Chapter 951 Lu Bu: Foster father?

At this moment, a wonderful scene appeared in the Valhalla Arena.

This place was originally a place of entertainment for the gods, but now it is the cheers of humans that resound here.

Chen Gong led the soldiers, kneeling on one knee with his hands clasped in fists, as before, watching their lord leave with tears in his eyes.

They saw the cheerful smile on Lu Bu's face. This was the first time the lord had shown such a satisfied expression since the battle with that man.

The rest of the human beings from all over the world and even different time and space were cheering for joy at this moment because they heard the 'god' admit defeat.


Gray asked Brünnhilde in disbelief, "Why hasn't Heimdall announced the verdict yet? Why are the gods... so silent?"

"Yes, we won...although it was undoubtedly a tragic victory." Brynhildr nodded heavily, "As for the reaction of the gods at this moment? Maybe they were too shocked and haven't recovered yet? Who would have thought... that the first battle of 'Twilight of the Gods' between humans and gods would end with the defeat of gods."

They did win. Lu Bu finally surpassed the gods in this battle that determined the fate of mankind at the cost of his soul being broken and unable to enter reincarnation.

But what made her feel a little confused at the moment was...

what happened?

Why... Lu Bu has lost his soul, but Randy Grace is still alive?

This is also the doubt in the mind of Randy Grace, who is a party involved.

Born and died in an instant, her soul should have been shattered along with Lu Bu and dissipated between heaven and earth, never to be reincarnated again.

But now...why are you still alive?

"You are still alive...thank the man named Lu Bu...for the kindness of my dear friend! Tell Brünnhilde for me that I am very satisfied with this battle."

Thor, who came to her, seemed to see through Randy Grace's thoughts and calmly answered her questions. As he spoke, he walked towards Mjolnir, who had fallen into another place in the field.

Caressing the trembling hammer.

The tremor that came from Mjolnir at this moment was different from the previous beating like a heart. It was because of fear.

Yes, this is Lu Bu's kindness.

In this battle, only Sol, whose soul collided with Lu Bu, could understand Lu Bu. He admitted that he lost, and he lost completely.


If not for the kindness of the other party.

Not only Randygrath, but Mjolnir, even him, will disappear with this soul-burning man.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, the confrontation between Lu Bu and Sol just now was evenly matched.

But only by standing in front of Lu Bu personally could he understand how terrifying Lu Bu's overwhelming fighting spirit was.

In the moment just now, Lu Bu's power seemed to be rising from an endless spring, accompanied by his will to fight. However, on his side, he began to decline.

Thor had a hunch that this man named Lu Bu, whom he recognized as a close friend, should have a terrifying move that could shatter everything that he had not yet used as his power continued to rise!

But at the last moment, Lu Bu gave up.

The reason is simple, because this man is already satisfied.

Yes, this man named Lu Bu, his best friend, is so willful.

Thor can understand this feeling best. What is Ragnarok? What is at stake in the battle between gods and humans for the survival of humanity?

None of this is important.

What he and Lu Bu long for is only a strong enemy that they can fight happily!

A hearty battle was naturally enough.

The last stunt that was not used was the last gift Lu Bu left to his close friend and Randy Grace.

At that moment, Lu Bu relied on his own will to forcibly cut off the soul connection with Randy Grace. In other words, at this moment, this man only relied on burning his own soul to survive. Give him a punch.

This punch is really painful!

Passion, enthusiasm, surging! It made him feel an unprecedented spiritual shock.

In this moment, Thor's best friend Lu Bu really shook his soul as a god with his human body.

He lost and was convinced.

But...will the gods be satisfied with this result?

After a moment of silence, endless anger instantly enveloped the entire Valhalla Arena.

The reason why Heimdall did not dare to judge the human side as the winner was precisely because of the boundless anger of the gods.

'Twilight of the Gods' is a farce that is regarded as a game by the gods. In the first game, when the most threatening man has not yet appeared, humans actually win?

Such a result is simply an insult to the gods! How can you not be angry?

However, they do not realize that their anger is misdirected.


Thunder thundered down from the sky, causing the gods to wake up immediately.

I saw that Thor in the field had once again grasped the most powerful artifact in heaven that frightened the gods.

He slowly raised the hammer and pointed it at Heimdall: "What...are you waiting for? Or - does anyone have any objection to the outcome of this battle?"

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked around at the gods with contemptuous eyes burning with fighting intent.

For a moment fear washed away the anger of the gods.

What kind of celestial joke are you kidding? Except for a few main gods, who dares to have meaning in front of this person? Are you afraid that you want to taste what this ‘Awakening Thunder Hammer’ feels like?

For a moment, the gods were as quiet as ice.

Surprisingly, Zeus and other major gods had no objections to the outcome of this battle.

Because like Thor, they also saw the greatness of the human just now.

Yes, great.

To actually touch the realm of 'immortality' with a human body, even if it is only for a short moment, they can only use such words to describe it.

They gradually began to realize that this so-called 'Twilight of the Gods' was no longer as simple as a game, and that man was not the only human being who threatened them.

"Oh ho ho ho~ It's really... getting more and more interesting, isn't it?"

Zeus stroked his beard, smiled, and teased Hermes, who was serving respectfully beside him.

"Yes..." Hermes also had an elegant smile on his face.

Not just them, I believe that all the powerful gods are almost excited, and they can't wait to go on stage to fight humans, right?

Of course, the premise is that the next human being is as powerful as Lu Bu just now.

"Sister Hilde...Sister Randy Grace is okay! Where is...Lu Bu?" On the way back, Gray asked excitedly, "Has he returned to his own history? He is so... Amazing! I can actually make that Lord Thor take the initiative to admit defeat!"

