Chapter 835 828. Final form


Bang bang bang——

A series of explosions were heard, and smoke filled the Hueco Mundo wilderness.

"all hit."

Seeing that all his spiritual arrows hit the target, Kiruge Opi asked with some confusion, "Isn't it right? You are not that weak, are you? Kurosaki Ichigo."

What responded to him was the Zanpakutō falling from the smoke.

"This is……"

Seeing the Zanpakuto falling to the ground inexplicably, Kiruge Opi was confused for a while.

Although all his attacks were indeed successful, an attack of that level...shouldn't be enough to beat Kurosaki Ichigo into surrender, right?

Soon, the smoke dissipated and he knew why the Zanpakutō fell to the ground.

I saw Kurosaki Ichigo extending his hand calmly, his whole body unscathed. At this moment, he even held a spiritual arrow in his hand that had not had time to explode.

Facing the spiritual arrows fired by Kiruge Opi, he did not dodge or dodge, and he did not even need a Zanpakutō. He caught them all with his bare hands.

"Isn't it? You're not that weak, are you? Quincy."

Kurosaki Ichigo said calmly, and returned the same words intact to the man in front of him.

As he spoke, he threw back the spirit arrow in his hand without mercy.


The smoke and dust raised by the explosion immediately completely enveloped Kiruji Opi's entire body.

"That's it..."

However, Kiruge Opi obviously would not be hurt by his own spiritual arrow.

After the smoke dissipated, he was seen calmly arranging his hair that had been blown by the storm on his forehead, and lightly commented on Kurosaki Ichigo's performance just now: "He actually avoided the sacred destroying arrow and intercepted it and threw it back with his bare hands. ...It really makes me ashamed of my own inconsideration...

"'Quiet Spirit Arrow'? You are indeed a Quincy, right?" Kurosaki Ichigo confirmed his thoughts after hearing this, "The attack just now was not very effective. Although it was stronger than Ishida's, of course... I Referring to Ishida from long ago.”

"'Ishida'? Which one? 'Ishida Uryu'?" Kiruge Opi asked calmly.

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned slightly when he heard this: "Do you know Ishida? Who are you?"

He had been wondering before. According to Ishida, the Quincy should have become extinct.

But now so many people suddenly appear, and they seem to know Ishida?

What is going on?

Could it be that there is any connection between these people and Ishida?

"Uryu Ishida's Holy Mie Ya will not be as interesting as me..." Kiruge Opi did not answer Kurosaki Ichigo's question, but sneered in confusion, "Are you kidding me?"

"What's the meaning?"

Kurosaki Ichigo failed to understand the meaning of the other party's words.

Could it be that the guy in front of me really has something to do with Ishida? The other party seemed to know Ishida Uryu's strength very well.

"Oh, eloquence is silver, silence is gold. Please forgive me for being too talkative." As if he accidentally missed something, Kiruge Opi made an apologetic gesture of silence and stopped answering Kurosaki. Ichigo's question.

He slowly reached out and put the sword back into its sheath, and said with some emotion: "Look at it this way, when the battle is over, there will be new news to report to His Majesty."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Kurosaki Ichigo frowned slightly and continued to ask, "When you say 'Your Majesty', who does it refer to!?"

"I'm sorry, I don't need to answer your question anymore. Besides, what can you do even if you know?"

As he spoke, Kiruge Opi pointed to the communicator in his ear, and lightly arranged his hair. He seemed not to pay attention to Kurosaki Ichigo at all, "His Majesty has given the order to defeat him with all his strength." You'. In other words, you are about to die here. That information is meaningless to you.

Okay, let me let you see it before you die.

You must have...never heard of this power, right?

The Quincy's final form! "

As he spoke, Kiruge Opi slowly took off the pure white gloves on his hands, revealing the back of his hands engraved with star-shaped inscriptions.


Terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly spurted out from his body, and the strong wind rose into the sky and roared like a beast.

The dazzling aura gradually transformed into a star shape and enveloped Kiruge Opi's entire body. After a moment, the aura shattered, and Kiruge Opi reappeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo with a new appearance.

