Chapter 843 836. The Falling Sun

Looking at the old man approaching slowly, Yhwach looked extremely solemn at the moment.

He felt a burning sensation like fire from the spiritual pressure radiating from the old man's body.

Every part of his body seemed to be on fire, whether it was his eyes, hair, or throat.

Without the blessing of the Static Blood Equipment, even standing at this distance from the old man would have been turned into ashes long ago.

"What, just watching?"

Seeing Yuhabach's solemn expression but doing nothing, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni said angrily and sarcastically, "No, maybe I am indeed a bit hard on others... The sword is broken, there is nothing to do, and it makes sense that I can't move it. .Actually, you can also choose to escape."

As he spoke, his expression gradually turned ferocious because of anger: "Even if you will be captured by me and tortured to death!"


Feeling the momentum of Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni in front of him rising again because of his anger, Yhwach finally stopped sitting still and waited for death, and the sharp spiritual arrows condensed in his hands.



Facing the flying spirit arrows, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni just raised his hand.

The moment the spirit arrow came into contact with the spiritual pressure emanating from his body, it seemed to be evaporated and dissipated into smoke.

"Indeed, it seems that you only have a bow and arrow, right?"

As if remembering that the other party was a Quincy, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni sarcastically said, "Come on."

As he spoke, he finally moved.

Like a burning figure, it quickly approached Yhwach.


Upon seeing this, Yhwach snorted coldly and raised his hand suddenly.

"It's useless. No matter what you use, it's useless to the old man!"

"Don't be so proud, Yamamoto Shigekuni."

Yhwach retorted with a gloomy expression, "You won't forget that the Quincy's methods include more than just the Quincy Cross and the Holy Killing Arrow!"

As he spoke, text-like runes appeared where he passed his palms.

"Holy Sing - Praise to the Holy Land!"

Suddenly, Yhwach's feet and surroundings were surrounded by a huge wall of light.

This suddenly rising wall of light isolated the heat emanating from Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's body.

Not only that, the ability of this 'sacred domain' is not just for simple defense. Once the enemy steps into the sacred domain, they will be shot by endless sacred arrows!

This is the Quincy's greatest defensive spell that integrates offense and defense!

"It's useless to say it all!"

Before arriving at the sanctuary, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni suddenly pierced the residual fire sword in his hand into the ground, and at the same time, he began to chant.

"Souls, the ashes of the dead scattered in my flames, by your own hands, for now, let's share the joy of battle - the residual fire sword Nan, the Ten Trillions Death Burial Formation of Fire!"

The next moment, the ground began to crack due to the extreme high temperature, and ferocious arms struggled to stretch out from the cracks in the cracked earth under Yhwach's surprised eyes.

These are the ashes of the dead who once dissipated under the blade of Ruohuo Ruohuo.

"What...what on earth is...what on earth is this?"

The horror in his heart made Yhwach take a step back unconsciously.

"'Burial Array of Ten Trillions of Fires', the ashes of the dead cut down by the old rotten sword are aroused by the heat of my sword, and the dead awaken, like my brothers and feet, facing my enemy!" Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni explained with a gloomy expression. "Pursue the enemy until they turn into ashes!"

"Huh? The leader of the God of Death, who is responsible for extraditing souls, actually awakens the dead? Ridiculous!" An angry smile flashed on Yhwach's face, "The despicableness of the God of Death should not be underestimated! Yamamoto Shigekuni! With these - —Do you think you can stop me?"

However, just when he was about to destroy the skeletons that were about to completely surround him, he suddenly froze.

Because he felt that the skeletons awakened at this moment seemed extremely familiar.

"It's only now..." Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni said lightly sarcastically, "Have you seen clearly? The faces of these dead people who you broke off their arms, twisted off their heads, and ruthlessly abandoned."


Following Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's reminder, Yhwach's pupils shrank sharply.

He found that each skeleton seemed to have a struggling soul bound to it, and he seemed to recognize the faces of these soul remnants.

