A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 729 722. I’ve given you a lot of face

Chapter 729 Chapter 722. I’ve given you a lot of face


Nirvana fell to her knees, breathing heavily.

"Hmm, hum, hum -"

Seeing Nirvana's embarrassed appearance, Sal Apollo had a proud smile on his face.

"It's really embarrassing. You are obviously the captain, but you are only like this. Faced with my ability, you have no power to resist? So where did your previous arrogance go? I still like your unruly look just now. .”


As he spoke, Saar Apollo once again crushed the organ taken out of Nirvana's doll.


At the same time as the shattering sound was heard, another mouthful of blood spurted out from Nirvana's mouth, which was kneeling on the ground.


"Cocoon...Master Cocoon Lee..."

Nianyimeng, whose internal organs were destroyed by Sal Apollo using the same method and fell to the ground, seemed a little worried looking at Nie Yuli's current state.


Not only her, Renji Abarai and Uryu Ishida who also fell to the ground were also desperate when they saw this scene.

The ability of the 'Ten Blades' in front of me is really weird. The key is that this guy's purpose has been very clear from the beginning. He has no intention of fighting them and has no interest in killing them. He just simply makes them unable to move. So there are no flaws.

If even Nirvana can't deal with this guy, then they can only be trapped here and be tortured by this guy without limit.


Sal Apollo laughed wildly as he looked at the angry and helpless expressions of the several people who fell in front of him.

"It's really bad. Whether it's a Shinigami or a Quincy, weren't all of you guys quite arrogant before!? What's wrong? Why can't you even stand up now!? They're all a bunch of people who don't see any use. waste!"


Nirvana groaned with a ferocious face, raised her head and glared at Sal Apollo in front of her.

Apollo seemed satisfied with his anger and unwillingness, and the smile on his face became more and more rampant.

But the next moment, Nirvana's originally ferocious face suddenly turned into a mocking grimace: "I lied to you~"


Under the surprised gaze of Saar Apollo, Nirvana stood up from the ground as if nothing had happened.

"Huh...that's it, I'm tired of playing."

"Playing? You said...what!?"

Sweat broke out on Sal Apollo's forehead, and he asked the man in front of him with disbelief, "Why... can you still stand up?"

He was very sure that he had crushed many internal organs and bones in this man's body. This guy was just a god of death, and he was not the rare Hollow with super-speed regeneration. How could he still be able to survive after the internal parts of his body had been destroyed like that? stand up? This unscientific!

"Kneel down!"

He roared and crushed the organs inside a puppet again, trying to make the person in front of him kneel down again.


Nirvana spurted out another mouthful of blood.


A smile appeared on Thra Apollo's face again.

See, isn't this still valid?

However, he didn't realize that this time Nirvana's face was expressionless.

"Okay, stop making trouble, I don't want to play with you anymore."

Nirvana wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth as if she were looking after a child, and turned her head to look at Saar Apollo as if nothing had happened.

"How can it be!?"

There was a hint of panic in Sal Apollo's eyes, "Did my ability fail? No...impossible! Your internal organs were indeed destroyed by me! Why...why can you still stand up!"

"Is it weird? That's all you can do."

Nirvana looked away as if he had lost interest. Now he was not even interested in looking at the guy in front of him.

"Nemu, please get up too."


After receiving the order, Nianyinmeng miraculously stood up as if nothing had happened.


Seeing this, Sal Apollo began to doubt his life. He threw the puppet in his hand to the ground and broke it into pieces. He kept trampling on it, his tone full of anger, "Damn it! Damn it! Why!? Why!"

As the doll was destroyed, Nirvana still had corresponding reactions. Sal Apollo's ability did work. The sound of broken bones kept ringing from Nirvana, but for some reason, he still seemed fine. He stood there with the same expressionless expression as everyone else.


As the doll was completely destroyed, Nirvana's body stopped twitching. At this time, he turned his head and looked at Sal Apollo again with a slight displeasure: "Really, have you had enough? It's so noisy... "


Sal Apollo asked in disbelief, "The internal organs, the tendons...all have been destroyed by me! Why is there still nothing wrong at all!?"

"What's all the fuss about?"

Nirvana's tone was full of disdain.

"Actually, it's not that I used any special abilities... It's just that I'm tired of seeing your abilities."

"What did you say?"

Sar Apollo seemed to be deeply hit, and the expression on his face fell into a dull state.

This is his strongest ability! This guy actually said he cracked it without using any special abilities! ? Does it mean that you only cooperated with him in performances because you were interested in his abilities? Stop playing when you get tired of watching it! ?

"How can it be!?"

"Nothing is impossible." Nirvana scratched his head helplessly and explained, "I am a very cautious person. Whenever I fight with others, I will definitely set up some kind of trap in the battle."

As he spoke, he pointed to Uryū Ishida on the side.

"The Quincy over there...I infected his body with countless surveillance bacteria."


Ishida Uryu's pupils shrank sharply after hearing this, "When..."

"It was in Soul Society. Do you still remember the suicide bombs I made with my subordinates? As long as you are contaminated with their blood, no matter whether you are injured or not, bacteria will sneak into your body and multiply unless I let them Die, or someone will find out."

Niryuuri explained matter-of-factly, "The new bacteria on Miss Orihime's body have long been removed by that man, which makes me feel very sorry. After all, I have no interest in monitoring useless waste like you. Your battle process They were all monitored by me through these bacteria. So I know your other abilities very well, and now... I have personally experienced your trump card. It's boring. I have lost interest in you, so I don't plan to play with you. Got it, do you understand?"

As he said that, Nirvana calmly looked at Sal Apollo in front of him with mocking eyes.

The expression on Sal Apollo's face became ferocious upon hearing this, and there was still some confusion in his eyes.

