A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 706 699. Carrying the fate of the world

Chapter 706 699. Carrying the fate of the world

Inoue Orihime stared blankly at 'Nilu' who was smiling at her. Speaking of which...she felt that Miss Nilu was very strange from the first time she saw her. It was hard to describe the weird feeling. Like... schizophrenia?

Although it seems inappropriate to describe it this way, it is indeed the case. When she received special training from Miss Nilu before, she always felt that something was wrong with this person's mental state, especially his attitude towards her brother, which was sometimes respectful and sometimes disrespectful. Unscrupulous, people always feel that they are not the same person.

But the Nilu in front of her now gave her a completely different feeling.

"Very confused, aren't you?"

'Nilu' saw Inoue Orihime's confused look and smiled softly, "No wonder, this should be the first time I meet you in a 'stable' state. But there is nothing I can do about it. I can only Only in this barrier set up by my brother can I stay 'outside' for a long time with minimal soul consumption."

"What...mean?" Inoue Orihime didn't understand what 'Nilu' was talking about at all.

"To put it simply, there are two completely different souls in this body."

'Nelu' caressed her chest and explained, "One is the Hollow that originally existed in this world, that is, the original owner of this body, the real Nilielle Du Oudeshevank. And the other is It's me, my name is 'Xuan Ya'."

"Xuan..." Inoue Orihime was slightly startled, her eyes widening.

"Yes, I am my brother's sister."

'Nelu' seemed to have read through Inoue Orihime's thoughts and nodded with a smile.

"What on earth is... going on?" Inoue Orihime seemed to have one more doubt in her mind.

"Don't worry, my brother and I will answer your questions one by one."

'Nilu' put down the watering kettle in her hand and calmly turned around to lead the way, "You have the right to know all this. Since you are already here, we have nothing to hide."


Inoue Orihime didn't know how to answer the question, so she could only silently follow 'Nilu' and approach the hut.

"First, first question."

The two of them walked slowly. On the way, 'Nilu' smiled and turned back to Inoue Orihime and asked, "You must have always been wondering why you feel dependent on my 'brother', and why you can't help but admit that someone is there." Now, someone who has nothing to do with you before becomes your 'brother', right?"


Inoue Orihime seemed to be shocked to realize how strange this was at this moment.

"The reason is actually very simple, because there is a part of me here in you."

'Nilu' smiled and pointed to her chest.

"Just like there are two completely different souls in my body, there is a similar situation in your body, but the part of 'my soul' that exists in your body is weaker and cannot be like me now. If it shows up, it can only affect you subtly."

"In this case... wouldn't I..."

Inoue Orihime began to become a little nervous after hearing what 'Nero' said.

Is there someone else's soul inside you? And other people's souls are changing themselves subtly... This is such a terrifying thing! ?

If this influence continues to deepen... then who exactly is he in the end?

"Don't worry. I have no ill intentions towards you."

There was a hint of bitterness in Nilu's smile, "I didn't intend to buy my soul into your body. It's a long story, but I had no choice but to do it. You should have noticed it, right? Brother, he doesn't belong to this world."

"Yes...yes. I heard Captain Yamamoto call him...the Transcendent?" Inoue Orihime asked hesitantly.

"Transcendent? No... I don't think we have transcended anything."

'Nilu' shook her head slightly, "In short, we do not belong to this world. My soul has become fragmented due to the power of a certain existence and is scattered in countless 'planes' like the world you live in, and my brother, for Save me, I have been wandering in this world for thousands of years."

"Thousands of years..." Inoue Orihime was a little surprised.

"That's right, for thousands of years, I have been alone. Until not long ago, I was able to take the initiative to respond to him."

From Nilu’s words at this moment. Inoue Orihime seems to be able to feel the sadness that resonates from her soul.

Although it sounded like a ridiculous story, the throbbing in her soul made her understand that the other party was not joking.

"You don't have to worry about the soul fragments affecting you, because the purpose of my brother coming to this world is to take away 'it'. You nourish 'it' in the hotbed of your soul. In return, you should also feel 'it'." Bringing you strength.”


Inoue Orihime was stunned for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses.

When he was in Soul Society, he had a power that could even kill a captain in an instant. That power belonged to 'Tumi'... it must have been brought about by the soul fragments, right?

Dunshun Rikka was born using the hair ornament left to her by her brother as a medium. It was a snowflake-shaped hair ornament with six petals. Logically, there should only be six elves, but there are inexplicably many. One person appeared, this was the impact the soul fragment had on her.

"In short, the existence of 'it' will only be a good thing for you. For example, my brother will do his best to protect you." 'Nilu' smiled softly.

"This...this...thank you!"

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Inoue Orihime suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Haha, no need."

'Nilu' smiled and shook her head, "In a sense, you are a part of my 'reincarnation'. I borrowed your 'life' without permission to complete my 'reincarnation', and I should have such compensation." In short, that's about it about 'us'. After understanding this, as for other doubts in your mind... it should be easier for you to understand if my brother explains it to you. The rest... you can ask it yourself. Brother?"

As they spoke, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the hut. 'Nilu' reached out and opened the door, smiling and beckoning Inoue Orihime to go in.


After Inoue Orihime entered the room, the door was closed.

At this moment, she felt as if she had crossed space and entered another world.

The windows in the house were open, and there was a breeze blowing in from the windows, which seemed to... bring out the breath of the mountains.

Inoue Orihime knew very well that there were no mountains and fields in Hueco Mundo, and there was no garden outside the house either. In other words...there should be another world outside this window.

The man was holding an enamel water glass with some paint peeling off, leaning against the open window. The sky outside the window was gradually darkening, and the sky that should have been blue was stained by a gauze-like rose color.

