A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 906 899 Who do you think I am?

There is no doubt that Nie Yinmeng can rely on his own will to make judgments, which proves that his research direction is correct.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile on his face.

"I have surpassed you... Urahara Kisuke! Your annoyed expression... it's a pity that I can't imagine it... so it is more valuable to see with my own eyes.

The next time we meet... I want you to see the difference between you and me... It depends on the two of us..."

As he spoke, the tired Nie Yuli finally fell into a deep sleep holding Nie Yinmeng's brain tissue, and sank into the sea of ​​consciousness together with Yinmeng's consciousness.


On the other side, Kyoraku Shunsui and others who were acting with Urahara Kisuke also felt the changes in Nirvana's spiritual pressure.

"It's Captain Nirvana..."

Kyōraku Shunsui turned his head to look in the direction where the spiritual pressure came from, and said with some doubts in his tone.


Urahara Kisuke nodded slightly. No one was more familiar with Nirvana's spiritual pressure than him.

"Don't worry, if it's this guy, I think it'll be fine."

"Yes, rather than worrying about him... I think the more problematic thing is... the spiritual pressure of other people around him is constantly decreasing." Kyoraku Shunsui said with some worry.

"Have all the vice-captains been defeated?" Urahara Kisuke heard this and asked.

"Rukia and I are still here, and Hinamori is fine."

Renji Abarai, who was walking by, was alert to the sniper attack that would come from afar at some unknown time, while answering.

"My little Nanao is still here too," Kyoraku Shunsui added.

Ise Nanao was following him, although she seemed to be struggling.

"It's so troublesome. I don't know where it will attack from."

Hirako Mako complained.

They have been sniped for several streets by a certain Quincy who is good at long-range sniping.

Under the pressure of the opponent step by step, it can only keep moving. Once it stops, it will be attacked. It can be said that there is a full sense of urgency.

"Are you scared?"

Looking at the people fleeing, Lijie Barrow, who was on a tall building in the distance, asked to himself, "No wonder, I know. I don't know where to attack, the sniper came from far away, plus The companions around me disappear one by one, and no one will be afraid."

"Yes, it is indeed very troublesome."

Kyōraku Shunsui rarely became more serious, "But no matter what, after so many sacrifices and when we still don't know the details of the enemy at all... shouldn't we change our response strategy?"

As he spoke, he smiled softly, stopped alone, turned around and faced the distance.

Although he couldn't see the enemy, he knew that the enemy would be able to see him and the smile on his face at this moment.

"This guy... is either a fool or crazy." Li Jie Barrow indeed saw it and pulled the trigger.


Noticing that Kyōraku Shunsui suddenly stopped, Mako Hirako turned his head and cursed anxiously, "If you stop like this, wouldn't you play into the enemy's hands?"

"But if we don't change our strategy, how can we find the enemy's location?"

Kyoraku Shunsui smiled.


A bullet fired from a distance hit his body mercilessly.

"Look, I found it."

For some reason, Kyōraku Shunsui was clearly hit, and his body fell with the impact, but Kyōraku Shunsui still smiled.

"No matter it is a brilliant and disciplined team, it will fall apart as long as one person's stupidity." In the distance, he saw that one person was shot because of Jingraku Shunsui's stop, and the others also stopped together, and Li Jieba Luo calmly said Analyzing.

This seems to be the case. The Shinigami in front of him were injured by Kyoryu Shunsui. They all stopped and seemed to want to save their companions. To him, they were all targets.

However, the next moment, he was slightly stunned.

"The roly-poly fell down."

A cheerful voice sounded in his ears.

Then the target in the sniper scope disappeared.


He turned around in surprise and saw the intact Kyōraku Shunsui who somehow appeared behind him.

"Where...are you from?"

Lijie Barrow's eyes were full of doubts.

He had no idea what happened in the moment just now.

It was so far away that it appeared behind him almost instantly without him noticing.

It's almost like magic.

What responded to him was the sword wielded by Kyoraku Shunsui.


Seeing this, Lijie Barrow quickly ducked to avoid it.

"Wow~ You're hiding nicely?"

