A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 713 706. The persistence of the unfortunate

Chapter 713 Chapter 706. The persistence of the unfortunate


There was a falling sound, and Abarai Renji suddenly fell deep into the ground, and the diffuse smoke obscured his vision.

"Ahem! Ahem—"

In the smoke, Abarai Renji frowned slightly and looked towards the direction where the malicious spiritual pressure came from.


The smoke dispersed, and a man with a face full of disdain was slowly walking towards him.

"Who are you?"

Renji Abarai looked at the visitor warily, and touched the hilt of the knife at his waist with his right hand.

"Me? Okay, okay, since you asked so sincerely, then I will tell you with mercy, remember my name, and then come forward to receive death, right? I am the eighth Arrancar, 'Ten Blades' NO.8 Sal Apollo Grantz!"

Sal Apollo looked at Renji Abarai with cold eyes.

He is in a very bad mood right now, and there are many reasons why.

The plan to collect Kurosaki Ichigo's spiritual pressure samples for research failed because of the new so-called 'princess', and now he is sent to greet this stupid Shinigami who was invited back to Kyōya Palace by Aizen-sama and the others. This is just one of the reasons.

More importantly... although he is indeed the most suitable person to conduct a trial for this god of death, he actually does not want to participate in this boring trial.

That's right, in his opinion, this so-called 'trial' is a boring game that does not benefit him at all.

Are you kidding me?

He understood the meaning of Lord Aizen's words clearly! In this trial, even if these Death Gods are killed, they will be resurrected by the 'King', but what about them?

They were probably really dead when they were killed.

Master Aizen does not have the ability to resurrect them, and the 'King' who has never even met has never guaranteed it.

It is clear that they are the subjects of the 'King', but they are not sure whether they can get such a 'gift'. This is completely partial.

However, he was in the wrong by privately calling up the funeral troops, so he couldn't refuse the mission.

"Ten blades...as expected."

Hearing this, the expression on Abarai Renji's face became extremely solemn.

Sure enough, as he imagined, his passage back to Soul Society had indeed been tampered with, forcing him to return to Hueco Mundo, and the landing point was set at Xuye Palace. The appearance of the ‘Ten Blades’ in front of you is the best proof.

And this guy looks like he’s coming with bad intentions...

"It's nerve-wracking. I don't want to die yet. What should I do?"


The expression on Sal Apollo's face became even more gloomy upon hearing this.

You don't have to die if you don't want to. You're such a lucky guy.

Anyway, since it's here, just treat it as an experiment.

Speaking of which, Aizen-sama said that the king has the ability to bring people back to life. What is the principle?

He must cut the guy in front of him into pieces and see if he can be resurrected! ?


"Aren't you asking me to lead you to death? Then what are you waiting for? Isn't it because you don't have the ability?"

Renji Abarai slowly pulled out his Zanpakutō and stepped forward, the expression on his face also becoming unhappy.

"I was sent here for no reason, with inexplicable malice, and with this inexplicable arrogance... Do you really think I will be afraid?"

"You can only say such things now..." Sal Apollo ignored Renji Abarai's provocation and said expressionlessly, "Soon I will let you experience what fear is. , what is despair."

"Huh, stop talking nonsense. Since you didn't take action, don't blame me for taking the initiative!"

As he spoke, the spiritual pressure on Renji Abarai began to rise, "I will not show mercy! Swastika: Baboon King Snake..."


Before he finished speaking, a shattering sound sounded.

The rising spiritual pressure suddenly stopped, and the huge bone snake body condensed in mid-air suddenly turned into broken bones and shattered before it was complete.

"what happened?"

Abarai Renji's eyes were full of disbelief.

His swastika...failed.

"Are you confused? This is just the beginning."

Sal Apollo sneered ruthlessly, "It is impossible to use your swastika in this room."

"How can it be?"

Cold sweat broke out on Renji Abarai's forehead.

He had never heard that these Arrancars had the ability to seal the Death God Swastika. Facing the 'Ten Blades' level Arrancar, if they lost the Swastika... he might have no chance of winning.