Just from this window, Inoue Orihime seemed to be able to feel the peace and tranquility of that world.

"Isn't it beautiful?"


"It's a pity that this is just a projection."

"That's it..."

Is this the world in my brother’s hometown? Inoue Orihime had some doubts in her heart.

Because Xuanya just told her that the other party's soul was shattered due to the power of a certain existence.

If it was in such a peaceful world, why would it become like this?

"The world is beautiful, we are the only ones sad."

The man in front of the window seemed to understand what Inoue Orihime was thinking, and answered with a smile.

"Why... is that happening?"

"Perhaps it can only be blamed on the person's lack of ability?"

Xuan Hao answered calmly, as if he had already let go of the past.

"Let's not talk about this...you came here because you want to ask me something, right?"


Inoue Orihime squeezed her hands and nodded slightly.

"Brother, I want to ask...why did you do this?"

"What do you mean by doing this...?"

Xuan Hao asked with a joking smile.

"Does it mean that I asked my men to attack Kurosaki Ichigo and the others, or does it mean that as you guessed... I want to destroy the world?"

"All... wait... you... really want to destroy the world?" Inoue Orihime's eyes became a little nervous.

She knew that if the man in front of her wanted to destroy the world, no one, no one could stop him.


Xuan Hao answered calmly, with a faint smile still on his face, as if he was saying a very ordinary thing, "But it's not entirely correct. To be precise... I want to make this world after its destruction." Welcome to new life.”

"What do you mean?" Inoue Orihime was a little confused.

Xuanhao did not answer, but asked instead: "Orihime. During this period, you have been to every world, right? The present world where you live, the Soul Society where the Shinigami live, and the world where the Hollows live. Hueco Mundo, what do you think... of this world? Is it good? Or bad?"


Inoue Orihime couldn't answer for a while.


Putting aside Hueco Mundo, where the law of survival is based on the law of the jungle, there are slums like Rukongai in Soul Society. The lives of the people there are really hard to say 'good'. Even the current world she lives in... ...Also because of the influence of the other two worlds, poor souls are falling and being devoured at any time in corners that people cannot perceive.

"He is indeed a smart boy. It seems... you probably know the current situation of this world, right? But the current situation is far worse than what you have seen. In a place you don't know, the war for the world has been going on for thousands of years. Aizen I think old man Yamamoto should have told you the purpose, right? Yes, he is also one of the people who wants to fight for the power of the world, but he is not the first, nor will he be the last, and even destroying him is meaningless. And the 'Death Gods' you see who uphold justice, yes, they do have their own beliefs and justice, but that justice has long been distorted by the corrupt system."

Xuan Hao chuckled, "This world has long been sick to the bone, so I want to change it, no... I should say that only I can completely change everything. Because I have the power to determine everything in this world. The world The power of the world will be handed over to me, but I am not interested in dominating the world. When the time comes, I will destroy it, destroy this world, and then reshape it! There will be no 'Void' in the new world, and there will be no 'Death' ’ Or it’s a superfluous thing like ‘Quiecy’. It’s just a simple world. Good people return to heaven after death, and evil people return to earth after death. That’s it.”

"But... what about the people who originally lived in this world?"

Orihime Inoue asked the question she was most concerned about.

"I knew you'd ask a question like this."

Xuan Hao's tone was slightly helpless, "Don't worry, I'm not a devil. I have no interest in making the world miserable. Don't you understand? What I want to create is a place where you can live peacefully after I leave." In the ordinary world we live in... if we destroy humans as well, wouldn’t we put the cart before the horse?”

"So that's it..." Inoue Orihime seemed to finally understand the man's purpose, "But... is this really possible? In the case of destroying the world, ensuring that those innocent people can survive..."

"Should Aizen have revealed to you the power I have just now?" Xuan Hao asked.

"Yes... according to what he meant, brother, you seem to... be able to resurrect the dead?" Inoue Orihime was a little curious.

"It's not so much resurrection as rebirth."

Xuanhao explained calmly.

"You have seen Xuanya. This is the power I mastered to bring her back to life after collecting her soul fragments. The principle is simple, collect the souls of the deceased, and then reshape and accommodate them. The body of the soul, and the body I create must be perfect, and being reborn can only be a good thing for them.”

"In other words, brother, do you... plan to collect everyone's souls when you destroy the world?" Inoue Orihime asked, seemingly understanding, "But... I heard from Captain Yamamoto that Aizen wants to use the empty seat. One hundred thousand souls from the town came to create the 'King Key', the souls of these people..."

"Wouldn't it be nice if you stopped him?"

"This...but we...can do it?"

"Of course it can be done. Have I lied to you?"

Xuan Hao's tone was extremely determined, as if everything was going according to his plan.

"This is why I let my men attack Kurosaki Ichigo and the others..."

"Brother, are you saying... Kurosaki-kun, he can really stop Aizen?"

Inoue Orihime asked in surprise.

There was not much time left before the decisive battle. After witnessing the fighting power here, she was very clear about the strength gap between the two sides.

No matter how you think about it, it seems impossible to catch up in such a short time.

"I said yes, of course he can." Xuanhao chuckled, "You are still too naive, Orihime, I will leave this world eventually, even if I create my ideal world, but after I leave What will the world be like in the future? Have you ever thought about what will happen then?"

"So you want to..." Inoue Orihime was stunned for a moment, seeming to understand something.

"That's right, I'm not so naive that this world will continue to run according to the trajectory I arranged after I leave, so I must leave something behind. What I want Kurosaki Ichigo and the others to do is far more than what's next To stop Aizen in the war, they will shoulder the fate of the entire world."

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