A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

947. The iron fist swung at the gods

Chapter 954 The iron fist swung at the gods

"By the way..."

Zeus stopped dancing, walked towards Adam in front of him, and asked condescendingly.

Compared to Adam's thin figure, his burly figure looked like an adult bullying a child.

"You don't need that...is that okay?"

"?" Faced with Zeus' question, Adam seemed a little confused.

"Oh my, it's the one that merged with the Valkyrie~" Zeus explained expectantly, "Without that... you kid will be finished in an instant~"


Adam nodded slightly to show that he understood.

Then, he slowly raised his hand and pointed to the sky, "It's already here."

After hearing this, everyone raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

"Pegasus!?" Heimdall was surprised as he looked at the figure flying across the sky.

"That's..." Gray looked at the familiar figure on Pegasus and was slightly startled.

"Yes, she is the Valkyrie worthy of Adam, the ancestor of mankind." Brunhilde nodded with a smile.

‘Sacred Relic’, the Seventh Valkyrie—Rigi Leif.

"Adam, reach out your hand." Reggie Leif jumped off the Pegasus flying across the sky and gestured towards Adam, "The key point is to communicate with each other! In this way, I can become a part of you! !”

After hearing this, Adam slowly raised his hand to greet Reggie Leif who was flying over.

Looking at this familiar scene, Michelangelo was slightly stunned.

He seemed to have seen his own masterpiece! That's right, that's what people later praised as a world-famous painting - "Genesis"! !

This world-famous painting was painted on the dome of the Vatican Church in 1508, the third year of Emperor Wu Zhengde's reign in China. He spent nearly four years painting it.

However, this scene was obviously completely different from the mood he wanted to express at that time.

Also on the left is Adam, the first man on earth.

But in his painting Adam at that time was listless and soulless.

Because what he painted on the right is God who created Adam!

Why is the Adam in the painting so muscular but so weak in spirit? Because he didn't have a soul at the time.

And when Adam touched the outstretched finger of God, the first human being in the world came to life and became a real person with a soul.

Michelangelo had a flash of inspiration at that time, imagined this great scene, and engraved it on the scroll to praise God's great feat of creating human beings.

However, at this moment, God has abandoned mankind.

"Ah...how touching!"

Michelangelo looked at this scene with tears in his eyes.

Because Adam is no longer the Adam he was back then. At this moment, this man is full of energy, and there is no God in front of him.

God has fallen, but the humans he created no longer need gods.

At this moment, when the hearts of Valkyrie and Adam coincided, Michelangelo seemed to see a new miracle being born!

That was the iron fist thrown by human beings abandoned by the gods towards the gods! !

Magical Forging - Tiger Finger.

That's right, the artifact that Reggie Leif customized for Adam is this extremely simple weapon, the Tiger Finger.

"Oh ho ho ho~"

Zeus looked at the scene in front of him with interest.

"Is this the so-called forging of artifacts? But...it shouldn't be just that simple, right?"

He asked pointedly.

If it were just the 'artifact forging' used by the Valkyrie's own ability, she wouldn't be able to do what Lu Bu did in the last duel.

The ability used by this half-god is by no means as simple as 'artifact forging'.

Adam did not answer Zeus's question, but slowly clenched the tiger finger in his hand, preparing to fight.

"Tiger Finger! What a simple and crude weapon!" Heimdall on the side explained excitedly when he saw this scene, "It seems that this man is planning to fight with the King of Gods!! He is truly a man among men! !”


Human beings cheered and were extremely excited after hearing this explanation.

The gods turned their lips and expressed disdain for this.

Fighting each other?

Anyone who knows Zeus knows that the strongest thing about Zeus is none other than the well-tempered divine body that has been forged in countless decisive battles with gods!

Want to fight with the King of the Gods? It's like a joke! !

“Oh ho ho ho~~”

Even Zeus himself laughed, "You really... chose a good thing?"

"Well, this is pretty good, right?" Adam chuckled, "So... where are your weapons?"