"Ah, yes, that's right! That's the expression."

Seeing the nervous look on Abarai Renji's face, Sal Apollo sneered, "Don't be so surprised. It doesn't matter even if I tell you. In fact, the information about you includes shape, ability, spiritual pressure and spiritual pressure." The composition of the child, everything is delivered to me in the 'most complete state'. Based on this information, I conducted a thorough research on you! The reason why I appear here is because I am the most suitable person to meet you. The person who is fighting you, I, who know you well... have already set up a field in this area that can seal your swastika! If you face me, your chance of winning is zero percent!"

"Information about... me!?" Abarai Renji was a little confused when he heard this, "I can understand if you only master the fighting method, but abilities, spiritual pressure, and even the composition of spiritual children... these things can only be experienced personally. Only those who have surpassed my strength can understand, right? The enemies I have fought against should be dead, and we... seem to have never met, right?"

"I'm very pleased that your stupid brain can think so much, but you obviously didn't remember my name, right?" Sal Apollo asked with a gloomy look, "I'll tell you again, remember it carefully. , my name is Sal Apollo Granz, and I am the person who is about to make you miserable! And the Elfert Granz you killed before... is my eldest brother."


Abarai Renji's pupils shrank sharply when he heard this, "So that's it...it's that guy..."

He remembered that it was the opponent he fought with Arrancar for the first time. At that time, he suffered a lot from that Arrancar because the restriction was not lifted.

"It seems like you remember him? I'm really grateful that you remember my good-for-nothing brother."

Sar Apollo's tone was full of sarcasm, "I didn't expect that after we die, our most hated enemies will be remembered by us."

"What do you mean by your tone? You sound like you will die too."

Renji Abarai asked with a slight frown.

The guy in front of me seems to be in a very wrong mental state.

In the current situation, he is clearly at an absolute disadvantage. Why would the guy in front of him say such a thing?


"It's nothing, you don't have to know."

The long knife slowly drew out of the scabbard, and Sal Apollo said expressionlessly, "Anyway, lucky guys like you won't understand. Are you ready? I will slice you up and study it."



On the other side, Ishida Uryu was in a tough fight under Tiruti's fierce bombardment.

The Arrancar in front of him was obviously not an ordinary Arrancar. Although the opponent was not ranked, he felt that the opponent might have a strength close to that of the Ten Blades.

Although he is also good at long-range attacks, the difference in firepower and defense between him and this Arrancar is really too big. Apart from speed, he has no advantage, and even if There isn't much of a difference in speed either.

Therefore, under the opponent's fierce offensive, he could only flee in embarrassment, constantly being wounded and consumed, and his spiritual arrow counterattack had almost no effect.

"Damn glasses man! Jumping up and down is so annoying!"

Seeing Ishida Uryū dodge his attack again, Tiruti began to become furious.

She finally found an opportunity to express herself. If she can defeat all these invaders, Lord Aizen will definitely favor her again, and she will regain the position of the Ten Blades!

But what is going to happen now?

So much time has been wasted just dealing with a man with glasses who doesn't look like much. What if other prey are preempted by others during this period! ?

"You're obviously not very strong, but you're pretty good at hiding!? Well... I'll let you see my true power! Just die!"

As she spoke, veins popped up on Tiruti's forehead, and surging spiritual pressure surged from her body like a spring, covering her entire body and rising into the sky.

"Trouble him—wheel iron swallow!"

The huge wings broke through the surging spiritual pressure and were revealed in the air. The spiritual pressure was shattered in the high-speed vibration with a frequency of 1.2 to 1.3 million beats per second. Tiruti's body shape at this moment was like a strange bird. The shape is held up in the air by huge wings, and a pair of slender arms like tentacles hang in the air, looking extremely sharp.

"If you can still avoid it... just give it a try?"

With that said, the gloomy-faced pilot of Tiruti, who had completed the return of the sword, had the giant blade-like feathers on his back wings separated from his body. Countless giant blade feathers roared towards Ishida Uryū in high-speed vibrations, blocking the stone pillars along the way. Shredded like tofu.


