A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 873 866 ‘The Strongest’

Chapter 873 Chapter 866. ‘The Strongest’


Facing Gremy Tomu, who claimed to be the 'strongest Star Cross Knight', Zaraki Kenpachi raised his hand indifferently and swung his sword.

The jagged Zanpakutō in his hand fell mercilessly on Gremy Tomu's shoulder.

But it seems to have encountered some resistance.

"Say it again." Gremy Tomou seemed not to care about the long knife that was slashed on his body. "I can turn imagination into reality. The most powerful thing in the world is the power of imagination. It's the same now, you see. , I just imagined that my body 'has a hardness beyond steel'..."


Before he finished speaking, the sound of blood splattering came.

Gremy Tomu was stunned for a moment and fell to his knees.

His entire left arm and shoulder were cut off by Zaraki Kenpachi's long sword which gradually gained strength.

"What are you doing?"

Zaraki Kenpachi looked down at the young man in front of him with disdain, "If it was about the hardness of steel, I would have told you earlier. I would have just cut it with the mentality of cutting iron from the beginning."


Gremy Tomu was silent, looking up at the man in front of him in a daze.

Some things are not as easy to do as they are said, but the man in front of him seems to take this kind of thing for granted.

How could such a guy exist?

"What do you mean by that expression?"

Seeing the doubtful look on Gremy Tomu's face in front of him, Zaraki Kenpachi curled his lips slightly and said disdainfully, "Are you imagining that 'I can't cut down'? Let me tell you first, at your level Imagination can't create things that I can't cut. Because... I am 'Kenpachi'."


"what is that!?"

Looking at the huge fortress-like stone pier that suddenly rose up in the Jing Ling Pavilion, the surviving Shinigami around them looked puzzled and spoke solemnly.


Someone seemed to want to remind his companions of something.


"Idiot, haven't you felt it yet? This spiritual pressure..."


After such a reminder, the originally solemn expressions of all the Shinigami became excited, and 'hope' seemed to ignite in their eyes.

"This is...this spiritual pressure is...Captain Zaraki!!!"

"It's Captain Zaraki!! Captain Zaraki is here!"

"We will win!! We will definitely win this war!!"

Kenpachi Zaraki's return seems to have brought indescribable confidence to everyone.

"Tch~ Those guys below are so noisy..." However, listening to the cheers of the crowd, Zaraki Kenpachi only felt noisy.

"Very good. If you come, you will win this war. Isn't that their freedom?" Gremy Tomu replied with a smile.


Zaraki Kenpachi turned around in confusion and looked at the boy in front of him.

At this moment, Gremy Tomu has completely recovered to his original state, and even the blood stains on his clothes have disappeared, as if he had not been injured at all.

"You...can you heal your injuries nearby?" Kenpachi Zaraki asked doubtfully.

"Really? Maybe." Gremy Tomu answered ambiguously, "It can be said to be cured... although I just imagined that 'the injured person has returned to his original self'."


In this regard, Zaraki Kenpachi remained silent and did not answer, but his disdainful eyes seemed to reveal his inner thoughts.

"That's what you think of 'nonsense ability'?" As if he had seen through Zaraki Kenpachi's thoughts, Gremy Tomu sneered, "People like you will definitely not be able to understand me until you are defeated. Ability. So, come on, Zaraki Kenpachi, I won't say anything like using one finger to deal with you. I don't even use one finger. I'll kill you with just my mind. Bar?"


As he spoke, molten golden liquid inexplicably spewed out of the air, which was hot lava that could melt everything.

"What do you think this is? It's lava." Gremy Tomu asked himself.

"You know it just by looking at it." Zaraki Kenpachi looked at the lava pouring towards him nonchalantly, as if he wasn't nervous at all.

"Then where did they come from?" Gremy Thome asked himself again, "From my head!"

As he spoke, he used his imagination to try to wrap Zaraki Kenpachi in lava.

However, facing the oncoming magma, Zaraki Kenpachi had a war-filled smile on his face. He was completely unafraid. He even stepped forward and swung his sword at the sweeping magma: "It's really a mess, but I'm not afraid of it." I hate such irrational things.”


