Chapter 800 793. Hesitating

"no need."

Kurosaki Kari answered calmly.

"Huh? Don't be so heartless~ Do you want to try the new product? How about the pain-free beta?" Urahara Kisuke rubbed his hands and smiled.

"What's the difference between it and α?" Kurosaki Xia Li asked without interest.

"With the addition of vitamin C, the burden on the body is lighter~" Urahara Kisuke replied.

"No need."

Kurosaki Xia Li was speechless for a while.

She dodged the bag in Urahara Ki's assistant, stuffed it into her backpack, and then stood up to leave: "It's packed. By the you really don't have to pay the bill today?"

"I told you no need~" Urahara Kisuke waved his fan and laughed, "After all, I receive a lot of care from your brother~"

"Is it……"

Kurosaki Natsuri murmured nonchalantly, then put on her backpack and prepared to leave.


Just when she was about to step out of the store, Urahara Kisuke suddenly spoke.

"Is your brother still the same?"


"Do you feel the same way?"


Kurosaki Kari replied calmly, "It's also good not to restore the power of the Shinigami. Ichigo-nii has been fighting before he became a Shinigami. Because my father is unreliable, he has been protecting Yuzi and I since we were young. , must protect, must fight, he has always been carrying these burdens.'s good to be able to maintain the status quo, at least it doesn't have to be so hard.

And from now on, it's up to us to protect brother Ichigo.

alright. I go first. "

"Um...walk slowly."

Listening to Kurosaki Natsuri's answer, Urahara Kisuke had a smile on his face, "If... I mean if... anything happens, please let me know~ I will prepare anything you need. "


Kurosaki Kari looked back at Urahara Kisuke silently.

"Hahaha, don't worry, it's just in case."

Urahara Kisuke smiled and said haha.

Send the girl in front of you out the door.

"Thank you." After thanking her gently, Kurosaki Xia Li quickly left in the direction of home.


Urahara Kisuke lowered the brim of his hat and looked towards the corner on the other side of the road intentionally or unintentionally.


Here, Kurosaki Ichigo was silently watching the direction in which his sister was leaving.

He heard clearly everything that Urahara Kisuke and his sister said in the store just now.

"Sure enough... isn't it that simple?"

"You're worried, right?"

"!" A voice came from behind, making Ichigo Kurosaki slightly startled.

Looking back, he saw the man who had been entangled with him for no reason.

"No wonder." The man put his hands in his pockets and walked over with a chuckle, "My sister frequently goes in and out of shops owned by guys of unknown origin... I would be worried too."

"Where does this guy come from?"

Kurosaki Ichigo asked with a slight frown.

He knew very well that Urahara Kisuke was originally from Soul Society, but now... he was obviously helping Xuanhao.

"Hey, hey... don't be defenseless against the other person just because he has helped you..." The man's tone seemed helpless, "You should know best, right? What do you think about the man named Urahara Kisuke?" …actually nothing.”


Kurosaki Ichigo fell silent upon hearing this.

Indeed, no one can know what is going on in other people's minds.

Just like that guy Aizen, on the surface he obeyed that man's orders, but wasn't he actually secretly rebelling and was punished in the end?

But having said that... he still couldn't think of a reason why Urahara Kisuke or even that man could be disadvantageous to him. After all, he was just a nobody, so there was no need to go around the bush, right?

"Here's your advice."

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's silence, the man continued, "If you want to protect your family, prepare now!"

"Is it……"

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't show any emotion when he heard this. He just said calmly, "Please...please tell me your name."

"That's right, you probably wouldn't trust someone who doesn't even know his name, right?" The man chuckled and said his name nonchalantly, "My name is Ginjo... Ginjo Kūgo."

"Yeah, I remember it."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Ginjo Kūgo in front of him calmly.

There are two possibilities for this man to find him.

One is that this guy is Xuanhao's novice subordinate. Just like Urahara Kisuke is used to keep an eye on Aizen, this guy is used to keep an eye on Urahara Kisuke.

In other words... Urahara Kisuke has a problem.

