A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 760 753. Superiors and subordinates

Chapter 760 753. Superiors and subordinates

"Speaking of which...why didn't you see Hikifune? Isn't she coming today?"

Perhaps seeing that Kyōraku Shunsui was in an awkward situation, Ukitake Jushiro, his good friend, smiled and changed the subject and asked.

"Oh, by the way, this! She seems to have joined those guys." Kyoryu Shunsui quickly answered, with a look like 'I know the inside story very well'.

"'Those guys'? You mean..." Seemingly realizing that this was something that could not be said, Ukitake Jushiro sighed, "Oh, this is too anxious, isn't it? It's not something to be anxious about. It's totally fine. Take your time..."

"Who says it's not the case? The captains seem to be changing very frequently recently?" Makoto Hirako also lamented, "Has even Hikifune been transferred away? The captain of the 12th Division has also been transferred, and there is no one to replace him now. Position, today's meeting should be to introduce the new person who will take over the position of captain of the 12th Division, right? That's right... Even that guy Ross just took up the position of captain of the 3rd Division not long ago... Such frequent changes, protector Will there really be no problems with Team 13?"

"Ahem, don't be nervous." Kyoryaku Shunsui coughed lightly and signaled Hirako Mako to stop talking. These are the above meanings, and their retorts have no meaning. "In short... nothing can stay the same forever. , the Gotei 13 just happened to catch up with such changes, whether it is good or bad... is not what we should care about."

"Ahem, the captain is here..." Jushiro Ukitake coughed lightly and reminded, "Don't always look like this, 'It's none of your business'... He has already scolded you more than once for this matter. Yes, if you see it you will get scolded."

"Okay, I'll shut up~" Kyōraku Shunsui reached out and made a zipper motion in front of his lips, then obediently shut his mouth.

"Why should we be nervous about this?" Mako Hirako put on a fearless face. It seemed that he did not understand Kyoraku Shunsui's reminder and continued the topic: "The third division retreated, and the twelfth division Isn’t it peaceful for the team to be promoted instead of being wiped out like the 10th Division?”

"Promotion?" Hearing this word, Aizen behind him made a confused voice.


Kyōraku Shunsui looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer the question.

"Hey, Soyousuke!" Hirako Mako heard the doubtful voice behind him and turned his head to glare at Aizen.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have listened to your conversation, captain..." Aizen smiled awkwardly.

"Hey...it doesn't matter. This is actually not a secret among the captains." Now that he has been heard, Kyoraku Shunsui can only explain it awkwardly, "So what do you want to ask? Soyousuke."

"Our vice-captain was not told... Did Captain Hikifune of Division 12 not retire but be promoted?" Aizen asked curiously.

"That's true..."

"Did you get promoted to Room 46, which is higher than the captain?" Aizen asked with an innocent look on his face, "I have never heard that a captain can be promoted to Room 46 before?"

"Well..." Kyōraku Shunsui chuckled and whispered, "She didn't enter Room 46, but... the King's special agents - Team Zero."


"The king's...agent...?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Aizen, but also the eyes of the other vice-captains were filled with shock.

They had indeed heard about the rumors about Team Zero, but they always thought they were just rumors. Who thought that Team Zero actually existed?


Aizen opened his mouth as if he wanted to ask something else, but was interrupted by a voice from behind.

"Okay, the one who just took office is here too, please stop arguing! Line up! The meeting is ready to begin!"

Liuche Quanxi, who was also wearing the captain's uniform, shouted.

Hearing this, everyone looked at the door involuntarily, as if they wanted to see who the newcomer was.

"Oops? Why are everyone looking at me? Am I... the last one to arrive?" Kisuke Urahara, wearing the uniform of the captain of the 12th division, scratched his head and looked confused.

"Tch, what are you doing? Why did you choose such a laid-back guy to be the captain of the 12th Division?" Hirako Mako complained.

"You are the only one here who has no right to criticize others..." Ross looked listless, as if he had just woken up, and cast a disdainful look at Hirako Mako.

