A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 887 880 Redistribution of Power

Chapter 887 880. Redistribution of Power

"Ah... I found it. Sure enough, he's not dead yet."

Listening to the excited sounds coming from under the ruins, Litoto Lampado opened the stone slab and found Giselle Jules who was holding the body with an excited look on her face.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Giselle Juel responded contemptuously.

He turned his head to look at Litoto Lampado and found that the other person seemed to be in the same embarrassment as him.

"Speaking of which, you have a dirty face. You must have lost too, right?"

"Forget it, that guy Pepe made a fool of himself before the fight even started." Litoto Lampado curled her lips slightly, looking unhappy.

"So what then? How is Pepe?"

"Then I killed him. It tasted so bad." Litoto Lampado said with a disgusted expression, "yue~"

"What about the others? Where are Minnie and Jadis?" Giselle Jules asked again.

"Gadis was still with the enemy, and Minnie was controlled by Pepe to attack me, so I temporarily subdued her. She shouldn't be dead, right? Although we are stronger, without them in terms of combat power, it would be difficult to It may be a bit difficult to cope with the next round of attacks from the Death Gods, so they still need to be alive...?"


Before she finished speaking, Litoto Lampado's tone became confused.

The sound of loading was heard, and the muzzle of a cold gun was pressed against her temple.

She turned away with some doubts and looked at the old man beside her.

"What...are you doing? Ajutron."

That's right, the one who is pointing his gun at her at this moment is one of the Starcross Knights who should stand on a united front with them, Holy Word 'N', Robert Ajutron.

"Pepe has been killed by me. You are not under control, right?"

"You know... His Majesty... went up..."

Robert Ajiutlon did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

"Huh? I'm asking what you are doing. Does it have anything to do with His Majesty going up?" Litoto Lampado asked with a slight frown.

"We...were not taken up..." Robert Ajiutron muttered to himself as if he was nervous.

"Yeah, so what?" Litoto Lampado still couldn't understand what the old man wanted to express. "Before he comes down, wouldn't it be good if we waited here while fighting? We can also solve it by the way. Those gods of death have done meritorious service.”

"……do not you get it?"

Robert Ajiutron's voice trembled, and he suddenly burst into tears.

"Don't you understand!?? We are finished!!! Our next battle has been judged as 'unnecessary'!"

"What...are you talking about!?" Litoto Lampado's frown deepened.

The Robert Ajutron in front of them was considered a veteran member of the Knights of the Star Cross compared to them. He had stayed with His Majesty for a long time, so what the old man said could not be taken as groundless.

"You new ones may not understand!"

Sure enough, Robert Ajiutron explained with fear, "I don't understand how scary His Majesty is! The Star Cross Knights exist for His Majesty! Your Majesty hates falsehood, so the meaning of its existence is definitely not false! It is judged as unnecessary The Knights of the Star Cross——will become His Majesty’s ‘holy’ appetite!!”

As he spoke, terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations came from above, as if confirming Robert Ajiutlon's statement.


A raging ray of spiritual power fell from the sky and swallowed up Robert Ajiutron's whole body in an instant. His body gradually disintegrated almost instantly, turning into terrifying white bones.


Litoto Lampado reacted in time and threw Giselle Juelle to the side, barely avoiding the spiritual pressure beam falling from the sky.

But the wings constructed of the Holy Body behind her were gradually disintegrating due to the influence of a terrifying force, turning into spirits and gathering towards the sky.

"Damn it...even if you are not exposed to the light, will you still be deprived of your power? What are you doing..."

She understood that no matter whether she was shrouded in light or not, the final result didn't seem to be affected, it was just a matter of time.

Not only her, but the rest of the Star Cross Knights who were confronting the Death Gods at the moment were also interrupted by this sudden power, and they all fell into despair.

"How could it be...Your Majesty? What do you want to do...Who are we?!"

"Is this your style!? Your Majesty..."

The Starcross Knights in the Jing Ling Ting roared unwillingly, "Who wants to die in a place like this!?"


