Chapter 72 66. Nightmare

The girl just lay there with her eyes blank. Miyamoto Takashi couldn't see her face clearly. He could only vaguely see her blood-stained white dress, watching her head tilt back weakly, her two sides The bare legs were also stained with sticky blood.

That figure was like a demonic shadow, covering Miyamoto Takashi's head. He kicked and hit it crazily, but could not break free from its control. He could hear the demon whispering in his ears, and he screamed Screaming, the devil seemed to be mocking him, letting out a harsh laugh in his fear...

How many years has it been since Takashi Miyamoto woke up from the nightmare in sweat? The nightmare about that girl has been lingering in his mind. He has tried countless times to see that face clearly, but no matter how many times, he can only see a blur.

"Did you have that nightmare again?" A cold, slender hand touched his forehead, and Nakamura Ryoko's face appeared in his sight.

She didn't say any words of comfort, she just hugged Miyamoto Takashi silently.

Her warm body temperature gradually calmed Miyamoto Takashi's heart, which was beating violently due to fear.

"Sorry, I always wake you up." Miyamoto Takashi lowered his head apologetically.

"Takashi, what are you hiding in your heart? Can you tell me? I want to help you share it." Nakamura Ryoko held Miyamoto Takashi's hand and rubbed it on her face.

Miyamoto Takashi stroked her face. This nightmare had been tormenting him for more than ten years. Even if he could bear it, he didn't want the people who loved him to bear the impact of the nightmare. He thought it was time to make a break with the past.

"Ryoko," Miyamoto Takashi took a deep breath, "Can you accompany me for a walk? To the 'detention center'."

The 'detention center' he was talking about was located in the Kobe Mountains. It was a small town. It looked like an ordinary town. However, it was surrounded by thick stone walls, and there were holes on the stone walls that were connected to high-voltage electricity. Barbed wire.

This is one of the "detention centers" set up by the eight Sheqi families. Its purpose is to house children who are judged to have "violent tendencies." To put it more bluntly, this is a cage used to raise 'ghosts'.

He and Ryoko Nakamura are colleagues and lovers who are both law enforcement officers of the Enforcement Bureau. They have always acted together, but there is a little difference between them.

Because Miyamoto Takashi knew that he was once a 'ghost' in a cage.

As soon as they arrived at the 'detention center', they saw two eight or nine-year-old children, forcibly grabbing the head of another seemingly smaller child and banging it against the stone wall. The younger child's head was already covered in blood, and the two The children continued the atrocities over and over again while laughing wildly, with a pale golden cold light in their eyes.

Anger rushed from Miyamoto Takashi's chest to his throat. He rushed forward and pulled the two children away, but the two children still had smiles on their faces. One of the boys faintly wiped the blood on his hand. On his trouser legs, there was no trace of regret in his eyes.

Nakamura Ryoko hurriedly checked the injured child's injuries. Half of his face was stained with blood and his eyes were closed tightly. If she lost her support, the child would fall to the ground immediately.

"What are you doing! Don't you know this will kill someone?" Miyamoto Takashi grabbed a boy's collar and asked.

"Are you a fool? Can we also call others?" The boy's eyes were full of contempt.

Before Miyamoto Takashi's raised fist fell, an old man who looked to be in his fifties or sixties grabbed him, and the two boys took the opportunity to run away.

This man's name is Miyamoto Tsune, and he is a member of the Miyamoto family like him. However, this man's status in the family is much higher than him.

"Xiao, why are you angry? For these guys? It's not worth it." The old man showed a disgusting smile.

"I'll call the medical staff first." Nakamura Ryoko held the child in her arms and took out the walkie-talkie.

"No need, there is no medical team here, only me as the manager." The old man grabbed Nakamura Ryoko's hand.

"Why?" Nakamura Ryoko shook off his dirty hands in disgust.

"This is a lawless place. These things are all 'ghosts'. Generally, no one will care about them, and they are not worth my waste of resources for them." The old man said matter-of-factly.

"But, I obviously..."

"No buts, I have the final say here~" the old man said confidently, "You don't understand at all, many people wish these guys would die soon."

"'Ghosts' are people-eating things. These guys are all demons. They can't control themselves. Who knows when they will do something for their own pleasure? They are important to the family. Shame." The old man led them towards the only special building in the town. This building was like a fortress. The people who lived here were probably afraid that it would be haunted at night.

"It's been a long time since law enforcement officials came here to see what's going on. The room upstairs belongs to you. There's nothing to entertain you here. You've come a long way and have a good rest." The old man said with a smile.

"..." Nakamura Ryoko looked at Miyamoto Takashi.

When they went upstairs, a girl in a white skirt happened to be walking down from above.

"Photon," the old man greeted with a smile, "come to daddy quickly."

The girl was stunned, looked up at the two people going upstairs, and then hurried downstairs.

"This kid doesn't look good." Nakamura Ryoko whispered in Miyamoto Takashi's ear.

Miyamoto Takashi shook his head. Of course, he also noticed the girl's pale face and tightly pursed lips, but in this prison, who could have nothing to worry about?

"Why does this man have such a young daughter, and in such a ghost place?" Nakamura Ryoko frowned.

"Heh, maybe you're afraid of being lonely?" Miyamoto Takashi sneered.

"But don't you think he and his daughter are too close?" Nakamura Ryoko whispered.

"Isn't it normal for father and daughter to have a better relationship?"

"But what if it's not your biological child?" Nakamura Ryoko stared closely into Miyamoto Takashi's eyes.

The sun gradually set, and in the evening, Miyamoto Takashi wanted to ask Nakamura Ryoko to go downstairs for dinner, but she kept staring at the information on the computer with a very struggling expression, as if she was looking at something terrifying.

"This is too cruel." She murmured to herself, "Why don't we send someone to take care of this place?"

Miyamoto Takashi leaned his head over to take a look, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

What she was looking at was the information recorded in this 'detention center'.

A young boy twitched violently on the girl's body.

The girl's eyes were full of anger and despair, but no one came to save her, and she did not resist. In the next few days, the girl even followed the boy. She kept waiting for an opportunity. Finally, she waited until the boy fell asleep... ...send him to hell with his own hands.

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