The second situation is... Ginjo Kugo actually knows nothing about Xuanhao, and it is obvious that Urahara Kisuke comes to remind him to be careful with other purposes.

In other words...the guy in front of him named Ginjo Kūgo has his own problem.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't believe you yet."

"I think so." Ginjo Kūgo shrugged nonchalantly with his hands in his pockets, "Then... I'll give you this thing first."

As he spoke, he took out a card from his pocket and threw it to Kurosaki Ichigo.

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned slightly and took the card.

Looking at the address printed on it, he fell into silence again.


"Welcome back! Brother!"

After returning home, Ichigo Kurosaki was greeted by the smiling face of his sister Yuko Kurosaki.


Yuzi smiled happily and raised the test paper in his hand, approaching Kurosaki Ichigo as if showing off.

"Entrance test! I scored 95 points! Isn't it amazing!?"

As she said that, she put her head in front of Kurosaki Ichigo, with 'Come on, praise me' written all over her face.

"Well done! As expected of my sister! Youzi!"

Kurosaki Ichigo doted on his sister and stretched out his hand to rub his sister's head, "Show it to dad too, that guy will be very happy!"

As he said that, Kurosaki Ichigo looked around and was slightly startled: "Speaking of which, where did dad go?"


When mentioning this matter, Kurosaki Yuzi also looked confused, "I don't know, he seems to have gone out early this morning."

"That's it..."

As if he realized something, the smile on Kurosaki Ichigo's face gradually disappeared.

The only one who lost his power was himself.

Dad sneaked out quietly, probably because he had nothing to do with those virtual guys.

"Then...I'm going back to the room."

Although he wanted to help, he remembered that he did not have that kind of power now. Kurosaki Ichigo turned around and prepared to go upstairs with unusual calmness.


Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo's slightly lonely back, the happy expression on Yuzi's face gradually disappeared.

She knew that her brother probably still couldn't let go of those things. After all, my brother has always been the kind of person who has excessive responsibility and responsibility.

"Huh? What's wrong, wanderer?"

Listening to the uncomfortable tone of Yuzi behind him, Kurosaki Ichigo seemed to realize that his emotions were accidentally revealed and affected his family, so he quickly forced a smile and turned around to ask.

"It's okay, it's nothing..."


After going upstairs, Kurosaki Ichigo dropped his backpack and lay on the bed, frowning slightly.

"Where is that dad guy... going?"

Sure enough, if there was the power of Death at this time, it would be much easier to search, right?

Thinking of this, he shook his head helplessly and sat up: "What am I thinking...Rather than becoming a 'king' for no reason, is it better to be an ordinary person anyway?"


Just when Kurosaki Ichigo was a little confused, a familiar call came from outside the window.

He lay on the window sill and poked his head out, and saw the energetic girl looking up at him with a smile.

At this moment, Inoue Orihime was holding the bread basket she brought from her part-time job, smiling and saying hello to Kurosaki Ichigo: "Want bread? It's very cheap!"

That bright smile seemed to be able to heal all the pain in the world.

Suddenly, Kurosaki Ichigo seemed to understand why the man cared so much about this girl.

A chaotic world always needs sunshine like this.

"I can't eat so much!"

Soon, Kurosaki Ichigo invited Inoue Orihime upstairs.

"Ah...that's right."

She knelt down nervously on the tatami and looked around the room. Orihime Inoue looked obviously nervous.

"That's it."

Kurosaki Ichigo, who was holding two glasses of drinks, said as he closed the door with his foot.


The sound of the door closing made Inoue Orihime tremble all over.

"There are only four people in our family... You have too much bread, right? But forget it... Since you brought it, I will accept some..." After entering the room, Kurosaki Ichigo handed the drink cup to In front of Orihime Inoue, looking at the other person's squirming look, he asked with some confusion, "What's wrong? Why are you so squirmy..."

"Uh...well...I didn't expect you to let me into the room." Inoue Orihime replied, scratching her head at a loss.

"It's not the first time here, what are you talking about?" Kurosaki Ichigo looked puzzled and no longer struggled with the matter, "Remember to take your piece of bread back! The store manager was so kind that he gave it to me Is this the bread you don’t want for you?”

