A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 730 723. The last perfect life has stopped thinking

Chapter 730 723. The last perfect life has stopped thinking


A painful scream came from Nianyimeng's mouth.

The tentacle bound to her body suddenly inserted into her navel and became harder and harder. Soon, the tentacle seemed to be integrated into her body and continued to invade her flesh and blood.


After a painful scream, Niyinmeng's abdomen began to swell, bursting through his clothes, and a ferocious mouth opened on it.

"Do you think... you can kill me by eating me?"


The weird sound coming from that mouth made Uryu Ishida and Renji Abarai, who had just detoxified, tremble in their hearts.

"This voice is... Sal Apollo!! That guy... is not dead yet!?"

"Let me tell you, this is actually... the most important thing about my 'Evil Concubine'... the ability that I am most proud of - 'conception notification'!"

The conception tells that this is the last trump card of Saar Apollo, which is the ability to give birth to oneself in the enemy. It pierces the opponent's abdomen with its tentacles, and then lays eggs inside the opponent's body. The eggs will absorb everything about the opponent as nutrients, and finally produce a brand new body from the opponent's body.

Soon, Niyinmeng's body aged at a speed visible to the naked eye, instantly turning into a mummy as if it had been sucked dry. A twisted figure covered in mucus came out of her mouth and fell to the ground.

It’s the new-born Thrall Apollo.

At this moment, his face no longer had the fear before, but he regained his confidence again, looking at Nirvana in front of him with a smile: "Niruri! Let me introduce myself again..."

"Huh?" Seeing that the person in front of him had returned to his arrogant appearance, a strange smile appeared on Nie Shuli's face.

"Can you understand? Nirvana?" Sal Apollo stretched out his newborn body and spoke as impassionedly as a speech, "This is how I use my enemies to nurture myself, and I can continue to be reincarnated with new looks!" The phoenix, called the phoenix, allows the old self to plunge into the flames and then be reborn from the flames! Can you understand?

The so-called ‘immortality’, the so-called perfection, refers to this! It is not to transcend death, but to include death in the cycle of one's own life. Death cannot be separated from one's own existence. Only when one can reincarnate between death and rebirth without interruption can it be called "death". It's 'perfect life'! but me--

Such a perfect life!

There is no such result as death in me, it is just a process. Even if you kill me, I will still be resurrected before I die completely! In other words... you can't kill me at all, so it's impossible to win! "


Nie Yuli looked at the man in front of him as if he were a fool, and the smile on his face became more and more cruel, "In that case... wouldn't your situation be the same as these two boys? You can't beat me... you can only be beaten. I tortured you to death again and again. Is there anything wrong with your mind? A true friend wouldn’t like this feeling of being ravaged, right?”


Sal Apollo snorted coldly after hearing this, "I am different from these two idiots. There is an absolute gap in strength between them and me. Even if they are given countless opportunities, the result of fighting me will not change, and you ...How many times can you beat me?"

"Extremely stupid."

Nirvana shook her head in disappointment, "Are you done with your nonsense? Thanks to your reintroduction of yourself, I have completely lost interest in you, idiot."

"You guy..." Sal Apollo heard the disdainful tone of Nirvana, and anger rose again on his face.

"I don't need to beat you many times. In the final analysis, I have no interest in torturing others. A stupid guy like you is really an eyesore. I have no interest in continuing to play with you. But... I am killing Before you, I have one last question to ask.”

Nirvana stared at Sal Apollo in front of her with empty eyes, and asked calmly, "You said you are a 'perfect life', then...do you have other abilities besides resurrection?"

"What's the meaning?"

Sal Apollo frowned slightly, "Isn't this not perfect enough!?"

"Don't you know very well whether it's perfect or not?"

Nie Yuli closed his eyes and shook his head slightly, seeming to be completely disappointed with the person in front of him, "Compared with that man's power to bring these two boys back from the dead, you should know very well that your ability is only half-baked, right? Because of this...you Only then do you feel fearful and unwilling to fight with them head-on. Ah... How disappointing... You are like an idiot. You clearly know the truth, but you are so stupid that you even want to deceive yourself and deceive yourself and others - —Are you worthy of being called a researcher!?"

