Chapter 855 848. Hatred


Sonorous collisions continued to sound in the air.

Zhibo frowned slightly as he looked at the strange monster in front of him who seemed to be just an ordinary Hollow, but could use the Hollow Flash and had a captain-level strength.

"'s impossible for a monster like you not to attract the attention of Soul Society! Someone must have concealed your existence...Who gave the instruction?" He asked tentatively, as if he wanted to see the other person. Will answer.

And the answer is obvious.

"As expected, it's impossible to answer me... It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter whether you say it or not! I just need to deal with you here and then hand over the collected soul data to the Technology Development Bureau for analysis!"

The monster in front of him showed no signs except that it kept roaring at him and attacking.

In desperation, Shiba could only give up his plan to figure out this problem temporarily and get rid of this monster first. After all, if he continued to delay it, he would not be able to support it.

"Burn! Yanyue!"

As Shiha focused on freeing his Zanpakutō, flaming spiritual pressure suddenly rose from the blade.

He waved his Zanpakutō and headed mercilessly towards the strange Hollow in front of him.

However, at the next moment, his pupils shrank sharply.



Under Shiba's confused gaze, blood burst out from behind him.

He did feel an attack from behind just now, but when he felt the attack coming, he was already so close that he couldn't dodge it.

But it seems that now is not the time to be doubtful, because the oncoming Xu has no intention of showing mercy because of his injury, and the sharp claws are still swiping towards this side mercilessly.


Shiba Isshin had no choice but to grit his teeth and retreat quickly, temporarily keeping a safe distance.

After pulling away, Shiba Isshin quickly realized the seriousness of the problem. The attack that injured him just now was obviously not a Hollow attack, but a Zanpakutō!

In other words, someone is hiding the fact of such a strange virtual existence behind the scenes, and that person is also a god of death.

There is actually a god of death who is shielding such a monster from killing his companions, and even attacks his companions himself. Such a problem is not a serious one.

But who would do this?

At that time, Shiba Isshin naturally didn't know who it was, and when he knew that this person was Aizen, he had no way to return to Soul Society.

"It's really useful. That guy Kisuke Urahara left something great."

In the darkness, Aizen and others looked down with disdain on the injured Shiba Isshin who was gradually losing ground in the pursuit of their experimental subjects.

The blow just now was done behind their backs.

Among the inventions left behind by Kisuke Urahara after he defected from Soul Society is a coat that can completely isolate spiritual pressure.

Then they only need to add a little bit of ghost tunnel for hiding, so that the figure can completely blend into the surrounding environment, making it almost undetectable.

Especially on a rainy day like this, and in a battle where Shiba Isshin had to be distracted to deal with a powerful enemy, it was even more impossible to be discovered.

"Damn it! Who is it!?"

"Where are you hiding!? Get out of here!!"

Shiba Isshin's angry roars kept coming from below.

In response, Aizen and others' faces were full of contempt.

"Oh, he seems to have discovered that the blow just now was not a false one. He is really sharp." Ichimaru Gin praised.

"Indeed, it's a pity that's all."

Aizen sneered and turned to leave, "Let's go."

"Is that enough?"

Ichimaru Gin narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "No need..."

"No, his swastika will put a great burden on the body, and he can no longer use it after suffering such a degree of injury." Aizen explained calmly without looking back, "If it will be destroyed by Hajime If you kill the captain who is in a decomposed state, then such an experimental subject is just a failed work."

"Really?" Ichimaru Gin chuckled and did not continue to say anything.

But Dong Xianyao on the side seemed very confident in the results of this experiment: "Please don't call it 'experimental body', please call it 'White'. It is different from the Kyūdu we have created so far! Because... It is the first Hollow created from the 'soul of the God of Death'."

"Ah...yes, I'm sorry." Aizen chuckled after hearing this, not intending to argue, "But...the whole body is wrapped in black armor, but the inside is 'white', so it is called 'White' '? It's really ironic..."


Xu waved his arms like sharp blades and struck down towards Shiba Isshin from top to bottom.

The terrifying impact caused the roof under Shiba Isshin's feet to instantly collapse. Not only that, the impact also caused his already injured back to bear pressure and blood spurted out again.


