Yes, that's exactly why Sol had a headache.

Just as Zeus said, in order not to accidentally crush Mjolnir with too much force while it was sleeping, he had been using Yaenglipel to suppress his own power.

It's not that he doesn't want to fight Lu Bu with all his strength, but that Mjolnir hasn't woken up yet, so he has to limit his power!

"Looking back now, how long has it been since the last time you woke up?"

As if recalling, Sol grinned and looked at Lu Bu not far away.

He remembered that the last time Mjolnir woke up was when the giants were attacking.

But at that time, he faced the attack of the entire giant clan's main force...

In other words, does the human man in front of me actually have such terrifying strength?

A strength that even Mjolnir recognized!

This is really—it makes God so excited!


I saw Thor slowly raising the heavy hammer in his hand.

But this time was completely different from before, Mjolnir was far less calm than before.

Under his terrifying grip, Mjolnir's entire hammer body, which was beating like a heart, trembled slightly, as if it was bearing extremely terrifying power, and even more violent thunder sounded like a scream at this moment.

Slowly lifting such a heavy hammer over his shoulder, Thor stared at Lu Bu in front of him and grinned, "No... are you calling Lu Bu? I only have... one request."

"Oh? Tell me about it?"

Lu Bu also smiled.

Feeling the thunderous power emerging from the guy in front of him at this moment, he seemed to recall the scene when he saw thunder splitting a giant tree when he was a child.

That's it...this is the guy in the sky!

After thinking about it, the expression on Lu Bu's face began to look expectant.

He was looking forward to Thor's next speech, next action, next - whether he could have a happy battle with him!

No, it was more than that. He was even more looking forward to what would happen after defeating the guy in front of him.

Because if this was the enemy from the sky that he had imagined when he was a child, what kind of existence was that man?

Even in the current superficial encounter, Lu Bu could easily tell that the so-called 'god in the sky' in front of him was far inferior to the man who had appeared in his life.

Is it an existence beyond 'heaven'?

It turns out... this world is so vast! ?

"Don't die." Sol smiled and begged.

"It's really... exciting~" Lu Bu also smiled and responded with a pun.

The next moment, under the surprised eyes of all the spectators present, Thor swung the heavy hammer, and then threw it in the direction of Lu Bu.

Yes, throw it out.

This is Thor's hammer wielded with all his strength, a move that even the gods have only seen in legends.

According to "Slorienda", Thor threw Mjolnir to destroy the frost giant's head. Due to Mjolnir's magical nature, this throw always seemed to always be successful!


However, just like this, accompanied by the whistling sound of breaking through the air, Lu Bu easily dodged the heavy hammer that should have been fired without fail.


Lu Bu smiled silently. At this moment, he was in a very happy mood.

Because Kankan wiped the whizzing hammer from his face, the high temperature left burning marks on his face.

This pain, which he had not felt for a thousand years, finally made him feel that he was fighting a powerful enemy!


The next moment, Lu Bu's figure also turned into a roaring storm and disappeared.

Taking advantage of the gap when Thor threw Mjolnir, he showed no mercy and charged in front of the opponent without hesitation, the Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand whizzing towards him.

While attacking, Lu Bu had a provocative smile on his face, as if he was questioning Sol in front of him: "You won't... It's over like this, right?"

Facing the oncoming halberd, Thor also smiled and did not dodge or dodge.

Of course he won't end like this!


Just when the halberd in Lu Bu's hand was about to reach Thor, a harsh sound of wind came from behind.

The shadow immediately enveloped Lu Bu at the speed of lightning.


Almost as soon as he instinctively felt the threat, Lu Bu turned from offense to defense without hesitation.


The deafening sound of metal collision resounded throughout the arena.

The gods and humans looked at Lu Bu in amazement, holding a halberd in both hands and spinning like a top in the air.


Finally, after circling for several weeks, Lu Bu landed smoothly on the ground, unscathed.

And the returning Mjolnir has returned to Thor's hands.

Just now, Mjolnir thrown by Thor spun around at a thunderous speed, so fast that even Lu Bu had no time to react and completely dodge it. Only if he could remove most of the power by rotating his body, would he be able to defeat it? Resistible.

However, Sol's attack was not over yet.

After Mjolnir returned to Thor's hands, the terrifying force that accelerated to the limit in the air seemed to be difficult for even Thor himself to control, driving his body to tilt backward.

But in fact, Thor does not need to control this power, he only needs to transform it into his own offensive power!


The moment Thor's arm tightened under Mjolnir's terrifying centrifugal force, muscles covered with veins suddenly appeared on his arm.

Thor used terrifying power to forcibly change the trajectory of the heavy hammer, using himself as the point to pull the heavy hammer to draw a perfect arc in mid-air, and the end point of the arc was Lu Bu's head!

The gods looked at the shocking blow that was about to fall, and stood up one after another with solemn expressions.

At this moment, no one looked down upon the human being who forced Thor to use this trick. seems too insulting to call him a human. There is no doubt that this is a strong man who is truly qualified to stand in front of them!

Because this move has not been used again for thousands of years. The last time Thor used this move, it seemed that he was fighting against the existence that could swallow the world at that time, the giant snake surrounding the 'Atrium', Jörmungandr. Used it once.

And Thor is still alive at this moment, so the result of that hammer is naturally self-evident.

"Awakening Thunder Hammer."

A god called out the name of this blow.

This is Thor's strongest blow, holding the awakened Mjolnir in his hand, using all his strength! This is the highest praise for the human being in front of you!


Accompanied by a violent roar, the violent thunder hammer fell, and the smoke and dust raised enveloped the entire arena.

The gods couldn't help but feel a little regretful, a little regretful, and their blood was boiling.

