A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 725 718. The evil concubine

Chapter 725 718. The evil concubine


Angry voices came from beneath the buried ruins, and soon, the embarrassed figure of Sal Apollo lifted up the rubble and white sand and crawled out of the ruins.

"Oh? You are quite tenacious in life."

Niryuri saw that the guy who was hit head-on by his own swastika golden Jizo Jizo's 'Poison Blade' and buried in the ground was still alive, with an interested smile on his face.

He lifted the swastika and landed on the ground with Nirvana, completely ignoring Uryū Ishida and Renji Abarai walking in the direction of Sal Apollo.

"Damn it, damn it... hate it... hate it..."

Sal Apollo stood up and looked at the figure walking towards him as if nothing had happened. His tone was full of resentment, "Damn you guys... dare to destroy my laboratory. You really deserve death! People like you It’s really upsetting for an inferior person to show me such a wretched side!”


Facing Sal Apollo's complaints, Nirvana just smiled faintly, and the smile was full of ridicule.

"What are you laughing at!? Bastard!"

Sar Apollo became even more angry, "It's not funny at all! Go to hell! Sip it - the evil concubine!"

Under the surprised gazes of Uryū Ishida and Renji Abarai, he suddenly pulled out the 'Evil Concubine' from his waist and put the blade into his mouth.


Suddenly his entire body swelled up, and blood oozed from the surface of the hard steel skin, and then his whole body exploded like a burst balloon.

The blood splattered on several people. Whether it was Ishida Uryu, Abarai Renji or Niruri, they could not help but frown with disgust on their faces.


After the blood mist dissipated, Sal Apollo's posture underwent earth-shaking changes. His whole body was like a shell that exploded from the inside, revealing a new posture. His lower body no longer looked like a human being. Instead, it looked like a human being. It was entangled with countless tentacles like wriggling intestines, and four strange wings that looked like they were melting grew out of its back, as if the demon god from the Cthulhu mythology had arrived.

"It's all over, just be obedient and prepare to die!"

After passing through the Return Blade, the original injuries on Sal Apollo's body disappeared as if he had been reborn.

He looked at the people in front of him with evil eyes, especially Nirvana who suddenly appeared and destroyed his laboratory and still dared to smile at him.

As he raised his hand, the flesh and blood that had just fallen to the ground like mud began to squirm. Under the surprised looks of Ishida Uryu, Abarai Renji, and Nirvana's interest, In his eyes, he saw a clone that looked almost the same as several other people, except that his face had the same mark as Thrall's Apollo at the moment, growing out of the flesh.

"That's disgusting. What is this?"

Seeing a clone like himself being born in such a strange way, Renji Abarai frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, this is just preparation work, I will let you know the true power of my 'Evil Concubine' soon!"

Sar's Apollo's tone was filled with resentment.

This is one of the abilities of his evil concubine, copying the clone body.

As long as the target is splashed by his body fluids, it will be analyzed by the evil concubine, and then as long as he is willing, he can create a clone that is exactly the same as the other party at any time.

The clone has the same basic abilities as the person being copied, but this is not the point. The point is that such a clone can pave the way for him to activate other abilities in the future.

As he spoke, the weird wings on his back changed shape, like piranha, swallowing up the clones of the people he had just created. Then, several tumor-like feathers on the unfolded flesh wings began to swell, and the flesh membranes became thicker and thicker. It becomes thinner and thinner, and finally breaks apart.

"This is……"

Several people looked at the object that fell into the hands of Sal Apollo after the sarcoma was broken with doubtful eyes. They were several dolls that looked like them.

"So this is your ability?" Among the others, only Nirvana was not impressed, and even seemed to be very interested. He tilted his head and curiously asked Sal Apollo opposite him, "What's the use of it?"

"what's the effect……"

A cruel smile appeared on Sal Apollo's face, "Aren't I about to answer you?"

As he spoke, he picked out one of several dolls, and then looked at Ishida Uryu opposite.

