Chapter 870 863. Hidden cowardice

minus 198 degrees...

Minus 142 degrees...

minus 116 degrees...

minus 85 degrees...

Kuchiki Rukia's body temperature was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood that had been coagulated in the wounds on her body began to flow again.

The absolute zero state had been lifted, and she began to return to normal from a state almost equivalent to that of a 'dead person'.

That’s right, absolute zero.

This is Sode Shirayuki's true power.

Such power is so terrifying that even the master herself will be frozen.

In a state of absolute zero, even she only has a four-second limit for movement. This is not to say that this is the limit, but the longer the time, the greater the damage to the body.

This also includes the time it takes for the body to warm up like now, which is also included in the time it will cause harm to itself.

This is a move that can injure the enemy a thousand times and damage yourself eight hundred times.

She had only mastered this technique while practicing in the Spirit King Palace not long ago, so she was not able to control it skillfully.

Kuchiki Rukia looked down at her slightly stiff palms, as if she was not satisfied with her performance just now.

But before she had time to reflect, the place behind her that should have been frozen and shattered by absolute zero frost and no longer alive, suddenly felt terrifying spiritual pressure.

"Just like that...does this make me feel scared?!"

Ace Nott opened his frost-frozen mouth and let out a hoarse roar.

His body did not turn into powder along with the shattering of the frost.

"Compared to being reprimanded by His Majesty for defeat! What does this mean?"

Ace Nott recalled his fears.

Yes, for him, there was only one thing worth fearing in this world.

Only when he was stared at by Lord Yhwach's cold eyes would he feel fear!

Compared with this deeper fear, even if it is frozen, even if it is death... it is nothing! ?


He roared, and his broken body became more and more ferocious.

The Quincy completes his body - the cowardice of God!

A five-pointed star-shaped halo appeared above Ace Nott's head. Blood oozed from under his eyes. The joints of his upper body and chest were exposed. His arms were wearing long black gloves and he was wearing a white undershirt. Two thorn-like thread rings appeared on his back. The traces of stitching on the wings of the spirit child extend from the throat to the skirt of the lower body.

At this moment, he was like a withered corpse, but he looked divine under the halo.

Like a fallen god.


Feeling the terrifying pressure coming from behind, Kuchiki Rukia turned around without hesitation with her sword.

But the strange thing is...

Her knife couldn't even touch the enemy in front of her.

The white tip of Sode Shirayuki's knife was faintly exuding cold air, and could almost touch the tip of Ace Nott's nose, but there was just a slight difference.

At this moment, the cold air, which was far less than absolute zero, seemed to pose no threat at all to Ace Nott.

"Your sword...can't reach me, can it?"

As if mocking, Ace Nott asked Rukia Kuchiki in a hoarse voice.


Kuchiki Rukia's eyes showed a trace of disbelief, and she swung the sword with great force in her hand.

However, facing such a blow, Ace Nott only took half a step back and easily dodged Sode Shirayuki's blade.

"It's useless! It's out of reach!"

Ace Nott sneered and stared at Kuchiki Rukia's feet.

From now on, Kuchiki Rukia has been trapped in a cocoon, unable to take a single step while stepping on the frost that has condensed on her.

"Because your feet...are so weak that you can't move!"

"What did you say?"

When Rukia Kuchiki heard this, a trace of cold sweat broke out on her forehead. Her body had not yet completely returned to normal body temperature, so logically there should not be any sweat.

But at this moment, I was sweating instinctively, because of fear?

"Are you trying to say that my body has been taken over by 'fear'? Impossible! My body..." Rukia Kuchiki seemed a little unbelievable about this.

"Have you..." Ace Nott's tone was extremely contemptuous. He ignored Rukia Kuchiki's disbelief and just asked jokingly, "You have seen me, right?"

As he spoke, his ferocious neck began to twist, and he tilted his head and stared at Kuchiki Rukia: "The cells in your body... will indeed become sluggish or even stop moving when exposed to low temperatures, but -'nerves' are not The activity will cease!