Xuanhao is still in Hueco Mundo without a trace, so it is not easy for Inoue Orihime who returns to the present world and still lives at home alone.

"It's not unnecessary! It's the leftovers from the sale!" Inoue Orihime corrected,

"They're all the same, right?"

"It feels different!"

Saying that, Orihime Inoue looked at Ichigo Kurosaki hesitantly, "By the way...Kurosaki, has anything happened recently?"


Kurosaki Ichigo's hand holding the drink cup trembled slightly when he heard this, but he quickly calmed down, "No...why do you ask?"


Inoue Orihime was stunned for a moment, and then started to become nervous again: "Um...nothing...that...maybe it's because of intuition? to put it...such as being entangled by a strange person... I was wondering if you have encountered this kind of trouble..."

"Me? Tangled up?"

Ichigo Kurosaki shook his head helplessly, "It's understandable that you're being picked on. Inoue, you're the winner because you're often troubled, right?"

"Ah...I don't have one!" Inoue Orihime waved her hands quickly, "Brother seems to have asked Jiujiudu to protect me...those frivolous guys don't even dare to come close!"

"That's it... maybe I'm overthinking it." Kurosaki Ichigo drank his drink.

"I'm really sorry. I should be thinking and worrying again..." Inoue Orihime chuckled and scratched her head, "Anyway... I hope you don't encounter anything that worries you."

"It doesn't matter, Inoue's character is not a shortcoming." Kurosaki Ichigo shook his head slightly, then seemed to think of God, stood up and said, "By the way, I will return the comic book I borrowed from you some time ago."

"Ah! It's okay! There's no need to rush to pay it back!"


While the two were chatting, downstairs, Ishida Uryu looked silently at the open window of the room where the two were.

"This spiritual pressure is from Inoue..."

Inoue was indeed aware of the strange aura surrounding Kurosaki Ichigo these days, so he came here to take a look, right?

While thinking this, Ishida Uryu turned around and prepared to leave.

Since Inoue is already here, there is no need for him to do anything extra.

However, just as he was about to leave, an electric shock flashed through his mind.


Ishida Uryu suddenly raised his head and looked at the roof of Kurosaki Ichigo's house.

I saw a slightly thin man planning to leave.

The figure from behind seemed to realize that he had discovered it, and the next moment it disappeared instantly.

"Don't even try to escape!"

Ishida Uryū also jumped onto the roof and continued to pursue him with flying kicks.

However, the opponent's speed was extremely fast, and he couldn't keep up!

"So fast! This is definitely not a human speed! But... the surrounding people don't seem to notice the fluctuations of the spirit particles... What principle is used to accelerate?"

Looking at the steps taken by the figure in front of him, Ishida Uryu frowned slightly and couldn't think of anything for a while.

Until the figure suddenly stepped on the telephone pole, and a faint light flickered where it landed.

"This is……"


Before he could think of anything, the figure in front of him instantly turned around and attacked him with the power of this step.

"not good!"


The extremely fast speed prevented Ishida Uryu from seeing the opponent's face and movements clearly, and blood immediately splattered on the right side of his torso.

On the other side, after seeing off Orihime Inoue, Ichigo Kurosaki sat quietly at the desk, looking at the card given by Kūgo Ginjo in his hand.

This seems to be a special 'membership card' with the location of the 'club' printed on it. Although he didn't know exactly where that place was, it was obvious that the other party wanted to meet him there.

"Ring ring ring——"

Just when he was considering whether to go, suddenly a rapid ringing of the phone rang.

Pick up the phone.

The news coming from inside immediately made Kurosaki Ichigo's pupils shrink sharply.

He hung up the phone without hesitation, took a coat and put it on himself, then slammed the door and left under the confused eyes of Youzi and Xia Li.


Soon, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was out of breath from running, came to the hospital.


The girl who was already inside seemed startled when she heard the sudden opening of the door.


"Inoue... you've arrived..."

Kurosaki Ichigo's voice became weaker and weaker.

Because he suddenly realized that it seemed natural that Inoue would arrive before him. After all...he was the only one who lost his power.

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