"Back in history?"

Brünnhilde's face was extremely cold, "What are you talking about? Gray."

"Uh?" Gray looked confused.

"Although I don't know whether Randy Grace will be okay, but... Lu Bu has indeed ceased to exist. This is a battle with a soul on the line. He has burned his own soul in order to defeat Lord Thor. "

"Burn your soul?"

"Yes, there is no other way to save it, such as resurrection or reincarnation. The only way is to turn into the dust of the universe." Brynhildr's face was extremely gloomy, "That is, the soul will gradually disappear completely in the universe. No matter which time and space it is, it will disappear completely. They no longer exist.”

"This..." Gray froze on the spot after hearing this, with a look of unbearable expression on his face.

"This is the price of challenging the gods. Only with this kind of consciousness can we win a chance of survival." Brynhildr said lightly, "Whether it is Lu Bu, Randy Grace or every human who appears in the future. And the Valkyrie, including you and me, should all have this kind of awareness. This is related to the fate of all mankind... This price should be considered insignificant..."


Looking at Brünnhilde's retreating back, Gray couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

"It looks like you had a great time fighting, right?"

A voice sounded from somewhere in the corner of Valhalla Arena.

The ethereal figure smiled and raised his hand, asking towards the aura flickering in his palm.

The flashing aura seemed to be responding to him, beating constantly and looking very happy.

If Brünnhilde were here, she would probably recognize this figure immediately.

That's right, who else but Xuan Hao, who disappeared after the battle started and didn't know where to go to the theater?

And she would probably be extremely surprised, surprised by what Xuan Hao was holding at this moment.

Because this is Lu Bu's soul that should have disappeared between heaven and earth.

However, Xuan Hao said that this was not something to be surprised about.

His purpose of traveling from world to world is to collect soul fragments, so in this world, even in the eyes of the so-called 'gods', the dissipation of souls is an irreversible tragedy, but in his case it is not worth mentioning. things to mention.

Although he couldn't use the power of the Law of Creation to resurrect Lu Bu before fully analyzing the structure of the entire world, he could still do it just by collecting his souls that dissipated in front of him.

The gods did not know that this detail that they could not understand and had not foreseen would be the key to their subsequent destruction.

"Okay... who is the candidate for the next battle?"

While muttering to himself, Xuan Hao slowly wandered back to the Hall of Heroes.

After watching the first battle, Brünnhilde naturally returned here to start preparations. The next battle will start on the next day. Of course, time is not important, because the heroic spirits they want to select originally exist in different places. In this different time and space.

"You're back? Then... let's get started." Brynhildr looked at the man who returned to the Hall of Valor with a smile, and then made a casual stroke.

The light curtain suspended in mid-air in front of her moved in front of Xuan Hao.

"At the second stop, I'm going to send him out. What do you think?"

"Oh? This number is very interesting..."

The first thing that caught Xuan Hao's eyes was the number belonging to this human being.

That is the original, the initial number, the starting point of mankind - 0000000000001.

In Western mythology, this number should only belong to one person. He is the common father of all mankind, the father of mankind-Adam.

"Among humans, he has the deepest hatred for gods." Brynhildr said calmly, "You said that the only thing that humans can defeat gods is will. We have already confirmed this with Lu Bu, so this chapter In the second game, I want to bet on his hatred."

"You're pretty good at drawing inferences from one instance to another, right?"

Xuan Hao smiled lightly when he heard this.

"However... I still have to personally confirm whether he is qualified to fight on behalf of mankind as the 'Father of Mankind'."


Brünnhilde was slightly startled when she heard this, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

She originally thought that there would be no doubts about the man in front of her this time.

After all, Adam is recognized as the father of mankind.

From this, she also deeply understood the arrogance of the man in front of her.

No wonder he could be calm and calm even in the face of the gods. What this man said just now seemed like it was up to him to judge whether Adam was worthy of being called the 'Father of Mankind'.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, judging by his own will alone, this is this terrifying man who looks down upon the gods.


Heavenly Court.

A human being is being judged at this moment.

Standing in the dock in the center, waiting for the judgment of the gods, is one of the first humans, one of only two humans created by God and kept in captivity in the Garden of Eden—Eve.

Her existence itself is like art, even the gods can't help but look at her, and it even reminds them of the 'god of beauty'.

However, the gods who focused their attention on Eve at this moment did not notice that there was an inexplicable shadow on the judgment seat, and this shadow was also a human being like Eve who was waiting for trial.

Of course he is not Adam, but Xuan Hao who was sent here by Brunhilde.

In this time and space, Xuan Hao is probably the only human being besides Adam and Eve.

At this moment, Xuan Hao's eyes were also attracted by Eve in the dock.

But not because of its beautiful body, but because of its soul.

He felt that maybe he should thank this girl Brünnhilde.

Originally, she came to this time and space to test Adam, but this girl didn't know why she sent him to Eve.

But it seemed just right.

Because Xuan Hao was surprised to find that the future mother of mankind had the soul fragments of his sister Xuan Ya buried deep in her soul.

For a moment, the corners of Xuan Hao's mouth twitched and his expression became weird.

Is this also the so-called cause and effect?

If Eve, who has the fragment of his sister's soul, is the mother of mankind in this world, then aren't all the humans in this world his nephews?

In this case, he came to this world and unintentionally provoked the gods to save mankind, but in fact he saved his own descendants?

(Lu Bu: Foster father?

Xuanhao:...) seems like I have to work a little harder now.

Thinking of this, Xuan Hao couldn't help but have such thoughts.

He was always a competitive person, and since he participated in this game, he had no intention of losing, and now he seemed to be more motivated.

For some reason, the gods felt an inexplicable chill on their backs.


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