The Shinigami frowned slightly as they watched the enemies struggling in front of them.

Countless spiritual lights rose from the Jinglingting, gathered towards the sky, and reached the sky.

Anyone familiar with the situation knows exactly where these powers go - the Spiritual King's Palace.

In the first team building, as the captain, Kyōraku Shunsui, who should have stayed put until the last moment, finally couldn't sit still when he saw this scene.

"Xiao Nanao...Chongya...can I leave the first team building?"

He asked the two lieutenants beside him.


The two people who were asked were covered in cold sweat on their foreheads at the moment, and they didn't know what decision to make.

"It's not Jing Ling Ting...it's Ling Wang Palace that's in danger now."

Jingraku Shunsui raised his head and looked up at the sky, his expression extremely solemn.

If something goes wrong with the Soul King in the Soul King Palace, then the whole world will be doomed.



Above, the Spirit King's Palace.

Yhwach murmured expressionlessly, seeming to be answering the questions in the minds of countless members of the Star Cross Knights below.

"We are companions, helping each other to wake up and move forward——"

As he spoke, the surrounding spirits began to gather under his control towards the fallen Star Cross Knights who came to the Spirit King Palace. The terrifying spiritual pressure reappeared on the bodies of the originally dead people.

"Come on, let's go. Are you ready? Team Zero."



The next moment, gunfire sounded.

Nimeiya Wang Yue looked at the position of his shoulder in surprise.

A bullet that was too fast for him to react mercilessly penetrated there.

And the one who fired this bullet was naturally the ‘All-Connected’ Li Jie Barrow who should have been eliminated by him.

"What's happening here?"

he asked doubtfully.

"'Holiness'. You must have heard of it before, right? But you have never witnessed such a miracle with your own eyes. It is inevitable to be surprised."

Yuglan Hasward, who was standing by Yhwach's side and had never moved, explained calmly, "Of course, what you know is probably only part of the effects of 'Holiness', right? For example, resurrecting the chosen one. .

In fact, the effect of "sanctification" is not that simple. What you see is just the result.

What is important is the process of sanctification.

Recover 'unnecessary' Quincy lives and powers and distribute them to those who need them.

‘Redistribution of power’, this is the true effect of ‘sanctification’.

The one who is taken away will die, and the one who is given will gain greater power and be resurrected.

This is one of the 'miracles' created by His Majesty. It is not simply moving the spirit son, but moving power, and the tree of life that blocks the spirit son cannot stop it. "

"I see……"

Seeing the power that was forcibly injected into these Quincy through the 'Life Fence', Nikaiya Wangyue broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, "More powerful power... So the bullets that had no threat to me just now penetrated me." Did it hurt my body?"

"No, you got two things wrong."

Li Jie Barrow, who was on the opposite side, retorted lightly and explained, "First, this power is not a 'more powerful power', but my original power that I had no time to release just now."

Visible to the naked eye, he has activated the Quincy Complete Holy Body now compared to just now.

In other words, although his power has indeed been improved, he has not yet used that improved power.


With that said, Lijie Barro raised the sniper rifle in his hand again and aimed at Wang Yue of Ergewu.

"What penetrated your body was not a 'bullet'..."



The sound of gunfire rang out again, and Wang Yue of Ergewu obviously no longer had the strength to dodge at this moment.

So at the critical moment, Kirinji Tenshiro and Hikifune Kiryu had to join the battlefield to rescue him.

One of the two held a paddle-shaped Zanpakutō, and the other held a huge spatula-shaped Zanpakutō, and they blocked each other in front of Nigeya Oue.


But what shocked the two of them was...

Although the trajectory of the gunshot should have been blocked, Nigewu Wang Yue's body was still penetrated.

Along with the Zanpakutō in the hands of the two men, they penetrated the body of Nigeya Wang Yue!

This terrifying power is unstoppable.

"It's not a bullet, so no matter what's blocking the trajectory, it's useless."