Jingraku Shunsui chuckled and teased, "But, I'm sorry, I will accept your life next."


Lijie Barrow remained silent and did not respond.

He was still in a state of surprise as to how Kyōraku Shunsui appeared directly behind him across such a long distance.

Also... this guy should have been shot by himself, so why does he appear to be unscathed now?


Seemingly seeing the confusion in Lijie Barro's eyes, Kyōraku Shunsui asked in surprise, "Haven't you ever played the game of falling over the roly-poly? Is it possible that you Quincy didn't have a childhood?"


Although he didn't quite understand, Lijie Barrow felt as if he had been insulted, "What fell?"

"Ah - really not?"

Kyoraku Shunsui put down the arm that raised his Zanpakutō, and touched his chin with his other hand, looking a little troubled, "No way, Quincy looks different from our culture, this seems to be natural. Anyway, let’s ignore that for now… I didn’t expect you to be able to catch up during that period of time just now, you’ve really made progress, Nanao-chan.”

As he spoke, he spoke to the person hiding behind the building not far away without looking back.

"I really don't feel like I'm being praised..."

Ise Nanao knew that she had been exposed, so she stopped hiding.

"I'm complimenting you, but this time it's really dangerous. I hope you can go back to the others." Kyoryu Shunsui still didn't look back.

His eyes were fixed on Li Jie Barrow in front of him.

Rijie Barro also knew very well and did not attack Ise Nanao. For some reason, he always felt that if he attacked this girl at this time, he would regret it.

"I refuse." Naturally, Ise Nanao did not intend to obey orders as always, and rejected Kyoraku Shunsui's proposal without mercy.

"Then...please go ahead and tell everyone to leave first." Kyoryu Shunsui thought for a while and found another way to get her away.


After a moment of silence, Ise Nanao nodded slightly, "I understand... I'll tell them and come back."

With that said, she turned around and was about to leave, but stopped as soon as she took a step.

"team leader……"

She said warningly towards Kyoraku Shunsui.

"If you die before I come back, I will shave all the chest hair off your body."


Hearing this, Jingle Chunshui, who was pretending to be calm, broke into cold sweat on his forehead and stopped dead in his tracks, "This will make everyone unable to recognize me, please don't."

Finally, Ise Nanao disappeared from the sight of the two.


Sighing helplessly, Jingraku Shunsui smiled and turned to look at Li Jie Barrow in front of him, "I always feel that my speech sounds more and more like Lisa..."

Before Ise Nanao, Lisa Yakinamaru was his adjutant. It can be said that Ise Nanao grew up watching Lisa's back.

"Is the farce over?"

Lijie Barrow asked with a slight frown.

Although he didn't mind giving the dying man in front of him some time, the way the two ignored him really made him unhappy.

"That's really ugly~" Jingraku Shunsui chuckled indifferently, "If you were really upset, why didn't you take the opportunity to make a sneak attack just now?"

"I have intel on all of you fighting so far."

Rije Barro replied calmly, "Your Zanpakutō ability is 'turning child's play into reality'. It seems to be a very dangerous ability, so I have to be more cautious."

"Is this a compliment to me? I'll just accept it with peace of mind." Jingraku Shunsui shrugged slightly.

"So... you were hit by my gun just now but you were fine, and you even took this opportunity to get close to me instantly. Is this child's play?" Lijie Barrow asked with a slight frown.

"As expected of the person who broke into the Spirit King's Palace, you know it very well? I remember that I didn't play the roly-poly game when I fought with Mr. Arrancar..."

Jingraku Shunsui chuckled and explained unabashedly, "In short, 'the roly-poly has fallen over.' The general rule is that the player playing the ghost must cover his eyes, turn around according to the call time, and catch the moving person."

As he spoke, he raised three fingers and looked quite patient: "There are three rules. First, the ghost must be where the participants can see it.

Secondly, if a participant is seen moving by a ghost, he or she will lose.

Third, the participant wins if he touches the ghost before being seen by the ghost. "

"I see... isn't this a one-two-three wooden man?" Lijie Barrow was speechless.

