"If you don't choose, now only the underworld is left."

Looking at Yhwach, who had been motionless in front of him, Xuan Hao smiled and teased, "But I think this is quite suitable for you to take charge of. After all, it is very similar to the Empire of Shadows you once had. Do you have any objections?"

"It doesn't matter."

Yhwach shook his head slightly.

He has no requirements for which world he controls.

What he once wanted to create was an eternal empire without disputes. Integrating the three realms into one, eliminating the reincarnation of souls and the concepts of life and death, so that people no longer fear death and no longer have the pain of separation.

However, such a wish cannot be realized now.

In the world at this moment, there is no room for him to interfere. The new rules are all customized by this terrifying man in front of him.

But there seems to be nothing wrong with this world right now.

This man deprived people of their excess power and made everything 'ordinary'. In this way, chaos and disputes would naturally be much less than before, and it could be considered a 'beautiful' world.

Now that the matter has come to this, everything seems to be unimportant to Youhabach at this moment.

Now he just wants to understand what Xuan Hao left behind, and understanding these things is the same everywhere.

"Then you're still here. Do you have anything you want to ask me?"

As if he had seen through Yhwach's thoughts, Xuanhao asked with a chuckle.

"I want to ask...are you ready to leave after all this?"

Youhabach looked at Xuanhao and asked calmly.

Although he had just realized part of the power of the law of 'time', he clearly felt that as a transcendent, he could probably transcend this world and go to other worlds by his own will.

But what will happen after leaving where he is, Yhwach has no way of knowing.

The man in front of him, as a Transcendent who is countless times more powerful than himself, must have much more experience in crossing the world than himself. This is what he is most curious about now.

"What? Do you also want to travel to other worlds?"

Xuan Hao laughed when he heard this, then shook his head slightly, "It's a good idea, but I advise you to stay in this world honestly until you understand the insights I left behind."

"Why?" Yhwach frowned slightly and asked in confusion.

"Crossing the world is not as easy as you think, and there are many risks involved."

Xuan Haodan explained calmly, "The risk I'm talking about is not only the risk of being involved in the turbulence of time and space and being torn apart by the power of chaos on the way across the world. For example, even I can't decide whether I will go Where to go, if we go to a weak world, that’s fine, but what if it’s a high-level plane?”

"You will suddenly become an ant, right?" Yhwach seemed to understand.


Xuan Hao nodded slightly, "What you understand as 'transcender' is actually only for the 'current world'. Our power is enough to transcend this world, so we can be called this if we can transcend the world here. As a transcendent. And if the world we arrive is stronger than ours, this situation will naturally not exist. Overcoming and being overtaken are two completely different experiences."

"Does it mean that if the world itself is strong enough, it will also suppress us?"

Yhwach seemed to understand.

"Of course! I should say this is inevitable, right?"

Xuan Hao shrugged helplessly, "So, since you can't even beat me, you should stay and work for me honestly for the time being, right?"


Youhabach smiled softly, "Okay. But...sooner or later, I will meet you again in a certain world. I hope you won't be too weak by then."

"Ha, having confidence is a good thing. But..."

Xuan Hao grinned when he heard this, and then disappeared from Yhwach's sight.


The next moment, Yhwach felt his body involuntarily falling towards the gate of the underworld in front of him.

He was kicked.

"Before that, you should go to work honestly."

After kicking Yhwach into the door, Xuanhao smiled helplessly.

The last door slowly closed in front of him.

Looking at the tiny world suspended in front of him and the boundless universe, Xuan Hao couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"Okay, it's time to leave."

As if responding to him, two twining light points flew from the world into the center of his eyebrows and entered the sea of ​​his soul.

This is the soul fragment belonging to his sister Xuanya that returned from Nilu and Inoue Orihime.

At this moment, the two girls in the world suddenly raised their heads.

They knew that Xuanhao was ready to leave.

No need to say goodbye because one day they will meet again.

Although there is no basis for it, for some reason, they all feel this way.

In the chaos, Xuan Hao closed his eyes and took steps based on the guidance of his soul.



Crisp footsteps sounded in the silent corridor.

Two figures walked slowly towards the end of the corridor.


Strong light and noisy noise drowned them the moment they stepped out of the corridor.

In front of him was the grand and huge council hall, with countless shadows sitting around in their seats, constantly arguing.

What appeared before the two of them... was a grand meeting that decided the fate of mankind.

Human history, which has lasted for seven million years, will come to an end at this moment.

The reason is not a nuclear war, an asteroid collision, or an even more ridiculous invasion by alien life forms.

Humanity is now about to meet its end in accordance with the will of its creator, 'God'.

"Sister...it's finally here..."

Among the two figures, one of the more delicate ones spoke nervously to the goddess with a cold expression on the side, as if her expression would not change at all even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of her.

Yes, she is a goddess.

They are all goddesses.

They are the legendary 'Valkyrie', the youngest sister Gray among the legendary Thirteen Valkyries, and the eldest sister, Brünnhilde.

The place they came to now was the meeting room of the gods—the Valhalla Council Chamber.

Among the countless figures in the conference hall in front of me, no one is a mortal. They are all gods from all over the world and from various mythological systems.

"Hey Hugh~"

Accompanied by an old groan.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The eyes of the gods were all focused on the center of the conference hall at this moment.

There, there is a throne surrounded by the sleeping dragon of the west.

And the old man sitting on the throne made the gods tremble with every move he made.

Not for other reasons, just because of his strength.

That's right, he is the speaker of the Valhalla Council, the being who is regarded as the king of gods by the Greek gods - the king of the gods, Zeus!