Shiba Isshin felt more and more that something was wrong.

The sneak attack just now caused him a lot of injuries, which made him unable to continue using Swastika.

Once the Shinigami loses its swastika, it is equivalent to having one arm cut off and its strength is greatly reduced. Facing the weird Hollow with such terrifying strength, he is completely at a disadvantage and is in danger.


After struggling to deflect the hollow that was pressing on his Zanpakutō, Shiba Isshin once again opened the distance.

And the virtual image followed him again in an instant like it was tireless, as if it was determined to tear him into pieces.

"Damn are so underestimated!"

Seeing this, Shiba gritted his teeth, reached out and took a wisp of blood from the wound on his body, and then wiped it on his mouth.

He took a deep breath and sprayed out his spiritual pressure from his mouth, using the blood as a medium to create a blazing flame.

At the same time, he swung the knife fiercely with the other hand holding the knife, and the flame was immediately drawn to the blade. It seemed to barely make up for the power gap caused by the incomprehensible swastika, and he struck again with a fierce blow.


This blow struck the attacking Xu mercilessly, accompanied by a violent roar, and smoke suddenly filled the air.

However, the next moment, the black shadow rushed out of the smoke again and continued to attack him.

It was not uninjured, it just raised its arm to block when facing this slash, and at the expense of one arm, it did not affect the rhythm of the attack to the greatest extent.

It is hard to imagine that this is a judgment made by an irrational virtual energy in an instant.

Such a monster was born solely for fighting!

Below, Masaki Kurosaki, who left Ishida's house, finally arrived at the scene chasing the spiritual pressure.

However, when she raised her head, a shadow was falling at an extremely fast speed, falling straight to a location not far from her side.


A slight cough sounded from the falling smoke screen.

Kurosaki stood up in embarrassment: "Damn, even if one arm is cut off, he is still alive and kicking... What a troublesome guy."


Before he could finish complaining, the black shadow pursued him again.


Shiba Isshin clenched his teeth and raised his Zanpakutō to block in embarrassment.


Another roar sounded, and the ground beneath his feet was once again shattered by the terrifying impact.

The pressure coming from above became stronger and stronger. Zhibo's arm that raised his sword to block gradually bent due to the terrifying force, and it seemed that he could no longer support it.

However, at this moment, a spiritual arrow suddenly struck, and Xu, who was pressing above him, seemed to instinctively dodge the arrow.


Shiba turned around in confusion.

Not far away, I saw a human girl wearing a school uniform holding a bow made of spirit seeds and pointing an arrow in this direction.

Obviously, this girl saved him.

"Oh? Quincy?"

Aizen, who was about to leave, seemed to feel the spiritual pressure coming from below, and scratched his head, with an excited smile on his face.

"It's an unplanned target, eliminate it immediately!" Dongxian was ready to take action when he saw this.

However, Bi Aizen stopped him: "Wait, let's observe and mix for a while."


Even with the help of this Quincy girl, Isshin Shiba still seemed to be at a disadvantage when facing this Hollow named "White" by Tosen Kaname.

Although the girl's appearance did help him a lot, the speed of this Hollow was so fast that none of the spiritual arrows fired by the girl actually hit the target accurately.

Masaki Kurosaki seems to be aware of this as well.

The god of death who was currently entangled with the Hollow seemed to be unable to hold on any longer soon, and she had no way of defeating the Hollow in front of her on her own, so she seemed to have no choice but to try other methods.

Thinking of this, Kurosaki Masaki's expression became serious.


She bent her bow again, nocked an arrow, and shot the spiritual arrow towards the void in front of her.

The arrow still missed, but fortunately her purpose was not to hit, but to attract the opponent's attention.

Sure enough, the Hollow's attention was quickly attracted to her, and it pounced towards her without hesitation.

"!! Idiot! What are you doing!?"

What is surprising is... Facing the oncoming Hollow, Kurosaki Masaki was completely defenseless.

Seeing this, Isshin Shiba roared in surprise.

But it was too late.



