A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 889 The fall of the 882nd Division Zero

Chapter 889 Chapter 882. The Fall of Team Zero

Yhwach did not lose his cool because of the situation in front of him.

It's just that the sword in his hand and the star on his body have lost their effect.

After all, the power of these things was originally given by him.

In other words, as long as Ichibei's ability is not buggy enough to invalidate his own ability, then there is nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, Yhwach slowly raised his hand.

The surrounding spiritual energy began to surge, and countless light points drew a huge star pattern with the main soldier Ichibei as the center.


The commander of the army, Ichibei, seemed a little surprised when he saw this, but by the time he reacted, Yhwach had already completed the arrangement.

"Your ability is indeed very strong, so let me take it away! Not with nameless things, but with my own strength!" Yhwach roared and clenched the outstretched hand.

The next moment, the light of the star pattern enveloped the main soldier, Ichibei.

"Usurp the altar!"

Yes, this is the prototype of the star that can take away the power of the Death God Swastika, an altar drawn by Yhwach's own power that can take away everything.

Enshrouded in the light of the altar, the whole body of Ichibei, the commander of the army, seemed to be distorted by the refraction of the light.

However, a strange scene happened.


Ink marks burst out from the body of Ichibei, the military commander. The Zanpakutō named "Ichimonji" seems to be able to cut even the name of the concept of usurping the altar!

In other words, Yhwach's tried-and-tested ability to capture actually lost its effect when facing the military master Ichibei.


Even Yhwach couldn't help but change his expression at this scene. After all, this was the first time he had encountered a situation where power could not be taken away except from that man.

"Don't show that expression. You have indeed usurped my power." Ichibei, the commander of the army, chuckled, "But the power usurped will not become yours."

"What do you mean?" Yhwach frowned slightly.

"Because my power is 'black'."

Ichibei of the Military Chief Division explained calmly, "Once Ichimonji is liberated, no matter whether he is a Shinigami or a Quincy, it does not matter whether he is alive or dead, all the 'black' in this world will be mine."

As he spoke, endless darkness enveloped Yhwach's body.

The cloak on his body, his hair, his shadow, his empire of shadows that he was proud of.

Everything, as long as it is 'black', has been transformed into the power of the military master Ichibei at this moment, including Yhwach himself.

To put it simply and concisely, all "black" will be "named" by the "Ichimonji" in the hands of the military chief Ichibei.

Looking at Yhwach who was standing there blankly and not moving any more, Ichibei, the commander of the army, smiled faintly: "Yohbach, no, he was once a Yhwach! Isn't it painful to lose your name? It's sad. You...just let me 'name' it!"

As he said that, the look on the face of the military commander Ichibei became ferocious, and murderous intent burst out.

He roared and waved the 'Ichimonji' in his hand: "Swastika-'Shin Da'·White pen Ichimonji!"

The white pen monogram is the evolved Zanpakutō that was born long before the appearance of the Swastika in the world. It can "carve new names" on things whose names have been erased by the first interpretation of the word. If "black ants" are carved on the object of the cast, the object will become as fragile and weak as an ant.

"As the Shinigami in the Seireitei call it, let's call it 'Swastika'. After all, it is an 'evolved Zanpakuto' that was born before 'Swastika' appeared in the world."

Ichibei, the commander of the army, waved the brush in his hand.

Different from the previous darkness, the trajectory of the 'white pen and one character' at this moment is just as the name suggests, it is empty white, as if it can be engraved with everything.

"This knife can carve a new name on something that has been smeared with a single word! So...how does it feel? The former Yhwach - no, the current you should be called a 'black ant'." Appropriately, how does it feel like to be reduced to an ant!?"

At the same time as the words fell, the word 'black ant' was written on the empty white in the void, and was imprinted on Yohabach's body wrapped in pitch black.

This means that at this moment, Yhwach has lost his original name and has become a weak ant.

"Your power is now like black ants crawling on the ground, fragile and small."

"Just...that's it?"

Yhwach, who was stunned on the spot, made a confused sound.

"That's right, 'that's it'." Ichibei, the commander of the army, looked down at Yhwach with a look of compassion, just like a human looking down at an ant.