My Quincy's Holy Body, 'God's Cowardice'... can penetrate fear into your body through the optic nerve! "

As he spoke, a grid-like hemispherical field spread out, covering the two of them.

And in every grid, something seems to be crawling.

If you look carefully, you can see that they are ferocious eyeballs.

"Look, I have eyes everywhere!"

Ace Nott roared hoarsely, "Your nerves can't escape my sight! It's no use closing your eyes! 'Good memories will always stay in my heart, and bad memories will stay in my heart forever' .Like past fears emerging in the darkness, once fear shines through your eyes...

Even if you close your eyes, the fear will deepen...

Your brain is shaking! ! !

bring it on! Let the fear you have avoided so far penetrate your heart and turn you into ashes!



Facing Ace Nott, who was roaring like a mad ghost, Rukia Kuchiki gritted her teeth and tensed her body as she struggled.

However, it didn't seem to work, and she still couldn't get her body to move.

It seemed that just as the other party said, fear had unconsciously penetrated her nerves and completely controlled her.

The horrifying hoarse sound like a nightmare kept echoing, and at this moment, Rukia Kuchiki was stared at by countless eyes as if she was in an abyss.



Along with the sound of something breaking, the sneer stopped abruptly.

The realm that enveloped the two of them was shattered.

"Who are you……"

Ace Nott seemed to feel something and turned back to look at the crack in disbelief.

"Kuchiki Byakuya!!"


Kuchiki Rukia seemed a little surprised by Kuchiki Byakuya's arrival.

Because until she and Renji left Soul King Palace, the eldest brother probably hadn't fully recovered yet.

"It's so nice of you to come!"

When Ace Nott saw the man in front of him, his tone was full of excitement, "I'm tired of waiting! How is it? How are the internal organs that I dug out?

Did I penetrate your stomach completely at that time?

Since you can't eat, you must be very hungry, right?

You seem...lost weight? right? "

"Why is this guy so obsessed with Big Brother?"

Rukia Kuchiki looked at the other party's crazy look and was puzzled.

Obviously, the other party's main purpose of forcing him into a desperate situation was to lure out Brother Byakuya.

Could it be because this guy had obviously taken away the swastika and thought he had killed Byakuya's brother, but in fact the brother was not dead? He realized this and became angry because of his embarrassment?

It doesn't seem impossible to think about it.

At that time, this guy's eldest brother was convinced that the eldest brother who was so seriously injured would definitely die.

Having a swastika can naturally tell whether the original owner is still alive.

So when her eldest brother miraculously survived, she was scolded by Yhwach and became angry?

"Brother! You can't look at this guy!"

Rukia Kuchiki roared.

No matter why the other person fell into madness, she had to remind her eldest brother, otherwise it would be over once she was caught.

"It's... too late!"

Listening to Kuchiki Rukia's anxious voice, Ace Nott sneered.

As he spoke, countless eyeballs began to swell above the shattered field, and their pupils moved towards Byakuya Kuchiki.



However, in the next moment, these eyeballs were crushed under countless sharp blades.

"It's too late...who is it?" Byakuya Kuchiki asked expressionlessly.

"I see..." Ace Nott quickly calmed down, "It seems that you have already surrounded this place with Senbonzakura Kyougan from outside?"

Because he once took away Kuchiki Byakuya's swastika, he knew that the other party could do such a thing.

It's a pity that because of that stinky girl just now, he forcibly used the Quincy Complete Holy Body.

The power of the Perfect Holy Body does not allow any impurities in the body, so the power of swastika naturally returned to Kuchiki Byakuya.

"That's awesome... As expected, I still want to take your swastika... as my own!"


Kuchiki Byakuya seemed a little confused.

He did not use swastika.

"Watch it."

As he spoke, he slowly raised Senbonzakura, with only the handle and blade left in his hand.

"Since you took the swastika from my hand, you should also know that Senbonzakura Kagegan is... the swastika who completely transformed the entire Zanpakuto into a blade."

And in his hand at this moment, there was still part of the Zanpakutō.

