Chapter 755 748. Form of Death

"But it's just compared to the captain."

Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression was calm, "I think we who are 'so weak' should be enough to deal with you, so... please don't misestimate the power of the Shinigami."


As he spoke, Hitsugaya Toshiro's figure was shattered like a mirror, and the whole person disappeared in place. The next moment, a sharp blade struck from behind Harribel.


After barely dodging this sharp knife, Harribel's eyes finally became serious.

"I didn't expect... you could have such speed. Is this your true strength?"

"Is this my true strength? Just try your best to guess..."

Hitsugaya Toshiro sneered and attacked again.

Now - it's time for him to fight back.


Harribel swung her sword to form a water curtain to attack, but her expression changed the next moment.

Because the water curtain was frozen by Hitsugaya Toshiro's 'Hyōrinmaru' almost the moment it was created.


However, such ice did not seem to have any substantial impact on Harribel. She suddenly waved the giant blade in her hand, and the frozen ice instantly cracked.

"You underestimate the enemy too much, Arrancar."

Looking at the ice shards flying in the sky, Hitsugaya Toshiro said calmly, "Don't you understand yet? My Zanpakutō is of the ice type, and your 'Same Queen' happens to be of the water type. As long as it is water, it will be the other way around. Become my weapon, in other words...your abilities are meaningless in front of me."

"Is it?"

Harribel's expression still didn't change much, "Then let's give it a try?"

"Sorry, I don't have that much time to experiment with you."

Hitsugaya Toshiro waved the Hyōrinmaru in his hand, and the water vapor in the air began to condense along the trajectory of his waving blade, and a giant frost dragon gradually appeared, "I won't give you any chance!"


The ice friction in the air made a harsh sound, like a giant frost dragon roaring.

It opened its ferocious maw and engulfed Harribel in front of it, arriving in front of him in an instant.

"Who is the one who underestimates the enemy?"

Facing the incoming frost dragon, Harribel's expression did not change at all and he murmured calmly.

As she spoke, she raised the giant shark-tooth-like blade in her hand and pointed it at the incoming frost dragon.

"Scorching Sea Current."

Pillar-like high-pressure water suddenly condensed in front of her, pouring crazily into the mouth of the frost dragon. The powerful impact made it stagnant in front of Harribel, unable to move forward. The water dispersed in the open mouth toward the two sides. The stream flows continuously, and the hot steam gradually fills the air.


Hitsugaya Toshiro was slightly startled when he saw this.

"It seems like you can't freeze such boiling water?" Harribel's voice was extremely cold, "'Broken Waterfall'."

The terrifying spiritual pressure rose instantly.

The giant blade-like water curtain chopped down from top to bottom.


Hitsugaya Toshiro's figure was instantly submerged by the water curtain that blocked the sky and hit the ground. The boiling water met the frost, and mist began to spread throughout the space.

After a long time, the fog cleared.

Harribel looked down condescendingly.

What surprised her a little was... there was not a mess below that she wanted to see.

A thick layer of ice separated the sky from the ground. Above the ice was the deep crack left by her 'broken waterfall', but obviously... her attack did not reach the Hitsugaya Winter Lion who was protected behind by the ice. Lang.

"It seems... it's a pure strength competition now?"

In the crack, Hitsugaya Toshiro had a faint smile on his face.

The advantage of attributes is meaningless, the real battle begins now!

"'Icicles of Birds'!"


The moment Hyōrinmaru was swung, the ice above Hitsugaya Toshiro instantly shattered into countless ice cones, breaking through the air towards Harribel above.

"No matter what the competition is, you will definitely lose in the end."

Harribel swung the knife expressionlessly, "Scorching Sea Current."

The hot water spread out in front of her, turning into countless sharp sword curtains to face the incoming ice picks.


Ice and boiling water collided instantly, and the diffuse steam covered the sight in front of them. The entire battlefield seemed to be instantly plunged into fog.