"Uryū Ishida, right? From now on, your responsibility as 'Uryū Ishida' has ended. From now on, 'it' will be 'Uryū Ishida'."

Sal Apollo held the doll of Uryū Ishida in his hand, smiling and exerting slight pressure.


Severe pain spread throughout Ishida Uryu's body, forcing him to kneel on the ground.

He looked at the doll in the opponent's hand in horror. The pain on his body at the moment was where the doll was pinched!

"Is this... your ability?"

"No, no, no, this is just the beginning."

The smile on Sar's Apollo's face became extremely cruel.

He stretched out his hand to caress Ishida Uryu's doll. At the same time, Ishida Uryu's body felt an electric shock, and his whole body trembled.

"Does it feel like you're being touched?"

Sal Apollo explained, "I have said that from now on, your responsibility as 'Ishida Uryu' has ended. From now on, 'it' is the entity of the existence of 'Ishida Uryu', your Life has been linked to it...it is the remote control that controls your five senses. Whether I touch it or hurt it, the same thing will definitely happen to you."

As he spoke, he smiled and stretched out his fingers to scratch the doll's forehead.



Ishida Uryū felt a stinging pain on his forehead. He reached out and touched it, and saw bright red blood flowing down his forehead.

Whether it was the pain that spread throughout his body just now or the scars that appeared on his head at this moment, he knew that the guy in front of him was not joking with him.

"You haven't experienced the feeling of death, have you?"

Sar'Apollo's tone became dangerous, and a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

As he spoke, he held the puppet's palm and began to twist the puppet's entire body.


Looking at the movements in the opponent's hands, Abarai Renji's pupils shrank sharply, and he stretched out his hand to stop it, but it seemed... nothing happened?

Until Sal Apollo split the human idol in his hand into two halves like unscrewing a bottle cap, Ishida Uryu seemed to be fine.

He also thought that Ishida would be twisted into two pieces after the doll.

"Idiot, why are you nervous?"

Sal Apollo smiled mockingly, "The structure of this doll is like this. Don't you think that if you cut open its belly, you would do the same thing? But it doesn't matter. Do you see it?"

He showed the puppet that was divided into two halves to the people in front of him.

"I see, that's interesting."

Looking at what looked like internal organs in the doll's belly, Nie Yuli chuckled.

He seemed to know what the other party was capable of.

"Did you see it? There are a lot of little things in here, internal organs, bones, everything that is the most fragile in the human body..."

Sal Apollo explained with a smile while taking out one of the pieces of the Ishida Uryu doll with the word 'stomach' engraved on it.


As his fingers pinched his stomach with slight force, a shattering sound came.


Almost at the same moment, a large mouthful of blood spurted out from Ishida Uryu's mouth.

He cried bitterly and covered his stomach. The tearing pain continued to spread from his body, making him completely unable to exert any strength.

Yes, this is the most terrifying ability of Thrall Apollo.

Connect the main body with a puppet, and then destroy the opponent's body from the inside step by step.

He is the No. 8 Arrancar, symbolizing madness and giving people the most painful death!

"Asshole! Stop it!"

Upon seeing this, Renji Abarai waved the bone blade in his hand angrily, and the swastika-liberated Shebimaru's huge body roared and attacked Sal Apollo.

This guy's ability is simply too weird. It is an ability created entirely to target their 'immortality' at the moment. Human vitality is actually not as fragile as it seems. As long as the key parts are not injured, even if it is partially Even if the internal organs are broken, death will not occur immediately.

Obviously, Sal Apollo knew this, so he used such a weird ability.

His purpose was not to kill them, but to torture them.

Everyone present has been touched by the blood stains that bloomed when Apollo returned to the sword, which means that he has mastered the 'templates' of these people in his hands, and can then create unlimited dolls. No matter how many times they are resurrected...he can torture them to death in the same way!

All it takes is to gently crush the doll to make the target incapable of fighting. This is just like cheating and cannot be fought at all.


The doll accompanying Renji Abarai was ruthlessly crushed by Sal Apollo.