A huge shadow once again enveloped Sar Apollo, and the huge figure of the golden Jizang stood upright.

But when it was about to attack Sar Apollo again, Sar Apollo laughed.


He raised his hand and waved it down with a wild smile, and the swooping figure of the golden Jizhi Jizo instantly changed its direction and flew back towards Nirvana.

"Who is the stupid guy!? The guy who swallowed my body, do you think it can still be used by you!? Once my body is swallowed, it will dissolve and invade the central nervous system. Although I don't know what you, the gods of death, are like, What is the structure of a Zanpakutō, but now this Zanpakutō is obviously in the form of a living thing, right!? As long as it is a living thing, the structure is not important! I only need to control the central nervous system, even the swastika, I can control it ! Accept the curse! Who asked you to make your swastika look like a living thing!?"

"Are you really a complete idiot?"

Niryuri seemed to be speechless as he looked at the golden Jisashi Jizo who was swooping towards him, "Didn't I just say it? It's just one of my props. Do you think I would be stupid enough to be... Did my own props backfire?"


In the astonished eyes of Sal Apollo, the huge body of the golden Jizou Jizo disintegrated in an instant, and then dissipated into a spirit child and returned to the Zanpakutō form and returned to Niryuri's hands.

"This is……"

"Of course, the only outcome for a prop that goes against its owner is destruction."

Niryuri explained matter-of-factly, "What about the Zanpakutō? A prop is a prop, so I have transformed 'it' a long time ago. If it betrays me, it will explode immediately."

As he spoke, he mercilessly smashed the Zanpakutō blade onto the ruins nearby. Without the blessing of spiritual pressure, even the Zanpakutō would be as fragile as an ordinary blade. Under the power of Nirvana, the Zanpakutō blade would be as fragile as an ordinary blade. The sword shattered in response.

"You guy... you are really evil."

Saar Apollo frowned slightly when he saw this.

"You are not qualified to judge me after eating your own adjutant to regain your strength, right? Through the surveillance bacteria on the Quincy boy, I know very well what you are doing."

Nirvana chuckled and put the knife back into its sheath, "Okay... let's resolve the matter between us? You have nothing left to please me, so the game is over."

"What do you want to do……"

For some reason, looking at the smile on Nirvana's face, Sal Apollo felt a warning sign in his heart and subconsciously stepped back.

"Haha, don't be so nervous, I just want you to be a trial user of my new medicine." The expression on Nie Shuli's face became cruel.

"Don't even think about it, do you think I will still be poisoned by you!?" Sal Apollo seemed to want to distance himself.

"No...actually you have been poisoned."

Looking at Sal Apollo trying to retreat but stagnating in place, Nirvana explained calmly.

"What a stupid guy. Just as you can think of using your own body as a bait to control my Zanpakutō, why do you think that giving birth to a new body from my tool is a risk-free thing?"

Yes, he has already said that Nirvana is his masterpiece and his prop.

"Yinmeng carries several of my medicines in her body. If someone eats her or invades her body, it will be more convenient to administer the medicine."

Nie Yuli took out a small bottle containing medicine from his arms and shook it boringly, "This time, it was among the medicine I put in advance at the place where you 'lay eggs'. Don't worry, it's not poison." This is... um... let's call it 'Superman Medicine'. In a duel, isn't it often said that 'it's as if you see the opponent's sword standing still'?

That is the result of prolonged sense of time. If you hone the sense to the extreme, there will be a very small chance of this phenomenon happening. So if someone says to you, "Your knife is so slow," maybe it's not that the other person is bragging, but you. There is an absolute gap in strength between them. In the eyes of a strong person as strong as 'Superman', as a weak person, your movements are indeed as slow as a snail.