The sound of breaking the air came from behind.

Helibel frowned slightly and turned his head.

Almost at the same time that the two people's forces collided, Hitsugaya Toshiro's figure had already moved behind her, and the terrifying speed seemed to be even faster than before.


Hyōrinmaru's blade sliced ​​through the air, and the diffuse water vapor condensed again, forming a sharp ice blade that slashed towards Harribel.

Harribel raised his blade to block, but this attack seemed more powerful than any previous one.

Although she used her giant sword to resist the ice and smash it into pieces, her skin was still frostbitten by the water vapor from the sudden drop in temperature around her.

She realized something was wrong and began to retreat violently, as if she was trying to escape from the area shrouded in water vapor.

"Are you aware of it now?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro's tone was extremely cold, and Hyōrinmaru's blade passed through the air again.

In the distance, around Harribel, countless water vapor began to condense into sharp blades.

"I've told you long as it's water, it will be used by me!"

Head-on confrontation? There has never been such a thing in war, it's just about trying every means to win.

Yes, this is the purpose of Hitsugaya Toshiro's spirit pressure competition with Harribel - to make the entire battlefield covered with water vapor!

Hyōrinmaru is the strongest Zanpakuto of the ice and snow system. He is strongest when fighting in places with water. Therefore, the most suitable battlefield must be foggy and rainy weather, but there is no so-called weather in this man-made Karakura Town, so he Everything was planned the moment he saw that Harribel could make water boil.

The entire sky is already filled with water vapor, and his ideal battlefield has been completed. In other words——

The entire sky is under his control at this moment!


On the other side, it was not so easy to face Bailegang's Zhanfei and Ohmaeda Kichiyo.

At first glance, Balegang seemed to be able to completely suppress the two of them with sheer force alone.


The huge ax seemed to have the power to create the world, splitting the entire building behind the two people in an instant, and the two people who barely escaped were covered with cold sweat on their foreheads.


Broken Bee disappeared from the spot, and used Shunpo to go around behind Bailegang again in an attempt to launch an attack.

"It's like this again! What's going on?"

Broken Bee's eyes narrowed, and his heart was full of doubts.

This was not the first time. For some reason, her attack speed seemed to slow down suddenly every time she got close to the old man.


The approaching figure of Broken Bee was caught by Bailegang again, and he slammed it into the building.

"team leader!"

Omaeda Kichiyo shouted worriedly when he saw this.

"Shut up! What are you shouting for? I'm not dead yet!"

Broken Bee wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stepped out of the ruins, feeling extremely heavy in his heart.

What is going on?

She had no idea what was going on. There was clearly no obstacle between her and the old man. In other words, it was not because the other party blocked her movements with spiritual pressure that slowed her down. It seemed that once she got close to this old man, The old man...her own speed will decrease.

So weird.

Is there any other power besides spiritual pressure that can directly affect others?

"It's confusing, isn't it?"

Bailegang was condescending, looking down at her and Ohmaeda Kichiyo indifferently.

"Are you confused because you can't tell what kind of power I have? In fact, there's nothing surprising... For the 'Ten Blades', death comes in different forms, and humans are basically This is the ability and thought of the "Ten Blades" that I have to die from and deal with, and I exist because of it - loneliness, sacrifice, nothingness, despair, destruction, intoxication, madness, greed, anger... And I The corresponding form of 'aging'."


"Yes, it's 'aging'." Bailegang stretched out his hand and explained lightly, "Perhaps the Ten Blades you faced before didn't fully display their corresponding abilities? This is natural, because They are much weaker than me, so their control over 'death' is still at the 'fuzzy' stage... But I have fully mastered this desperate power. 'Aging' and 'time' are opposite Wait, it is the most powerful and absolute - a force of death that stands before all life! Watch carefully..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and put it on Sui Feng's shoulder.


Broken Bee's pupils suddenly shrank.

