Everything that I experienced just now was actually 'created' by this man?

Thinking of this, Yhwach was extremely frightened.

This is simply scarier than letting him go back to the past.

He knew very clearly that what he had just experienced was not an illusion, nor was it someone forcing a non-existent memory into his memory.

This is not as simple as 'creating' a memory. Everything this man creates is 'real', and... it is 'reality' that is above the world, and 'reality' that is above his 'time' '!

In other words, his life and death, and the existence of his will, all depend on the thought of the man in front of him.

This is the difference between him and the man in front of him.

We are both transcendent, but there is such a huge gap. It is really frustrating...

"So...are you here to fight me?"

Seeing the two people who had no intention of fighting at all, Xuan Hao stood up from the throne with a chuckle and asked teasingly.

"no point."

Yhwach shook his head slightly when he heard this.

Then Xuanhao looked at Aizen.

Aizen was stunned for a moment, then shook his head along with Yhwach.

Nonsense, he can't even defeat Yhwach now, let alone the man in front of him who makes even Yhwach despair. What he likes is the feeling of standing on a high place and being looked up to by others, not the feeling of being stepped on and ravaged by others.

"Very well, let's talk about what I asked you to come here to do."

Seeing that both of them had no objections, Xuan Hao nodded with satisfaction.

So he turned around and waved, and a door appeared in front of him.

"Come with me."

Hearing this, Yhwach, Aizen and Zaihou followed obediently.

After crossing the gate, Yhwach was slightly stunned.

Just now, he was clearly still in the world created by the man in front of him, but after a door separated him, he returned to the 'real world' of the world he was familiar with. It was obvious that the man in front of him had almost perfect control over this world.

No wonder he felt that the road to the living world had been blocked when he woke up in Soul Society. It seemed that this man had been paying attention to his every move.

What's ridiculous is that he always thought that he had transcended the world after becoming a transcendent, but he didn't expect that he was still a pawn on the chessboard at the mercy of others.

One step, two steps...

Following Xuan Hao's footsteps, several people were surprised to find that the surrounding scenery was constantly changing.

This man actually carried them across the space restrictions as if nothing had happened.

In three steps, the environment around them had completely changed. When they came back to their senses, they were surrounded by a group of stunned people.



Kurosaki Ichigo and others looked at the sudden appearance of Yhwach and Aizen in front of them with bewilderment.

But after seeing Xuan Hao, he quickly reacted.

"Brother...why did you bring them here?"

Inoue Orihime asked doubtfully.

"Huh?" Hao Inoue, who was sitting on the sofa next to him, looked confused and seemed confused before he could react.

"It's none of your business, she's calling me." Xuan Hao patted Inoue Hao's shoulder comfortingly.

Only then did Inoue Hao realize that this man had been sitting next to him at some point.

"You're welcome, you guys should sit down too."

Xuanhao smiled and looked at Yhwach and Aizen, who were still standing blankly in the middle of the living room like monkeys, being watched by everyone, and said with a smile.

"Uh... ok."

The two looked at each other and sat down a little awkwardly.

Who would have thought that one day they would sit under the same roof happily with a group of people who had fought to death.

Everyone was ashamed: "The world is really becoming more and more magical."

This is the thought in everyone's mind except Xuan Hao.

It was hard to imagine that the originally arrogant Yhwach and Aizen could be sitting side by side on the sofa like good babies like today.

And when Yhwach and Aizen looked at Ichiyu Kurosaki who jumped up to Xuanhao, swaying his little legs and looking at them with a smile, they felt even worse.

This is sarcasm, naked sarcasm!

Unexpectedly, after all the fighting, the final beneficiary turned out to be the Spirit King.

After sighing helplessly, the two completely lost their fighting spirit.

Soon, knowing that Xuanhao had something to say, everyone except Kurosaki Ichigo left the living room for the time being. At this moment, only Kurosaki Ichigo, Aizen and Yhwach were left on the sofa in the living room. Man, facing Xuan Hao.

"Okay, we finally have everyone together."

Xuan Hao looked at the three people in front of him with some emotion, "The last time you three got together like this was ten years ago, right?"


The three of them were silent and did not answer.

Yes, they were fighting together ten years ago. Who would have thought that they could be so harmonious today?

In a sense, the man in front of me is really an ambassador of peace.

"Do you know? You three are all chosen by me." Xuan Hao asked.

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded slightly: "Do you know the so-called 'King's Choice'?"

Youhabach also nodded: "I have some guesses."

"..." Aizen just remained silent, but also did not deny it.

"But you seem to have misunderstood. The ultimate goal of me selecting the three of you is not to let you fight to the death. The final winner can be the 'king'." Xuan Hao said with some regret.

"What's the meaning?"

Yhwach frowned slightly, a little confused.

The other two were equally confused.

Is it possible that three ‘kings’ can exist in the same world at the same time?

If that's the case, what's the point of their fight?

"Don't look at me like that."

Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo's complaining eyes, Xuanhao chuckled and said, "Even without me, you will still fight each other. Fighting is not a bad thing. You have grown a lot from it, haven't you?"


The three of them nodded in silence.

"Now, let's talk about my purpose."

Xuanhao stood up as he spoke.


The penises of the three people shrank almost at the same time.

Because the moment the man in front of them stood up, they felt as if the whole world was slowly shrinking in front of their eyes, the scenery was gathering towards them, and darkness enveloped them.

In just the blink of an eye, they were already in the endless universe, and the world they were originally in finally turned into a model-like sphere suspended in the middle of them.

Then, they saw Xuan Hao raise his hand.

His eyes followed the man's raised hand.

In the universe above, there is another world that is the same as the world in front of you. The only difference is that this world seems to be translucent.

"Is this... the world we originally lived in, and... the world you created?"

