Chapter 761 Chapter 754. Maggot’s Nest

Bang bang bang bang——

In the early morning, there was a noise like a construction site coming from the captain's room of the 12th Division.

Hiyori Sarugaki opened the door and found that the captain's room had changed drastically compared to yesterday. The captain's room that was originally full of majesty now seemed to have become a laboratory where only Frankensteins could stay.

"Ah, morning, Hiyori."

Hearing the door open, Urahara Kisuke, who had been busy all night, turned around and greeted her with a smile.

"Asshole! What are you doing-"

Hiyori Sarugaki rushed in angrily, grabbed him by the collar, and roared, "What do you think this place is? This is the captain's room! How could you modify it to look like this without permission!?"

" I not the captain? Is this my room now?" Urahara Kisuke asked with some confusion.

"This...I don't care anyway! Change it back immediately!"

"I can't do this!"


"it hurts!"

Urahara Kisuke covered his bleeding nose and took away Hiyori Sarugaki's hand, "Anyway... I am already your captain. This is a fact that cannot be changed. You don't have to accept it right away. Just get to know me slowly. "

"Who wants to know you idiot? Idiot!"

"Hey~ Okay, okay, anyway, I have something to ask you first, Hiyori." Urahara Kisuke chuckled, seemingly not listening to Hiyori's words at all, "Take the next two, come with me." How's Maggot's Nest?"


Hiyori Sarukaki was slightly startled when he heard this term, "'Maggot's Nest'... Why would you go to a place like that?"


The second division team building.

"Is it Kisuke?"

Listening to the team members' report, Sifengyuan Yoruichi, who was slumped on the futon, asked with some doubts.

"Yes, Captain Urahara wants to enter the 'Maggot's Nest', saying that he has obtained your permission, Lord Yoruichi..." the team member explained.

"Hmm~" Ye Yi seemed a little confused when he heard this, "What is that guy doing?"

"This... subordinates don't know." The team member looked a little embarrassed, "So what should we do now? If I don't have your permission, should I ask him to come out?"

"Forget it, malice is necessary."

Hearing this, Yoruichi spread his hands as if he had given up thinking, "If he wants to go, just let him go."

" this really good?" Broken Bee on the side looked a little embarrassed and asked. Although she knew that their captain had always been like this, the 'Maggot Nest' was not an ordinary place. ...Is this really a good thing?

"What's wrong? Don't worry. If it's Kisuke, he must have some plans to do this, right?" Shifouin Yoruichi answered nonchalantly, seeming to have great trust in Urahara Kisuke.


"Oh - the door really opened!?"

On the other side, in front of the gate of the Maggot Nest, Hiyori Sarugaki looked at Urahara Kisuke with surprise.

"I didn't expect you to have such a great reputation?"

This guy obviously didn't bring anything, but he let the guard open the door with just one word.

"Ahahaha... It's okay, then... let's go in?" Urahara Kisuke smiled awkwardly without explaining.

"I'm not going. Who said I would follow you in when the door opens?" Hiyori Sarugaki hummed and turned her head.

"Okay, don't say that~"

Having said that, Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but drag her by the back collar towards the door, "Let's go in together."

"They all said I wouldn't go! Bastard! Let me go—"

In the end, she was forcibly dragged in because her resistance failed.

The 'Secret Mobile' was originally an organization different from the Gotei 13. As one of the four great nobles of the Shinigami and possessing extraordinary abilities, the Shifengin family has served as the commander-in-chief of the Secret Mobile for generations. The former head of the Fourth Branch House also served as the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Division, so from that moment on... the Secret Maneuver had an extremely close connection with the Second Division.

Because of this relationship, in fact, from the beginning of this covert mobile unit, most of the covert mobile unit captains were concurrently served by the chief officers of the second division, and Kisuke Urahara, who was originally the third chief officer, was one of them. one.