The Zanpakuto effortlessly set off a storm, tearing apart the magma that came in front of him like a wave.

The hot magma scattered all over the ground, almost splashing on Kusuka Yachiru who was unable to move and was left on the stage.

"What are you doing? Yachiru! Hide quickly!" Kenpachi Zaraki scolded him when he saw this.

"Don't force her." Gremy Tomu smiled faintly, "Her bones have all turned into biscuits because of my ability. If she moves forcibly, her bones will break and she will die."

"..." Zaraki Kenpachi was silent for a moment, and then asked, "Biscuit? What is that?"

"Uh... you don't even know this? How pitiful." Gremy Tomu looked at Zaraki Kenpachi with a look of pity, "If I had known, I would have made mung bean cake."

"Oh, mung bean cake..."

Zaraki Kenpachi seemed to understand when he said this, "In simple terms, is it as fragile as a pastry? Wouldn't it be better to explain it like this from the beginning? You - you beat around the bush!"

Before he finished speaking, Zaraki Kenpachi had already jumped into the sky and swung his sword towards Gremy Tomu.

However, the next moment, as if magma suddenly appeared in mid-air, a huge cubic water prison appeared in mid-air, enveloping Kenpachi Zaraki in it.



Zaraki Kenpachi looked around with some doubts, thinking that this was really a convenient ability.

"If you hesitate for a moment in the water, you will fall into the trap I have prepared."

As if the words were spoken, huge and deep cracks appeared under the Water Cube surrounding Zaraki Kenpachi. The cube suddenly fell into the crack, taking Kenpachi Zaraki with it.

Gremy Tomu looked at the scene where the opponent was attacked, smiled, came to the crack and looked down at the bottomless abyss below.

"Kenpachi Zaraki, I don't think you will die if you get caught in the cracks in the ground, but... what if you are silent in the water? If you can't breathe, everyone will die. If you are addicted to the water and get caught in it, In the crack, just die slowly, slowly. No matter how terrifying the monster is, one hour is enough to drown you, right?"

Boom——The huge rock that was thrown out of the crack responded to him.

Seeing this, Gremy Tomu looked expressionless as he imagined the rocks in front of him disappearing.

However, after the rock disappeared, what was waiting for him was something more dangerous, Zaraki Kenpachi's sword.

Zaraki Kenpachi laughed wildly and raised his head and slashed at Gremy Tomu, holding Kusuka Yachiru in his other hand.

"It's okay if I hold him up like this...it proves that Yachiru's bones have returned to their original shape, right?"

Zaraki Kenpachi asked with a sneer, "We fought too hard, so we don't have enough brains for Yachiru, right?"


A violent roar resounded.

With Zaraki Kenpachi's fierce slashing, the entire rock stage raised from the ground was mostly broken into pieces.


Seeing such a huge battle, Yaskin Nacroval, who left the Technology Development Bureau in the distance and didn't fight Nirvana because it was too troublesome, was sitting boredly watching the battle to pass the time. A sigh of relief.

"What the hell - he's so handsome. That guy fought with Gremy to no avail. He is worthy of being called 'Kenpachi Zaraki'."

Ah~~~Ah~~But how could His Majesty release that kind of thing? "

"Quack..." Strange laughter came from behind, seeming to agree with his complaint, "Yeah, it's really a headache. Monsters like Gremy should be imprisoned for the rest of their lives."

The sacred letter ‘L’, the love of God, Pepe Vacabrada sighed with a smile.

"If you want to be a monster, you are too, Pepe." Yaskin Nacroval curled his lips slightly and turned back to look at the fat old man holding a scepter suspended behind him.

Then, as if he was tired of watching, he stood up helplessly and prepared to leave.

"Where are you going?" Pepe Vacabrada asked doubtfully.

"Of course, stay away from here, you know, right? If you chat carelessly in a place like this, you will be dragged into the world by that guy's nonsense. I don't want that." Yaskin Nacrovar Answered naturally.

"Indeed, this distance is not complete at all." Pepe Vacabrada seemed to react, scratching his head and smiling, and also floated away.