"The power gap is 'just like this', and your fate is 'just like this'. Carrying the sins of the Shinigami you have killed so far is like an ant - be trampled to death!"

As he said that, the look of compassion on the face of Ichibei, the commander of the army, disappeared completely. He suddenly raised his foot and stepped downwards.

At the same time, a huge foot made of spiritual power suddenly fell from the sky.


The floor of the corridor in front of the Soul King's Palace was instantly trampled through, and Yhwach's figure fell downwards like a cannonball.

"Your Majesty -" Hasward, who had been watching the battle, seemed a little surprised when he saw this scene, but soon, the surprise on his face calmed down.

"King of the Insects—Farewell."

Looking at the falling Yhwach, Ichibei, the commander of the army, seemed not to give him any chance to breathe this time.

This time he didn't want to shoot him down to the lower world to reflect, but to kill him completely!

I saw a soldier from the main military unit slowly clasping his hands together.

A pair of huge spiritual palms enveloped the falling Yhwach.


Accompanied by the violent sound of spiritual pressure colliding, Yhwach's falling dark figure seemed to have been crushed.

Everything seems to have settled.


However, the next moment, the voice that horrified Ichibei, the commander of the army, sounded again.

It was the voice of Yohabach.

"I didn't expect...I could see so clearly even with my eyes closed."


As the sound rang out, the dull sound of landing at the same time made Ichibei, the commander of the army, turn his head in confusion.


Before he could completely turn around, a spiritual arrow penetrated his entire body.

"You...why didn't you die?"

Ichibei, the commander of the army, looked at Yhwach in surprise as he came up behind him at some point.

He couldn't understand the meaning of the other person's words, nor could he understand what happened in the moment just now.

"how come……"

He watched in amazement as the words carved on Yhwach's body with his 'white pen and one character' gradually collapsed and fell off.

You must know that the "Hakubi Ichimonji" is the original Zanpakutō, and its power almost represents the laws of the world. How could anyone in the world be able to counteract its power! ?

"Too naive, how could His Majesty be killed by such a level of power."

There was no need for Yhwach to explain himself, but the disdainful voice of Hasward came, "Your Majesty's power is the ability to know all the future. This power has already surpassed the world. Any ability known by Your Majesty is impossible." Useful to His Majesty. This is 'omniscience and omnipotence'."

With that said, Hasward calmly turned around and stopped watching the battle, because the outcome of the battle was already determined.

Rather than witnessing the death of Ichibei, the commander of the army, he seemed to think it was more meaningful to let Uryu Ishida, who had dissent on the side, understand that His Majesty's power was invincible.

"It's a very unsolvable ability, right? Because it can know the future, there is no power that His Majesty doesn't know. And the ability that is known by His Majesty cannot defeat His Majesty. This is a dead end. Your Majesty is invincible."


Ishida Uryu listened silently and did not make any remarks.

No solution?

Is there really unsolvable power in this world?

Even if there is... what about outside the world?

Seeing that Uryu Ishida didn't seem to believe it, Hasward continued: "Your Majesty... he usually fights with his eyes closed. It's not an eye in the physical sense, but an eye that is omniscient and omnipotent. Of course, this is not to look down on the enemy.

The sealed Quincy King regained his heartbeat after 900 years, his wisdom after 90 years, and his strength after 9 years.

If you open your 'eyes' before the end of this 'Nine Years of Power' to regain your power, His Majesty's power will be out of control, and the power of our Star Cross Knights may be swallowed up by the out-of-control power.

However, for the sake of your majesty, we have closed our eyes. Now we open our eyes. It is because the 'Nine Years of Power' has ended at this moment.

This moment is a moment that His Majesty has already seen.

This is also the moment when our long-cherished wish for thousands of years comes true!

Everything is in the ‘future’ that Your Majesty sees!

His Majesty’s footsteps are destined to be unstoppable! "



Yohabach once again came to the corridor leading to the real Soul King's Palace.

At their feet is the black line drawn by Ichibei Hyōshube before the war began. Not far away is the seriously injured Ichibei Hyōshube and the seal he carved in front of Soul King Palace.