He is an old acquaintance with the people in the Secret Mobile Force, so he can get through as long as he says hello. Even if the news reaches the Commander-in-Chief...well, the Commander-in-Chief and he are also our own people, so it doesn't matter at all!

"I used to be a member of the management team."

Along the way, Urahara Kisuke was talking about his past to the bored Sarugaki Hiyori, seemingly trying to use this relationship to shorten the distance between them.

But the effect doesn't seem to be very good.

"Hmph, what kind of people are from the 'Inspection Team'? Aren't they just prison guards?" Hiyori Sarugaki's eyes were filled with contempt.

Yes, the so-called 'Maggot's Nest' is actually a prison run by the Second Division, but it is not an ordinary prison because the people imprisoned in it are all very special people.

"It's not a jailer, it's a guard." Urahara Kisuke smiled awkwardly.

"What's the difference? Police and security? Doesn't that make it even cheaper? Idiot!" Hiyori Sarugaki curled her lips.

"This... in short... the captain of the third covert mobile unit, the 'Regulation Team', was the one he was talking about." Urahara Kisuke explained with an awkward smile, with a hint of pride in his tone.

"Yes, yes, security captain, right? As expected of you." Hiyori Sarugaki didn't care.

"Haha..." Urahara Kisuke could only smile at this, "Anyway, my previous task here was mainly to arrest and supervise the criminals in the Seiling Court."

"So I said it was a jailer, but you have to say it was a guard."

"Well... because the people we arrested are all special... they are not actually real 'criminals', so naturally they don't need to be arrested by 'police', so it might be more appropriate to say that we are 'security guards'." Some."

"Is there any difference? Aren't they all showing off in front of criminals?"

"Indeed, I mainly do this kind of work..."

"Mainly? What? From what you say, it sounds like you have other things to do?" Hiyori Sarugaki asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Of course... I've said that these criminals are special." Kisuke Urahara explained awkwardly, "There is a job in the 'Processing Team'... that can be regarded as special processing. That is for members of the Gotei 13 Team. To determine whether his thoughts and actions threaten other Shinigami or hinder the execution of missions, conduct an investigation, arrest and monitor..."

"I don't understand! Speak in human language!"

"To put it simply...these annoying people did not actually commit any crime, but were judged to be dangerous in their thoughts or behaviors, and were arrested and monitored...our companions." Urahara Kisuke said, The smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"..." Hiyori Sarugaki was silent for a while after hearing this, "One's own people are arresting one's own people!? What does this mean? I have never heard of such a thing happening in the Gotei 13 Team! You all? They said they obviously didn’t make any mistakes, why——”

"Hiyori, among your contemporaries, are there any who have quit the Gotei 13?" Urahara Kisuke interrupted Sarugaki Hiyori's words and asked calmly.

"Ah? What's wrong? There should be one or two, right? But what does it have to do with this!?" Hiyori Sarugaki looked confused.

"Actually, there is no such thing as 'retiring' from the Gotei 13." Urahara Kisuke replied indifferently.

"!!" Hiyori Sarugaki's expression changed when he heard this, "Then... those people who quit the team?"

Asking... Her eyes couldn't help but look in the direction of the depths of the underground.

"When you have to leave the team due to personal reasons, it is called 'suspension.' "

"What...those hateful guys..." Hiyori Sarugaki heard this and her teeth started to itch with anger.

"'Quit' means 'special treatment'. Anyone who announces their withdrawal from the team is forcibly admitted here." Urahara Kisuke explained calmly, "They think 'those guys' are dangerous. Regardless of what might happen, 'we' had no choice but to imprison them..."

"You call this forced?" Hiyori Sarugaki asked through gritted teeth, "If I ask to 'quit' the team, will I be inexplicably locked in?"

"There are dark places everywhere, and this place specially set up to take care of these people is one of them. It is located in the northwest corner of the Second Division's building, inside a huge moat with an area of ​​30 rooms, 'underground special The Threshold is also called - 'The Nest of Maggots'."

