?


Xuye Palace, restricted area.

This place is different from other places in Hueco Mundo, with blue sky and white clouds, gardens and cabins.

Inoue Orihime came here a little confused under the leadership of Bailegang.

She probably knew that the lonely hut in the only garden in the desolate Hueco Mundo was the residence of her 'brother'.

Looking at her surroundings, she became even more confused.

Just by looking at the surrounding environment, she understood that this man probably liked the peaceful and leisurely life of the 'present world', but since he liked it... why did he want to destroy it?

She might know the answer right away.

"Miss, we're here."

While Inoue Orihime was lost in thought, Bailegang stopped in front of the garden and stretched out his hand to signal to her.

"My lord did not allow me to go with you. Please walk the rest of the way on your own."

"Ah...thank you."

Inoue Orihime came back to her senses and thanked Bailegang.

Then she clasped her little hands and stepped on the gravel path leading to the hut, preparing to pass through the garden. The moment she entered the garden, she clearly felt that she seemed to have stepped into some kind of realm.

The temperature and humidity of the air changed, making her feel like she was back in her own world.

This seems to be the purpose of this field set here. It is not used to isolate the outside world or defend against foreign enemies, because there is no need at all.

It will only change the environment here, making it like spring all year round and suitable for living.

On the way she met a man.

It was a woman who was watering the blooming flowers. She was extremely familiar with this figure, but for some reason she felt a little unfamiliar with the aura of this person at this moment.

"Miss Nilu?"


As if hearing her call, 'Nilu' slowly turned her head and looked at her with a smile.

But this smile made Inoue Orihime feel even more confused.

‘Familiar’, ‘strange’, and ‘familiar’.

This is how she feels about the person in front of her at this moment.

She was familiar with this face because it was the face of Miss Nelu who had given her special training.

But the aura of 'Nilu' at the moment made her feel very strange.

Finally... in this person with a strange temperament, she felt a sense of belonging from the depths of her soul.

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