Chapter 714 Chapter 707. The cat’s repayment

"Didn't I say it from the beginning? We have no intention of fighting you here, we just want to meet someone..." ""

Knowing that the Arrancar in front of him would continue to fight even if he harmed himself, Uryu Ishida asked in confusion.

In fact, they have no reason to fight. This palace is the territory of the man named Xuan Hao. They just came to see him. Their purpose of coming has been made clear to the guy in front of them. Why is this guy still so persistent? Woolen cloth?

"To see people?"

Tiruti sneered, "I'm sorry, the order we received... is to kill you all!"

In fact, except for the Ten Blades who were at the meeting at the time, the rest of the Arrancars did not know that this was actually just a 'trial'. Especially these Arrancars who had been kicked off the Ten Blades regarded this foreign invasion as a A rare opportunity.

There are not many people who dare to invade Xuye Palace. In their opinion, the intruder must be extremely powerful!

They have only one purpose in fighting, and that is to prove their strength by defeating the strong! Only then will they have a chance to get back to the position they long for.


Kill them all?

Ishida Uryu's pupils shrank sharply when he heard this.

But in this case, why was Rukia Kuchiki able to leave Xuye Palace safely before? Is it just because of Inoue Orihime's protection at that time?

Now that no one is asking for mercy, you can order their killing without hesitation? How could it be...Is that man really so heartless?

Although I can't figure out what's going on, the current situation seems to be getting worse.

"Okay, glasses man, get ready to take the fight."

Tiruti reminded her expressionlessly while controlling the only part behind her that was not abandoned by her, the tail.

The long tail is raised upward like an arm, and the sharp ends fan out toward both sides, and a light film formed by spiritual energy emerges between the unfolded parts.

A faint buzzing sound could be heard coming from it.

The light film composed of the spirit sons is trembling.

"If I feel right, the sword in your hand should have the same ability as mine, right? It produces powerful destructive power through high-frequency vibration. Since it can easily cut off my wings, it means that the frequency should be higher than mine before. More than double. But now that I have discarded the unnecessary parts, and all the saved spiritual pressure is concentrated on the final weapon, can you still cut it off easily?"


Ishida Uryu answered truthfully with some regret.

The other party couldn't feel the specific frequency, but as a Quincy who was extremely sensitive to spiritual fluctuations, he could easily judge that the vibration frequencies of the weapons used by both parties at the moment were not far apart. When the frequencies were similar, No one can easily suppress the other.

"Hey, isn't this great!?"

A crazy smile appeared on Tiruti's face after hearing this, "In this way, we can fight to our heart's content!"

In her opinion, when both sides have the same weapon characteristics, they must only engage in hand-to-hand combat. In such a fight, she who uses her tail as a weapon obviously has an absolute advantage. After all, they have similar combat power. Under the circumstances, the quality of weapons often determines victory or defeat, and every inch of weapon is stronger!

She could see this, and so could Uryu Ishida on the opposite side, but Uryu Ishida didn't seem nervous at the moment.

"Is this battle a must-win for you?"

he asked calmly.

"Hmph, is there something wrong with your head? If winning or losing doesn't matter at all, then the battle itself is meaningless! For existences like us... we were born to fight! Winning is the meaning of existence! You are Do you want to deny the meaning of our existence?" Tiruti's face was extremely gloomy.

As she spoke, her figure had already flashed not far away from Ishida Uryu. The long tail behind her was raised high, and the original fan-shaped posture changed again, turning into the shape of a spear tip.


The tail was thrown out like a spear, and the tip of the spear made of spirit particles collided with the sword body, making a harsh sound.

Ishida Uryu responded to Tiruti's attack with an expressionless face. While blocking with the blade in his hand, he used the opponent's strength to distance himself far behind.

As I said before, he is an archer.