"You actually treat your own people as maggots? Those guys above are really disgusting." Hiyori Sarugaki looked unhappy.

"Shh-" Urahara Kisuke motioned for her to keep her voice down, "This is something that can't be helped. Although they didn't make any substantial mistakes, they are locked up here after all... In the eyes of the guys above, these Guys are the most difficult to deal with. They cannot be executed because they have not made any mistakes, otherwise it will cause public outrage, and raising them and guarding them requires resources, so... in the eyes of those guys, these people are so-called 'maggots'. 'The Gotei 13 is a noble organization', 'People who were once qualified but are now unqualified are not allowed to appear here', 'People who do not obey the will of the superiors and want to quit voluntarily are not allowed to appear here', this is The idea of ​​managing the forty-six rooms of Jing Ling Ting.”

"Tsk." Hiyori Sarugaki smacked her lips slightly when she heard this.

As they spoke, the two of them had entered the depths of the underground, truly entering the interior of this 'Three Thresholds'.

"What, you call this a prison?"

Looking at the scene inside, Hiyori Sarugaki cast a disdainful look at Kisuke Urahara who was standing aside, "Thank you for describing the people imprisoned here in such a miserable way... I think this place looks more like... a nursing home. ?”

The interior of this prison was not a prison as she had imagined, but a courtyard inhabited by many people. People here wore uniform clothes, either lazily leaning against the wall in a daze, or standing around. Sitting at the table passing the time.

"That's right..."

Urahara Kisuke smiled awkwardly, "After all, these people didn't actually make any mistakes, so they don't need to be locked in cages, but they are indeed restricted in their freedom and can only move in this limited space and cannot go outside. world."

"Is that so? Isn't that great? You don't have to think about anything... you just need to live like a walking zombie." Hiyori Sarugaki's words were full of sarcasm.

"Haha..." In response, Urahara Kisuke could only smile awkwardly, "Anyway, be careful here. These guys have been locked up for a long time and sometimes they can be very violent. Be careful of being engulfed and attacked."

"Hey, having said all that... what on earth did you bring me here for?"

Hiyori Sarugaki suddenly stopped and stared at the back of the man in front of her with vigilant eyes, "Could it be because I was disrespectful to you as the vice-captain... Do you want to deal with me secretly?"


There was silence in response to her.

This made her start to panic... Could this man really be so cautious?


Suddenly there were fierce footsteps behind him.


The railing on the road was broken through, and a huge figure not far away who was resting on the railing suddenly rushed towards her as if going berserk.

"No way! Are you really kidding me?"

Now, Hiyori Sarugaki is almost certain that this man must have brought him here just to lock him up here! look! Isn't this already ambush? ?

Subconsciously, she wanted to pull out her Zanpakutō.

But when she put her hands on her waist, she remembered that before entering the underground space, both of their Zanpakutos had been taken away by the guard above!

"Damn it!"


Sarukaki Hiyori's pupils shrank sharply.

She was afraid that she would be ruthlessly knocked down by the big man in front of her and seriously injured. However, the silent man suddenly appeared in front of her and blocked the crazy big man with one hand.

"What are you talking about? How could I possibly want to lock you up?" Urahara Kisuke chuckled, "Actually, I have always had an idea since I became the captain of the management team All the people are judged as dangerous elements by those guys, but... if they are provided with a suitable environment, will there soon be many people who can turn the 'danger' into a huge help? In this case... they can be more powerful than they are now. Free, right?"


Hiyori didn't seem to listen to this man's words, but was shocked by the power this man showed at this moment.

This big man who easily crashed into the buildings here looked like a child to this man.

"Oh, right, by the way." As if he had anticipated Hiyori's expression at this moment, Urahara Kisuke smiled and turned around and blinked, "The absolute condition for being a captain in this special city is to be able to How about subduing each of these guys with your bare hands... isn't it awesome?"

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