Lijie Barrow explained calmly, with a tone full of pride, "My holy word is 'X', 'all things penetrate'. Without bullets, all objects between the muzzle and the target will be penetrated equally." .

Could you please stand in line? Let me kill you with one shot. "

On the other side, the other Star Cross Knights were not idle either.

Penida Pakaja also activated his ability, and his holy text was ‘C’, Enforcement.

In just an instant, the inexplicable power forcibly destroyed the surrounding 'life fence'.

Without any obstruction, Yohabach no longer stayed here, but at some point he appeared in front of the real Soul King's Palace in the distance, looking down at Monk Yan who was sitting cross-legged on the road.

"Then...can you let me pass? Ichibei, the commander of the army."

"You call me by my name so casually..."

Listening to Yhwach calling his name, Ichibei, the commander of the army, slowly picked up the brush and stood up without any fear or retreat. "If your throat is burned, I don't care."

He is the leader of the King's Special Agent Zero Division, and naturally the strongest person in the Zero Division. He was given the name 'Eye Monk' by the Spirit King, or he can also be called 'True Name Hu Monk'.

Things like ‘names’ are extremely sensitive ‘things’ to him.

Therefore, calling his name is an extremely dangerous thing in itself. As the namer of all things in the Soul Society, no one except the Soul King has the right to call him by his name.

So now he is very angry and the consequences will be serious.

However, Yohabach on the opposite side obviously didn't care about this.

"Between here... and here, I will defeat you."

As he spoke, Ichibei, the commander of the army, drew two parallel lines on the corridor with a brush.

It seems that the distance between these two lines is the distance that Yhwach cannot cross.

And this wasn't over yet, another huge seal with the word "seal" was written in the void by him.

"It's a bit far..."

Yhwach did not make any move, but calmly watched the soldiers on the opposite side prepare for the battle, "It looks like there are three steps away, then... you will die before those three steps, the soldiers will be ready." guard."


The commander of the army, Ichibei, turned around and glared at Yhwach, "Don't call my name so casually."


The next moment, a dull sound rang out.

Yhwach's body was immediately knocked away by a huge palm extending from the void.

"Thousand Miles to Heaven Palm!"

The figure of Ichibei, the commander of the army, disappeared from the spot, and almost instantly followed the figure of Yhwach who was hit by a palm. He calmly explained to Yhwach what he had done, "Put the hit one away." Things were shot thousands of miles away indiscriminately.”


Yhwach opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he soon became surprised.

Because his throat could no longer make a sound.

"Look~ didn't I say that? I don't care if your throat is burned." Ichibei, the commander of the army, looked down at him with contempt, and then raised his hand.

I saw another huge palm falling from the sky.

"When you come back from thousands of miles away, reflect on it!"

At the same time as the words fell, the huge palm hit Yhwach again, and changed the direction of his flight, as if intending to knock it down from the high altitude of the Soul King Palace to the world on the ground.

But of course Yhwach could not be shot down so easily.

He finally arrived at the Spirit King's Palace. If he went down now, there would be no 'King Key', and it would be troublesome to come back.

So, Yhwach shouldered the terrifying palm pressure and stabbed his own throat in an instant.

Blood spilled.

And his blood has a miraculous power that can give people everything. Of course, the targets it is given include himself.

"I...give myself a 'voice'!"

After regaining his voice, Yhwach roared and ordered to the surrounding spirits, "'Great Holy Bow'!"

A huge bow opened in mid-air, with countless spiritual arrows pointing towards the sky.


When the spiritual arrows were shot out, one of them penetrated Yhwach mercilessly, and with this upward force, he offset the impact and returned to his original height.

And during this period, the rest of the spirit arrows attacked the military commander Ichibei above, making him unable to prevent this scene from happening.


Everything happened too quickly. When Ichibei, the commander of the army, reacted, Yhwach had already returned to him again.

He looked at Yhwach in front of him in silence, his face full of solemnity.

"He shoots a spiritual arrow at his own body, and even if it penetrates him, it still comes back. What a scary guy..."

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