Yhwach took a step forward and looked calmly at the soldier in front of him: "Why didn't I die? Why did your power fall away from me? Why did you lose? You really want to know, right?"

When I open my 'eyes', there is nothing that I cannot see through from this moment to the distant future.

If you can see through things, you can 'know' them, and the 'power' of knowing will help me. With that kind of power, it is impossible to hurt me.

This is my power ‘omniscience and omnipotence’.

Is that a pity?

The 'me' you tried your best to defeat before was just me without even a shred of real power. "

"Am I... going to lose?"

Ichibei, the commander of the army, smiled when he heard this. Although his body was penetrated, he still seemed to have no intention of giving up.

"I'm just getting rid of the name of 'Black Ant', and I'm starting to feel proud. I used to be Yhwach's 'Anonymous'! My whole body is completely black, how are you going to defeat me? Even if you 'know', have you forgotten it?" ?Everything 'black' belongs to me!"

As he spoke, the darkness that enveloped Yhwach began to gradually change shape, as if thick ink was about to submerge everything around him.

"O night is dark, yo is always dark, come here. Meet everyone and drink it. Drink it, and life will drift away. The road to the underworld is the same, with flowers blooming. Where the wine and food are, they are dyed Pitch black, split into eight parts, roasted into pitch black with pitch black flames. Eat it up quickly, and what is left are the white bones. Set up a monument for him and mourn him. In order to prevent him from being reborn again, in order to prevent him from being reborn. He becomes ours again, a sacrifice—

If you don’t turn around, it’s too bad! "

Ichibei, the commander of the army, chanted slowly and sat down cross-legged.

As he chanted, the ink-like spiritual power behind him gradually condensed into a dark 'shrine'. Surrounding the shrine are black mausoleums and tombstones.

The surrounding environment seemed to suddenly become eerie and terrifying due to the unfolding dark realm.

This place seemed to have turned into a dark battlefield full of death and despair, a burial ground tailor-made for Yhwach.

Buried here are the creatures that Yhwach once killed.

Endless wailing sounds could be heard, and the dead seemed to be calling Yhwach's name, dragging him into the abyss of endless darkness, forever.

"This is to seize the group of mourning tombstones that Soul Society has prepared for you for a hundred nights. The best way to mourn the dead... is of course to offer sacrifices."

Ichibei, the commander of the army, said with a gloomy expression, "They are all very familiar voices, right? Yes, they are all people you have killed before.

Now... they will absorb the 'blackness' in you. Whether it is flesh, blood or bones, everything will be swallowed up by the dark sky and turned into nothingness. You will not even be able to reincarnate and fall into the eternal dark hell! "

"You... aren't you listening to me?"

Yhwach stood unmoved and asked calmly, seemingly unaffected by all the changes around him.


Ichibei, the commander of the army, saw this and his pupils shrank sharply.

"I said it right? If you can see through everything." Yhwach took another step, "Before our power, there is no room for 'understanding' and 'countermeasures' to intervene.

Everything I saw was powerless in front of me.

Do you think - I am still anonymous? "

With that said, Yhwach finally took the third step as promised.

"My name is Yhwach. The man who will take everything from you."


As the footsteps fell, the sound of flesh and blood tearing could be heard.

The commander of the army on the opposite side, Ichibei, was instantly dismembered by invisible force in his surprised eyes.


Calmly stepping over the dismembered body of Ichibei, the commander of the army, the expression on Yhwach's face remained unmoved.

"As I 'foresaw', you will die before I take three steps."

Not only Ichibei, the commander of the army, but when he was fighting Yhwach, the rest of the Zero Division captains were also vulnerable to the reborn members of the Star Cross Knights, and they all fell.

The King's Special Agent Zero Squadron was completely wiped out at this moment.

Everything seems to have settled.


Accompanied by a dull explosion, the seal carved by Ichibei in front of the Spirit King's Palace was violently broken by Yhwach.

He raised his head and looked towards the Soul King's chamber, which was suspended higher above.

"It's your turn next, Spirit King."

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