A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 724 717. What people at high places see

Chapter 724 717. What people at high places see

"Boy, I've already asked you to chop me down, but don't say that I bullied you?"

The smile on Nnoitra's face gradually became ferocious, and the black double-moon scythe in his hand slowly raised.

"Let's go...die once!?"


The giant scythe mercilessly slashed across Kurosaki Ichigo's body.

Nnoitra spun the scythe in her hand and bathed in the blood, sticking out her tongue with a cruel smile on her face.

He watched Kurosaki Ichigo fall, then stopped what he was doing and waited quietly.

As for the two people he threw to the ground?

He wasn't interested at all.

A seriously injured useless person who couldn't beat him in the first place, if he kills him, he will kill him, and it doesn't matter if he can't kill him.

There is also an even weaker guy who is obviously weak but tries to use his strength as a chariot. He is immortal and he doesn't even bother to kill him. After all, resurrecting the opponent after killing him will have full status, which is troublesome.

"Ah! Come to life, kid? Let me enjoy the long-lost battle! Have you fought against that guy Ulquiorra? Soon I will let you know who is the strongest Ten Blades '!"


Tap tap tap——

Rapid footsteps approached the ground.

Ishida Uryu and Abarai Renji moved quickly towards the ground.

"Speaking of which...is it really okay for us to just leave like this?"

Renji Abarai asked somewhat depressedly.

"Is now the time to worry about this?"

Uryū Ishida answered while running, "We are obviously no match for that guy, right? Is it possible that we really have to wait for that guy to come back after changing his clothes and torture us? This is called a strategic retreat!"

"But...that guy won't let us go so easily, right?"

Renji Abarai frowned slightly and said, "Although that guy seemed very unhappy with us and not very interested in fighting us, but from what he said... he seemed to be forced to fight with us... Tsk, so what exactly is going on?"

"Don't you understand yet?"

Ishida Uryu curled his lips slightly, "If I'm not mistaken, you have died once, right? Not only you, but also Chad, Kuchiki and Kurosaki's spiritual pressure have disappeared more than once."

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"This is a 'trial'..."

Ishida Uryu replied with an extremely ugly look on his face.

Renji Abarai didn't know that man well, so it was normal that he couldn't understand the current situation.

But he understands! Although he never died, based on everything that happened to his companions, Kuchiki Rukia's concealing words before they split up, and his understanding of the man, he quickly figured out the meaning of the incident in Xuye Palace. The purpose of the trip.

Just like when they were in Soul Society, this time it was also a 'trial' for them under the control of that man, and it was a trial that they had no chance of winning.

The enemy they have to face now is different from the captains who let loose in Soul Society. This time, just like what Rukia Kuchiki said... they will really die!

With the huge difference in strength, the only possibility for them to pass the trial is to continue to experience death and grow until they can complete the trial.

But fearless death is meaningless, and you can't just let these guys be killed so easily just because you understand the situation.

They have to find ways to avoid death, become stronger with each death, and look for opportunities to win!

"In short, we have no chance of winning if we stay here. My spiritual bow and your swastika are both sealed. No matter how many times we die, it will be meaningless!"

Uryū Ishida said and quickened his pace.

"That guy obviously didn't intend to cooperate with this trial. He was just forced to deal with us due to orders. Therefore, he has been choosing the easiest way from the beginning of the battle. As long as we are restricted to the weakest state, he will It can easily kill us countless times down there! We have to find a way to get out of here, otherwise we will fall into an endless loop."

"I see, your brain is really very good."

Abarai Renji grinned, "I've only been here for a while and I can already tell what that guy is thinking. Well, let's wait until we get out of the 'domain' set by that damn guy, and then let's give him a good look! ?”

"Anyway, let's try to distance ourselves first." Uryū Ishida frowned slightly, "I'm not sure what that guy's 'field' is yet. The worst case scenario may not be that it's arranged in this building." The trap' is the guy's own ability. In this case... it will be troublesome..."

"Are you trying to say...that if you catch up with that guy, you won't be able to leave the realm?"

"have no idea!"


Uryū Ishida said as he pushed open the door in front of him.

They have been running in the upward direction for a long time. Logically speaking, they should be able to reach the ground by pushing this door, but...

"Welcome back."

Sar Apollo stood behind the door with a sneer, as if he had been waiting for the two of them for a long time.

"You don't really think you can escape from my grasp, do you?"

He stretched out his hand and placed the two of them in his palm through his sight, and the smile on his face looked full of joy.

That's right, Ishida Uryu and Abarai Renji returned to their original place the moment they opened the door.

This underground research room trapped the two of them inside like a maze, and it seemed that no matter how far they escaped, they would eventually be sent back to where they came from.

"What on earth do you want...?"

Ishida Uryu frowned slightly and looked at the man in front of him.

"I guess the order you received...should be to conduct a 'trial' on us, right?"


Sal Apollo was a little surprised, "Have you guessed it?"

As he spoke, the expression on his face became much gloomier.

"What a pity. What can you do if you guessed it? I won't give you any chance."

His words were filled with anger.

"Don't think that you won't die. I can't do anything to you! I will trap you here forever. And this does not violate the order. After all, I am indeed 'testing' you. It's just that this You will never pass this test. You should feel very lucky to have a genius like me waste so much time with you. After all, my time is very precious."

"Is that really the case..."

Renji Abarai had cold sweat on his forehead.

It seems that Ishida Uryu guessed it right.

This is indeed a trial, and the guy in front of him is indeed as unintended to cooperate with this trial as Uryu Ishida imagined.