Facing the huge blades coming from all directions, Ishida Uryu kept shooting spiritual arrows to knock them down, but the spiritual arrows were almost bounced away the moment they touched these feathers. The high-frequency vibration makes these feather-like blades seem unstoppable.

After realizing that such an attack could not be offset with spiritual arrows, Ishida Uryu had no choice but to dodge with all his strength.

There were too many of these feathers, and even if he tried his best, he couldn't completely avoid them, so subconsciously, he wanted to raise the spiritual bow in his hand to resist.

But the next second he realized his mistake.

The principle of these high-frequency vibrating blades is very similar to his 'soul-cutting thing'. They both produce extremely destructive power through the high-frequency vibration of the spirit son. This attack method is best at cutting the spirit son. It is composed of substances, so it can break through almost all defenses related to spiritual power.

Under such an attack, the spiritual bow in his hand happened to be the most vulnerable type.

After realizing his mistake, Ishida Uryu instantly changed his response.

It is very simple to fight against this type of attack, that is to use weapons with the same principle or even higher vibration frequency to offset such destructive power.

That's right, the 'soul-piercing thing' in his hand with a vibration frequency of more than 3 million times per second can just deal with such a situation.

Ishida Uryuu stretched out his hand to touch the belt around his waist while retreating to buy time for himself.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a row of identical spiritual weapons hanging on his belt. These are so-called 'spiritual objects' that can be used as 'swords' for close combat as long as spiritual power is injected into them.

As for why there are so many reasons...it's actually very simple.

He is an archer, and the only thing he carries with him must be arrows in addition to the bow.

That's right, the melee use of the 'object that cuts the soul' is just an extension of its own ability. This is actually the arrow he carries with him!


The ear-piercing shouting echoed as Uryū Ishida drew his sword.

The approaching blade-like feather was split into two by the lightsaber in his hand in an instant.

"What is this? Aren't you a Quincy? Why do you use melee weapons?" Tiruti asked with a slight frown when she saw Uryu Ishida cutting off the feathers that flew out of her at the critical moment. .

"Instead of worrying about why I'm using a melee weapon, how about worrying about your wings?"

Ishida Uryu's voice suddenly approached.

Flying feet.

His body moved almost instantly as if it were teleporting, and he circled behind Tiruti who had stopped due to surprise. The lightsaber passed by without any resistance, and the huge sharp feathers remaining on Tiruti's wings were chopped into two in response.

After doing all this, Ishida Uryū jumped back to keep distance.

"Now... you have no weapons to use, and the weapons in my hand can easily cut open every part of your body. Give up."

"What a difficult guy..."

The expression on Tiruti's face became more and more gloomy upon hearing this.

"But... who told you that this is what I rely on?"


As she spoke, all the severed giant blade-shaped feathers on Tiruti's outstretched wings fell off, leaving only a pair of spike-like wing bones.

Not only the wings, but also the slender tentacle-like armor on her arms was also abandoned by her.

She fell from the sky and stood on the ground again. Although it seems that she has returned to her appearance before returning to the sword, the mask on her forehead and the ferocious bone spurs on her back let people know that she is still in a 'liberated state'.


Ishida Uryu was a little surprised when he saw this scene, "Can your Arrancar's 'liberated state' continue to change?"

"Unfortunately, this is not a change..."

Tiruti responded in a deep voice.

The person in front of her actually guessed correctly. Their Arrancar's return to the sword was not the end. There was even a second stage of 'return to the sword' state on top of this, but it was a pity that she couldn't do it.

"I just discarded the part that has lost its function. The correct name for the liberation of our sword is called 'Returning the Blade', which is to return the Arrancar's body to a posture close to the original Hollow in exchange for its former powerful power. I think To return to human form, you can only seal the power into the blade again. Giving up a part of your body without sealing it again is tantamount to self-mutilation."

"So...even if it's self-harm, you have to keep fighting...right?"

Listening to the other party's explanation, Ishida Uryu smiled bitterly, with a trace of cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

He actually didn't quite understand why the other party was so persistent.

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