"But... even if this is the case... how is it possible!? I should have shown this ability after you came here! Don't tell me that you prepared it on the spot!"

"Ah...you're talking about this? Isn't this a matter of course? Could it be...do you think it will take me a lot of time to crack your ability?" Nie Shuli's tone was helpless, and the smile on his face was full of sarcasm, " Yinmeng is my masterpiece, and it is also the toolbox I carry with me. While you were having a great time playing with these two silly boys, I had already asked her to 'back up' the internal organs and tendons in our bodies. .”

"!!" Sal Apollo's eyes were full of disbelief, "No...impossible! How long did it take me to deal with these two boys!? How many minutes? How could you..."

"Don't think so," a strange smile appeared on Nie Shuli's face, "It's already a great honor for you to allow me to spend a few minutes preparing."


When Sar Apollo heard this, there was only anger in his eyes.

"How dare you look down on me like this!!"


The ground suddenly shattered, and a thick tentacle sprang out from under Nianyinmeng's feet, binding her up instantly.


Seeing that his plan was successful, Sal Apollo laughed wildly again, "You are too careless, Captain Death! You actually told me your weaknesses! This girl is your trump card, right!? Now she is in my hands!"


Nirvana was silent and looked at him as if he were a fool.

"What...what is your look!?" Sal Apollo asked with a roar.

"You seem to have made a mistake..."

It was not Nie Yuli who answered him, but Nie Yinmeng, who was caught by him, explained with a somewhat innocent tone, "Even if you catch me...it won't have the slightest impact on Lord Yuli..."

"How can it be!?"

Sal Apollo was in disbelief, "Shut up! This guy obviously said that you are his masterpiece and a tool he carries with him!"

"How stupid."

When Nirvana heard this, she looked at Sal Apollo in front of her with some disappointment.

"It's a shame that I thought you were the same person at first. I didn't expect you to be so stupid..."

He said as he drew his Zanpakutō from his waist.

Swastika: Golden Boil kills Ksitigarbha.

The golden giant insect appeared in mid-air again.

Nirvana looked at Sal Apollo in front of her with ruthless eyes: "No matter how outstanding the work is, it comes from my hands after all. The so-called tools... are just objects that can be discarded at any time. As a research Or, can’t you even understand such a basic thing?”

"This is……"

Thrall Apollo looked at the shadow that enveloped him with fear on his face.

This was the big guy who had just destroyed his laboratory. He knew that this should be the swastika of the captain in front of him.

If his ability can work on this guy, this move is not something to be afraid of. After all, to use the Zanpakutō's ability, it needs to be controlled by the Shinigami. If the main body is disabled, it will not pose a threat to him.

But now...

The only one who has no power to resist is himself! Even the hostage held in his hand seemed to have no effect on this god of death! The other party doesn't seem to care at all!

"This is my Zanpakutō Swastika, the golden Jizo Jizo. Of course... it's also one of my props."

Nie Yuli said as he stretched out his hand and squeezed it.

As he spoke, the baby-like face of the golden Jisha Jizo suspended in the air opened its mouth, and thick mist floated out of its mouth.

"What's this!?"

Sal Apollo was surrounded by fog, "Is this gas a pathogenic bacteria!?"

The researcher's sense of smell made him instantly aware of the deadly threat lurking in this thick fog.

But having lost his mind due to fear and anger, he had no intention of calming down and facing the problem at hand.

"Damn it! Give me time...give me time! I can get rid of something like this right away! Damn it——"

No matter how unwillingly he roared, there would be no delay in the poisonous mist taking effect.

Soon he felt his whole body begin to feel weak.

Despair rose from the bottom of my heart.

The shadow that enveloped him was getting closer and closer. He was unable to move and was unable to dodge the attack of the golden Ksitigarbha.


Amidst the fierce roar, the golden Jizang Jizo opened his mouth and pounced on him, swallowing him into his mouth in an instant.


A subtle sound of metal friction came from very far away.

Niryuri took one look at the golden Ksitigarbha Jizo who was chewing Sal Apollo and stopped caring. He turned his attention to other places, stroking his ears and listening.

"Really, are you still going on? The battle between those barbarians is really long-lasting."

Soon, he lost interest in the sound of fighting in the distance and turned his head to look at the other three people lying on the ground.

"How long do you three plan to stay in bed?"


Abarai Renji and Ishida Uryū stared blankly at the chewing golden Jisho Jizo, "That guy... was eaten..."

They never dreamed that the enemy that gave them such a headache, the majestic 'Ten Blades', would die in such a funny way.

Eaten by a Zanpakutō?


Suddenly, Abarai Renji spurted out a mouthful of blood mist again.

"What's wrong!?" Uryū Ishida looked at him nervously, "Is that guy not dead yet!?"

"No...it's not that the internal organs were damaged...it was probably poisoned..."

"When you say that, I also... pfft..."

Ishida Uryū suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, "Hey... Nirvana! Give us the antidote quickly!? You don't know how to distinguish between friend and foe when you put poison?"

"What a waste..."

Niryu Li said that he was about to come over to detoxify the two of them, but suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something, so he turned back.


When he saw that the tentacles that tied Nie Yin Meng and hung him in the air were still there, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Um...I'm sorry...could you please help me untie this? Master Yuri..."

Nie Yin dreamed that Nie Yuli finally noticed her and asked softly.


However, Nirvana did not answer.

After casually taking out the antidote in his arms and throwing it to the yelling Ishida Uryu, he walked slowly towards Niyinmu's direction, his expression gradually becoming expressionless.

"What a tenacious vitality. It has obviously been eaten."

Nie Yuli looked at the tentacles binding Nie Yin Meng with great interest. As he spoke, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"This is interesting~"

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