Yhwach asked with emotion.

The method displayed by the man in front of him at this moment was almost like a miracle from the Creator, which was simply unbelievable.

From the moment he was brought into the universe, he even felt that his soul had been sublimated, completely transcending the world.

Yes, Aizen and Kurosaki Ichigo on the side also felt the same way.

"It's amazing..."

Aizen seemed to be a little intoxicated by the feeling at this moment, and he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to grasp the world in front of him.

At this moment, it seemed that as long as he stretched out his hand, the whole world was in his possession.

"Don't worry."

Xuanhao's voice sounded calmly, but it was like an absolute order, making Aizen unable to move immediately.

No, it wasn't that he couldn't move. He felt like he could take his hand back, but he just couldn't move forward.

There was no doubt that he couldn't resist the man in front of him.

"Now is the main event."

Xuan Hao chuckled and stretched out his hands, holding the two worlds in his palms.

"I told you, it will reconstruct the whole world."

"Um...we always thought you would destroy the world and then rebuild it." Kurosaki Ichigo felt ashamed after hearing this.

"To be precise, the world will indeed be destroyed once during the reconstruction."

Xuan Hao did not refute this statement.

As he spoke, he put his hands together, and the two worlds slowly approached.

"Integration itself is decomposition and then reorganization, and the process of decomposition is destruction, and the process of reorganization is rebirth. This is, in a simple sense, destroying the world and then recreating it."

In the shocked eyes of the three people, they saw the two worlds approaching slowly in Xuan Hao's hands constantly disintegrating like particles, and then being re-created at the same time.

After a moment, a brand new world emerged between Xuan Hao's slightly closed hands.

"This is the new world I want."

Exhaling slowly, Xuanhao showed his masterpiece to the three people in front of him with satisfaction.

"Is there any difference from...before?"

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't seem to notice much difference.

It was still the earth he often saw in geography class.

"No reiatsu."

Aizen could tell the difference just by looking at it. He was the one who had the most say when it came to spiritual pressure.

"Yes, in this world, there is no Death, no Quincy, and no Hollow. There are only humans." Yhwach calmly looked at the world in front of him.

When he was in the unfinished 'New World', he had a vague idea of ​​what kind of world the man in front of him wanted to create.

That's a...

The ‘normal’ world.

That's right, from the perspective of the man in front of him, the world may have been twisted.

As a result, this man created a new set of operating rules and turned the world into what it is now.

In this world, there are no longer superfluous existences such as Death, Quincy and Hollow. The soul is eternal here. People rotate between life and death, ordinary and normal reincarnation in the world. Good people go to heaven and evil people enter. Land, that's all.

"I see... you divided this new world into three parts, so you need three 'kings' to manage it, right?"

Yhwach seemed to understand the thoughts of the person in front of him.


Xuan Hao nodded slightly, "I don't want too many people to interfere in the management of the world like in Soul Society, so I chose you."

"Because the three of us... can't escape your control, right?" Aizen smiled contemptuously.

"It's okay if you think so."

Xuan Hao smiled nonchalantly, "But I think I am quite competent as a 'boss', at least I won't exploit employees."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and a ray of light appeared on his fingertips, then flashed past and disappeared into the world.

"!This is--"

When Yuhabach and the three of them saw this stream of light, they all shrank slightly.

Aizen and Kurosaki Ichigo didn't quite understand what it was, but they just felt the power that attracted them inexplicably from it.

And Yhwach's eyes were extremely hot at this moment: "Is this the realization of the power of law?"


Xuan Hao nodded with a smile, "This is a benefit for you. While you are ruling the world, you can have a good understanding of it when you have nothing to do. If one day you can understand the true meaning, you may be able to truly transcend this world."

"I see……"

Yhwach smiled miserably.

Are you truly transcending this world?

He looked at the universe around him and suddenly realized.

I just saw a corner of 'time'. Although I thought I was a transcendent, I still couldn't completely get rid of the shackles of the world like the man in front of me.

That's right, if it weren't for the man in front of them at this moment, it would be impossible for them to stand here and survive or even communicate.

"But you leave this thing to us, what if we make trouble again after becoming stronger, or run away?"

Aizen asked tentatively with a smile.

"If you're causing trouble, maybe you can give it a try then?"

Xuan Hao didn't pay much attention and just asked teasingly with a smile.

How could he do things without leaving any behind?

That's right, he has signed another contract with his dear nephew, the Spirit King.

The three people in front of them are just the managers of the world at best, and the Spirit King is the world itself, and after being strengthened by him, he is a complete body that will not be backlashed by his own power like before.

"As for you wanting to resign and run away, I won't stop you."

Xuan Hao shrugged slightly and said with a smile, "If you can understand that, then it should be easy to choose a successor to inherit your 'king' position. I said, I am a conscientious boss."


Aizen smiled undeniably.

If he could believe what the man in front of him said, he would be a ghost.

This is a terrifying guy who can easily crush them to death with a smile.

Let him give it a try? You'll die if you try, right?

It should be Boss Liangxin, right...

"Okay, this is roughly the situation. If you accept it, you can now choose the world you want to rule."

Xuan Hao smiled softly and said to the three of them in an undeniable tone.

Then, three doors appeared in front of the three people.

"Heaven, Hell, and Earth."

"Do you still have to choose? I must be in the human world."

Kurosaki Ichigo had no reason to refuse, so he naturally made a decision quickly.

The other two people did not fight with him, so he successfully entered the door where he could see his companions.

"It seems... I seem to be able to realize my long-cherished wish in heaven?"

Aizen smiled at himself and asked the two of them before walking to the gate leading to heaven.

Seeing that the two of them had no objections, they also stepped into the door.

Finally, only Yhwach and Xuanhao were left in the silent universe.

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