If the attack distance of the weapon is compared, then he has the advantage anyway. Melee combat is just an application of the 'soul-piercing thing'. Its spiritual pressure vibration is not actually used to cut people. Through the vibration, it can interfere with the opponent's spiritual son control, thereby breaking through all defenses and penetrating the target. Quincy Everything in the battle is developed based on the bow. No one has ever said that a 'sword' cannot be an 'arrow'. In other words, the 'thing that cuts through the soul' is actually an arrow in nature!

"I don't want to deny the meaning of your existence, but...since you have chosen me as your opponent, this battle is also related to me. As for what 'win or lose' means in this battle, it will be decided in the end. Let’s decide the winner!”

Ishida Uryu retreated to a suitable distance, stabilized his body, bent his bow and nocked an arrow.

The ‘thing that cuts through the soul’, the ‘sword body’ originally composed of spirit sons, stretched out and served as an arrow on the spirit bow.

From this moment on, the outcome has been decided.

The Quincy's fighting method is to absorb the surrounding spiritual beings and convert them into his own power. Theoretically speaking... the opponent's spiritual beings are also within the range that he can transform, but the conditions are more stringent. For example, he needs to directly Contact for analysis.

And in the moment of the confrontation between the two sides, he had already completed the analysis.

At this moment, Tiruti's spiritual power seemed to be nothing in front of him, and his arrows would penetrate the opponent without any resistance, whether it was spiritual power or body.


Under Tiruti's disbelieving gaze, the arrow passed through her 'weapon' and penetrated her body without any hindrance.

She could clearly feel that her spiritual power was constantly being lost, and she fell to the ground helplessly.

"it's over."

Ishida Uryu picked up the 'soul-breaking thing' that fell on the ground and said calmly.

The opponent's 'knot' has been penetrated by him, which is the source of spiritual power. The Arrancar is a Hollow's Shinigami form, and its soul structure is similar to that of a Shinigami. Once the knot is destroyed, all spiritual power will be lost, and even if it stands up again, it will be unable to Continue fighting.

"Tirudi Sandavich, you lose."

After saying that, he turned and left expressionlessly.

Life and death are decided by the winner, and he is the winner of this battle.

He respects the meaning of the existence of these Arrancars, but he also has his own obsessions.


Looking at the figure who left without looking back, Tiruti struggled on the ground, filled with unwillingness.

"That guy... actually looks down on me like this..."

She wanted to stand up again, but the knot was penetrated and she felt weak.

"Miss Tiruti Sandavich."

Just when Tiruti was deep in unwillingness and anger, a voice came from behind.

It's a funeral force.

Although Aizen knew what Sal Apollo was doing, in fact Aizen didn't care, so the order was not taken back, and the people of the Buried Forces were still performing their tasks. Sal Apollo's purpose is to collect the spiritual pressure samples of all intruders for research, and naturally no one will be spared.

But because the intruders would not die in this 'trial', if you want to collect their spiritual pressure, you can only bring back the Arrancars who have fought these intruders.

"We are here to take you back. Please... don't talk."

The tone of those who begged the troops was extremely cruel.



Listening to the sound of the blade being slowly unsheathed, Tiruti's unwillingness became more intense.

There is no doubt that she was truly abandoned. From now on, she will be disposed of as useless 'trash'.

How sad.



Just when she was frustrated and about to give up, she heard the sound of falling to the ground constantly around her.


The torn bodies continued to scatter. Although she couldn't raise her head, she could see the remains of the severed fingers that fell to the ground and feel the warm blood splashing on her body.

"Someone come to save me?"

Tiruti's eyes were full of doubts.

The idea of ​​rescuing companions simply didn't exist in their Arrancar's mind.

It is normal to just watch with cold eyes, and it may even add insult to injury like these mortifying troops.

But now...she does seem to be saved.

Soon, the surrounding movement was heard.

It seemed that all the people in the army had been killed.

In Tiruti's doubtful eyes, the person leaned down and looked at her with a crooked face expressionlessly, as if to confirm whether she was alive.


Seeing this indifferent face, Tiruti became even more confused.