This means that what was just now was not the swastika, but the beginning.

"This is just Hajime, just 'Senbonzakura'."

"You said...what!?" The ferocious expression on Ace Nott's face seemed to become a little dull.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you."

Byakuya Kuchiki slowly stepped forward, "It is precisely because you took away my swastika that I had the opportunity to thoroughly explore the true essence of Senbonzakura...

A bond is like a sketch. Only after the painting is completed and distance is drawn, can you see its true appearance clearly! But I forgot about this fact.

It is precisely because you took away my swastika that I was able to feel the true power of Senbonzakura again.

I want to thank you, Ace Nott. "



Ace Nott opened his mouth, which became ferocious after using the holy body, as if he wanted to say something.

But the sharp and fine blades had torn his body apart.

However, such injuries did not seem to be fatal, but instead made Ace Nott become even crazier.

He roared hoarsely, his tone full of resentment and anger: "Don't kill! Don't kill! Don't kill! Don't kill...I...will never kill!

I will make you sink into the abyss of pain and fear without losing consciousness or becoming insane! You will feel that death is the only salvation! I will make you die badly! "

As he spoke, spiritual pressure continued to emerge from his body, and those torn eyeballs began to squirm again, wrapping his body and repairing the scars on his body.

At this moment, Ace Nott seemed to have been pieced together like a monster and had lost his human form. His entire body continued to expand, as if he were the incarnation of death and fear itself, becoming more ferocious.

Quincy Complete Holy Body: God's Cowardly Second Form.

But what made him even more angry was that, facing him who had become so powerful, the two people opposite him were acting unusually calm at the moment.

That's right, neither Byakuya Kuchiki nor Rukia Kuchiki was frightened by this.

This was nothing short of contempt for him, who was the embodiment of fear.


Kuchiki Byakuya called calmly.


Kuchiki Rukia came back to her senses after her name was called, and looked at the other party in silence.

"On the way here, I have been... able to feel your spiritual pressure." Byakuya Kuchiki's tone seemed to be slightly pleased, "You have become stronger, Rukia."


Rukia Kuchiki was slightly startled when she was suddenly praised by the other party.'s not.

She didn't think she was getting stronger.

Because until just now, it was Brother Byakuya who was still protecting her.

"Admit it, you have indeed become stronger."

As if he could see what Rukia Kuchiki was thinking at this moment, Byakuya Kuchiki said calmly, "The reason why you dare not admit it is just because you are still afraid at this moment.

Fear is not... generated from nothingness... but is generated by the subtle uneasiness in the heart... that is constantly eroded.

Now...are you still feeling uneasy? "


Seeing the gentle smile on the face of the man in front of her, Kuchiki Rukia's fear seemed to disappear immediately.

How long has it been since I saw such a smile?

There is such a big brother who always protects me.

Why still feel uneasy?

"It seems you already have the answer."

Kuchiki Byakuya chuckled and turned around, "Go ahead and defeat it, Rukia.

Look carefully, this guy's ugly posture at this moment.

This gesture does not reflect fear.

If fear does not exist in our hearts, what it reflects is nothing but cowardice. "

"It seems... yes."

Kuchiki Rukia calmly raised her head, looked at the swelling Ace Nott in front of her, and smiled.

Swastika solution - Baixia punishment.

It was overwhelming white. At this moment, the dazzling white light seemed to envelope the entire world. Apart from the coldness and paleness, those who were there could no longer feel anything else.

Kuchiki Rukia smiled calmly. The Death Ba costume on her body was covered with pure white frost and became as gorgeous as a dress. The short hair on her head was also dyed snow white. She held a long white sword in her hand. As holy as a snow girl standing on the battlefield.

Such a sacred gesture formed an extremely sharp contrast with the ugly Ace Nott in front of him.

"Such a big man...who is he trying to scare?"

Gradually, her face turned cold.

Cold breath came from her mouth, and she slowly raised the sharp blade in her hand, as if she was ready to inflict heavenly punishment on the person in front of her!

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