Chapter 950 Enjoy this joy alone

In the arena.

Thor held Mjolnir high and looked down at Lu Bu in front of him, as if preparing to give him the final blow.

However, no one noticed the look in Lu Bu's eyes at this moment.

That was an unusually firm look in his eyes that made Sol confused.

As a god, Thor didn't understand the meaning of this look, but he could feel an emotion coming from it.

It was the emotion he was most familiar with, because he had also suppressed it for thousands of years.


That's right.

It would be really unpleasant if it ended like this!

How can one be willing to defeat his opponent (failure) before he has even had a satisfying fight due to the so-called different races and surprising physical differences?

"Stand up, Lu Bu, otherwise... you will die if I hit you." Thor's eyes were filled with expectation, and Mjolnir fell from his hand.

Because the look in the man's eyes told him that it wasn't over yet!

"Stop being so arrogant, kid. I'll get up right now... and have a good fight with you!!"

Lu Bu grinned.


He ignored the pain and used the broken bones of his legs to support his body and stood up.


so what?

Faced with such an opponent who allowed him to fight happily, Lu Bu only had fighting spirit left in his heart. This fighting spirit could not be restrained even by his physical body!

Yes, this is his will.

The will to fight until death!



In the surprised eyes of the people and gods, the weapons in the hands of the two men were handed over again, and the exciting sound of iron weapons clashing sounded like the sounds of nature.


Chen Gong, who was already desperate, burst into tears watching this scene and was very excited.


He punched himself mercilessly and cursed his stupidity: "Yes! Who the hell wants to give up! Our leader is the invincible flying general in the world! Lu Bu among men!"

"Hey, hey, hey... isn't this right? This human being... really stood up? His legs aren't... holy shit!"

Shiva looked at this scene, with four arms supporting the armrests of the stand, with a surprised expression on his face.

Obviously, he couldn't understand why Lu Bu could still stand up, because under Thor's 'Awakening Thunder Hammer', this human's legs should have been completely destroyed.

But when he looked at Lu Bu's legs again, he was stunned.

Those legs...recovered?

"How can it be?"

Not only Shiva, but also all the gods had incomprehensible looks in their eyes.

Indeed, this is impossible.

This is Valhalla, the heavenly realm.

Including them, all living beings are based on souls and exist here after being embodied.

The destruction of such a embodied body is equivalent to damage to the soul.

Yes, Thor's 'Awakening Thunder Hammer' just now undoubtedly shattered Lu Bu's soul!

Even with God's technology, it is not possible to repair the soul overnight. How can a mere human be able to recover in an instant? ?

It's just's just like...

The main gods all thought of the same concept - immortality.

From the perspective of humans, God is eternal.

But unfortunately, this is only because humans do not understand God.

As the Lord Gods, they are very aware of the concept of 'eternal immortality'.

No, to be precise, 'eternity' and 'immortality' are two different concepts.

Given the gift of the world, as gods they do have 'eternal' time, but it does not mean 'immortality'.

This is not an area that these ‘gods’ can achieve. Even this ‘world’ does not dare to claim that it is immortal.

But now, they saw such a concept in a mere human being.

How can we not frighten them! ?

"Wait...this...could it be..."

No one noticed that Sakyamuni among the gods looked at Lu Bu's legs that had returned to their original state, with a glint in his eyes.

The Buddha said: The birth and death of a moment means that there are birth, abiding, change and death in a moment.

Ninety moments are one thought, and one moment in one thought lasts nine hundred births and deaths.

Everything is possible in an instant!

If Xuan Hao had known about Sakyamuni's sudden enlightenment at this moment, he might have praised him as worthy of being called the 'Enlightened One'.

With a will that is close to eternity, we find the only possibility among these 'nine hundred' births and deaths. This is the meaning of 'momentary birth and death'.

And this single moment of victory was his gift to mankind.

In this moment, Lu Bu is eternal.

If the will is immortal, he will be immortal.