These dead souls who had been ruthlessly abandoned by Yhwach now seemed to have come from hell to take revenge, constantly pulling at his body and gradually submerging him.

"How? The feeling of being restricted by the sins you have committed in the past." Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni said lightly sarcastically.

"Yamamoto Shigekuni, you bastard..." Yhwach roared angrily.

Until this moment, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni had not realized what was wrong with Yhwach in front of him.

He just looked at the controlled Youhabach calmly, turned around and walked not far away.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"Don't argue, I just want to create some distance." Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni turned around and glanced at him, "You can just chase me and kill me, but you have to get rid of these former subordinates of yours first. OK."

"Asshole!" Yhwach became extremely excited.

"Regret..." Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni stared at him indifferently, "Didn't you take away my swastika immediately? Unfortunately it was too late... I am different now from a thousand years ago. Your arrogance, It is the key factor of your failure.

It's over, Yhwach. "

As he spoke, he slowly raised his anxious hands.

Prepare for a fatal blow.


However, at this moment, Yhwach roared angrily, crushed the corpses in front of him and rushed towards Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, as if he was going to fight for his life.

"It haven't lost your humanity yet."

Seeing this, a trace of sadness and regret flashed across Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's face.

"Stop being so arrogant! Don't act like you know everything!" Yhwach roared back, "I said it! Do you think you can stop me with this...?"

"I can see the tears in your eyes, Yhwach."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni did not answer, but kept talking to himself, his tone becoming more and more angry. "Is it painful? You can't get close to me without destroying the corpses of your subordinates. Are you resentful? You call your dead subordinates back to the battlefield, how cruel I am. But this is far from what you did!!"

"Remnant Fire Taishou·North——The world will be destroyed!"

Before he finished speaking, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni swung his sword mercilessly.

This ultra-long-distance rapid slash instantly wiped out everything in front of him.

The passing wave suddenly split the Yhwach in front of him into two.

The next moment, the heat between heaven and earth dropped suddenly as if deflated, and a drizzling curtain of rain quickly enveloped the entire Soul Society.

This is when Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni lifted the swastika.

Because in his opinion, it was impossible for Yhwach to survive after being literally split into two.

However, the muttering voice in the mouth of 'Youhabach' at this moment made his pupils suddenly shrink.

"Is it... beyond my power... I'm very... sorry... Lord Yhwach..."

That's right, at this moment, 'Youhabach' is actually apologizing to his own name.

No, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni immediately realized something was wrong.

"Asshole... who... are you!?"

However, the other party did not answer his question. He just struggled to reach out to touch the rainy sky and continued to apologize: "I am extremely... sorry... for not being able to complete... the task you assigned. Lord Yhwach——"

His real name is R. Lloyd, and the sacred letter he was given is 'Y'. (Yourself, Yourself).

He and Lloyd, who was killed by Zaraki Kenpachi before, are twins.

They were given the same words and the same abilities, all imitations. But there are also subtle differences. In addition to his posture, his brother Lloyd can also imitate all the other's techniques and strength.

As for his younger brother Lloyd, he can even imitate his memory and psychology.

In other words, what Genryu Sai Shigekuni Yamamoto fought hard to defeat just now was just a replica of Yhwach's memory and psychology.

In fact, there is still a slight shortcoming in this appearance, that is, the real Yhwach will never have any compassion for his subordinates, let alone regret for everything he has done.

However, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni did not notice this slight gap during the battle.


The next moment, as if responding to his call, a loud noise suddenly came from behind.

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni turned his head sharply.

The direction the sound came from was the First Team building...and beneath that - was 'Wu Jian'.


Just when he was about to rush over to see what happened, a terrifying aura suddenly flashed behind him.

You can't go wrong this time.

" bastard..."

However, Yhwach, who really arrived at this moment, ignored him and didn't even bother to turn around.

"You did very well."

Yhwach calmly looked down at Lloyd, who fell to the ground and was cut in two by a sword, "Knights of the Star Cross 'Y', 'Yourself', R. Lloyd."