"You also have each other."


Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni sighed helplessly as he listened to the chirping sounds below.

"Huh, okay!"

As if he couldn't stand the casual atmosphere, Yoichi Shihoin, the captain of the second division, stood up aggressively with his hands on his hips, "Everyone, please stand at attention! And you! Kisuke! Since you're here, why don't you?" Hurry up and line up? You are already a captain! Can't you be a little self-conscious!?"


Urahara Kisuke scratched his head in embarrassment and walked to the place where he should stand.

The other captains also realized that it was not appropriate to continue like this, and they all fell silent and waited for the captain to speak.


The cane in the captain's hand, Yamamoto Genryanagi Sai Shigekuni, lightly tapped the floor, and he slowly said: "Everyone...is here?"


Everyone responded in unison.

"Very good... then... the formal ceremony will begin next. I think all captains should have been notified. Seven days ago, Captain Hikifune of the 12th Division was promoted, so she was ordered to give up her position as captain and join the team at the same time. Tianzhan has launched the selection of a new captain... As of today, the results have come out."

Saying that, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni nodded slightly, looked around everyone, and finally stopped at Yoruichi, "According to the recommendation of the captain of the second division, Shifouin Yoruichi, summon the top three seats of the team except the captain. Yesterday, I, Genryanagi Yamamoto, and the other three captains passed the captain test to monitor their qualifications. We unanimously agreed that among the three, only Kisuke Urahara has the ability and personality to be qualified for the position of captain. So... With this appointment, Kisuke Urahara, the former third officer of the 2nd Division...is promoted to the new captain of the 12th Division."



"Um...so...I will be your new captain. Please give me your advice in the future..."

After the succession ceremony, Urahara Kisuke came to the 12th Division team building as arranged. Facing a group of confused team members, he could only scratch his head in embarrassment and explain.

The scene was very embarrassing.

After all, the change in the captain's position was too sudden. It can be seen from the expressions on the faces of many team members that they cannot accept this new captain who looks unreliable for the time being. After all, this guy does not look majestic at all. When he entered the room, he was still He was dragged in by Hiyori Sarugaki.

"Um...please give me some advice?"

As if to ease the embarrassment, Urahara Kisuke could only reach out to Hiyori Sarugaki who was nearest him and try to shake hands with her to ease the embarrassment.

But to his surprise, Hiyori Sarugaki didn't give him any face, and slapped his hand away with a 'pop': "I won't admit you! Captain Hikifune's sudden departure without saying anything made me very sad. I’m unhappy! Who do you think the Second Division is? Is stealth maneuver great? A bunch of guys who hide their heads and show their tails! How can they be qualified to be the captain of our Twelfth Division!?"

"That... deputy... deputy captain... are you saying that too much? He is the captain after all..." Someone tried to persuade him.

"What? Do you admit in your heart that he is the captain? I am speaking for you!?" Hiyori Sarugaki was furious when he heard this, "Don't you think differently from me? This guy looks timid. It seems that he will only hide if he stays in the stealth maneuver for a long time! Which of you would follow a guy like him?"

As he spoke, he pointed unceremoniously at Kisuke Urahara, who looked embarrassed.

"Ah this..."


"we do not have……"

"a ha ha ha……"

Listening to the insincere words spoken by the team members as they were dodging, Urahara Kisuke could only smile awkwardly.

"Are you making fun of you? Idiot!" Hiyori Sarugaki became even more angry when she saw his lack of dignity, "I'm scolding the second division you once stayed in! Don't you care at all? ?”

"But... aren't I already the captain of the 12th Division now?" Urahara Kisuke smiled, "I made the decision when I left the 2nd Division's building this morning. From the moment I stepped out of that door , I belong to the 12th Division, and I will only be angry if someone dares to speak ill of the 12th Division in the future."


Hiyori Sarugaki was speechless for a moment.

"Humph, you brought me in pretty fast? Stop pretending, you guy! I was almost fooled by you!"

