Chapter 905 898. ‘Growth’

"It's the power given to me by Lord Yuri."

This is Nirvana's answer.

"With the death god's body given by Lord Yuri, I will increase that ability to 0.8% before the organization collapses."


Nie Yuli naturally understood what Nie Yinmeng said.

Nemu is forcibly increasing his strength at the cost of consuming the artificial death body he created. This is probably due to the fact that he buried "forced cells" in Nemu's brain pituitary that can break through the boundaries of soul cell division. Split Accelerator'.

It was originally a special organ he implanted to allow Yinmeng to break through the theoretical growth limit and continue to grow. Unexpectedly, this girl actually understood it and came up with such a use!

Theoretically it is indeed possible.

While forcibly using force, cells are forced to divide to offset the burden caused, at the expense of the divided cell tissues.

In other words, theoretically, as long as the speed of division is equal to the tissue consumed by the exerted force, nearly unlimited power can be exerted.

But this is obviously impossible to do.

Such a powerful force should have exceeded the endurance limit of the 'forced cell division accelerator'. In other words, the tissues in Nirvana's body will continue to collapse as the force is used. The limit is 0.8% of the tissue left by the other party. .

"Damn, who taught you to do this?"

Nirvana cursed angrily.

Even if the body of an artificial death god is destroyed and only 0.8% of the body's tissues are left, it is impossible to still be alive. This is equivalent to burning one's own life to fight.

"No problem, the continuous output can be maintained for 400 seconds."

Perhaps understanding Nie Yuli's worries, Nie Yinmeng spoke calmly.

"I'm not talking about this! When did I give you such an order!?" Nie Yuli asked angrily.

"It's not an order, it's a mission."

Nieyin Meng answered seriously, "You don't need an order to protect Lord Yuri, that's my mission."

"No! Your mission is to grow!" Nirvana retorted excitedly.

Artificial death is his dream.

And how can we prove that this project is successful?

Of course, it is a created product, that is, the Nirvana Dream in front of me, which can continue to learn and grow like an ordinary Shinigami.

"That growth... I want to let you witness it in the form of protecting Lord Yuuri."

Niyinmeng replied with a smile.

Then he placed Nirvana at a safe distance from the battlefield, then ducked and returned to the battlefield at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

"Tsk! You have become very good at talking!"

Nie Yuli looked at Nie Yinmeng who was leaving angrily.

The opponent's speed was so fast that he couldn't stop him at all.


After violently punching the ground to vent his anger, Nirvana sat down on the ground as if helpless.

"I didn't expect... that one day I would hand over the battle to Nemu. It's really... a shame and a shame."

On the other side, Nirvana's dream, which was burning the cells and tissues in the body, had returned to Penida Pakaja again.

She suddenly pushed her palm towards the void, and the air was continuously compressed by her powerful power.

At the same time, dazzling spiritual power fluctuations condensed in her palm.

"Soul Cutting - Righteous Soul Heavy Wheel Gun."

This is a powerful blow released using one's own soul as ammunition.

Cuts 6% of one's own soul, and releases a high-density soul bomb from the palm of his right hand that can penetrate the opponent's soul.


The next moment, a dull sound sounded.

As the Soul King's left hand, the palm of Penida Pakaja was instantly penetrated, and then the entire body was transformed into flesh and blood scattered all over the sky under the powerful impact.

After releasing such a powerful blow, Niyinmeng's body flew backwards due to the huge impact and began to fall toward the ground.

Burning her own tissues and cutting into her soul, she suddenly became extremely weak.

Therefore, after crushing the target and thinking that he had succeeded, his whole body relaxed and he immediately began to feel tired.

"Lord Yuli..."

As she fell, she looked at the man in the distance, as if she wanted to see the compliment in his eyes.

But at this moment, the power of nirvana is serious, but there is only sluggishness.

Nianyinmeng didn't notice that the scattered flesh and blood were constantly squirming, and eyes grew on each piece of flesh.