Hearing such praise, Lloyd's eyes flashed with surprise.

Even Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni was a little surprised.

However, the next moment, he once again understood the nature of this man.

"You said...I...did I do a good job? It's a great...honor..."

Under Lloyd's surprised gaze, Yhwach slowly raised his hand.


The spiritual pressure beam burst out from his fingertips mercilessly, turning the person in front of him into ashes without mercy.


Seeing this scene, the expression on Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's face was extremely gloomy, "You bastard... you are indeed a... shameless person... You let such a substitute deal with me, what have you been doing so far? "

"What's hidden under the first team's building?"

Yhwach turned his head and asked with a sneer.

Really? Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's face was extremely solemn.

Hidden below is naturally the Mao Underground Prison, and the 'Infernal Hell' within it is imprisoned by someone who can never be left alone like the guy in front of him - Aizen Sosuke.

"That's right, I'm here to see Aizen Sosuke."

Yhwach seemed to have seen through Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's thoughts, and said calmly, "I invited him to become my special memorandum and submit his combat power to me. As expected, he refused. But this is also a matter of course. …After all, he and I are the same kind of people.”

As he spoke, he approached the old man in front of him nonchalantly: "Then again... did you use all your strength in the battle with the impostor? Yamamoto Shigekuni."

"What a joke!"

Hearing this, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni looked at Yhwach in front of him angrily, and drew his sword again to prepare for the swastika.

However, this time, Yhwach did not give him any chance to take off the star.

The power of the swastika suddenly stopped as if it had been cut off.

"You seem to have misunderstood. It's not that the impostor you fought with just now didn't try to take away your swastika, it's just that... you are indeed too powerful for him to take it away."

Looking at Yamamoto Genryu Saishigekuni, who was stunned in place without his swastika, Yhwach sarcastically said, "After all, no one is strong enough to control your incomparable power except me.

So, what to do now?

You seemed to have used a very interesting ability just now? Is the ‘Fire and Fire Ten Trillions Death Burial Formation’ right?

Now it's up to me to use this ability... Will the souls summoned be the dead souls I killed?

Awaken...those subordinates you regard as treasures. "


Hearing such words, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni suddenly became excited. Even without a swastika, he angrily swung his sword at Yhwach in front of him.

Yhwach looked at the attacking old man with a sneer.

A huge spiritual bow appeared above his head, and then a lightsaber was shot in front of him like an arrow.

He slowly pulled out the lightsaber that was pierced into the ground, and looked contemptuously at the old man who had come to him: "Farewell, Yamamoto Shigekuni."


Suddenly, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's figure stagnated in place.

After a while, the blood stains running diagonally across the torso appeared, and blood spurted out.

The entire upper body slid down slowly along the flat knife marks.

The rain curtain quickly washed away the blood. At this moment, the old man, known as the strongest Shinigami in the Soul Society, also disappeared with his former glory like blood washed away.

"Even for the leader of all the gods of death, his death is so tragic."

Yhwach calmly looked down at the half of Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's torso that had fallen to the ground.

Then he turned around expressionlessly and prepared to leave.

"Old man Shan!!"

Angry roars filled the sky.

The sudden dissipation of the fire-like spiritual pressure naturally made all the Shinigami in the Seireitei feel it at this moment, including Kyōraku Shunsui who was closest to Yamamoto Genryu Saishigekuni.

As early as the moment Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni used Swastika, he had an ominous premonition.

Because when he was still young, he had seen the old man's decorative scroll hanging in his house.

On the scroll was a monster whose whole body was burning with flames.

As a child he didn't understand what it was.

Now he understood that the person in the painting was none other than Mr. Yamamoto himself.

The old man once said this to him.

‘That one? That's a monster that appeared in Soul Society in the past. It only appears when Soul Society is in trouble, making Soul Society even worse. I really hope it doesn’t have to appear again...

If something happens that would cause it to appear, at that time...

I might...never come back here again...'

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