Finally, she hummed softly and kicked Urahara Kisuke in the crotch.


After a dull sound, Hiyori Sarugaki's expression changed, and he turned around and ran out of the team building while cursing, "Damn it! I really can't stand you!"

"Um...is she shy?" Urahara Kisuke asked the team members.

"Um...probably?" The team members were also confused.


"It hurts so much...Damn it..."

Outside the team building, Hiyori Sarugaki, who had escaped, squatted on the ground and covered his legs, "I almost fell into that guy's hands! Damn it! What else was that guy wearing under his clothes? He's so hard!"

[Kisuke Urahara: Sorry...it's spiritual pressure, full of spiritual pressure. Hey, sometimes being too strong is a sin. 】


At night.

Urahara Kisuke sat in the corridor in front of the team building with a helpless expression and was in a daze.

Suddenly, a teasing voice came from behind.

"I knew you must have a headache."

"Captain Hirako?" Urahara Kisuke turned around and saw Mako Hirako looking at him with a chuckle.

"Just call me Mako, we are already at the same level." Mako Hirako waved his hand, "How about it? That guy Hiyori is not easy to deal with, isn't he?"

"It's okay..." Urahara Kisuke smiled sincerely.

"This is normal..." Seemingly seeing the helplessness in Urahara Kisuke's expression, Hirako Mako, who knew the situation, shook her head helplessly and explained, "Because Hiyori worships Hikifune like a mother and wants her to It's certainly not easy for you to open up and admit that you..."

"I see...that's it..." Urahara Kisuke smiled and scratched his head, seemingly not caring about Hiyori's rude behavior today. Like Hirako Mako, he just regarded this as the willfulness of a child. "That's right. Of course I can't have a good relationship with her like the former captain..."

"Building a good relationship? Are you serious?" Hirako Mako's tone suddenly changed, and she asked with a slight frown, "I'm telling you this just to let you know how to get along with that guy. Even though I don't like it either. Others rely on their elders, but you should first listen to the advice of me, who has been the captain for a long time! The superiors can sympathize with the people below, but they cannot act based on their faces. The necessary dignity still needs to be maintained..."

"Is that so...hahaha..." Urahara Kisuke smiled awkwardly.

"Well~ I'm just talking about general principles. As for how to get along with them, you should follow your own ideas, right? If no one follows you by then, it will at most prove that you don't have the talent to lead people." Hirako Mako suddenly became discouraged again, shrugged and said nonchalantly, "I think you should be the same type of person as me, the kind who are least good at looking at other people's faces and acting on them."


With that said, Hirako Mako left with an intriguing smile, leaving only Urahara Kisuke who looked a little surprised.

Looking at the back of the person in front of him leaving, the smile on Urahara Kisuke's face gradually faded.

"Among the captains...are there really some powerful guys?"

Finally, Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but smile again, "Have you figured out my true nature right from the start? Interesting guy... That guy Yoruichi is right... Maybe it will be really interesting to be the captain. maybe."

"..." On the other side, the expression on Hirako Mako's face, who was not far away, also became unkind.

He walked quickly across the open space in front of him, raised his hand and lightly crossed it in the empty space.

A gap appeared as if the space was torn apart, and a figure was exposed in the gap.

"How long are you going to stay here?" After doing all this as if nothing had happened, Hirako Mako asked in an extremely calm tone without looking back.

"As expected of the captain...it's really awesome..."

Aizen walked out of the crack with an embarrassed smile, "When did you discover me?"

"I discovered it when you were still in your mother's belly."

Hirako Mako replied in a bad tone, and then ordered, "Let's go."


Aizen 'didn't dare' to say any more, and honestly followed the footsteps of his captain, heading back towards the Fifth Division team building.

Mako Hirako walked in front with a gloomy look on his face, while Aizen followed behind, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. It was obvious that the two of them had their own agenda.

However, they both had a tacit understanding and did not reveal what the other was thinking at the moment, and continued to play the roles of 'superior' and 'subordinate' tacitly.

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