As the captain who is best at assassination and speed...she didn't even realize when this guy was approaching!


The moment she reacted, she used Shunpo again to distance herself.

But what horrified her was... the old man seemed to have done nothing just now, but at this moment her arm that was touched was as fragile as a dead branch, and it broke when the wind blew!

"How can it be?"

"Before my strength, there is no point in struggling."

Bailegang turned his head indifferently and looked at her contemptuously, "As long as I want, I can easily 'age' the place I touch, as if it has experienced countless years in an instant and become decayed. Can't you understand? That's right... After all, even if you call yourself the 'God of Death', you are actually just a group of 'mortals'. Death is actually such a power, feel it... From this moment to the end of the battle - all of this, It will all be beyond your comprehension.”


"I'm tired of you guys."

Balegang no longer gave Broken Bee a chance to speak, and his tone suddenly became extremely cold, "Let it rot - 'Skeleton Emperor'."

Bailegang's figure like a real god of death appeared in the world, and finally... Bailegang returned to his original posture. The dark aura of death continued to spread from his body, and there was no longer a trace of humanity in his body. Some of the characteristics are just the bones of Sen Bai.

"What's this?"

Seeing the terrifying figure that was contrary to common sense walking towards them, the expressions on the faces of Suihou and Ohmaeda Kichiyo became extremely ugly.

They have never seen such a creature before them... No, after all, can this really be regarded as a creature?

No matter it's a human being, a god of death or a's impossible for only the skeletons to be left! A moving skeleton?

What made them even more frightened was... wherever the skeleton passed, everything around it began to collapse, dissipating in the wind like gravel.

This is the so-called 'aging'. No matter what it is, as long as it is touched by the person in front of you, it will continue to age and eventually die!

Bailegang's figure was getting closer and closer, and his huge palm with only white bones slowly stretched out in the direction of the two of them.

"This... this... what on earth is this!?"

Ohmaeda Kichiyo looked at Bailegang approaching and his whole body was trembling, "What on earth do you want to do!?"

"Quick! Run away!"

Broken Bee roared and reminded, "Omaeda! You can't handle this guy!"

"Huh?" Ohmaeda Kichiyo seemed confused. Only after being reminded like this did he remember that he should run away.

"Is it just him? It seems you still haven't figured out the situation...the God of Death."

Bailegang's tone was full of disdain, "Sad guy who can't understand this great power, you are the same, disappear - the 'breath of death'."

As he spoke, the dark mist filled with the aura of death spread from Balegang's outstretched arm in the direction of the two of them, and everything the mist touched was destroyed in an instant.


Broken Bee subconsciously stepped back to dodge, but in the end it was still a step too slow.

She was overtaken by this terrible aura.

Just by touching this breath, the part of her arm that came into contact with was nothing but white bones.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Like an afterthought, the pupils spread through every nerve of Zhan Bee.

She looked at her arm with horror. The aging power was spreading upwards along this arm. In just a few breaths, her entire arm turned into white bones.


She roared and asked for help from Omaeda Kichiyo, who was evacuating first not far away, "Quick! Cut off my arm!"

"Huh? Captain?"

Ohmaeda Kichiyo seemed to be unable to understand the situation and was a little hesitant.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

Broken Bee angrily shouted, "Do you want to watch me die?"

"Damn it! What on earth is going on!?"

After being shouted at like this, Ohmaeda Kichiyo reacted and gritted his teeth and drew his sword.


Broken Bee's arm was cut off from the shoulder in response. The spreading force quickly turned the entire arm into white bones, and then the white bones dissipated in the wind like gravel.

Looking at this horrific scene, the two people's faces were full of horror.


There was a sneer.

Bailegang looked down at the struggling two people from a high position, "It's so ridiculous. Even the 'God of Death' is afraid of death?"


Faced with such ridicule, no one dared to respond.

In the face of absolute 'death', all words become powerless.

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