"Wow! That's awesome~"

After easily dodging the gunfire, Kyōraku Shunsui chuckled and praised Li Jie Barrow on the opposite side.

"You are the first person who can escape the 'Shadow Ghost' the first time~"

At this moment, Kyōraku Shunsui's Zanpakutō poked out from the shadow on the ground where Ritsu Barro was standing just now.

If Lijie Barrow hadn't reacted quickly enough to dodge, he would have been cut in half by this knife.

For Kyoraku Shunsui, it seems that offense is the best defense, so at the critical moment when he was pointed at a gun just now, he chose to use offense to force the muzzle of Riet Barrow to deflect.

Although this approach is dangerous, in terms of results, it does work.

"I have already said that I have seen all the information on your battles so far."

Lijie Barrow calmly replied as he regained his balance and returned to the ground, "And you... know nothing about us."


Hearing this, Jingraku Shunsui broke out into a cold sweat on his forehead.

Because he didn't feel a pain coming from his feet until Li Jie Barrow finished speaking.

A bloody hole penetrated the instep of his foot at some point.

"I thought I escaped... So what is your ability? If you don't tell me, the battle between us will be very unfair~ Now, for the sake of me explaining my ability to you, just Tell me?"

"You are limited by the activation conditions of your ability." Lijie Barrow replied expressionlessly, and then raised his gun again, "I have no intention of having a fair fight, and I don't think it will be fair if I say so. But...it doesn't matter if I tell you. I am 'X' of the Knights of the Star Cross, Lijie Barro, and my ability is - 'penetration of all things'."


As he finished speaking, he pulled the trigger.

“In my ‘All Things Penetration’, the concept of ‘escape’ has no room for intervention.”

"Is it equivalent to a guaranteed hit? That's really a terrifying ability~" Kyoraku Shunsui laughed in the face of the incoming spiritual pressure bullets.

The next moment, his body was penetrated.


But Li Jie Barrow's expression turned gloomy.

Because the figure of Kyōraku Shunsui in front of him disappeared from the place just like his first shot hit the opponent.

"See the shadow?"

Kyōraku Shunsui's teasing voice came from behind.


Lijie Barrow did not answer, but turned his head silently and looked at him with some doubts in his eyes.

"He looked like he wanted to ask me, 'How did you avoid it?'"

Jingraku Shunsui seemed to see the confusion on his face, and explained with a chuckle, "Don't worry, I didn't avoid it. Just as you said, your ability will definitely hit, but the target you locked has already moved away from me." 'I' has become just 'my illusion'. As I said, I am the captain of the Gotei 13, Kyoryu Shunsui. I am just deceiving your 'vision' and 'spiritual sense' for such a simple matter. It can still be done.”

"Is this also one of your 'child's plays'?"

Lijie Barrow frowned slightly and asked, "They are all magic-like abilities. He is really a troublesome guy."

"Do I just think you are complimenting me?"

Kyōraku Shunsui smiled teasingly, "That's right. This is called 'after-image'. When a person stares hard at something, an afterimage of it will be etched in his sight, just like staring hard at a light and the shadow of the light remains the same after looking away. It will remain in your sight.

Staring with such a powerful 'spiritual sense' like yours, the afterimage will naturally be very strong, just like the real thing..."

"In other words, my powerful 'spiritual sense' has been used by you instead?" Lijie Barrow seemed to understand the principle, and his face became gloomy.

"Yes, but even if you know the principle, how can you deal with it?" A sinister smile appeared on Jingraku Shunshui's face, and he smiled contemptuously, "It's not that easy for you to put away that kind of 'spiritual sense' now. Something, right?"

"Indeed... so." Lijie Barrow did not refute.

As a sniper, the 'spiritual sense' that is so powerful that it is impossible for him to miss his target has long been his instinct, and it does not mean that it can be blocked by shielding.

Unexpectedly, the spiritual sense is too powerful and can be used by the opponent's ability.

