Chapter 73 67. Ghost

After that, the girl disappeared into the town. According to the records, she was disposed of, and here, there were only 'caretakers'.

"Ryoko," Miyamoto Takashi looked into her eyes, "my family may not be as 'just' as you think. Don't think too much about it."

Miyamoto Takashi frowned. He knew that there must be someone within the Sheqi family who acquiesced in all this happening, but this was not something he could stop.

Because he is even in danger to himself.

He had also stayed here before, but his memory seemed to be blocked and had been blurry. He could not remember what specifically happened here.

He took Liangzi's hand and walked towards the canteen in the town. There was only one canteen here, some distance from where they lived.

"It's dark, and there are no street lights here. We have to stay together to prevent you from getting lost again."

Nakamura Ryoko has the attribute of being a wanderlust, and this is a strange place, and there are also those so-called "ghosts". If she gets lost, it will be very dangerous.

"I'm not that stupid." She smiled mischievously at Miyamoto Koichi, shook off his hand and ran forward.

It was too dark here, it was late summer, and the leaves were still thick on the branches, blocking the view. When Miyamoto Takashi didn't pay attention, Ryoko disappeared from his sight.

"Oops, Ryoko! Ryoko!" He shouted Nakamura Ryoko's name loudly.

The leaves blocked the moonlight, and dense shadows shrouded Miyamoto Takashi's body, like a ghost hand that only screamed injustice. He stumbled around but couldn't find Ryoko Nakamura.

The branches scratched his face, and he shouted, but got no response. The cold wind poured into his throat, and the smell of blood poured into his lungs from his nose. He was anxious and crazy. Running towards the direction of the smell of blood, falling down, getting up again, running wildly.


Nakamura Ryoko's scream suddenly broke into his ears, and despair filled his heart. His body got strength from nowhere, and it was several times faster than usual. He ran desperately towards the source of the sound.

An almost naked girl fell in the bushes. Nakamura Ryoko was confronting a teenage boy. When he saw Miyamoto Takashi coming, the boy felt that things were not good for him, so he hurriedly picked up his pants and ran away.

"You meddling hypocritical guys deserve to die." The young man said this.

"Devils, this place is full of devils." Nakamura Ryoko tremblingly took off her coat to shield the girl from the cold wind.

The nightmare shrouded this 'detention center'.

People here, whether they are children or old people, are all demons, but what about him? Is he the first demon to open this Pandora's box? Miyamoto Takashi questioned himself. He was once here, but now he lives with peace of mind. He has even become a law enforcer and the person who imprisoned these "ghosts". He even accuses them of their mistakes from a high place.

He remembered the crime he committed when he was 18 years old.

The bloodline he was born with was not actually dangerous, and was even a little weak, but because of one incident, he was judged to be dangerous and was sent here.

Now, this dusty memory seems to have opened the floodgates and gradually emerged in his mind.

His surname was Miyamoto, and he was from the Miyamoto family. When he was 18 years old, he was still attending the school arranged by his family. At that time, a little girl was transferred to the class. For some reason, he couldn't remember the girl's name, but he still remembered that the girl was very kind to him.

His bloodline is not strong to begin with. Compared with his classmates, he looks thin and weak. There is also a food chain in school, especially in Japanese schools, where bullying often occurs. Strong boys generally like to form gangs. .

Being thin, he was often ostracized, and he was left alone.

The transferred girl was also alone, perhaps because no one loved him, so they got together. They had agreed to study hard together and go to the same university in the future.

But an accident happened. That day, as they were walking home together, the girl suddenly remembered that she had forgotten her math textbook at school, and was about to go back to get it.

"Just wait for me at the school gate. I'll be right back." The girl said to him with a smile.

Miyamoto Takashi looked at her figure disappearing on the stairs, and this was also the beginning of the nightmare.

Like a fool, he sat at the school gate and waited for a long time, but the girl didn't come out. Seeing that it was getting dark, he became anxious before he thought of going in to look for her.

But there was no sign of her in the classroom. Miyamoto Takashi began to panic. He searched classroom after classroom. He shouted for the girl, but he couldn't find her.

The lights in the corridor of the school were broken, and the dark night was like a whirlpool trying to swallow him up. His teeth chattered, he took a deep breath, and ran towards the only place he had never looked for - a girl. bathroom.

Miyamoto Takashi was originally going to call her outside, but he saw a man's figure at the door of the women's restroom.

He knew this man, his name was Miyamoto Tsune, and he was also from the same family. He was nominally his elder, but the difference in status was incomparable. This school is the property of the Sheki Hachi family, so it is not strange for him to be here, but at this time he smelled of alcohol, and when he saw Miyamoto Takashi, he blocked the toilet door with his body.

But Miyamoto Takashi still saw the girl lying in the door, her bare legs were covered with sticky liquid, and her white dress was stained with blood. She didn't know whether she was dead or alive.

His eyes instantly became bloodshot, and he cried and kicked the man in front of him. As a young man, he didn't understand anything. He just saw the girl lying motionless on the ground. He thought the man had killed her, and he wanted the man to pay for it with his life!

But Miyamoto Heng grabbed his shoulders and bent down. The disparity in strength between them was so great that there was no room for resistance at all.

"You like her very much, right?" Miyamoto Tsune whispered in his ear, "You want to save her? Really?"

He stared at the man in front of him fiercely and continued to kick the man with his feet, but the man pushed him against the wall and continued to bewitch him.

"If word gets out about this, she's going to turn into a dirty slut. Do you know what that means? Little one."

"She will be laughed at all her life, endure bullying from others all her life, and end her life in pain, because she is a shameless woman..."

Miyamoto Heng sensed his fear and continued to whisper in his ear: "I am a member of my family, and no one here can do anything to me. As long as I take care of it a little, I will continue to do whatever I want, and she will be hurt for the rest of her life. Do you think this is a good deal?"

Miyamoto Takashi trembled. He didn't want the girl to get such an ending, but he still hoped that this man would get the punishment he deserved. He ruined this girl's life and he would not die well.

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