"Let me tell you, this is the final form of the Quincy - 'The Complete Holy Body of the Quincy'"

"This is……"

Seeing Kiruge Opi's new posture in front of him, Kurosaki Ichigo frowned even deeper.

At this moment, Kirujie Opi had many spiritual costumes made of spirit sons on his body. The most eye-catching ones were the pair of wings that looked like angel wings and the halo above his head.

This looks like a messenger sent by the gods to punish the disrespectful people.

He had learned about the so-called 'Final Form of the Quincy' from Ishida and Mr. Urahara who had studied the Quincy.

Ishida Uryu had lost the power of a Quincy before, and the reason was related to this so-called final form.

Ishida Uryū once used a prop called the 'Spirit Scattering Glove'.

After wearing this prop for training, you can gain the greatest power of the Quincy by taking off the gloves, and that posture is the so-called 'Final Quincy's final form'.

It is a pity that that huge power is also the last song of the Quincy. Those who master this power will lose the ability of the Quincy due to the dissipation of spiritual power.

At least in Kurosaki Ichigo's impression, the so-called 'Final Form of the Quincy' is such a desperate all-out explosion.

However, is the posture of the man seen at this moment the same?

The power the opponent is using now doesn't look like someone who was forced into a desperate situation and resorted to desperate measures!

"Have you felt...the pulse of our power? This is the power of the...arbiter that will be used to punish you!" Kilujie Opi stepped on the void, his whole body suspended in mid-air, with terrifying power. The fluctuations caused constant waves in the desert below him.

The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Kurosaki Ichigo.


Feeling the sudden wave behind him, Kurosaki Ichigo's pupils shrank sharply, he suddenly raised his Zanpakutō and turned around to deal with it.

However, it still seems to be a moment slow.


Blood bloomed on Kurosaki Ichigo's cheek.

He used Zangetsu to barely deflect the opponent's slash, and only narrowly avoided being decapitated by the sword.

After realizing that the enemy in front of him was not easy to deal with, Kurosaki Ichigo decisively used Shunpo to temporarily distance himself.

However, under the blessing of the pair of spiritual light wings, Kiruge Opi's speed was so fast that it was amazing, and he came to Kurosaki Ichigo again in almost a moment.

He sneered and stared at the young man in front of him, and asked lightly: "What's the matter? Are you confused? Look into your heart and let me assert...'completely different'. Yes, the power I am using at the moment is different from your impression. The Quincy's final form should be completely different.

The kind of power in your impression is just an 'old antique' that has been eliminated long ago!

Only Sogen Ishida remains stubborn and refuses to accept our research and evolution! Compared to the Quincy's Holy Body, that power is nothing like clouds and mud! "

With that said, Kiruge Opi had already arrived in front of Kurosaki Ichigo again, and the spiritual sword in his hand swung down mercilessly.


The crisp sound of the knife resounded.

Under this powerful and heavy blow from top to bottom, Kurosaki Ichigo was immediately suppressed to the ground. It seemed that he could only hold up Zangetsu with both hands to resist the terrifying power.

"That's it..."

However, although he looked embarrassed, Kurosaki Ichigo could still smile on his face, "I don't know anything about your past, and I'm not interested. In short... it's the power you used and Ishida's Power is completely different, right?

I can rest assured that.

If Ishida looks like this and joins in with you... maybe I can't help but kill him. "

"Hmph. Hard-spoken."

When Kiruge Opi heard this, the look in his eyes became gloomy, he looked down at Kurosaki Ichigo, and the strength in his hands continued to increase.

However, in the face of this strong oppression, Kurosaki Ichigo still seems to have the power to resist.

"Your blade has become dull."

Kurosaki Ichigo smiled, and the violent spiritual pressure was injected into Zangetsu, and it burst out at almost zero distance.

"Crescent Moon-Tian Chong!"


The slashing attack carrying spiritual pressure mercilessly hit Kiruge Opi in front of him, and the violent roar resounded again. The surging spiritual pressure caused the white sand on the ground to continue to surge, and suddenly the smoke and dust enveloped the two of them again.

This blow seemed extremely successful, but the touch from the blade made Ichigo Kurosaki's expression become serious.

"This is not okay."

A calm voice came out of the smoke.

Kiruge Opi stood in front of Kurosaki Ichigo with contempt, looking down at him with a condescending attitude.