"So you have a similar game over there? It's just called by a different name?" Jingraku Shunsui spread his hands in disappointment, "It's really a waste of time..."

"I understand... you must have seen the spiritual pressure attack released by the ghost after you started the game, so you immediately discovered my position in the distance."

Lijie Barro frowned slightly and analyzed what Kyōraku Shunsui did just now, "Then...in order to touch it before being seen by the ghost, you moved straight at the shortest distance on the path of the spiritual pressure released by the ghost. During that time Here, what the ghost sees is an 'immobile hallucination'. Is this the reason why you are not hurt and are close to me?"

"Hahaha, did you see through it so quickly? But that's right, after all, it's just a simple cover-up. To win the game, you always need to use some means, right?" Kyoryaku Shunsui smiled and did not refute.

"I see, can I use my knowledge of the rules to cheat?"

Lijie Barro quickly understood the meaning of Jingraku Shunsui's words, "It does seem like the rules are very beneficial to you. If you are the only one who knows the rules of this game... I don't understand why you would change the rules like this." Tell me without reservation?

If I guess correctly...

The meaning of "As long as I see you moving, you lose" probably means that if in the situation just now, I just need to notice that what is left in the same place is an illusion, and then find you, you will die. "

"Haha...it's amazing...it's really helpful to understand the rules of the game so quickly..."

Jingraku Shunsui laughed when he heard this, with a helpless tone, "Actually, I don't want to tell you this, it's just that the rules are like this... both of us know the rules, that's why it's called a 'game'."

"The Zanpakutō's abilities are really very restrictive..."

Lijie Barrow responded with a gloomy look.

He always felt like there was some fraud involved.

Is there really a Zanpakutō that would deceive its master like this?

Under these rules, it seems that this is an extremely fair game. If the opponent happens to be a master of the game, under these rules, the holder of the Zanpakutō has no advantage at all.

"Ah~ By the way, there is something wrong with what you just said." Kyoryaku Shunsui seemed to have discovered something, smiled, and kindly reminded, "The 'me who was shot and stopped' you just saw was not an illusion. What you actually see is 'me'."

"What...mean?" Lijie Barrow frowned.

"The ability to perceive spiritual pressure is called 'spiritual sense' or 'spiritual sense'. Everyone who uses spiritual pressure to fight will subconsciously use vision and such 'spiritual sense' to observe things at the same time. And when fighting, The more concentrated the mind is, the proportion of "spiritual sense" will overwhelmingly overwhelm the visual. In other words, the role of "visual" will become weaker, and even subconsciously, it will become only spiritual sense without vision.

And just now, I fixed my spiritual pressure there, making you think that 'I' was still in the same place. "

"Fart." Li Jie Barrow retorted with a slight frown, "How could that be wrong?"

He was confident that his eyes and perception could not miss the target because of such superficial means.

After all, he is a sniper! This was simply insulting to him.

"Of course it's possible." Kyōraku Shunsui changed his frivolous attitude and his expression became expressionless, even a little arrogant, "Who do you think I am? I am the captain of the Gotei 13, Kyōraku Shunsui."

The meaning of this sentence is very simple, probably 'I am much better than you, so it is possible'.

"You guy..."

A trace of anger flashed in Lijie Barrow's eyes.

But before he could finish what he wanted to say, Kyōraku Shunsui had already taken action.

The battle broke out at this moment!


Seeing Jingraku Shunshui's figure flashing towards him, Lijie Barrow raised the sniper rifle in his hand without hesitation and pointed it at him.

"The tumbler has fallen over."

Kyoraku Shunsui chuckled and activated his ability.

The figure flickered and disappeared again.


Without hesitation, Lijie Barrow turned around with the sniper rifle in his hand and pointed it in another direction, "I found you."

He pointed the muzzle of his gun at Kyōraku Shunsui again without mercy, and Reiko's light flickered in the muzzle: "This game is no longer effective for me."

"Oh, is it so?"

Kyoraku Shunsui smiled softly.


An ominous premonition arose in Li Jie Barrow's heart.

The next moment, he subconsciously moved away from where he was, and the muzzle of the gun was deflected as a result.

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