A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 886 879 You are indeed the cutest when you are dead

Chapter 886 879. You are indeed the cutest when you are dead

"Of course it's because this knife is too sharp. No matter what kind of scabbard it is, it can't be contained. It can only be preserved by relying on that kind of non-fluid."

Nigeya Wang Yue explained expressionlessly, "And because of this, its name is 'Sheath Fu'. It is a failed work. It is too sharp and the blade is too smooth. No matter how you chop it, it will not work." It will be damaged without even a drop of blood being stained. In this case, people who sharpen knives for a living will have nothing to eat.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no way to make a scabbard that can store it.

A sword that cannot be sheathed cannot be called a sword, so it did not flow into Jinglingting.

But now I am quite happy. "

As he spoke, his eyes became dangerous and he looked at Youhabach: "Fortunately, I brought it to the Soul King's Palace so that it could have a chance to be put to use. Thank you! Youhabach."


Yhwach remained silent, seemingly unfazed by Nimeiya Wang Yue's words.

"What? Can a knife scare you so much that you dare not speak? Youha." Seeing this, Ermeiya Wang Yue asked with some doubts.

"Are you confused?"

Yhwach finally spoke.

"Do you really think you can stand in front of me?"

"What's the meaning?"

"I mean……"

"It's not enough." A voice came from behind, "You can't even kill a guy of my level, how can you be qualified to stand in front of His Majesty?"


Hearing the sound, Nimeiya Wang Yue turned around in surprise and looked at Yaskin Nacroval who was lying in a pool of blood.

He deliberately cut off the main artery in the opponent's neck with one knife! With that level of blood loss, it was impossible for anyone to survive.

But Yaskin Nacroval happened to be still alive.

not only that.

What surprised Nimaiya Wang Yue even more was that he found that his body began to become strange while the other party was talking.

His whole body became extremely heavy, his breathing became difficult, and he almost lost his footing.

"What on earth...is going on?"

"Perplexed, right?"

Yaskin Nacroval got up from the ground with some dejection and explained, "I will be picked up by Your Majesty just because I can't die so easily. Isn't it a very inferior ability? I hate this kind of ability... Because whenever I think about this ability, at any time, I feel extremely deadly.”

As he spoke, he began to lick the remaining blood on his body for some unknown reason, as if he wanted to replenish it back into his body.

This is the 'lethal dose' of his ability.

When an organism ingests a certain substance, even if it is beneficial, it will cause death if it exceeds a certain amount. The 'amount' reaching this critical point is called the 'lethal dose'.

The ‘lethal dose’ varies depending on the type of organism, stage of growth, method of substance ingestion, period of individual organism ingestion, etc., so it is impossible to know the exact value.

So generally speaking, this value can only be estimated.

But his ability is the quantity that determines this value.

Yes, the reason why he is still alive now is because he changed the lethal dose.

People will die from excessive blood loss, and the amount of blood lost is also one of the lethal amounts. He changed this amount so that even if he bleeds like this, he can still live.

Of course, such a change does not affect his physical condition. He still feels sluggish due to excessive blood loss, but he is still alive.

But this is enough.

As long as he is alive, he can activate his abilities.

And activating the ability can be fatal.

At this moment, Ermeiya Wang Yue began to feel physically uncomfortable, precisely because he used his ability on the other party.

"My holy text is 'D', and my power is called lethality."

Yaskin Nacroval looked at Nigeya Wang Yue in front of him and explained a little tiredly, "I can calculate the 'complete lethal dose' that will be 100% fatal when ingesting a specified substance, and I can freely control the amount. .”

"What did you say?"

Ermeiya Wang Yue also felt depressed.

However, it was not because he lost too much blood, but because his blood pressure was too high.

"You don't understand, do you? I was also a professional at the beginning, but it doesn't matter to you anymore."

Yaskin Nacroval said helplessly, and continued to take the blood that overflowed from his neck to his mouth with his hands and lick it, "Because even if you understand, you will die soon.