At this moment, the immortal God of War was born.

To explain it simply, this is the power that Xuanhao "created" by integrating Sakyamuni's "One Lotus Enlightenment" of this world and gave it to the participating humans.

The prerequisite for achieving this is the existence of 'One Lotus Tuosheng'.

The principle is very simple. The souls of humans and Valkyrie in the state of 'One Lotus' are bound together. The souls of two people naturally contain the will of two people, and the wills of these two people are because of the One Lotus. A perfect fit was achieved.

Under such circumstances, even if one plus one equals two, it is greater than the will of the god they are facing.

And Xuanhao directly embodied this will in his spiritual body.

Yes, although the gods in the heavenly Valhalla and the summoned heroic spirits appear to be flesh and blood, they are actually the embodiment of spiritual bodies.

The strength of the spirit body itself is linked to the strength of the soul's will.

To put it simply, Xuan Hao bullies these so-called ‘gods’ and does not have the immortal will that a real god should have.

After all, no matter how powerful these guys are, they are just products of the will of the world.

He only needs to allow human beings' will to reach an 'eternal' state at a certain moment, and he will surely be able to surpass the so-called 'gods' in this world.

As for the 'length' of this moment, it is naturally impossible to truly reach the point of 'eternity'. As for how long it can last, it depends on the strength of the will of humans and Valkyrie who use 'instantaneous birth and death'.

The only thing Xuan Hao can be sure of is... although this move is powerful, it is also the last killing move for human beings. It is different from the "One Lotus Tuosheng" where we live and die together. The end of "Instant Life and Death" is just like its name. , which ends with 'annihilation'.

Only with the will of a true god can we find vitality in the cycle of "nine hundred births and deaths", and the will of humans and Valkyries is obviously not enough.

But that's enough to deal with the 'god' in front of you!

At this moment, Lu Bu was surpassing the limits of human beings with a fighting spirit that would not stop until death, and entered the state of "life and death in an instant" to fight Thor.

He will not stop until his fighting spirit has dissipated, or before he has fought to the bitter end.

There is nothing in this world that can stop Lu Bu from fighting at this moment, whether it is his body or everything else!

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Intertwined wild laughter resounded in the arena, it was Lu Bu and Thor who were laughing loudly.

"You are very good! Lu Bu!!"

"You're not bad either!! Thor!!"

A hammer and a halberd.

The two of them held the weapons in their hands with one hand, facing each other, and swung them.

Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang——

A crashing sound like a violent storm, accompanied by blood donations and wanton laughter, resounded throughout the Valhalla Arena.

They laughed wildly and danced together, with bright child-like smiles on their faces.

Wave after wave of spreading waves spread out around the two people and towards the sky.

For a moment, both humans and gods were confused.

How can you not be confused?

These two 'strongest' humans and gods, like tireless fighting machines, are endlessly wielding the weapons in their hands, and it seems that there will never be a winner.

But as time went by, the looks on both sides began to change.

Hope rose again on the faces of everyone on the human side.

The gods, on the other hand, began to look heavy.

Because they discovered something.

That is, the blood mixed in this seemingly endless collision is divine blood.

Although it seems that they are evenly matched, it is obvious that if this continues, Saul will be the first to be unable to hold on.

Only the Lord Gods know what they are willing to do, because the human being in front of them actually realized "immortality" during the battle!

But in fact the judgment of the Lord Gods was also wrong.

Brünnhilde, who understood the truth better, clenched her hands, gritted her teeth, her face was ferocious, her whole body was tense and she looked extremely nervous.

There was no way, she had to be nervous.

Lu Bu in the "instantaneous birth and death" state is indeed "immortal", but this immortality is time-limited!

How long can Lu Bu's fighting will last?

Nobody knows.

It's like no one knows which side of this fierce confrontation will end with collapse.


A crisp breaking sound came.

No one knew where the cracking sound came from.

Except for Lu Bu and Thor on the battlefield.


