
In the heaven, noisy sounds came from the Valhalla Arena again.

The much-anticipated second showdown of 'Twilight of the Gods' that will determine the fate of mankind has arrived as scheduled.

In the arena, Heimdall held the 'Final Horn' and excitedly explained: "Okay!! Although the arena was almost destroyed due to the too intense first battle, it has now become brand new under the 'miracle'!! You guys are ready. Are you ready!? The second battle is about to begin——!!!”

As he spoke, he listened to the cheers in the field.

At this moment, both humans and gods are in high spirits.

Humanity cheered because it had won the first battle and now had hope of defeating the gods.

The gods on the other side were simply angry.

They originally thought that destroying mankind was just a thought, and this so-called 'Twilight of the Gods' was just a farce.

According to the rules, in a one-on-one duel between 13 and 13, even if there is that monster among humans, a powerful man who does not know his identity or even what he is, he can only win one game.

So what if this one is given to humans?

They should have won a great victory, easily defeated the human warriors with a crushing force, and then brought judgment on all mankind.

But now, the first game failed.

If we lose the second game, how can the gods still have face! ?

"First of all - the combatants from the human side!"

Heimdall raised his hand and pointed to the passage on the human side, roaring at the top of his lungs.


As his words fell, the ground began to tremble, and the floor constructed of the sacred rock split and a stone pillar soared into the sky rising from it.

At the top of the stone pillar is the figure that looks like a work of art. At the same time, the sound of wild beasts came, the passage was filled with smoke and dust, and hundreds of beasts roared into the field.

Not only beasts, but also birds in the sky, and oceans and swimming fish in the split ground.

"Seeing this scene, everyone should have guessed who he is!?" Heimdall introduced in a high tone, "'The fish in the sea, the bird in the sky, dominate all living things on the earth.' This man so blessed and created...until the day comes when he betrays the gods!!"


Despite Heimdall's impassioned voice, the figure on the stone pillar suddenly jumped up and fell to the ground.

Immediately, birds, beasts and fish all bowed their bodies in submission.

“He is the first person in the world to call himself a ‘man’, and he can be said to be a man among men!!”

Following Heimdall's introduction, the humans in the stands seemed to realize the identity of this figure: "This... this perfect body that looks like a work of art, could it be that one!?"

I saw the man holding up the fruit in one hand and holding an iron fist in the other, with a loving smile on his face when he looked at the human being.

Such characteristics made everyone burst into tears.

It’s unmistakable. Apart from Adam, the ancestor of all mankind, who is called the ‘Father of Mankind’, there will be no one else!

"Oh! Oh! It's so beautiful!" Michelangelo held the brush in his hand as if to preserve the 'perfect thing' in front of him on the drawing board, his eyes filled with tears of emotion.

This man is a ‘human being’ in mythology, the only myth other than gods! It is also the only existence that humans can believe in after the gods abandon humans! !

"It's so touching! The father of mankind stood up against the gods to save mankind!!" Shakespeare looked at the scene in front of him with tears in his eyes, waving the pen in his hand and writing quickly, as if he wanted to write this scene into his own circulated in the script.

Of course, there were not only voices of approval for Adam in the venue, because there were not only humans but gods as well.

"Is it actually Adam? This sinner!"

"You want to challenge a god even though you are so weak!? How stupid!!"

"Okay -" Heimdall's voice sounded again, covering up all the noise, "Adam's unexpected appearance, even the gods can't help but make a noise!! So next... we have to deal with this human being Which god was it that the first ancestors showed off to each other!?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and gestured towards the entrance to the arena, which represented the gods.

"This lord is also the god who can be called the 'strongest'! He is the existence that stands at the apex of Indian mythology, the 'strongest god in India'——"




A cold wind blew.

Heimdall stopped talking and looked at the entrance with some confusion.

According to the script, when he said this, the adult should have appeared with his fists waving, right?


Suddenly, the sound of electricity came from the headset.

Heimdall quickly picked up the conversation.


"What's wrong?"

"What!? Change the appearance? Who should I change it to?"

"You...you you you...who do you say you are!?"

After hearing the content of the words, he was trembling and didn't know what to do.

"Did something unexpected happen?"

Everyone in the audience, whether they were gods or humans, felt confused when they looked at Heimdall's appearance.

"Does the God's side want to replace the candidate that has been prepared? Sister Hilde?" Grace asked tremblingly, "But if I guess correctly...according to the information that Lord Heimdall just introduced, The original candidate for this battle should be Lord Shiva, the main god of India, right!?"

"Yeah..." Brynhildr looked solemn, "It seems that they have become vigilant. After the failure in the last game. Do you think sending this person is not safe enough?"

"Not safe enough!?" Gray trembled when he heard this.

Shiva, that is the being known as the ‘God of Destruction’, the pinnacle of Indian mythology! Achieving such a status depends entirely on his fists. He is a truly powerful leader! !

Even if such a being comes on stage, do you still think it’s not safe enough? Who do the gods think is appropriate to send to the stage? ?

Just when everyone was confused, the sky suddenly darkened.

Then the melodious sound of violins echoed throughout the arena.

"This piece... belongs to Mr. Bach..." In the human stands, Mozart heard the melody of the violin piece and was surprised.

"That's right! This is exactly my "Aria on the G String"... But..." Bach, the father of music, burst into tears listening to the performer's superb performance. "I have never played such a beautiful performance in my life." Have you heard of it! Who is it!? Who is it!?"

Everyone looked towards the direction where the sound of the piano came from.

‘Superb’ is indeed an appropriate adjective.