Silence, the whole place suddenly became extremely silent.

"Hey...did I hear you correctly? This human being... actually calls Lord Zeus 'you'? How dare you ask Lord Zeus about his weapons!?"

"Did you hear...did you hear correctly?"

"He's already standing on the stage. He can't...don't even know who the opponent he's facing is, right?"

The gods were ashamed.

Because everyone felt the terrifying aura emanating from Zeus who was silent at this moment.

There was no doubt that Zeus was angry at the moment.

"What should I do!? Master Zeus... seems to be very angry!" Gray asked in a panic, looking at Zeus who suddenly became quiet.

"..." Brünnhilde closed her eyes in silence and did not answer.

What a stupid question.

Now that we are on the stage, what difference does it make about who our opponent is?

Adam was not being disrespectful. It should be said that his fear of gods ceased to exist long before he left the Garden of Eden.

In his eyes, the opponent is just an opponent, whether he is facing Zeus or someone else, it is the same.

Only stupid people or tricksters will show their cowardly side in front of their opponents in a duel, so there is no problem in calling them 'you'.

Otherwise, what else could it be called? ‘Lord Zeus’?

How ridiculous!

"Oh ho ho... I am?"


Zeus muttered to himself with a sullen face, his clenched fists creaked, and his bones kept moaning.

"I want to use my fist to make your boy's bones creak~ So I am using my bare hands~ Yes, my fist is my weapon."

As he spoke, he kissed his fist gently, with an ugly smile on his face, as if the anger had disappeared from his face.

But the gods who are familiar with this king of gods understand that the anger has not disappeared, it has just been suppressed.

"Hmm? Really..."

Adam listened to Zeus's answer, nodded slightly, and said calmly, "Of course it's no problem, but... you will definitely regret it."

"Hohoho~ It's so thoughtful to care so much about me!!"

Zeus responded happily.




The seemingly light joy actually contains unimaginable terrifying power. With every time he jumped for joy, the entire arena seemed to tremble slightly under the trampling of the terrifying power.

"Then I'm not welcome, okay? First of all~"

As he spoke, before Heimdall on the side could announce the start of the duel, Zeus' figure had already disappeared and flashed in front of Adam.

You can see how angry he is now.

Naturally, Heimdall did not dare to say anything and quickly stepped aside, acknowledging that the duel had already begun.

"How about this?"

Zeus's burly figure stopped abruptly in front of Adam and asked with a smile.

At the same time, a sound broke through the air.

In 01 seconds, his fist reached Adam's head without mercy.


Adam turned his head expressionlessly, his messy hair dancing wildly under the blast of fist wind.

Facing this extremely fast punch, he didn't seem to feel any pressure.

"Oh? Are you quite skilled?"

Zeus looked at this scene, retracted his fist, and showed a smile that seemed to be slightly satisfied.

This punch was just a test.

He came here to fight, and of course he expected his opponent not to be too weak.

It now appears that Adam was not as weak as he seemed.

"It's... it's Master Zeus's amazing sub-light speed jab!" Heimdall explained with a trembling voice, "It was easily dodged by Adam! Sure enough... sure enough! The human who played in the second duel was not What a mediocre person!!!”

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire arena was ignited. The humans cheered and cheered for their ancestors, while the gods roared and asked Lord Zeus to punch the humans in front of them.

"Humph, it's really noisy."

Listening to this noisy voice, Ares, the god of war who was familiar with Zeus, snorted coldly, "It's just that we escaped dad's testing punch. Can these humans be so happy? There is really no cure, right?" Right? Hermes."

"Yes, what you said is exactly...Brother Ares." Hermes agreed with a faint smile. But there seemed to be a hint of depth in that smile, which was elusive.

"Ho ho ho~ He's such a nice boy...Then I'll keep coming without being polite!!"

In the field, Zeus was gearing up and punching Adam again.

And the punch speed seems to be getting faster and faster.

001 seconds, 0001 seconds, 00001 seconds...

