A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 711 704. Just give you a look

Chapter 711 704. Just give you a look


not like this.

Inoue Orihime denied Ichimaru Gin's judgment in her heart.

Want to guess what your brother is thinking from this Arrancar?

This is completely unrealistic.

What my brother wants to do has been decided from the beginning and will not be affected by anything else.

What does my brother want to achieve? That's right, creating a world where she can live a peaceful life!

And what kind of world that is, the other party has already mentioned it in the previous conversation!

It is just a simple world. Good people return to heaven after death, and evil people return to earth after death. That's all. Unlike today's world, the boundaries between life and death are extremely blurred.

If it were in such a world...these Hollows, Arrancars, and the souls in Soul Society's Rukongai should all be dead. Since they are already dead, how can they be resurrected?

What awaits them should not be resurrection, but a new reincarnation!

Thinking of this, Inoue Orihime couldn't help but feel sad for these ignorant souls.

Nothing can stop her brother's plan, not even her, and these ignorant souls are not qualified to go to the new world from the beginning. What awaits them will be reincarnation after cleansing their souls rather than rebirth. That is the order that a normal world should have.

Although the reason why this world was reshaped can be said to be because of her. But...what can she do for these poor souls who are confused and ignorant and unwilling to leave?



Kurosaki Ichigo gasped for air and stood up again.

After that heartbreaking pain, he finally confirmed that he was not dreaming.

He had died once just now, but somehow he came back to life. There is no way to deceive people about the pain that makes people not want to experience it again.

"Boy...what happened to you?"

Seeing Ichigo Kurosaki stand up intact, Dorudoni on the other side frowned and asked.

"I...I don't either..."

Facing this question, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was about to say that he was also confused, was suddenly stunned.

He seemed to suddenly realize something.

If he was not mistaken... what he had just experienced was 'resurrection from the dead'? No...not just resurrected from the dead, but even his clothes were repaired.

The tearing of his body was a real thing that happened, but there was a mysterious force that 'repaired' everything. This kind of repair was not about going back in time, but restoring everything about him after it happened, because everything was real. It happened, so the pain is retained.

What kind of power could do such a thing?

In his impression, there may be only one person who can possess such incredible power, and that person happens to be in this Xuye Palace!

Thinking of this, a chilling feeling rose from Kurosaki Ichigo's heart.

He immediately understood that they seemed to have entered a place of horror, and the horror they would experience next was even more terrifying than death!

That is life worse than death!

Ichigo Kurosaki doesn't know how many existences there are in this Kyoneye Palace that can easily kill them, but he knows... these guys are probably lining up waiting to tear them apart at this moment!

Once, twice...

He couldn't imagine how many times they would experience the pain of death in this palace.

This joke is not funny at all.

"No... we can't be careless anymore!"

Kurosaki Ichigo never wanted to experience the pain just now, and the emotion of 'not wanting to die' suddenly occupied his mind.

That's right, if you don't want to experience that kind of pain again, the only way is to try your best to become stronger!

He finally understood the man's purpose.

A weak person is not qualified to stand in front of that man and speak.

Before you can reach the throne, you must become strong!

"Swastika solution - Tiansuo Zhanyue!"

Dark spiritual pressure surged out of Kurosaki Ichigo's body, and the huge Zanpakuto in his hand turned into a dark, slender blade. His eyes were like a wild beast, staring at Dordoni in front of him.

Although the Arrancar in front of him was brushed off from the 'Ten Blades', his strength should not be underestimated, and he would be torn apart again if he was not careful.

"Oh ho!?"

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's sudden change, Dorudoni became excited, "Although I don't know what happened, but you seem to be willing to fight me seriously at last? This is good! But it's not enough! What I want I can fight you with all my strength! For this reason, even if you are an immortal monster, I will push you into desperate situations again and again so that you can exert your strongest power! Come on, boy! Let me see How is your so-called 'Swastika' better than before!?"

As he spoke, he raised his legs again.

The roaring tornado followed his movement guidance and struck towards Kurosaki Ichigo again.

But the next moment, the wind was cut off.


The long black knife was swung out continuously at an incredible speed. The first knife slashed through the oncoming wind, splitting the tornado from the middle at an even faster speed. The second sword slashed with dark spiritual pressure and arrived in front of Dordoni in an instant.


Dorudoni turned his head and looked at the blood spurting from the severed shoulder, an excited smile appeared on his face, "So, it is indeed much stronger than before!"

It was also a slash of spiritual pressure. This dark sword pressure was more than twice as fierce as before. You must know that the boy's previous spiritual pressure slash with all his strength could not even break through his defense. He could even tear it apart with his bare hands. broken. But now such a slash can actually split his body, which has doubled in strength after returning to the sword.

"But this is not enough! This kind of power alone can only hurt me at most, but it is impossible to kill me!"

As he spoke, Dorudoni slowly landed on the ground, his raised toes lightly touching the ground.


The roaring tornado swept up the gravel and smoke on the ground. The originally colorless storm instantly became turbid, and the roar became more violent. It could be seen with the naked eye that his power had increased to another level.

"You should have more powerful moves, right?"

Dorudoni asked excitedly, "I know... the word 'hollow'! Kid, all the battle records between you and Grimmjow in this world will be sent to us, you Is there an ability that can increase your strength again after becoming virtual? Use it quickly!"


The chaotic tornado pierced Ichigo Kurosaki like a gray eagle pecking at him.

However, facing a more fierce attack than before, Kurosaki Ichigo still just stood there with an expressionless face: "It's boring."

After the swastika, he was no longer as fragile as he was under normal circumstances.

The long black sword was slowly raised. As the long sword was lifted up, a jet-black spiritual pressure rose from the bottom up, splitting the ground and tearing apart the roaring wind in front of him again.