In her opinion, the guy in front of her had no reason to save her. It could be seen from his expression that he actually didn't care about his life or death at all.

But in that case...why do this?

"What... happened here?"

Just when Tiruti was confused, a slightly hesitant voice sounded.

Grimmjow turned his head and looked over, but did not speak.

"Grimmjow, did you kill them?"

Bailegang asked this question on behalf of the girl next to him.

The doubt just now came from Inoue Orihime, who came here with him.

They originally sensed the presence of dying spiritual pressure here and came to check the situation, but unexpectedly someone seemed to have arrived first.

Judging from the situation at the scene, Tiruti seemed to have lost a battle with someone, and the funeral troops who came here probably wanted to deal with Tiruti like they dealt with Dorudoni who was rescued, but they were Grimmjow arrives and interferes with the operation.

But he couldn't figure out why Grimmjow did this.

"Yes, so what?"

Grimmjow replied calmly, with no intention of defending himself.

" this?"

Inoue Orihime looked at the scene in front of her that was like a scroll from hell and asked with some confusion.

"Tsk. Aren't you the one who wants to save this loser?"

Faced with Orihime Inoue's question, Grimmjow smacked his lips slightly, then sneered, "What? Don't I kill these guys and wait for them to kill her?"

"Are you... helping me?"

Inoue Orihime's eyes became more puzzled.

"I'm not helping you, I'm just repaying the kindness I received from my left hand."

Grimmjow replied with a fierce expression and disdain, "Okay, the next guy is none of my business."

After the words fell, he waved his hands and left without looking back.

"This guy……"

Balegang, who was standing aside, looked at Grimmjow's leaving figure with helpless expression on his face, "Really, it's such a mess here."

He complained as he reached out and released the dark mist.

‘Aging’, this is his power, everything that comes into contact with his power will decay.

Soon everything on the messy ground except Tiruti dissipated like wind.

He had to do this because Miss Orihime's face looked extremely ugly and tangled,

If such a bloody scene made this person feel uncomfortable, I don’t know if that adult would blame him.

"So I opposed the formation of this useless force from the beginning."

Balegang seemed to be complaining about something.

Hueco Mundo is a world where the strong are respected, and Xuye Palace is where top powerhouses gather. There is no need to add these useless wastes, just like now... it is very troublesome for him to clean up.

"Mr. Balegang... In your opinion, being weak means being useless?"

Inoue Orihime asked, while squatting down to treat Tiruti who fell on the ground, with a slightly sad expression on her face.

In fact, she knows the answer very well in her heart. Hueco Mundo is a cruel world where the weak eat the strong. The losers are not qualified to live. This has nothing to do with the despicable means.

But she still couldn't accept this approach.

Aren’t everyone in Xuye Palace all companions? They were obviously loyal to the same people, but in the end they met a tragic end at the hands of their own people. This seemed to her to be too sad.

Although she knew that she was doing this in vain, because in the near future all souls would be sent to the new world to usher in the afterlife, but even one of them, she wanted to give these souls who could potentially be redeemed a 'salvation' Opportunity.


Facing Inoue Orihime's question, Bailegang was silent for a moment, "Miss Orihime, you should also know that we are just 'virtual' in nature. Analyzing our problems from the perspective of a kind human being... will only make you It just feels sadder.”

"Um...thank you."

After completing the treatment, Inoue Orihime raised her head and smiled at Bailegang who was comforting her.

Listening to the other party's words, she understood one thing, that is, even Xu... they understood everything. Just like Grimmjow's 'return of favor' just now.

They understand all the principles, but this twisted world prevents them from practicing them even if they understand them.


Hearing Inoue Orihime's thanks, Bailegang sighed helplessly.

At a glance, he knew that Miss Orihime did not listen to his words at all. He had never seen such a kind person. If such a person did not have the care of that adult, he would probably be miserable in this world.

But maybe it was because of this that the adult chose this girl. Just like the chaotic world needs light, even if it is just for viewing.

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