All in all... I probably just reduced the lethal amount of 'blood' in your body. For example, originally there should be 4 liters of blood in a person's body. Too much is not enough, and too little is not enough. If I control the fatal blood volume to 1 liter, then the more blood in your body exceeds this value at this moment, the faster you will die. "


While Yaskin Nacroval was explaining, Ermeiya Wang Yue had already knelt down on the ground weakly, seemingly helpless.

"It's painful, isn't it?" Yaskin Nacroval smiled, "It's a helpless, fatal feeling. I understand, it's the same for me!"

As he spoke, he drank another mouthful of blood to maintain the amount of blood in his body, and at the same time used his spiritual power to stop the bleeding.

"I know very well that if you don't pay attention, you will die."


A dull voice sounded.

Ermeiwu Wang Yue had completely fallen to the ground.


Seeing this, Yaskin Nacroval breathed a sigh of relief, "It looks like it's almost done?"

As he spoke, he slowly stepped forward and took out his spiritual bow.

"A guy as powerful as you should look down on people like me, right? You're also weak, and you still have the temperament of a low-class person.

But that's okay.

I used to care about this a lot, but recently I started telling myself that it is also my advantage.

Pretty gloomy, right?

This part is also my fatal part. "

As he spoke, Yaskin Nacroval had already prepared his spiritual bow, intending to deliver the final blow to Ermeowa Wang Yue.

Although even if he left it alone, the opponent would die because the total blood volume exceeded the lethal amount he set, but he knew the importance of the last hit.

What surprised him was that it happened right away.


Blood spurted out from the aorta on Ermeiya Wang Yue's neck.

I saw Ermeiya Wang Yue stabbing himself, and he started to bleed.

"Thank you so much for explaining it specially."

Ermeiwu Wang Yue said.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot.


Yaskin Nacroval felt something was wrong and subconsciously gave up the attack to dodge.

The blade passed through the back of his neck dangerously.

This knife was intended to decapitate him!

"Did you avoid it? It seems that excessive blood loss will also have an impact..."

Looking at Yaskin Nacroval who was rolling and crawling to avoid his attack, Ermeiya Wang Yue said with some regret.

He knew he was slow because of excessive blood loss.

"According to your statement, I will die because there is too much blood in my body, which exceeds the lethal amount. Then... I just need to release the blood to a level below this amount~"

"What a random guy... How could you put it so simply?"

Yaskin Nacroval looked at Nigewu Wangyue with some shame, and blood was still seeping out from Nimeiya Wangyue's neck until now.

To actually use such a method to counter his ability is simply a lunatic.

"With your size, you weigh about sixty kilograms."

"Isn't it very powerful? Like a doctor, but there is still a deviation. I weigh 62 kilograms." Ermeiya Wang Yue responded with a chuckle.

"The difference in weight between two kilograms is not much..." Yaskin Nacrowal explained, "Based on your weight standard, the blood volume per kilogram is about 65.7 ml. For 62 kilograms, the total volume is about 4073 ml. . A little more than 4 liters... Under normal circumstances, if you lose half of your blood, which is 2 liters, you will die from blood loss."

"so what?"

"Unfortunately, the 'lethal dose' exists independently. In other words, death from too much blood is one quantity, and death from too little blood is another quantity."

Yaskin Nacrovar explained with a smile, "The two lethal amounts you have at the moment conflict with each other under my settings.

Originally, less than 2 liters would cause you to gradually die, but now... excess 1.6 liters will also cause you to gradually die.

So now... no matter which value you control your blood to, it's useless. Your two ways of dying are intertwined and can never be avoided.

The rest... is just a matter of time. "

"I see……"

Nimeiya Wang Yue lowered his head with regret, "It seems that I have really lost to you, right?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid it's difficult for you to stand still now, right? Or you can't tell whether you're standing or falling, right?" Yaskin Nacroval laughed.

"You guy... you said before that I looked down on you, but now let's look at it, who is it that looks down on others?"