Listening to this voice, Lu Bu couldn't help but smack his lips slightly, "Can't you hold it anymore...?"

"Sorry...I...just...can't stand it anymore..."

The sound of painful groans came from deep in the soul.

That was the sound of pain coming from the Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand, the fourth daughter of Valkyrie, Randy Grace.

Yes, it was not Sol or Lu Bu who was the first to see that he could not hold on, but the Valkyrie who transformed into a weapon.

She had been tortured by these two men until her whole body was sore and unable to fight anymore.

Even as a Valkyrie, Randy Grace at this moment could not understand how a human could have such a strong will to fight. Yes, Lu Bu's will to fight, as Xuan Hao said, surpassed the gods.

This man is indeed qualified to defeat the gods.

Just thinking that... she lost in the end because of her incompetence.

"I'm sorry...Lu Bu...sister..." Randy Grace murmured, as if she was ready to have her soul shattered and face the realization of failure.

"You're about to...can't hold on any longer?"

As everyone knows, Sol on the other side also felt something strange.

Holding the handle of the hammer, he could clearly feel the pain from Mjolnir's heart-like beating.

If it were a metaphor, it was probably like... his battle with Lu Bu was like an endless deep sea, putting pressure on both weapons.

If this continues, Mjolnir will probably be broken like Fang Tian Hua Ji, like a human heart that cannot withstand high pressure.

"Forget it, then... let me (me) enjoy this joy alone!"

The same wild laughter sounded at this moment.

I saw Lu Bu and Sol making the same move at the same time.


Accompanied by a harsh whistling sound, the heavy hammer and halberd whirled in mid-air together, and finally landed on the ground behind the two of them.

At the same moment, with unprecedented smiles on their faces, the two clenched their fists and aimed at each other's face.



In the astonished eyes of the gods and humans, the battle finally came to an end.

The two figures clenched their fists against each other's faces and stood motionless.


Heimdall on the side was already stunned.

The current situation even made it impossible for him to judge who won.

"What on this going on?"

The gods and humans held their breaths, as if waiting for a moment when the balance would be broken.

Brünnhilde clenched her hands nervously and stared intently at the two figures who seemed to be frozen.

This moment is the moment to witness the ending.

Can humans defeat gods?

Amid the doubts of all the spectators present, the two slowly lowered their fists, recognized each other, and smiled.


One of the figures simply fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

"You win, Lu Bu. At this moment, as a human being, you have indeed surpassed me."

The speaker was Saul.

He...under the surprised eyes of the gods, he admitted defeat.


Lu Bu looked down at the man in front of him and smiled heartily.

Then, he took a step forward with a smile, leaned over and stretched out his arms.

"It was a great battle! My friend! Although I am still a little regretful, but - I am very satisfied."

"Yes, it is indeed very best friend."

Thor stretched out his hand and clasped the arm of the man in front of him, letting his body be slowly pulled up.

Because he really didn't have the strength to get up on his own.

To admit defeat is not to be humble, but to admit defeat that he has truly lost in this battle without a doubt.

With the same high fighting spirit, he could clearly feel that the fighting will of the man in front of him far exceeded his.

If he continues to fight, there is no doubt that it will end with him being beaten to a pulp.

But that is no longer necessary.

The battle between best friends is as enjoyable as it gets.

"I'm really looking forward to fighting you again."

"Is there a chance? Probably."

As he spoke, Lu Bu's figure gradually became transparent.


The next moment, accompanied by a heart-shaking shattering sound, it turned into light spots and disappeared.

Thor calmly held the dissipated light spot, with a satisfied smile on his face.

He turned his head, looked at the halberd standing in the arena, and walked away slowly.

In the surprised eyes of the gods, the halberd emitted spiritual light and slowly transformed into a human form.

Some of them recognized this figure, it was Randy Grace, one of the Valkyries.

What the hell does this happen?

Many gods wondered about this.

But Thor didn't.

He calmly came to the confused Randy Grace and looked down at her condescendingly.


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