"Don't take it too lightly~"

Jingraku Shunsui provoked, "The scary thing about my 'child's play' is that even if you know the rules, you don't know when it will 'start'. No matter how you are not interested in participating in my 'child's play', as long as you are stuck Even if you get married, you can still only play with me until you die! Come on, let's... start the game."


"Very well, then leave him."

On the other side, after Ise Nanao conveyed Kyoraku Shunsui's words to the remaining people, Hirako Mako made a decisive decision.

"That's right! We should all go to help the leader of the Beijing Band now... Uh? Hey, hey, hey? What did you say?"

Hinamori Momo on the side seemed to realize what Hirako Mako was talking about halfway through.

"Wait! Captain Hirako! Are you mistaken? Are we really going to leave like this?"

"of course!"

Mako Hirako answered matter-of-factly, and had already run far away.

"Why do you have to support him? It's a race against time now!"

"Although this is true, it is too ruthless to do so!" Hinamori Tao was in a mess.

"Oh, then let me ask..."

Saying that, Mako Hirako stopped and turned to ask Ise Nanao, who had been delivering the news, "Nanao-chan, what do you think?"

"I'm going back, everyone goes forward first." Ise Nanao answered seriously.

"Look, let me just say this is the most correct judgment, right?"

Hirako Mako said matter-of-factly.

However, others on the side still seemed hesitant.

So he sighed and found another reason, "Yes, it seems normal that you can't understand. Then let me change the question. If... Captain Ukitake was here, what would he say?"


Everyone was silent.

Everyone understands that Captain Ukitake is probably the person who knows Captain Kyōband best, but Captain Ukitake has already sacrificed his life to maintain the world.

"'If Kyoraku says that, there will definitely be no problem.' I think Captain Ukitake would definitely say that."

Hirako Mako said seriously, while looking at everyone, "'Leave it to him, let's go', this is the correct answer, you should also trust the leader of the Kyoko Band a little bit, he is after all... he is also the current captain. , how could it be possible to be defeated by that kind of guy? If you understand, then leave."

After the words fell, he ignored everyone and turned around to leave.

But just after taking a few steps, he seemed to have remembered something, stopped, and added without looking back: "Ah... one last thing. If old man Yamamoto is left behind, he will definitely call us. The one who left first.

after all……

It is the captain's job to fight with the lives of the soldiers on his shoulders. "


The scene returned to the battlefield of Kyōraku Shunsui.

After several anxious confrontations, Jingraku Shunshui had already arrived in front of Lijie Barro.

The two of them stood face to face, with Rije Barro holding up the sniper rifle in his hand and pressing it against Kyōraku Shunsui's body with an expressionless expression.

"Your 'childish play' can only go so far."

Lijie Barrow said calmly.

Although Kyōraku Shunsui was able to use that weird 'child's play' to prevent him from hitting him at a long distance, because he maintained a distance, it was naturally impossible for Kyōraku Shunsui to hit him with a knife.

And if you want to hit it, the only way is to close the distance.

However, closing the distance is not a good option.

Because if it is such a distance, such 'child's play' will be useless.

Just like at this moment, before Kyōraku Shunsui could draw his sword, he was already being pointed at the gun.

"Are you careless? Do you think that if you close the distance, you will have a chance to hit me with your sword?" Li Jie Barrow said sarcastically.

The muzzle of the gun was currently touching the real thing, and it could no longer be an afterimage. In other words, he was sure that he could hit Kyōraku Shunsui himself with this shot.

"I do think so."

Faced with Li Jie Barrow's question, Kyoryu Shunsui responded with a smile of course, "Sony, have you been cut by me now?"


Hearing this, Lijie Barrow was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized something was wrong and began to retreat towards the rear.


The sudden cutting sound resounded.

The blade came from nowhere and instantly cut off the sniper rifle in Li Jie Barrow's hand from the middle.

If he hadn't retreated, what would have been cut off might not have been as simple as the gun.

The knife came so strangely and quickly that he didn't even have the time to react to pull the trigger.

Rijie Barro stared at Kyōraku Shunsui in front of him with a gloomy gaze. While he used his spirit to condense the sniper rifle again, his eyes became serious.