And my ‘Superman Drug’ is the drug that forcibly causes this phenomenon, that is to say, it can make anyone easily achieve the ‘Superman Feeling’…”

Weird...what is he talking about?

Sar Apollo's brain seemed to have stopped thinking. He felt that time passed extremely long, and Nirvana on the other side spoke so slowly that he could not hear it at all.

"Can you understand? 'Ten Blades'." Nirvana calmly took back the bottle in his hand and asked with a sneer, "As long as you use this medicine, even a baby's eyes will feel as if they are still when they see the bullet. You who have become a superman... you must feel that as an 'ordinary person', I move too slowly and feel bored, right? Then..."

Suddenly a joyful smile appeared on his face, he drew out the Zanpakutō from his waist again, and pointed the tip of the knife at Sal Apollo's heart.

"Does this knife seem to you...to be stationary?"

The long knife slowly approached, but Saar Apollo on the opposite side stood there as dumb as a piece of wood. Even if the tip of the knife pierced his skin and penetrated his heart, he did not react at all.

"How is it? Isn't it amazing? This is the power of 'Superman Medicine'. No matter how long a master's 'bullet time' is, it only lasts for a moment of confrontation, but my medicine can increase this feeling by tens of thousands or even several trillions." Times! Diluting a drop of medicine to 200,000 times is the right amount, but you were too impatient and swallowed an entire bottle of undiluted medicine in Nemu's body... Now you..."

Nirvana raised his finger and shook it in front of Sal Apollo, whose eyes were unfocused, "One second should feel like a hundred years, that is to say, from when I pulled out the knife just now to when it pierced your heart. The whole process should look to you like it's moving slowly over hundreds of years.

Compared with the 'Superman' feeling, the body that is 'unlike Superman' becomes a burden. It will take hundreds of years for your body to react to the actions captured by the 'Superman feeling'. Just like what I am saying now, it will probably take hundreds of years for you to hear it, right? So there’s nothing to be nervous about... Be careful and slowly experience it, right? The feeling of my blade taking hundreds of years to pierce your heart. "

The expression on Nirvana's face gradually turned gloomy, "A perfect life? Does it mean a stupid guy like you who can't even stop thinking?

"There is no perfect thing in this world. Because of this, mortals will admire 'perfection' and pursue 'perfection', but what is the meaning of 'perfection'? Nothing. No meaning at all!"

As if gibbering, Nie Yuli turned around with some annoyance.

The guy behind him was so stupid that he felt unhappy. As a researcher, he couldn't even understand such a simple truth, which made him feel embarrassed.

"I hate 'perfection'. Once 'perfection' means the end, there is no room for 'creation', which means that wisdom and talent are useless. Can you understand? Stupid guy, for us scientists ...The so-called 'perfect' is 'despair'. It is better than anything that currently exists, but... it can never be 'perfect'. Scientists are constantly troubled by such contradictions, but they can also find fun in them. The presence.

In other words... you have already lost the moment you say such arrogant words that you are a 'perfect creature'. Of course... the premise is that you are a scientist. "


The Zanpakutō inserted into Sal Apollo's body was broken as Niryuri turned around completely.

"Anyway, it will repair itself after it is broken. Just accompany this stupid guy and reflect on it. This is the punishment for betraying me if you can't help yourself."


Ishida Uryū couldn't help but be shocked when he heard Niryuri's words just now, but after the shock, he was a little confused.

"You guys...didn't you keep calling Inoue 'perfect' and 'angel' when you were in Soul Society?"

Niryuri looked at Uryū Ishida calmly, as if looking at a fool: "As long as a person can see it, right? That girl has a power that is not a 'mortal'. It is true that 'people' cannot be perfect, but... I don't treat her as a 'mortal' either? My respect for her has never been because I was impressed by her power, but because the realm she touched unintentionally is the 'perfection' we pursue. I never aspire to be 'perfect' because that would be too boring, but that doesn't seem to hinder my admiration for 'perfect', right? Are you an idiot?"

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