Time and time again, the exploding fist fell towards Adam like falling stars.

This is one of Zeus's famous stunts - the 'Twilight Meteor Swarm'!

However, facing countless fists that were falling faster and faster, Adam's expression remained calm.

He moved his body slightly, without even moving his steps, and easily dodged all the punches.

"It's so... so intense!" Heimdall looked at this scene in disbelief. "Master Zeus kept throwing jabs! It was so violent! But Adam dodged it again and again! The speed of both parties was so fast Unbelievable!!! Still accelerating! Still accelerating!! How fast is Lord Zeus’s limit, or how fast is Adam’s limit!?”

00000001 seconds.

Zeus's fist speed was frozen at this speed.

But this is not his limit, it is just that he is tired of playing.

"Not bad, boy, then... what's the next move?"

As he spoke, he raised his legs for the first time.

That's right, up to now, Zeus had deliberately only attacked Adam's upper body with his fist. Although it was fast, it was easy to predict. It could be said that it was just a warm-up exercise. To be honest, Adam's ability to dodge was not surprising to him.

Because if he couldn't even survive his warm-up exercises, it would be a huge disappointment to God.

"Hmm... I'm afraid the lower half of this human's body is gone."

Watching Zeus lift his leg, Ares, who was familiar with Zeus, commented lightly.

He knows this trick.

The whip kicked by Dad was as violent as a battle axe, so it was also called the 'Axe of God'.

However, what he expected did not happen.

Adam's body was slightly tilted forward, and then he rolled and jumped up, just over the violent sweep kicked by Zeus at extremely fast speeds.


The exploding wind blade roared out along with the 'Axe of God' kicked out by Zeus, leaving deep marks on the ground not far away like a sharp blade.

Unfortunately, it only hit the ground.


Seeing the figure that easily dodged his attack and landed firmly on the ground again, even Zeus seemed a little surprised.

But the surprise quickly dissipated, replaced by anticipation and excitement.

"It's really good~ You are really good, human~ However... if you just dodge, you can't beat me~"

"Of course you don't need to remind me about this kind of thing..."

Adam slowly straightened his back and turned around expressionlessly.

"Then...you have to...take it!"

As he spoke, he turned around and mercilessly swung an extremely fast jab.

That's right, it's exactly the same as what Zeus did just now.

Even the speed of the first punch is exactly the same.

01 seconds.



Faced with this extremely familiar punch, Zeus was slightly startled, so he dodged a little slower, with a faint trace of blood appearing on his face.

Before he could clear his mind, Adam's fists came one after another.

001 seconds...

0001 seconds...

00001 seconds…

There is no mistake, this is undoubtedly the stunt he performed just now - the dusk meteor swarm! !


Faced with the meteors that returned in large numbers, Zeus couldn't accept it for a while, and even forgot to dodge.


Adam's fist hit him in the face mercilessly, and blood immediately splattered everywhere.

"Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh?" Zeus was hit by a series of fists, making him dizzy and confused.

He didn't seem to understand why the human in front of him used his own moves.

"Then..." In Zeus' confusion, Adam raised his leg.

‘The Ax of God’.


The fierce sweeping kick hit Zeus's foot socket without mercy.


The gods looked at this scene with great surprise, because Zeus seemed to be in a situation where he was being beaten unilaterally.

The humans were cheering and cheering, as if they saw the hope of victory again.

The first one was to defeat Thor, and the second one was even the King of Gods, Zeus! This is so exciting.


However, some gods who were familiar with Zeus, such as Hermes, just wanted to laugh at this scene.

"Have you noticed? Master Zeus has completely taken over these attacks."

Yes, although Adam's fists and kicks were both successful, those seemingly violent moves only made Zeus bend his knees slightly, and did not even make him kneel down on one knee.

In other words, Zeus didn't have any remaining strength, he just had no intention of avoiding it.

"Of course I've noticed this too!" Ares, the God of War, coughed slightly and looked like, "That's okay," but the surprise in his eyes clearly gave him away.


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