These eyes seemed to be staring from hell, and they all focused on her.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

The next moment, screams came.

It was Penida Pakaja who activated his abilities again!

Even though the entire physical body was almost blown to pieces, he still did not die, and all the individuals that were split due to the shattering were regenerated, and countless "enforcement" nerves instantly pierced Nemu's body.

Niyinmeng's body began to twist and expand under the control of the opponent's nerves.

It exploded before there was any chance to react.

All this happened so fast that even Nirvana in the distance had no time to stop it.


Looking at Nianyinmeng's exploding flesh and blood, Nie Yuli's rational brain seemed to fall into a blank.

"Are you 'desperate' at this moment?"

A contemptuous voice asked in his mind.

"No way? Are you 'desperate'? Hey, hey, hey? What did you say? Did I say it wrong?"

"Hey, hey, if you want to refute, just raise your head?"

A phantom sneered and picked up the sluggish Nirvana's head, sarcastically saying, "I can't even see your face clearly~"

"It can't be like this, right? How can you be so desperate when you explain to me endlessly what a 'scientist' is?"

"The modified life form is dead? What is there to despair about? You told me that, right?"

"For scientists, 'perfect' means 'meaningless' and 'perfect' means 'despair'! You hate perfection. Don't you?"

"Now that the artificial life form you created is dead, wouldn't it be better!? It dies precisely because it is imperfect! Isn't this what you want? That means there is still a lot of room for improvement!!!"

"I think that's what you would say if it were you? Wouldn't you?"

"Or...are you starting to think that the half-finished human model is 'perfect'?"

" have fallen, Nirvana."

The man sneered with emotion, "You must thank that left-handed monster for killing that human model and destroying your self-righteous neglect!"

"I am helpless, isolated, and everything I thought was perfect has been destroyed. I can't help but laugh at this situation! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Nightmare-like laughter resounded in Nirvana's mind.

Hearing the taunting voice that lingered in his ears like a murmur in his sleep, he raised his head in a daze.

Until he saw clearly who was speaking.

"It turns out it's you..."

As he said this, he suddenly laughed.

He raised his hand and pressed the other person's face, crushing the fantasy in front of him.

"You're absolutely right. You, who was pretended to be a scientist, noticed my neglect. It's really ridiculous."

He laughed self-deprecatingly.

Yes, the phantom that appeared in front of him was one of the Ten Blades he had defeated, Sal Apollo Grantz. He was the stupid guy who had mocked him as a fake scientist.

Nirvana quickly woke up from her daze.

Thanks to the phantom, he realized how ridiculous his gaffe was.


The sound of chewing kept coming from the outside world.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of Penida Paccaja.

The other party seemed to be eating Nemu's torn body, preparing to further 'evolve'.

"What a greedy guy..."

Nie Shuli said expressionlessly, "Very good, in that case, let's eat until there is not even a piece of skin left..."

As he spoke, he walked towards the other party expressionlessly.

He stretched out his hand and snatched something from the opponent's hand.

"However, only the brain must be returned to me."

After snatching Niyinmeng's brain tissue, Nie Yuli turned and left with a gloomy expression, as if he didn't care about Penida Pakaja behind him at all.

"Ho ho ho—"

Penida Pakaja made a weird roar, and his huge palm enveloped Nirvana, as if he wanted to take Nirvana's brain away from him again.

However, when he was about to touch Nirvana, his whole body became paralyzed.

"Will you be paralyzed if you touch me?"

Nie Shuli turned his head expressionlessly and looked at Penida Pakaja with contempt, "I advise you to leave me alone and eat quickly. If you don't hurry up - before you finish eating, you will Die first."

As if the words were followed, the next moment, Penida Pakaja's entire body began to expand strangely.

"What... what is this!?" Penida Pakaja's voice sounded frightened for the first time. This was probably an unexpected development.

"In Nemu's brain, I buried an accelerator that can break through the division limit of artificial soul cells."