"Oops, did you avoid it? You are indeed very strong."

Kyōraku Shunsui looked at the serious look on Rijie Barro's face, chuckled and joked, "I originally planned to cut off your arm as well, but it seems that the distance is still not close enough."

"Really? It's such a pity..." Lijie Barro replied expressionlessly, "It's useless if you can't cut off my hand. 'Dia Grant', this 'gun' is mine." The "Spiritual Bow" was constructed by me from the spirit sons. No matter how many times you cut it off, it will all be in vain."

"I see."

Kyoraku Shunsui nodded thoughtfully, "So even if the gun body is broken, you can continue to fight, and even if it is completely broken, you can rebuild it. But..."


"Have you forgotten the rules?"

The sound suddenly approached, and Lijie Barrow's pupils shrank sharply.

Kyōraku Shunsui suddenly came behind him again at some point, just like when he first came from a distance!


The sound of a knife whizzed past his ears, and Lijie Barrow leaned over suddenly, barely dodging the sudden knife.

"As long as you look away from me for a moment, as long as a corner of my shadow comes into view, everything in your eyes will be my 'figure'."

Kyōraku Shunsui calmly recounted, "You must have fantasized about it before, right? When you were a child, being shrouded in 'human figures' that were everywhere all the time, what a terrifying memory it was?"

Then, as if trying to remind Li Jie Barrow of the shadow of his childhood, countless shadows of Kyōraku Shunsui suddenly appeared around him.

They swung their swords at Lijie Barro almost at the same time, leaving him unable to escape.

That's right, in order to avoid the knife that cut off the sniper rifle just now, Ritsu Barro looked away from Kyōraku Shunsui.

Jingraku Chunshui was like a dazzling light source in his eyes. Once it was removed, the remaining light in his sight would follow the movement of his sight and spread everywhere!

One of Kyōraku Shunsui's abilities, 'Afterimage', utilizes this principle to the extreme. Because Ritje Barro's 'spiritual sense' is too powerful, it may appear to others to be just an afterimage, but to him, But there are countless entities.

This led to the scene at this moment.

Rije Barro could no longer distinguish between these illusions and Kyōraku Shunsui itself, as if he was fighting countless Kyōraku Shunsui at the same time.

Two fists were unable to defeat four hands, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

But soon, he opened his eye with a pattern like a sight.

His eye would only open rarely.

Maybe it's because you only need to use your other eye when aiming with the sniper rifle's magnifying glass, so you don't think this is strange.

However, in fact, this eye is always closed because when it is opened, it will activate powerful abilities.


Jingraku Shunsui's long knife penetrated Rijie Barro's body without any resistance at this moment, but the sound made by the blade seemed to only pierce the air, not the flesh.

"This is...the third time."

Lijie Barro stood there calmly, turned around and looked at Jingraku Shunsui.

Yes, this is Kyoryu Shunsui's third attack that is ineffective.

"I can only use the essence of 'penetration of all things' when both eyes are open. At this time, my shot will penetrate your body, and my body will penetrate your knife."

"I see."

Hearing this, Jingraku Shunsui smiled and sheathed the knife and retreated, "In other words, when you open your eyes, your body can penetrate anything, right?"

"That's right."

Lijie Barrow answered calmly, "At this moment, there is no weapon in the world that can kill me."

As he spoke, he closed that eye again.

I... am only allowed to open this eye briefly when I'm in crisis during battle, because if my eyes were kept open, it would be too unfair to the sinners. "

"Ah? Really?"

Kyōraku Shunsui was speechless when he heard this, "What a waste of such perverted abilities~ Even though that's what he said, it's actually because your abilities are limited that you can't always open your eyes to fight, right? For example, the burden is too much Is it too heavy to bear?"

"There are indeed restrictions, but you are mistaken. This restriction is not to protect myself because the burden is too heavy, but to protect you sinners."

Saying this, Lijie Barrow opened that eye for the fourth time.

This time, the eye had no pupils, only a pale glow.

There is nothing that can describe the eyes he opened at this moment. If anything, it must be——

‘God’s Eyes’.

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