"Do you think that's the end of it? Boy!"

Dorudoni didn't care when he saw this, "I said... I want you to fight me with all your strength!"

As he spoke, he melted into the strong wind like dancing steps, and the entire room instantly transformed into the realm of a hurricane.

Kurosaki Ichigo was surrounded by the raging wind, and enemies seemed to be everywhere.



Countless wind guns continued to attack from all directions, and each strong wind had the power to penetrate Kurosaki Ichigo's fragile body.

Faced with such a siege, Kurosaki Ichigo's figure moved slightly in the center of the eye of the storm. The strong winds passed by and continuously tore the dark windbreaker on his body, leaving blood stains on his body.

"Do you really want me to use all my strength?"

In the eye of the storm, Kurosaki Ichigo asked with a slight frown.

"Of course, that's exactly why I'm here!"

Dorudoni's figure danced in the strong wind, so fast that Kurosaki Ichigo could not capture the specific position and could only see the surrounding storm, and the sound seemed to come from all directions.

"In that case...then I'll let you see it..."

Kurosaki Ichigo said expressionlessly. At the same time, where his left hand touched his forehead, dark spiritual pressure loomed in his palm.

"But you can only take a look."

“That’s really exciting!”

"Really? That's good..."

The next moment he finished speaking, a ferocious mask appeared on Kurosaki Ichigo's face. The dark eyes in the hollows shone with a strange light. Explosive spiritual pressure fluctuations suddenly erupted from Kurosaki Ichigo's body, overwhelming. The raging wind that filled the entire room seemed to have become calm under the violent spiritual pressure.


Feeling the dangerous spiritual pressure, Dorudoni laughed wildly, "It's so exciting! Such amazing spiritual pressure! I'm so honored to be able to fight against a guy like you, kid!"

With that said, he stopped his running pace and faced Kurosaki Ichigo head-on, facing the enemy like a warrior.

"Come here! Use all your strength! Let's have a big fight! Little--"

Before he finished speaking, a ferocious knife wound appeared on Dorudoni's body, from top to bottom, penetrating from the shoulder to the leg.


He looked at the blood gushing from his body in disbelief.

what happened?

He didn't see clearly how this hideous wound appeared on his body. When he realized it, a feeling of powerlessness had spread all over his body, and his body slowly fell to his knees involuntarily.

"I told you, you can only take a look."

On the opposite side, the mask on Kurosaki Ichigo's face has dissipated. It only took a short second from the moment he became invisible to the end, and the battle was over.

He was in no mood to joke with the Arrancar in front of him right now.

Hollowing is his trump card, which can instantly increase his combat power dozens of times, but it also means a huge consumption of spiritual power.

He didn't want to experience the painful death process again, so he had to take every step from now on. Next, we will face even more powerful guys. If we consume too much energy here, we will end up in a miserable situation.

"Haha...what a pity..."

A cruel smile appeared on Dorudoni's face.

Is this virtualization?

I didn't expect the gap to be so big.

He finally understood why he was eliminated from the 'Ten Blades'.

Faced with such a terrifying power, the "Ten Blades" of the past are no longer enough. What Aizen-sama needs is more powerful subordinates. That is the Arrancar that was completed under the influence of the power of Bengyu after obtaining Hongyoku. It is even more The perfect 'Ten Blades'.

In fact, he already knew this kind of thing.

Once they get the jade, these products of the past will lose their use value, but even if he knew this, he was still willing to serve Aizen-sama!

Because he is unwilling to give in - because he wants to become the 'Ten Blades' again!

As long as you stand too high, you will never forget the scenery.

He thought that if he could completely defeat Ichigo Kurosaki, who was using all his strength, perhaps Lord Aizen would recognize his strength and re-appoint him as the 'Ten Blades'.

But now it seems that he was overestimating his abilities.

"Good job, kid. Keep going..."

Dorudoni, who fell to the ground, praised with a sad smile on his face.

Although he is unwilling to do so, as a warrior, he must face failure with dignity no matter how unwilling he is.

"After that, you will encounter enemies stronger than me... But don't be as stupid as before. Although I don't know what happened to you... But that feeling is not good, right? When facing the enemy Take it seriously and leave your naivety behind! You need to become a devil in order to reach the destination you want to go and see the scenery you want to see! Kid...ahem——"

"Thank you."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the figure lying on the ground calmly, and after a moment, he turned and left.

This was the first lesson he experienced when he came to this Xuye Palace.

At this moment, he finally understood what Rukia meant by 'really dying'.

They can't die here, which is lucky.

But what if it's not here?

Naive thoughts should have been thrown away long ago. There are many strong men in this world who are countless times more powerful than them. He had never thought that he would 'die' before.

And now I finally realize this.

That man was using ‘death’ to warn himself, reminding him that it was time to grow up.

In this cruel world, he must always remain strong, just like Dorudoni said, become a devil.

As powerful as the devil, as vicious as the devil, facing cruelty and coldness, there is no other way!

Otherwise...he will really be beyond redemption.

Tap tap tap...

After Ichigo Kurosaki left the room, Dorudoni, who fell to the ground, closed his eyes calmly. His injuries were not fatal for the time being, but he would still die of excessive bleeding if left alone. .

Just when he was ready to accept death calmly, a burst of rapid footsteps gradually approached.


Dorudoni slammed his hands to the ground and stood up while supporting his seriously injured body.

As a warrior, he can accept being knocked down by enemies he recognizes, but he will never compromise with despicable people.

"Welcome... members of the Burial Force... you... why are you here!?"

His eyes calmly looked at the crowd stopped in front of him, and he did not show his timid side because of his injuries.

"We were ordered to come after the injured intruder."

Although the tone of the leading team members was calm, anyone looking at the battle in front of them could tell that they had bad intentions.

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