"Really, although it's a bit difficult to understand for those who can't do anything with their imagination... But when you really see this kind of guy who can do everything with just his imagination, you really feel that he doesn't have such ability. Is it better? After all, such a guy is not cute at all." Yaskin Nacrovar sighed with emotion.


"Little sword."

"Oh...what's wrong? Yaqianliu."

Listening to the call of Kusuka Yachiru in his arms, Zaraki Kenpachi stopped moving and asked doubtfully.

"Nothing." Kusuka Yachiru looked at Zaraki Kenpachi's face and smiled inexplicably, as if he was happy that this man could come back stronger.

"If nothing is wrong, Kotetsu's spiritual pressure is down there and he should still be alive. You can go down there and ask her for treatment." Kenpachi Zaraki suggested.


Kusuka Yachiru stood up energetically and jumped down towards the bottom of the 'stage'.

Afterwards, only Kenpachi Zaraki and Gremy Tomu were left on the 'stage'.

"Thank you for discovering it..." Remy Tomu said in admiration towards Zaraki Kenpachi.

"What?" Zaraki Kenpachi was a little confused when he heard this, not sure what the other party was referring to.

"My imagination about that child is interrupted," Gremy Tomu replied.

"Nonsense, how can it be maintained?" Zaraki Kenpachi said as if it was a matter of course, "What do you want to do to me? You want to fight, right?"

"Fight..." Gremy Tomu was a little confused as to why Kenpachi Zaraki said this.

"You guys, didn't you say that you are the 'strongest'?" Kenpachi Zaraki said lightly, his tone still as natural as ever, "If you are the 'strongest', you should want to defeat the 'strongest'! Come on! Let’s start fighting! Distracting your attention to something other than the enemy in front of you cannot be called fighting!”

As he spoke, he laughed wildly and attacked Gremy Tomu, waving the broken Zanpakutō again in his hand.


Under the violent slashes, the 'stage' became even more fragmented.

But such ordinary slashes still seemed to have no effect on Gremy Tomu.

However, Zaraki Kenpachi's words just now made him fall into confusion.

He was lost in thought while dodging Zaraki Kenpachi's attacks.

Just now...what did this guy say?

The ‘strongest’ would naturally want to defeat the other ‘strongest’?

He had never thought about that kind of thing.

Because from the beginning, no one would take action against him, he was the only 'strongest'.

There is no need to kill anyone to prove this.

So naturally he would not have such thoughts.


This is obviously so, why, at this moment, he...

You want to defeat the man in front of you so much! ?

A crazy smile appeared on Gremy Tomu's face unconsciously, as if he was infected by Zaraki Kenpachi.


The sound of countless gunshots being loaded resounded, and countless guns and artillery suddenly appeared around him, aiming at the approaching Kenpachi Zaraki.

Bullets, explosives, and even missiles poured out in an instant.


A fire ignited between the two men and thick smoke filled the air.

However, after the smoke dissipated, Zaraki Kenpachi came to him as if nothing happened and looked down at him.

"Nice expression."

This voice seemed to be recognition of the opponent.

"It seems that you are starting to feel happy too, right?"

"Nice expression?"

Hearing this, Gremy Tomu was slightly startled.

He didn't know what kind of expression he had now, let alone whether such an expression was not bad.

It's incredible.

Why is he so excited and happy!

Is this what is called ‘fighting’?

Well, let's enjoy it together - this war!

Countless sword blades appeared beside Gremy Tomu, one after another, like a violent storm, heading towards Zaraki Kenpachi's slashing Zanpakuto.


The sound of breaking continued to resound, Zaraki Kenpachi laughed wildly and swung his sword, as if he was unstoppable, smashing all the swords blocking him.

Shattered steel whirled in mid-air, over the debris.

Zaraki Kenpachi's figure suddenly approached, and the long sword fell down.


His knife slashed at Gremy Tomu again: "Don't learn well! I said, even if it is steel, I can cut it!"


Gremy Tomu responded with a sneer, "Who is it that can't learn well? I also said that even if you hit me, it's useless!"

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