Ermeiya Wang Yue suddenly smiled.

"I just said I lost, but I didn't say we..."


Yaskin Nacroval seemed to have thought of something and was slightly startled.

But when he wanted to take countermeasures, it was already too late.

"Tian Shilang!"

I saw Ermeiya Wang Yue shouting for help.

At almost the same moment, support from Kirin Temple Tenshiro arrived.

A spring of blood and spiritual pressure gushes out from the ground and immediately washes over Nigeya Wang Yue's body.

Almost instantly, Ermeiya Wang Yue returned to his full state.

And in this state, his speed was simply beyond what Yaskin Nacroval could react to.


The two men passed each other, and the long knife ruthlessly cut through Yaskin Nacroval's body.

"You should have seen it in Yuha's shadow, right? Tenshiro's hot spring is tempered with blood and spiritual pressure."

Calmly turning his back to Yaskin Nacroval, Nigeya Wangyue explained lightly, "Perhaps you don't know the specific effect yet? Then let me tell you... This red hot spring can All the dead blood is replaced with new ones, giving people a new life. Am I handsome when I am reincarnated?"

"Yeah, he's so handsome. Compared to me... he's much more deadly..."

Yaskin Nacrovar sighed.

He lost.

After the blood exchange, the 'lethal dose' he set above Ermeiya Wang Yue's blood naturally lost its effect.

Although he wanted to kill the other party in other ways, it was a pity that he no longer had that chance.

The power of Nimeiya Wang Yue made it impossible for him to have a second chance.


Blood spurted out like pillars.

This time, Yaskin Nacrovar fell completely to the ground and stopped moving.


With that said, Nimeiya Wang Yue turned to look at Yoha Bach again, "This time, it's finally your turn, Yoha."

"Yeah, it seems you are finally qualified to stand in front of me?"

Yhwach responded, but in a question form.


In response to this, Ermeiya Wang Yue could not refute and became nervous.

It's Yhwach's turn. Having said that, it's not that easy to actually take action.

Regarding the power of Yhwach, there is only information on the two battles between Zhiyu and Genryuzai thousands of years ago and this time with his replica.

There were two other times when this guy was beaten by Xuan Hao and he couldn't fight back, and this time his real body appeared and Yuan Ryuuzhai couldn't fight back, which was not considered intelligence at all.

In short, it is difficult to deal with it because of the unknown.

Facing a terrifying guy like Yhwach, it is obviously stupid to attack rashly without understanding.

But it seems that this is not the way to go...

Let's cut off both arms first.

Thinking of this, Nimeiya Wang Yue decided on a course of action, and the next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot.

However, just when he was about to approach Yhwach, a sudden change occurred.

I saw Yhwach, as if he was preparing something, continuously absorbing the spirit seeds in his hands, and it became faster and faster, until the terrifying spiritual power fluctuations actually distorted the space, making it impossible for people to get close!

This is--




Below, among the ruins of Jinglingting.

Giselle Jules, who was buried under the rubble, kept making heavy breathing sounds.

Yes, he is not dead yet.

At this moment, he was frantically sucking the blood from Bambietta Basta's body, which had turned into a zombie.

"Wait... wait a minute..." Bambietta Basta was unable to move because her body was too seriously injured, so she could only plead, "Don't suck so much blood... I don't want to die yet..."


The next moment, Giselle Jules held her face mercilessly and pushed her to the ground. The violent impact caused the floor where her head touched to crack instantly.

"what are you talking about?"

Giselle Jules continued to suck the blood, with a look of madness on her face, "You are already dead! How many times do I have to tell you before you understand? Obediently - shut up Mouth! Give me back the blood!"

Yes, as long as the blood given to the zombies is withdrawn, he can quickly recover from his injuries, and Bambietta Basta is the last one to marry.

Finally, under his brutal ravage, Bambietta Basta once again turned into a cold, motionless corpse.

"Ahhh... As expected, you are so cute! Little Bumpy! You are indeed the cutest when you are dead!"

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