Because it is a god who is playing this piece of music into a heavenly sound at this moment.

I saw an elegant figure playing the violin while slowly walking out of the passage on the god's side.

"H...Lord Hermes!?"

Looking at this figure, Gray and Brünnhilde's expressions at the top of the stands suddenly changed.

"Is the next opponent going to be Lord Hermes?" Gray asked in surprise, "But... Lord Hermes shouldn't be a combative type, right? Sister?"

"Indeed..." Brünnhilde had the same idea as Gray. At this moment, her face was covered with cold sweat, as if she thought of something bad, "Could it be that..."

"Um...everyone, I'm really sorry..."

Heimdall used a trembling voice to reveal the answer to the humans and gods present.

"Allow me to reintroduce you to the second fighter from the god's side! The one who wants to show off with the man among men is... this guy... oh no! I should say it's this lord!"

In line with Heimdall's trembling voice, Hermes smiled and respectfully stepped aside like a performer about to take his final call.

And behind him, a rickety figure that frightened all the gods slowly stepped forward.

"It's me~~"

The old man laughed and danced.


Gray looked at this figure, and the hair on his body stood up with fear.

Even Brynhildr's expression on the side became ferocious at this moment, "It is indeed this guy...Zeus!!!"

That's right, Hermes was always by Zeus' side to handle various matters for him, just like a competent housekeeper.

If Hermes appears but does not come to fight, then he can only come to present dance music to the King of Gods!

"real or fake?!"

The gods looked at the old man who appeared on the stage and were also in disbelief.

"Lord Zeus actually appeared in the second battle!?"

The human side does not seem to know Zeus, but is confused about this trembling, rickety old man: "Who is this old man who seems to be unsteady on his feet? Is he also a god? Can he really fight like that? ?”

But Heimdall's introduction immediately made them feel extremely horrified.

"Yes, if Adam is the father of all mankind, then this gentleman should be called the father of the gods! No - the father of the entire universe!!"


For a moment, everyone felt as if their hearts had been hit hard and almost forgot to breathe.

Even people who don’t know much about mythology probably know that there are only a handful of beings in this world who can be called the ‘Father of the Gods’, and there is only one person who can be called the ‘Father of the Universe’…!

King of the Gods - Zeus! !

At this moment, looking at the old man dancing to the music on the stage, humans no longer had the doubts they had just now.

No one will doubt whether this old man can fight anymore, because this is the most violent and terrifying tyrant in mythology! !

"Create 1 from 0 with the heart jade. If you are not satisfied, return it all to 0!!" Heimdall roared hoarsely with a trembling voice, "Yes, this lord is the absolute only god in mythology. ! It can be said that he is the God among Gods! The King of Gods—Lord Zeus!!!!"


Suddenly there was a trembling sound in the air.

Countless people looked at the old man dancing in the field with horrified eyes.

Because the trembling sound of the air was only caused by the expansion of the opponent's muscles!

At this moment, Zeus has nothing to do with the image of the thin old man just now.

From his majestic body with bulging muscles, the ultimate in the universe, the ultimate violence, can be felt everywhere!

"Sister...sister...sister! What's going on!?"

Gray's teeth kept chattering as she looked at Zeus who was in a fighting state.

"Why...why did Lord Zeus come on stage in the second show!!?"


Brünnhilde kept biting her nails, making harsh sounds.

She also wanted to ask this question.

"What an unexpected appearance... I thought this stinky old man would wait for Master Xuanhao to come on stage... Damn it, does he want Tian Ji to race a horse? Or... this stinky old man is just innocent Can’t hold back the desire to fight!?”

Brünnhilde guessed correctly. The reason for Zeus's appearance was indeed that he couldn't bear it any longer.

Not just him, all the powerful gods who are warlike at the moment have the same mood.

After witnessing the first duel, they couldn't wait to fight humans.

At this moment, 'Twilight of the Gods' is no longer just a game in the eyes of these powerful gods, but a long-awaited battlefield where they can fight to their heart's content! !

They had almost forgotten how many years they had not fought again after the real battle between gods.

Unexpectedly, the one who awakened their warlike god's blood was actually a group of humans who they once regarded as ants!

This is so much fun!

So Zeus took away the place to fight from Shiva.

What? You ask why Shiva, who is equally militant, would willingly give up his place?

Of course it’s because——I can’t beat him!

This old man, who usually seems to be frail, doesn't just blow the name of King of Gods.

Cruel and violent, he was even accused of killing his father! Everything Zeus possesses was taken by force with the fists in his hands!

"So - I didn't expect to see an ancestor showdown like Adam vs. Zeus in the second battle!" Heimdall calmed down his excitement and began to explain again, "This can be said to be the ultimate decisive battle between humans and gods!!"

"Okay! Lord Zeus! Please defeat him with one strike!!"

"Come on, Adam!! Let them see the will of mankind!!"

There were bursts of roars from the audience.

The gods are full of confidence at this moment, because the one they are fighting this time can be said to be the strongest god in the true sense!

The human side reacted in horror.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

Originally, there was no so-called hope for human beings against the gods, but wasn't the fact of the last game a slap in the face?

Miracles exist!

Everyone was extremely convinced at this moment.

They cheered for Adam hoarsely and firmly believed that the ancestor of mankind in front of them would be able to create miracles again.

After all, this is their common ‘father’!

Everyone, including Brünnhilde, was extremely looking forward to the outcome of this battle.

Because that man said that the key for humans to fight against gods lies in ‘will’.

At this moment, no one doubts Adam's will. No one would doubt the terrifying power and firm will a father would unleash when trying to protect his children! !

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