With a roar, Kyon pounced on Masaki Kurosaki mercilessly, and bit her shoulder with a big mouth, as if he was ready to eat her alive.

However, this seems to be exactly what Kurosaki Masaki wants.

"Okay... I caught you."

Her forehead was covered with cold sweat due to pain, but her eyes were extremely determined.

The same goes for actions.

The spiritual bow in her hand was gathered into a pistol-like shape, she aimed it at Xu who was jumping on her, and then continued to pull the trigger at zero distance.


With a crisp cracking sound, the mask on the virtual face shattered.

However, things don't seem to be over yet.

After the mask was broken, the place where the virtual body was hit began to swell.


Shiba Isshin's pupils shrank sharply when he saw this, and he knew this was a sign of self-destruction. So he pounced on Kurosaki Masaki mercilessly and pushed the Hollow that fell on Kurosaki Masaki away and pinned it to the ground, using himself as a barrier to block the position between Kurosaki Masaki and the Hollow.


Smoke from the explosion rose into the sky.

" is that possible?"

Seeing that the experimental subject would choose the attack method of self-destruction, Tosen Kaname next to Aizen was full of surprise.

"Haha... Do you know that you are hopeless, so you drag people into the water?" Ichimaru Gin teased, "Obviously there are no settings, but this guy seems to be a monster born entirely for fighting."

The smoke from the explosion below quickly dissipated.


"Are you okay!?"

Kurosaki Masaki quickly stepped forward to check on the man who was trying to resist the blow directly with his body, with a look of worry on his face.

Due to her lack of combat experience, she was completely unaware that the other party was going to choose to self-destruct. If she had been aware, there would be no need for this man to protect her in this way.

Therefore, she couldn't help but blame herself.

Fortunately, Shiba Isshin's vitality seems to be extremely tenacious.

" hurts..."

Shiba Yishin lay on the ground and sighed helplessly. This battle was indeed won, but it was a miserable victory at the expense of two soldiers.

And he himself was seriously injured. If this girl hadn't come to help, he might have been in trouble.

"I'm sorry, I was saved... It's really embarrassing... As the captain, I need a girl to rescue me."

"No... I was the one who was rescued..." Masaki Kurosaki seemed to still be blaming himself, "If it weren't for protecting me, you wouldn't have gotten more injured..."

"Ahaha..." Isshin Shiba smiled awkwardly, "To each other, didn't you get hurt trying to save me? Then let's just settle it! How about that?"


Masaki Kurosaki felt a little complicated when he saw that the man in front of him could still laugh under such circumstances, and the most important thing was... he was a god of death, but he could communicate like this with himself as a Quincy.

"Don't move, I'll treat you..."

"Ah... it hurts! But thank you!" Isshin Shiba chuckled, "Speaking of which, you used that method to lure Kyon into taking the bait and defeated him. How courageous you are! Miss, who are you?"


Hearing this, Kurosaki Masaki fell silent.

She hesitated whether to tell the man in front of her.

After all, the other party was able to communicate with me normally at this moment, probably because he didn't know that he was a Quincy.

Quincy and Death... have always been mortal enemies.

If you know the truth, maybe tensions will rise soon, right?

"What should I do? How should I answer?

What will happen to the God of Death once he finds out that I am a Quincy? "

While thinking this, and looking at the sincere smile on the face of the man in front of him, Kurosaki Masaki pursed his lips slightly, seemingly deciding to take a gamble.

“My name is Kurosaki Masaki.

It's a Quincy. "


Hearing this, the expression on Shiba Isshin's face froze for a while, and his eyes became surprised.

But soon the look in his eyes softened again, and instead of turning his back on him as Kurosaki Masaki thought, he showed a hearty smile again.

"Really - it's a Quincy! How amazing! This is the first time I've seen a real person! Wow! I can actually see a living Quincy! I feel like I've earned it!"


This time it was Masaki Kurosaki's turn to be stunned.

What's going on with this person?

Is this the God of Death?

Are all other Shinigami like this?

Can hatred be resolved?

That would be great!

In this case... Xiaolong, Auntie, and everyone...

For some reason, Kurosaki Masaki's face was filled with tears, but no one could see it because of the rain.

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