"Oh ho ho~ So good, so good, so cute~"

I saw the old figure on the throne gently stroking the dragon's head and slowly stood up.

All the gods couldn't help but swallow their saliva, watching the seemingly scrawny old man slowly pick up the mallet in front of him.

That is the hammer of judgment that determines the fate of the world.

"So... everyone."

Zeus squeezed out a smile on his grooved face, and his empty eyes were as deep as black holes. No one could see clearly what he was thinking through his eyes.

"It's been a hundred years since the last time, let's start that 'meeting'. Once in a hundred years, the gods from all over the world gather together for the meeting on the survival of mankind!


As Zeus's cold voice spread, the temperature of the entire venue dropped by several degrees. The invisible air flow spread towards the faces of the gods, making all the gods present feel the deep chill from their souls.

"Well...this is...the gods from all over the world gathered together...is this Zeus?"

Gray naturally felt the chill that spread throughout the entire venue, and couldn't help but huddle behind her sister Brünnhilde, shivering.

"Sister Hilde..."


When her name was called, Brünnhilde just remained silent and did not make any answer.

She still had the same firm eyes as before, calmly looking down at the gods below.

As Zeus's words fell.

This ultimate meeting that determines the survival of mankind has finally officially begun.


I saw two signs floating on both sides of Zeus's old body, one with a circle and the other with a cross. He slowly asked the gods present, "As for the survival of human beings in the next hundred years, it is 'permitted' , or 'given to the end'? Come on, show the will of the gods!"


A lazy voice came.

Looking around, I saw two arms swinging back and forth in unison holding a sign representing destruction on the judgment seat.

This man actually has four arms.

He held up the sign with two of his arms to cast his vote, while the other two scratched their bodies as if out of boredom, leaning on the pillow and turning over lazily, "There is no need to discuss it at all. ~Creatures like humans should have been destroyed long ago, right?”

After hearing this, the gods looked at him.

To all gods, it seems natural that he would say such a thing.

Because it itself represents destruction.

This is Shiva, the god of destruction and creation from India.

"Looking at the past hundred years, I feel that these stupid humans have no intention of introspection at all." Shiva said matter-of-factly. It would be too troublesome to guide them back to the right path... It would be better to destroy them first. Then let other animals evolve and rule the world next time, right? "

"It's too... too chaotic..."

Gray, who was high up, felt ashamed after hearing these words, and clutched the hem of her sister's skirt tightly, feeling frightened.

"Sister Hilde, are all living beings as scary as this?"

There are few such opportunities to see the gods, so Gray actually doesn't know much about the gods of other pantheons.

It should be said that even in her own pantheon, she doesn't quite understand the thoughts of the gods. After all, when it comes to the Valkyries, although they are also 'gods', they are actually just 'demigods' upgraded from humans. In terms of status, the Valkyrie is actually not high in front of these gods.

They don't think well about God's thoughts, and they generally don't dare to interfere with God's will.

"Indeed...as Lord Shiva said."

Gray couldn't understand Shiva's mind, but the gods seemed to.

After all, unlike the Valkyries who were once humans, they have no feelings for humans.

Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, echoed expressionlessly: "In the past hundred years, the world has only continued to become uglier under human rule. The sea is filled with garbage and oil, and the disappearance of forests has led to the extinction of species... Really? To put it bluntly, humans are the biggest cancer for all living things on earth. No, it should be said that... it would be more accurate to say...a world-destroying disaster, right?"

"It's exactly what Master Meishen said!"

"That's right! Those guys are cancer!"

"There is no need to save humanity anymore!"

"What you said is absolutely true! Let's finally do it!"





The will of the gods in the conference hall gradually reached consensus.

This frightened Gray from above.

She watched as each god held up the sign in his hand, voting for destruction to mankind.

This means that all human beings on earth will come to an end, and millions of years of human history will cease to exist.

"Finally...finally!? What should I do?"

Gray felt panic in her heart.

Just as Sister Hilde said before coming, the will of the gods tends to destroy mankind! God's will is irrefutable. If all gods agree on destruction, then mankind will usher in irresistible destruction!

what to do? what to do! ?

The situation seems to have developed to a point where no one can stop it!

"It seems...that we have reached a conclusion?"

"Then... let's decide to give humans... 'finality', right?"

I saw Zeus slowly raising the hammer of judgment in his hand and slowly smashing it down.

The terrifying power seems to be condensed on this seemingly powerless hammer. There is no need for any objection. If this hammer falls, then the human beings on the earth will face the judgment of God at the same time.


However, at this moment, a roar came from the dome above.


Zeus's old face seemed to have some doubts, and the movements in his hands stopped.


A heavy landing sounded in front of him.

Zeus raised his head in confusion and found that the ground in front of him had cracked open, and a figure that even as a god he had never expected appeared in front of him.

No, not just Zeus, but all the gods present, including Brunhild who was well prepared, had never imagined such a development.


A human being will appear in the council house of God?

Yes, the one who broke through the dome of the Valhalla Assembly Hall was an insignificant human being who should not have appeared in this divine realm at all.

"Excuse me...can someone tell me where this is?"

The man looked around with some confusion and said to himself with an awkward smile on his face.

"Oops... It seems... I am involved in something serious? So... should I say... I'm sorry now?"


! "

The meeting hall suddenly became noisy again.

At this moment, God's wrath poured out unabashedly on the sudden appearance of human beings.

The gods were planning to grant mankind an end, but this critical moment was interrupted by a mere human, so they were naturally angry.

This is man’s provocation against God!

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