Nirvana explained expressionlessly, "'Forced cell division accelerator', this is an organ that can break through the theoretical limits, so that she can continue to grow and keep her skills at their peak.

By harnessing it through direct connections through the brain’s basal ganglia and parietal lobes…

Ah, you shouldn’t understand what I’m explaining like this, right?

In order for you, an idiot, to understand, I will explain it simply——

Nemu's brain is equivalent to the limiter of this accelerator.

If you remove the brain and just eat the organ... it will self-destruct due to excessive growth. "


Before he finished speaking, Penida Pakaja's entire body exploded into a mist of blood, and not even a single piece of intact flesh remained.

Bathed in the dripping blood, Nie Yuli held Nie Yinmeng's brain tissue and left the battlefield expressionlessly.


But before he took two steps, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

His legs were broken.

"I see... what a troublesome guy..."

Nirvana lay on the ground and quickly understood the current situation, "Although the physical body no longer exists, aren't the remains of the nerves completely dead? It's really... careless..."

But breaking his legs seemed to be the limit of the remaining nervous wreckage.

Penida Pakaja should truly cease to exist at this moment.

But this embarrassed look really moved and humiliated him: "Damn it..."

He struggled to get up from the ground: "Isn't this just like that idiot Zaraki? It's such a shame and a huge insult."


Footsteps sounded in front of me.

Nirvana raised her head in confusion.

It was Madarame Ikkaku and Ayase Kawakawa Yum who saw that the battle was over and finally no longer had to follow the captain's orders to stay away from the battlefield.

The two stood calmly in front of Nie Shuli, looking at him with indescribable expressions in their eyes.

"What? Didn't you escape? Squadron 11. They are indeed a group of idiots beyond imagination..."

Nirvana chuckled and sarcastically said, "Forget it, let's praise you for not interfering in the middle of the battle.

Listen carefully, under the rubble on the right side of thirty houses from here, there is a physical protection bottle that I asked Nemu to move over.

Press the red button on the right and the person inside will come out.

Just go with them first.

no problem……

It took a while, but the zombification should have been completely eliminated. The lifespan may be greatly shortened, but the guys inside shouldn't care about such small things as their saviors, right? "


Madarame Ikkaku followed the order and took Nirvana to the so-called 'physical protection bottle' and pressed the red button.

This so-called 'physical protection bottle' is actually more like some kind of dormant cabin.

And when they pressed the button, they were surprised by the people who came out.

That was Captain Hitsugaya and others who should have turned into zombies!

Although Captain Nirvana is a weirdo, the things he does are always surprising. Unexpectedly, the fighting force that was supposed to be dead was resurrected quietly.

"Nirvana, thanks."

Hitsugaya Toshiro walked out of the protective cabin expressionlessly and thanked Niryuri.


In response, Nirvana just snorted arrogantly and did not reply.

He continued to give orders to Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yumichika: "Put the empty protective bottle in me, and then put the extra bottle in that idiot Zaraki."


After taking the order, the two people stuffed the two injured people into protective bottles.

And said goodbye to the unconscious Captain Zaraki.

"Then...Captain Zaraki, we and Captain Hitsugaya and the others will leave first."

But that being said, the two of them seemed to have something to do before leaving.

Under Nie Shuli's surprised eyes, they knelt in front of the protective bottle where Nie Shuli was.


When Nie Yuli heard the movement, he turned his head and smacked his lips slightly.

"Captain Nirvana, thank you!"

The two of them seemed to have made an agreement. After thanking each other, they ran away without being able to refute.

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Nie Shuli, who had an awkward personality, had a look of displeasure on his face: "Humph, I feel uncomfortable being thanked all the time today. But... that kind of thing is not important at all..."

As he spoke, he pulled open the robe on his body, revealing the only remaining brain tissue of Nianyinmeng.

"Evolution...I finally created a soul that can evolve on its own..."

That's right, after witnessing Nirvana's actions, he suddenly realized that the so-called 'evolution' was not limited to the physical body, but the growth of the soul was also a part of it.

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