Renji Abarai, who was launching an offensive, fell to the ground in an instant.

The moment the doll shattered, all the parts with the internal organs and bones engraved on it also shattered at the same time, and unimaginable pain suddenly spread throughout Renji Abarai's body.

Fortunately, the pain didn't seem to last long. In order to prevent Renji Abarai from attacking, Sal Apollo simply crushed the entire doll this time, so the pain only lasted for a moment and ended.

Renji Abarai was killed again.


Asael Apollo looked down mercilessly at Renji Abarai's body lying on the ground.

Taking advantage of the opponent's resurrection, he created the same puppet again.

Not long after, Renji Abarai stood up again, but the moment he stood up, he felt a heartbreaking pain in his body.

I saw that Sal Apollo was doing the same thing as he was dealing with Uryu Ishida. After his resurrection, he immediately crushed the organs in his body and made him lose his ability to fight.

"Stupid guys, the battle is over from the moment I return to the sword. You have no chance to attack me. Now you can only be used as my toys and be ravaged to death by me countless times! "

A cruel smile appeared on Thra Apollo's face.

He had never thought about fighting these immortal guys. Why should he fight to the death when he could solve the problem with just a snap of his fingers? Just stupid.

In comparison, he felt that the two guys who came after him looked much more aware of the current situation.

Because Nirvana and Nirvana have been motionless since he returned to the sword.

Maybe he was so scared that he gave up after learning about his abilities?


He smiled excitedly, picked up the two puppets in his hands and kept playing with them.

The internal organs and bones were constantly broken, and Abarai Renji and Ishida Uryu who fell on the ground kept screaming.

Nie Yuli on the side just watched calmly, and Nie Yinmeng stood quietly behind him.

These two people seemed to have no emotions, turning a blind eye to the tortured Renji Abarai and Uryu Ishida.

There was even a hint of curiosity in Nie Yuli's eyes when he saw the two of them suffering.

"Tsk, tsk, that's amazing."

"Yes, it's amazing, isn't it?"

Hearing the compliments, he seemed to think that this guy was very knowledgeable about current affairs. Sal Apollo was very satisfied. After all, no researcher would dislike others praising his research results.

Unfortunately, he seems to have made a mistake.

"What are you misunderstanding? I think magical things are not your abilities."

Nie Yuli's tone suddenly became disdainful.

Are you kidding me?

Isn't it just something like a cursed doll? Nothing to show off.

If this guy made a puppet that could really connect the fate of his opponent, maybe he would give a little praise, but in reality? This guy's method can only connect the internal organs and part of the body structure. It is so inferior that it is nothing more than a toy at best.

"What I'm curious about is the reason why these two boys can be resurrected with full health."

As Niryuuli explained, he looked at Sal Apollo in front of him with undisguised disdain in his eyes.



Screams were heard, and the dolls of Uryu Ishida and Renji Abarai were instantly crushed in the hands of Saar Apollo.

Uryu Ishida and Renji Abarai were killed in action.

The expression on Sal Apollo's face at this moment was extremely ferocious, glaring at the Nirvana in front of him, as if he wanted to crush him to ashes.

"You guy, how dare you look down on me!?"

(Uryū Ishida, Renji Abarai: ??? He underestimates you, why does it have anything to do with us!?)


On the other side, the newly resurrected Kurosaki Ichigo is also in trouble.


A violent metallic clang echoed.

He was overwhelmed by Nnoitra's violent attacks. With his Zanpakutō in hand, he could only barely resist the attacks and retreat quickly.


Kurosaki Ichigo roared unwillingly.

Resurrection can only restore injuries, and recovery of physical strength can only take advantage of the short period of resurrection to take a break.

Although he was very unhappy, he was no match for the guy in front of him. Not to mention his current incomplete state, he probably couldn't beat him even at his peak.


Nnoitra laughed wildly as she watched Kurosaki Ichigo retreat in embarrassment.

"What's wrong, kid!? Why are you still so weak after resurrection!? Is this all your strength!? It's really disappointing!"

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