"Can you... use a little more force?"

At this moment, the Zangetsu in Kurosaki Ichigo's hand had landed on Kiruge Opi's neck.

However, what horrified him was that the opponent's spirit body seemed to be extremely strong, and the sharp Zangetsu didn't even leave a mark on the opponent's neck.

"!!" Seeing this horrifying scene, Kurosaki Ichigo decisively chose to retreat and distance himself.

This kind of situation... he had only encountered in the battle with Zaraki Kenpachi.

The battle between those with spiritual power can be said to be a battle between spiritual pressures.

When the difference in spiritual pressure between the two sides is too huge... there will be a situation where the weaker side cannot even break through the defense of the stronger side.

"In other words... is this guy in front of me that strong?" Looking at Kiruge Opi in front of him, Kurosaki Ichigo's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"You just said that my costume is disgusting...right?"

Instead of rushing to chase after Kurosaki Ichigo who had distanced himself, Kiruge Opi just raised the spiritual sword in his hand and asked himself, "The most correct reaction! In the face of you group of shinigami who are like violent gangsters, In the eyes, the appearance of our sacred executors is naturally disgusting and annoying!"

Although he said this, it was obvious from his tone that he could hear extreme anger.


The surrounding air seemed to be attracted by a whirlpool, and the spirit sons gathered together towards the spirit sword that Kiruge Opi raised at the moment.

"!! No way..."

In the distance, Orihime Inoue opened a barrier to treat her injuries, and Taitora Sadatora, whose arm turned into a giant's right arm and was guarding the side just in case, felt the strange fluctuations in spiritual power and felt a burst of cold sweat on his forehead.

"The Double Heaven Return Shield...has been disintegrated!"

"mine too……"

The spiritual shield that Inoue Orihime used to treat the injured seemed to be disintegrated at this moment, turning into spiritual particles and floating away, and the direction it went to was the spiritual sword raised in Kiruge Opi's hand.

Not only her, but also the armor on the arm of Chado Taihu beside her gradually disintegrated under this strange attraction.

"No...not just our power..."

Chadu Taihu noticed the surrounding situation with some shame.

Everything in this world is made of spirits. Not only Inoue and his abilities, but also the trees, sand, rocks and even buildings in Hueco Mundo... all the spirits were decomposed by this strange power and absorbed into that sword!

With the gathering of power, a contemptuous smile appeared on Kiruge Opi's face.

At this moment, the whole world will turn into his power, and no one can stop this blow!

"Come on! Feel it for yourself! The power of our Perfect Holy Body, 'God's Justice'!"

As he spoke, he saw that the huge condensed spiritual sword was about to fall down and kill everything pointed by the blade. However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.



As the deafening roar resounded, something seemed to be broken.

It's the condensing light sword.

What shattered it was a huge fist.


Before Kiruge Opi could fully react, the fist that shattered the spiritual sword that contained countless spiritual powers in his hand swung again, this time hitting him mercilessly in the face.


A heavy crash sounded.

Kirujie Opi flew backwards and crashed into the nearby ruins.


He raised his head and wiped away the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth, looking with some confusion at the huge creature that suddenly appeared to stop him.

The terrifying power was beyond his expectation.

"Do you think there's nothing we can do after we get injured?"

"I seem to have said, please don't underestimate us..."

"Let that arrogant spectacled monkey see your power!"

The sisters of the 'Three Beast Gods' roared after barely regaining their mobility under Inoue Orihime's treatment.

"Come on! Ya Weng!"


The deafening roar resounded across the sky. There was no reason in this voice, only endless madness and anger. The power it contained seemed to make the whole space and time tremble slightly.


The army blew the marching horn, the constant sound of the horn was like stardust, and the sound of countless military boots was like thunder.

"Knights of the Star Cross, His Majesty's order, one of the five special forces, 'Kurosaki Ichigo', is fighting fiercely with our army in Hueco Mundo. All members quickly gathered at the Sun Gate! The 'Invisible Empire' will attack the corpse. boundary!"

Situated in front of the dim invisible empire 'Sun Gate' in the shadows, the army of the Star Cross Knights has been assembled, and the voice of the order resounded throughout the space.

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