It is a pity that this human being will die under Thor's blow. Nothing can withstand the full blow of the strongest god in Northern Europe.

What I regret is, why is it not me who is standing in this arena? Originally, in the eyes of the gods, this was just a game, and the only ones who could be called enemies were probably the humans who appeared in the Valhalla meeting hall that day.

But who knew that in just the first battle, the humans who fought casually would become so powerful!

As a god in heaven, the days are not boring.

In the endless years, they rarely have a chance to take action.

Therefore, it is rare to encounter such an opponent, how can you not feel excited! ?

At this moment, the warlike gods had no choice but to immediately pull Thor off the stage and come up themselves.

It's a pity that this human being has...


Uh huh huh? ?

After the smoke dissipated, what appeared was a scene that shocked and surprised the gods.

They can't even believe their eyes!

That human...a human named Lu Bu! Still standing!

At this moment, Lu Bu's whole body was sunk deep into the sunken ground. The violent roar that covered up the sound of metal fighting was probably caused by the sunken ground.

But no matter how damaged the ground beneath his feet was, Lu Bu was still standing.

He raised his hands above his head, and with the Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, he blocked the full blow of the strongest god in Northern Europe, Thor! !


"That was the move that ruined Jörmungandr..."

When the gods looked at the scene in front of them, their original surprise deepened and turned into horror.

The difference between surprise and horror is that there is a hint of fear in the horror.

That's right, at this moment, the proud gods actually felt a trace of fear towards a human being!

However, this fear disappeared almost in the next second.

Because the gods noticed Lu Bu's state at this moment.

Although on the surface, the next powerful blow seemed unscathed.

But if you look closely, you will find that Lu Bu's legs supporting the attack have been completely misaligned at a ferocious angle.

Lu Bu could still stand at this moment simply because this moment that surprised the gods felt too long, so long that the delicate balance seemed to take countless years to be broken.

But when the gods breathed a sigh of relief, it naturally didn't seem so long.


Sure enough, Lu Bu's figure fell downwards without a doubt.

Fortunately, he used the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand as a support in time, and he could barely maintain a half-kneeling posture without falling completely.



In the stands, Zeus was stroking his beard, smiling and sighing towards Hermes behind him.

"The all-out duel is really awesome... The one who took Thor head-on... is still alive... Could it be that the humans we are planning to destroy are so tenacious? I really saw something interesting... "

"It's a pity that even if he's not dead, it's only now."

Hermes responded respectfully, "With that broken body, the next blow will end there. Human beings... have their limits after all."

Indeed, what Hermes said was exactly what everyone and the gods were thinking at this moment.

In the eyes of the gods, it is unimaginable to defeat the gods with a human body. Being able to do so is worthy of praise.

From the perspective of humans, this scene is the despair of falling again after seeing hope. Even Lu Bu was defeated, is it really impossible for humans to defeat gods? Is it really too early for humans to challenge the gods?

But there was only one person, no... a demigod to be precise, who still had a smile on his face.

Brünnhilde smiled, full of excitement, and smiled wildly.

The humans who noticed her smile thought she was crazy, or they even mistook her for thinking that this crazy woman was trying to trick them humans by creating this so-called 'Twilight of the Gods'.

The gods who noticed her smile also thought she was crazy, but their doubts were laced with a little confusion and inexplicable fear.

"Fools... bear witness."

The majestic voice in her memory echoed in Brünnhilde's mind, making her unable to help but retell it.

Yes, this was what Xuan Hao said to her in the Hall of Heroes.

Let her witness this moment.

Because this moment before us will be the moment when human beings truly surpass God! ! !

As the man said, gods are far stronger than humans in every aspect. This is an indisputable fact.

However, human beings...are there really nothing that can be stronger than gods?

The answer exists.

That is what no matter what kind of existence they all have in common - a will that is infinitely close to eternity!

Yes, only with this kind of thing can humans and gods stand on the same starting line. Angry will, evil will, good will... No matter what kind of will it is, it will not change at all because it is a human or a god.

Some people say that the wrath of God is stronger than humans?


What gives people such an illusion is simply that God has greater power when he is angry, so the things he can do are even more terrifying.

But then again.

Even if human will can really be stronger than gods, so what?

How can we turn this advantage into reality and even allow humans to defeat gods?

This is still a difficult problem that confuses, confuses all living beings, including gods.

Yes, everyone understands the truth, but who can reverse this situation?

All Brünnhilde knew was that the man said he could do it.

And she chose to believe and witness.

Witness the moment before your eyes!

A lotus supports life. That is to offer everything of the Valkyrie, bind the human soul, and use stronger power to assist weaker power. It is indeed a way to bridge the gap, but as Xuan Hao said, the power of the Valkyrie is not enough to completely bridge the gap from humans to gods.

So he pushed a little bit behind.

"Since you have decided to risk your life, why not do it more thoroughly?"

This was like a devilish speech, which even made Brünnhilde feel ashamed.

"If we can defeat the gods with just one lotus, then both humans and Valkyries will survive in the end. This would be a happy event for everyone. But... what if we can't do it?"

Faced with such a problem, Brünnhilde was speechless.

And the man gave the answer.

"If you can't do it, just try your best."

The answer is as simple as that.

The essence of "Yilian Tuosheng" is to allow humans to live and die together with the Valkyrie to gain strength.

Living and dying together, there is still a glimmer of hope, and there is no way out.

If you want to defeat the gods with a human body, is it enough to just have this kind of consciousness! ?

If it's not enough, then cut off the retreat! ! !

Betting on human will, turning immortality into strength, in exchange for the power that is enough to surpass the gods in an instant.

This is the slim chance of victory that the man gives to those who challenge the gods, and its name is - birth and death in an instant.

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