In this way, he seemed to understand this guy's previous complaints.

According to what this guy complained before...this trial seems to be very unfair to these Arrancars.

It seems...only they can be resurrected in this trial?

It was obviously because of this that the guy in front of him resisted this 'trial' and called it a boring game.

So I plan to trap them here forever.

Just like what Ishida analyzed just now, with the spirit bow and the swastika sealed, even if they die countless times here, they will not pose a threat to the guy in front of them. This will be an endless cycle.

"what to do?"

"Of course let this guy let us out on his own."

Ishida Uryu said calmly while holding his eyes.


Renji Abarai looked at Uryu Ishida in surprise.

He found that this guy seemed very happy after the other party admitted that this was a trial?

"what's the situation?"

This is not just Renji Abarai’s doubts.

Saar Apollo on the opposite side also frowned.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing at your stupidity."

After confirming everything, Ishida Uryu seemed to be relieved, his whole person became relaxed, and even his tone of voice became calmer.

"What do you mean?" Saar Apollo frowned slightly.

"If I guess correctly... you probably don't know anything about the guy who issued this trial order... right?"

Ishida Uryu sighed helplessly.

"So what?"

"That's right."

Ishida Uryu chuckled, "Although I don't know much about that man, there is one thing I know very well..."


"It's very simple..."

It was Uryū Ishida who looked at the surrounding environment and answered with a smile, "Look at the equipment around you... If I guessed correctly, you should be a researcher, right? Then let me ask you... if you are doing a In a field experiment, will the mice in the experiment be allowed to deviate from the trajectory and act without authorization?"


Sar'Apollo's whole body trembled slightly as if he had been awakened.

The answer is no.

As a researcher, he knows it all too well.

The researcher must ensure that there are no errors in every step of the experiment, which means...everything is under the control of the 'king'.

Including what he is doing now!

So... why has the 'King' allowed him to do this until now despite knowing that he is unwilling to cooperate with this 'trial'?


"You're doing this in vain."

Ishida Uryu calmly raised his head and stared into Sal Apollo's eyes, his eyes full of ridicule.

"That man will not let you get what you want. Everything is within his expectation, which means...even if we do nothing, the status quo will change at some point. You can't trap us."


Sal Apollo smacked his lips slightly when he heard this, "Absurd! Boy, you don't think that to scare me by saying such baseless words, I will reveal my flaws and let you find a way to escape from here, right? As long as you are in this field, you You will never be able to get out, and you will never be able to defeat me or break my seal, so give up!"

"Is it?"

Ishida Uryu raised his head and asked.


Assar Apollo seemed to feel something and looked up.


The ceiling began to fall off, and a huge face like a sleeping baby appeared on the ceiling.

"What's this!?"


What answered him was the sound of a collapse like the earth was falling apart.

The laboratory he was proud of collapsed almost instantly, and a huge body came down from above, destroying all the building structures here in an instant like a moth eating away at the entire underground lair!

"You have helpers? How is that possible!?"

Countless blades sprang out from the baby-like face and slammed downwards. Sal Apollo instantly understood what was going on.

The realm cannot be broken from the inside, but it can be broken from the outside.

It's obvious that the reinforcements of these two boys are here!

But how is it possible! ?

Now everyone outside who participates in the 'trial' should have their own opponent...


Suddenly Sal Apollo seemed to realize something.

What makes them think...the only ones participating in the trial are these few boys?

In the final analysis, this is just the plan of Lord Aizen and the 'King'. All the Arrancars, including their 'Ten Blades', are actually not qualified to know the full contents of the plan.

It was them who took what Aizen casually mentioned at the meeting as part of their plan!


Sal Apollo's face was full of anger and unwillingness.

"We, the people, have never been seen in the eyes of the 'King'!"

"No...you're wrong Sal Apollo."

In the dim room, Aizen propped his chin with one hand, and with the other hand he picked up the chess pieces on the chessboard in front of him and placed them calmly.

"That man...never said he was the 'King of Hueco Mundo'."

The title of King is just what these stupid guys gave this man out of fear.

That person is just sitting on the throne.

Only Aizen, who was standing next to the throne, knew that the man never cared about the throne he was sitting on. It should be said that such a throne was not worthy of that man at all, but there was only one place in Hueco Mundo where he could sit.

That man was never their 'king', and his eyes were certainly not on them.

Of course, people at high places can only see high places.

How could someone who was about to reshape the entire world care about the thoughts of a speck or two of dust in the old world?

Everything was doomed the moment the man's idea arose.

Everything is just proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plan, including the purpose of this 'trial', when it will start and when it will end, everything has been arranged long ago.

"You guys... shouldn't speculate on the thoughts of people in higher places... you miserable guys."


Violent roars resounded in the barrier under the dome inside Xuye Palace. In the diffuse smoke, the giant bone snake raised its head as if coming out of a hole.

The moment the entire underground laboratory collapsed, Renji Abarai's sealed swastika had been unsealed.

At the critical moment when he and Ishida Uryu were about to be submerged, he used his swastika to let Shebimaru bring them out.


Through the smoke, they finally saw clearly the true appearance of the person who broke into the laboratory.

The person standing on the huge insect shadow has a chilling face. If anyone in Soul Society were to rank the people they least want to offend, this guy would probably be ranked first.

Yes, he is the captain of the 12th Division and the director of the Technology Development Bureau. The mad scientist who makes people feel scared in their bones just thinking about his methods - Niryuri.

Ishida Uryu looked at the man looking down at them with cold sweat on his forehead.

Is the appearance of this man also part of that guy's plan?

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